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Hannah Paynter Carrie Sippy English 1102 4/2/13 Academic Essay Jim owns a huge company and is getting

paid big time for what he worked his whole life for. He is well respected by everyone and is the most successful man in his town. But is Jim as content with his life as Kevin is; the man who has a loving family and friends who support him, while making less money at a job he loves. Of course, Kevin might have money issues, but Jim has problems of his own. He is alone, many people are intimidated by him, and he has little free time. Both of these men have different elements of success, but who would you consider to be more successful? We are raised in a way that our society views success materialistically, such as wealth, job security, property ownership, etc. But ultimately, these things will leave us feeling dissatisfied and alienated from the rest of the world as a result of not enough time put into selfcare and relationships. This may even lead to personal failure. Jaqueline Mosconi writes, Individuals should emphasize creating a meaningful life for themselves in broader terms than just thinking about a career or job. Thinking about success in terms of a meaningful lifestyle can help bring acceptance and self-esteem to individuals in all levels of occupations, because achievement is determined by progress toward ones larger goals, whether that be the acquisition of money and belongings or the development of relationships and the freedom to choose how to

spend ones time. (Mosconi 1) Success has a definition but every person has to define their own way of being successful. According to a survey in Ani Yazedjians article, many studies define success as good grades and graduation rates, but now students are defining success as not only good grades but flourishing socially and becoming independent. She would say that success, when it comes to college, is about finding who you are as a person. This idea of success in college links to Joe F. Donaldsons article in which he writes about two definitions of success: success in college and success in learning. He would agree that success in college is gaining maturity and experience while also adding that it is about learning how to monitor ourselves and figuring out how to best motivate ourselves with reinforcement systems. Although he brings up the point that if success is meeting the professors expectations, getting good grades, getting the degree, then why is it when we meet all the expectations, we can walk away and not have learned a thing? (Donaldson 3) He ends by writing that success in college is defined by what you can do with your education when you have completed college. Success in learning is very similar; it is using your past experiences to apply to the time now. (Donaldson 12) The question about success and what it is has been a recurring thought in my head because I am in my first year of college and I am still unsure of what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Although I am told by society that I should be successful in high school, be successful in college, so that I am able to go straight to my successful job for the rest of my life, I just did not think that was how it was supposed to be. What if that is not what I want, or what if I just could not do it? In Jaqueline Mosconis article, she writes that it is common for barriers to develop as some students cannot live up to societys tight definition of success. (Mosconi 2) Author Diana Senechal would agree with Mosconi in that there is more emphasis put on external

aspects of success: money, status, appearance. She would also add that there is far more talk of achievement than of the actual stuff that gets achieved. (Senechal 5) Our successes and failures, in combination, show us who we are, whom we love, what our limits are and arent, and how our private and public lives meet and part. ( Senechal 10) She brings up a good point saying that success is living ourselves out, becoming strongly and purely ourselves. It enlarges our view of life. Perhaps true success is something we may achieve when false success falls away. (Senechal 12) These ideas of success have helped me better understand the idea of working hard. We work hard for ourselves so that everything else may fall into place. It is reassuring to know that success is something we can all attain. It is just a matter of looking back and realizing our view of it and how we can go about achieving it. Academic Conversation

Characters list: Diana Senechal: Author of the article The Cult of Success, in her late 40s, has taught English, Theater, and is currently a curriculum advisor in a school in New York City. Lisa Wolf-Wendel: Author of the article A Tangled Web of Terms, a strict but well liked high school teacher. Joe F. Donaldson: Author of the article Adult Undergraduate Students: How Do They Define Success?, an older, agreeable man who could easily put a smile on anyones face. Jaqueline Mosconi: Author of the article Effects of a Values Clarification Curriculum on High School Students' Definitions of Success, an open-minded woman who lives her life without a schedule. Ani Yazedjian: Author of the article ""It's a Whole New World": A Qualitative Exploration of College Students' Definitions of and Strategies for College Success", a relatively quiet young woman who is passionate about students learning.

Taking advantage of all coincidentally being in the same city at the same time, authors Diana Senechal, Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Joe F. Donaldson, Jaqueline Mosconi, and Ani Yazedjian decide to get together for lunch at an Irish pub in Uptown Charlotte, North Carolina. Being writers, they all work around their own schedule so each of them arrives at different times. Diana arrives first, orders a water, and stares out the window, watching people walk up and down the sidewalk. Lisa comes next, sits down and flags the frantic waitress down to order a half and half tea with lemon. The two greet each other and quietly sip their drinks, still gazing out the window. Suddenly, they are startled by a knock at the window, but then quickly realize it is just a man, obviously homeless, having a seat right outside. Diana: You know, I have a student in my theater class right now that just refuses to do any work that doesnt apply to acting. Just the other day, I told him that despite the fact that he has talent, he must put some effort into his other classes because without a good school foundation, he could end up like that guy, holding a sign out on the streets stubborn kid. Good kid, just really stubborn. Lisa: Oh, yes, I was one of those kids. Does this kid have many friends? Diana: Well, I suppose he gets along with the students in the class, but I have noticed he keeps to himself mostly. Lisa: The fact that he is not making himself involved in social groups means that he is lacking a sense of belonging. Social cohesion is an important element for self-motivation. Once you have self-motivation, it is much easier to become successful in life. (4) Waitress: Honestly, all youve got to do is meet your professors expectations. You just have to work hard during college so you can get that dream job and get paid big bucks. I just hope it works out for me, I actually hear back from Harvard soon. Ani walks in, sees her friends and sits down. Ani: Harvard! Well thats terrific! You know, it is a whole new world out there, in college. Waitress: Yes, Ive heard, but Im sure I will do well. Ive been through four years of high school; I think I know what it takes. My parents just want me to graduate from Harvard and get a job so I can have a successful life to look back on when I grow old. Joe and Jaqueline quietly arrive, not to disturb the conversation, but Joe barges in anyway.

Joe: Well you know young lady, college is tough place. Half of it is learning how to balance yourself out. If all you focus on is your studies, you could find yourself down and feeling as though you do not have anyone to turn to. Lisa: Yes he is right, that is just what Diana and I were speaking of earlier. If a student does not feel supported by a social group, is not surrounded by integration, and is not involved with many things on campus, it can be very hard for that student to have any motivation. (4) Jaqueline: That is completely true Lisa; focusing on wealth, security, and having a well-paid job are all good things but they will ultimately leave us dissatisfied. While focusing solely on these things we tend to feel alienated from the world because we have not put enough time into selfcare and other relationships. Ani: Yes, I feel that there is entirely too much pressure on students these days to go through school trying to get into the best college so that they can go straight into the highest paying job they can get. Success is such a broad term. It is not only good grades, but also finding out who you are as a person. While the conversation continued, the waitress had to suddenly leave work and I had to take over her shift. While checking on their drinks I over-heard the conversation. Me: Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a nice afternoon. I will be your waitress now if you need anything. I happened to over-hear your conversation, and I totally agree. I am actually in my first year of college right now and I am having a hard time with the idea of success. I believe there is so much more to success than the classic definition; wealth, position, honor, and being prosperous. I feel as though we as people define our own success; no one else can determine if we are successful or not. Diana: You know, I think you are right. There is far more talk of achievement than the actual stuff that gets achieved. Just because a student goes to an Elite college, gets into better professional programs, makes a lot of money, are they more satisfied with their lives? Do they feel more successful?(4) Jaqueline: No, I think success is about creating a meaningful lifestyle for yourself. Achievement is determined by progress towards ones larger goals. Me: That is what I think too! It is just so stressful to think that I have to go straight into my job after college to be considered successful. Jaqueline: I understand that stress. And it is not bad to be stressed. It is common for barriers to develop as some students feel as though they cannot live up to societys tight definition of success. Just look at it this way, if you look at success as having a meaningful lifestyle for you, then this applies to everyone, no matter what level of occupation, or acquisition of money.

Thinking of it this way gives you more freedom to develop meaningful relationships and decide how to spend your time. Ani: There is not just one definition of success. Success is multifaceted. Joe: It sure is. Me: So how should I go through college with this idea that I can do whatever I want? Diana: Well, you cant just do whatever you want. College is very important. You have to have commitment, and you have to learn how to put your whole mind into your work with determination.(9) You have to learn how to be independent. Sometimes you will succeed and sometimes you will fail, but you know what? Our successes and failures show us who we are, whom we love, and what our limits are and arent.(10) Joe: Diana is right; you still must understand the importance of working hard and gaining knowledge. Success in college is determined by what you can do with your attained knowledge and education after you graduate. It is important to learn what is applicable to you and applying that later in life. Success is using your past experiences to talk knowledgeably with others and apply to the time now. Me: Okay, yeah I understand what you are saying. That makes me feel better. I feel as though society makes it sound like we have to drop what we love and get an education so we can work our butts off and go straight to work. We are not in this world to do that. We are missing out on so many things. I have a friend that gets so discouraged when he gets bad grades because he thinks his life will be over if he doesnt get that job to be paid big time. Thinking that money is what defines us as who we are is nonsense. We should seek relationships and what we love, while setting goals for ourselves during college so that we will be better prepared for our goals in the career we find. If you have a career you are passionate about, finding a way to support yourself will come along with it if you are willing to put the effort forth. Having a career that is enjoyable rather than one that you hate is far better, regardless of the pay. These are the factors in life that truly make us richer. I feel as though if that is how we define success, we will look back on our lives and feel as though our lives were full, not just wasted. Joe: I think you are right young lady. That is very true. They all nod and sip their drinks quietly, thinking about life and what they have all done to become successful.

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