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1. Please read over Teacher Responsibility in Disaster sheet. 2. Remember what team you are on. 3. Please read information attached.


Classroom Emergency Materials

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Updated class list (attendance sheets) First Aid Kit (plastic gloves, band aids, cotton balls, soap) Flashlight Pen or pencil Student Accounting Form Emergency Cards

ADULT SCHOOL PREPAREDNESS RESPONSIBILITY FORM Responsible and effective emergency planning will go a long way to complete our schools goals during an emergency. Per State Law all staff are part of the emergency team. You are encouraged to know our plan and to keep the classroom emergency supplies up to date.

Emergency Operation Center: Principal 1. Responsible for entire site. 2. Coordinates all groups; communicates with district and outside sources. 3. Assumes over-all responsibility of student control after a disaster or emergency. Group Supervisor/Disaster Coordinator: Joyce Jessa 1. Briefs and updates the Site Administrators regarding emergency preparedness plan. 2. Delegates reports, evaluates and disseminates information. Site Liaison: Maria Vizcarra 1. Establishes contact and maintains coordination with all responders from off-site. 2. Provides and supports the communication capability at the school site. 3. Monitors communication at the School Site. 4. Prepares reports for District Emergency Command Center. Attendance Accounting: Maria Vizcarra 1. Collects student accounting forms from lead teachers. 2. Accounts for all students and staff. 3. Informs EOC all injuries and missing persons. Sweep/Assembly Area Team: Administrators and Secretaries 1. Insure that all routes to the Evacuation Assembly Area (EAA) are clear. 2. Assist in the evacuation of classes to their assigned EAA areas. Search and Rescue Teams: Arnold Navarro 1. Locate victims, triage and report the location of victims to the EOC. 2. Respond to the location of trapped or injured persons and safely transport them to the first aid station. Student and Staff Accounting Team: All Teachers and Paraeducators 1. Ascertain the extent of injuries and capabilities for class evacuation. 2. Determine the need of assistance for neighboring teachers. 3. Evacuate classroom using predetermined routines to specific EAA. 4. Take emergency bag (first aid kit, flashlight, and student accounting form) roll sheets, and emergency cards.

Campus Safety Team: Day or Evening SIA's 1. Close parking lot. 2. Route fire, police and rescue ambulance to area of need. 3. Directs all stray students to the EAA. First Aid Team 1. Triage the injured. 2. Administers first aid and records information on extent of injuries and first aid administered. 3. Ensures that the following supplies are at the EAA: First Aid supplies Emergency cards 4. Keeps track and records type of injury and location of the injured students. Custodian/General Maintenance Worker 1. Checks utilities and takes appropriate action to minimize damage to school site and reports to the EOC. 2. Checks all buildings and structures for damage and reports these to the EOC. Medical Team Group Supervisor: Administrator for Older Adults 1. Sets up and staffs the School Site First Aid Center 2. Supervises the triage and treatment of the injured at the school site 3. Establishes morgue area at the School Site 4. Records all casualties and fatalities and provides this information to the EOC. Security Team Security Utilities Leader: SIA 1. Assembles a Security/Utilities team. 2. Turns off all School Site utilities when necessary. 3. Secures the School Site 4. Assists in extinguishing small fires.

Teacher Responsibilities in a Disaster EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

1. DROP AND HOLD. If possible, get underneath a desk and stay away from windows. Use one hand to hold onto desktop and one hand to cover neck area. If you are outside, have the students drop and cover in an open area free of obvious hazards. 2. Have all your students who are not seriously injured or incapacitated, and who can walk, go out to the assembly area, and sit in an orderly line with the emergency bag. 3. If there are students or staff who are seriously injured, assess them to see if you can perform a lifesaver on them. Lifesavers being Airway, Bleeding, and Shock. Airway- Tilt the head and lift the chin. Looklistensand feel. If they are unable to breathe without tilting the head, place a jacket or blanket underneath them between their shoulder blades. If they do not respond at all, you need to leave them. Do not begin CPR. Bleeding - direct pressure, using a pad, is the best way to stop bleeding. Place a pad on the wound, wrap a bandage around the pad, and tie a knot directly over the wound. Try to elevate the wound and have the victim apply pressure to the artery running to the wound if they are able. Shock - insulate the victim with a blanket or jacket, elevate their legs, and make sure they stay warm. 4. Go out, leaving the door open, and report any injuries to the group supervisor. Then return to your class, take roll and stay with them. 5. Building leader will collect student accounting forms. If you are on the Search and Rescue Team: 1. Have your buddy teacher take roll for your class. 2. Report to the EOC and get a helmet, gloves, a clipboard with paper and pen, and a roll of masking tape with a marker. Team leaders need to carry the first aid packs. 3. "Walk the block" checking all buildings for injuries and structural integrity. The team leader should write a quick status report and then return to the EOC to the group supervisor. 4. The group supervisor then develops a plan of attack based upon the number of victims and their condition, location, hazard, and available resources. 5. Do not attempt any sort of heavy rescue. Allow the professionals to do this. Also, do not move dead bodies! 6. When you enter a room place a strip of masking tape on the door diagonally. Then search the room visually, vocally, and physically. Follow the wall to the right during

your search. Remove untrapped victims first. If it is minor, you may remove trapped victims properly. When you exit the room, place another piece of tape over the other one to make an X. On the tape, write the date and time, your name, hazards, and victims remaining. 7. All teachers report to building leader, Inform leader a. If student(s) are within classroom or missing b. Damage to classroom. 8. Teachers stay with class to supervise your class and those around you. In case of fire, move students 50 feet away from the building. 10. If an emergency occurs during a non-class time, students should report to their next scheduled class. 11. Wait, wait, wait, and wait for further information and directions. Remember to remain calm and be flexible.
Emergency Procedure Information 7/22/09

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