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ninder Prep News

April News
I hope everyorn had a wonderful
Easfer BreaF!
This t'ronfh is pacFed full of excitirrg qnd interesting things. hfe stqrf off tqlFing abouf Feelirgs End identifyirrg q vaPiety of thet'r. I.-Ie will then do sone scientific explorqtion uith Forces and flotion End then talF qbout DEy vs. Night. Neqr the t'ronth ue will be learning about Catenpillans ti tsuttenflies. I just ordered out' Iive cafet'pillar lanrae so hopefully fhey uill be hafching righf at'ourrd the time ue gef to fhaf uhif. Lqsfly t e uill explot'e various insecfs and Iearn more abouf uhaf rrqFes an insecf an insecf.
UeeF 1

- Popcorn Thut'. - Apple Sfraus Fri. - Orarges
HeeF $ Horl.. - Bitz CrqcFet's hJed. - Banqhas

2 - Animal CrccFers Wed. - Yogunt Fri - Applesquce




- Pretzels 5

hfed. - Crrapes Fni. - Butfet'fly $nacF

Hon. - Cheese SticFs


I'lon (April 29) - Colon $nacF

Irnportant Dotes
HordBS, April 29 is Purple Shor*-N-Tell Day. I-lave your child cotqe dressed in purple, share somethihg purple, and lre uill have a purple shacF qs uell!

April Skills
Literacy/Letter Time this t ronth I trill introduce the diagonal lettens Yy arrd 7z and fhen ue uill revieu all fhe Diagohals.
During During the Hafh Cenfer, hre uill be r*orFirrg on Pqtterns & Algebpq. This include$ sortirrg qnd classifyirrg qs uell Es identification qnd extension of patferns.

Odds ond Ends

I chqnged the order of units for this
tqohth. Insteqd of Day/Night being after Caterpillars ahd Butterflies, I svitched it to before.

This trronfh's character education topic is honesfy. I uill talF qbouf fhis topic durirrg fhe Feelirrgs unif. hle will discuss hor* r+e feel uhen r*e donT tell the tt'ufh and hou itnponfant it is fo qlways be honest.

AIso according to t'ry records we hqve a shob, dqy to rraFe up in Hay. I plan on qdding ih Tuesdqy, I'lay 21. to cover fhqt. Our Orqduqtion will still be planned for



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