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Yamabushi Ryu

Yamabushi Ryu is an International School of Warrior arts and philosophy. Yamabushi Ryu was founded in the 1980s and the association now organises its own memberships, insurance and gradings and affiliates associated clubs through theShugenja Kokusai Bugei Renmei While this school might have only been formed in the 1980s, it is very firmly based upon the traditional values of the warrior monk. It is a system of combat, philosophy and academic study that encompasses many different and fascinating perspectives. This site is intended as an information resource for members of the Ryu. However if you are interested in martial arts of any kind you should find much of this site of value. Yamabushi Ryu hold regular classes and always welcome new faces regardless of age or ability. Please come along to one of ourclassesand find out more about what we do. If you would like more information about the warrior path of the Yamabushi, then please contact us at

The Warrior Path of the Yamabushi

The mountain warrior school should seek to emulate the traditional principals of warrior enlightenment. Within the confines of the dojo, the student should find peace and harmony and love, the seeds of which should be planted in their heart and nurtured by their training. As well as martial endeavours, the students should strive hard to perfect themselves inwardly by the understanding and concern for the well-being of others.

The yamabushi were originally mountain hermits, ascetics, healers and holy people who followed the path of shugendo. The people who followed this path came to be known by a variety of names, some of which include kenja, kenza and shugenja. The yamabushi came to be known for their magical abilities and occult knowledge andwere sought out as healers or occult philosphers. However as well as their

affinity with nature and their religious studies they also became well versed in a variety of martial arts improving their physical, mental and spiritual well being. The yamabushi therefore became known as great warriors, as well as monks. Just like other warrior monks, the Yamabushi used a variety of weaponry and its not uncommon to find references to them fighting with such. Traditionally the yamabushi weapon of choice was the naginata. The Naginata is a weapon traditionally used in Japan by both the yamabushi and the samurai, it consists of a wooden pole with a curved blade. Yamabushi Ryu teaches the art of oriental weaponry including Naginata Today, the Yamabushi continue to serve humanity just as they have done in the past. No longer through dying in battle, but by living in peace and providing help, guidance, and support to anyone seeking or requiring these. Yamabushi provide training in both historic aspects of the traditional martial arts and philosophies and contemporary aspects such as self-defence and personal safety. Yamabushi ryu also maintains strong links with the Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences, an official academic and educational body listed in British Qualifications and accredited by the Qualifications Network UK. In addition,Yamabushi Ryu is a very Pro-Active association, and there is nearly always something of interest going on such as international seminars, national courses or lively social events.. Education, qualifications, fitness, confidence, its all here waiting for you within our dojo.

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