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The Parts of Speech

Term 1. Noun: Definition person, place, thing, idea Example Ex: Bob, Hawaii, pencil

-common noun

general name for a person, place, thing, idea

Ex: guitarist, museum

-proper noun:

specific name of a noun *Capitalized

Ex: B.B. King, February

-concrete noun

names an object that is Ex: book, flower seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelled names an idea, quality or state Ex: independence, curiosity, sadness

-abstract noun

- singular noun

one (in number)

Ex: stage, city, foot

-plural noun

more than one (in number)

Ex: stages, cities, feet

2. Pronoun

word used in place of a Ex: He wanted to audition for the play. noun or pronoun

-personal pronoun:

Singular = I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it Plural= we, us, you, they, them show ownership or relationship

Ex: We went to the mall to see a movie.

-possessive pronouns:

Ex: Jenny delivered her famous speech to the public. *Whose speech?? Ex: Donna prepared herself for a long day.

3. Reflexive Pronoun: *-self, -selves -Intensive Pronouns *-self, -selves -Demonstrative Pronouns: * this, that, these, those -Indefinite Pronouns: * another, anybody, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone,

reflects the action back to the subject must be in the sentence

adds emphasis to a noun/pronoun NOT needed in the sentence (can take it out) point out a specific person, place, thing, idea

*Who prepared? Ex: The wait itself would take hours.

Ex: People at the front of the line will get better tickets than those at the end of the line. Ex: Many fans arrived at the race at 6AM.

does not refer to a specific noun

everything, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something, both, few, many, several, all, any, more, most, none, some

-Interrogative Pronouns: *who, whom, whose, which, what -Relative Pronouns: * who, whom, whose, which, that 4. Verbs:

used to ask a question

Ex: What is your favorite song?

introduces a subordinate clause

Ex: The seats that they asked for are unavailable.

expresses an action, condition or state of being shows action

Ex: run, walk, jump, yell

-action verbs:

Ex: The band marches onto the field.

physical or mental -linking verbs: *look, smell, feel, sound, taste, grow, appear, become, seem, remain, is, am, are, was, were, been, being -helping verbs *to be verbs, can, have, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would 5. Adjectives: -articles *a, an, the links the subject to the Ex: The instruments are safe on the bus. predicate in a sentence one verb

combines with verbs to become a verb phrase 2 or more verbs

Ex: The stadium is filled to capacity.

describes a N or PN act as adjectives a/an = one group the = a specific noun

Ex: We saw the famous singer at the theater. Ex: The car is red. Ex: She is a choir member.

-proper adjectives

formed from proper nouns capitalized describes a verb, adjective or adverb

Ex: America = American Japan = Japanese

6. Adverbs *when, where, how, to what extent 7. Prepositions/ Prep. Phrases:

*see attached list!

Ex: We instantly recognized his picture.

*most end in ly shows relationship between N/PN and another word in the sentence Ex: The sound of a jazz band filled the kitchen.

8. Conjunctions: -coordinating: *and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet -correlative: *both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also, whether/or -subordinating: *after, although, as, because, if, since, so that, until, when, while, that

P.P. = prep + O.P. connects words together connects words of equal importance together Ex: Sonia and her friends watched the movie.

word pairs that join words together

Ex: Either the music or the visual images will grab your attention.

introduce subordinate clauses (cant stand alone in sentence) and join them to independent clauses

Ex: The band waited while the director checked the lighting.

-conjunctive adverbs: *also, consequently, however, nevertheless, still, therefore, besides, otherwise

expresses the relationship between the independent clauses

Ex: The invention of the radio contributed to the rise of Rock and Roll; similarly, cable TV helped launch music videos.

9. Interjections:

used to express emotion

Ex: Yikes! Our project is due tomorrow!

Common Prepositions:
about above across after against along among around as at *before *behind *below *beneath *beside *between * beyond *by *despite *down *during *except *for *in *inside *into *like *near *of *off *on *onto *out *outside *over *since *through *throughout *to *toward *under *underneath *until *up *upon *with *within *without

Common Compound Prepositions:

according to aside from because of by means of in addition to in front of in place of in spite of instead of on account of out of

prior to

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