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Classroom Management Plan


Ideal first year teaching job North Jersey, middle class town

15-20 minutes away from my house

18-23 students per class 4th or 5th grade Science teacher

I will have a homeroom and students will switch classes for subjects

Physical Design Visual Representation

Physical Design
This is a 4th and 5th grade Science classroom Student tables

Classroom consists of 9 student tables 2 students will sit at each table

Cooperative learning can take place Labs can be done at tables with lab partner


Creates a lab environment Students can conduct research for lab experiments Teacher can work one on one with a student or with a group of students


Kidney table

Physical Design (cont)


Will project lecture PowerPoint presentations, videos, and Will be placed on the ceiling in the back of the classroom to project onto the white board in the front of the room One shelf will contain additional books for students to read in the rug area The other shelf will contain student mailboxes, homework bin, and notes to teacher bin Memos sent home to students families are placed in student mailboxes Will contain lab equipment such as beakers, petri dishes, and microscopes In front room so that teacher has clear view of the class In front of the room so that notes can be taken off white board during lectures



Teacher desk

White board

Book stand Will contain books for students to read in the rug area

Physical Design (cont)

Bulletin Board Steeles framework: Symbolic Identification

The bulletin boards that are in the front of the classroom will display students work

Square rug & Beanbag chair Steeles framework: Security and Shelter

Rug and beanbag chair act as soft elements so that students can feel comfortable and safe

Not near lab equipment

In a quiet area of the classroom so that students will not be distracted when reading

I will teach and demonstrate each rule to the class on

the first day of school

Rules will be demonstrated so that students are aware of what they are being held accountable for

I will reinforce rules during the first two weeks of


If a rule is broken during this time period, I will refer students to the class rules

Rules will be posted in a visible area Rules will be posted on a poster on the right top hand corner of the white board

Rules (cont)
Rules will be a combination of teacher generated and

student generated

I will teach and demonstrate four rules for students on the first day of school I will ask for students to collaborate together to come up with two additional rules that they see fit to the class

Rules (cont)
Students will add two more rules to this list 1. Be respectful of others and their belongings 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on 3. Come prepared to class 4. Students working in the lab must be under the supervision of a teacher

I will also teach and demonstrate each of the

routines on the first day of school Class-running routines:

Morning/class arrival
Students will talk quietly as they come into school each morning and start unpacking Students will unpack their book bags, place their homework in the homework bin, place notes for the teacher in the notes to teacher bin, and hang coats and book bags in closet Once students are done unpacking, students can take out something quiet to read at their seats

Routines (cont)
Class running routines (cont): Attendance

Once students are unpacked and reading quietly in their seats, the teacher will take attendance Two jars will be on the kidney table in the back of the room Students will place unsharpened or broken pencils in the to be sharpened jar and pick up a sharpened pencil in the sharpened pencils jar This routine allows students to obtain sharpened pencils quickly and does not distract students during the lesson Pencils will be sharpened by the students who holds the Pencil Sharpener job at the end of each day

Sharpening pencils

Routines (cont)
Class running routines (cont): Bathroom
One boy and one girl bathroom pass will be placed on the ledge of the white board Students will take the bathroom pass when they leave class to use the bathroom

Distributing papers

I will prepare copies of handouts for the week ahead of time Copies of handouts will be placed in a folder on my desk I will take the handouts out of the folder when handouts need to be distributed to the class

Routines (cont)
Lesson-running routines: Collecting, recording, and returning homework
When students are distributed homework, they will place handouts in their homework folder At the end of each period, I will announce the homework and write the assignment on the board for students to copy into their homework pads Homework will be returned the next day at the beginning of the day or period into the homework bin

What to bring to different lessons

I will explain to students that they are to bring their textbook, notebook, homework, and a pen or pencil everyday to class On lab days, students will bring their lab notebook and a pen or pencil

Routines (cont)
Interaction routines: When teacher is working with students in a small group

Students can talk quietly when I am working with them in a small group so that they can collaborate together

I want to show my students that I care about them and

build a sense of community in the classroom Ways to show that I care:

Greeting students at the door

I will stand outside the door of the classroom and greet each student individually as they enter class Shows that I am taking interest in each student and that I am happy

Be a real person, not just a teacher

I will mention stories from outside of school to students to show that I am not just a teacher

Be available to talk when students need to

I will take time out of my day to talk to a student if they need help with an assignment or class material I will also be available if a student needs to talk about a situation that is going on

Relationships (cont)
I want to build community by the following


Get to Know You



I will have students pick a number 1-25 and I will have a list of 25 questions. The number that each student picks will correspond to the question that the student has to answer I will have students write a paragraph about themselves that includes their favorite activities and information about their families. Students will paste the paragraph onto a piece of construction paper and include a picture of themselves and pictures of their favorite hobbies. I will display each students About Me paragraph on the bulletin boards in the classroom

Relationships (cont)


Team building
I will have students to try and form a line by the order of their birthdays. Students are to try to form this line without talking in one minute

Minor misbehavior I Messages:
I like to use I-Messages because it states the behavior in a nonjudgmental way, states the tangible effect, and states the feeling I will use I-Messages when I see minor misbehavior amongst the class I will have students use I-Messages when there is minor misbehavior between students

Discipline (cont)
More serious misbehavior Consequences
Students will be given 4 warnings when more serious misbehavior occurs 1st warning: I will give student a verbal warning 2nd warning: I will write the students name down 3rd warning: I will have a private conference with the student 4th warning: I will call students parents When student is notified with a second warning, student will loose recess time

Discipline (cont)
Chronic misbehavior Self-monitoring

I will use self-monitoring to make students aware of how often he or she engages in appropriate behavior I will sit down with the student individually to explain his or her misbehavior and demonstrate the appropriate behavior The student and I will come up with a plan that allows the student to change misbehavior to appropriate behavior Student will receive a star sticker on record sheet every time he or she encounters in appropriate behavior

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