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Definition: Happiness

Main Entry: Happiness [pronounced] Pronunciation: Eternal-bliss Function: Noun Date: When I was with you, up until now

1. [a] To truly define the terminology, to comprehend your ideologies; a required self-esteem boost, an ego trip or memory truce. To break down, to re-imagine, to forget the past pains one have already forgotten or lost. 1. [b] Happiness is overwriting pain, imprinting again on a soiled sheet. Never allowed to restart, relax or repeat. Happiness is bitter past, all the memories that one once despised, now all seem prettier and too short to last. Example: I was happy when I was with you, all the tears and fights wed brew. Id hate you, but loved you too. I hated loving what Id do to you. But when it was all said and done, all our fights were rendered void and annulled. Deeply abiding and unconsoled; we fought and broke down, wed laugh and stand back up. 2. Happiness is a skewed picture from a misleading view. Happiness is what we want; whats always the same, a temporary morphing from a chronic and agonizing pain. Happiness is a lack of reality, a sudden jolt of an intoxicating fantasy. Happiness is everything one wants to relieve the pain, the fabricated wall between life and death. It is the foundation of human life; it is the binding force that prepares us for the reapers scythe. Happiness is everything one wants, but nothing real, everything fake and oh so surreal. [Happiness]: Eyes hazel green and a dress turquoise blue happiness are memories long gone. 3. Happiness was you.

Anthony K. Rosales

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