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or ti

PLlBt,!CATl(iNS 11";1) I,A
Copyright @ Chelan 2011
First in Rupa
Second 1
Rupa PubHcatio:ns ttd*
7/16} Daryaganj)
Allahabad Bengaluru Chennai
I-Iyderabad Jaipur }(athrnandtt
this puhlkation
or '" ... <4 . 'nu .. .. ;.."""" . )
."""'''-""."' .... ,-, ........... ,,
V1lithout the pri()x
author asserts
or othen,vlsc,
authenticity" the narnes of satne real phh.:e.s,
and institutions as
storvtelHntt. There Is no
,< U
kons of today and aid
anything else.
my country
once againj
"",'H'". ,""" ",", '" editor
stages in the \vritinp" of
o b
their help research,
helped rne
stories into :fihns,
<,..,..... 1."-.1..l..:h a revolution.
And 1 hope not just you but our tvhole COlftrtrJ
Hlill keep that
711ere is so;nethinplc{lOl about' S{lvh1f
- I cotne frtJlntile . .l(lnd ofa l.1ill'ion
. ,_ .,,>
sparks, Thank 1 said} trt 0 ti vationa I speech at 'TUak
'lhe claps anti i'vhistl.c$}vere elle to .leave, Security volurlteers fort-ned
a l1UfYUUi barric{1,de and soO'n l' rnt.1nn;r
cd a neat exit {rorn th.'.e hall ..
(Thank you so Jnuch} sir}) 50111(:One said l"'ight behfnd 1'nc.
T turned around to lvfishra;;) I j()r
caU tHe he said, is 01/er there:)
J H/alked outt>vith theyouttg director of (ranga"fech C;ollege
i\;:Ushra, His tJlack l\;ierredes us fro111 the crotvded\lidyapath
ahats?} (iopal asked, all
6' .

.. /
[lvent to theVishwanatl1 Ternple anti [)ashashVv'(ll"Hedh Ghat a.t
fi've ill the llrrve this 1
. d "\"1 . d 'd'
\, . Ii f flat you -fKe
14arti/ 1 said;
. looked $urpTised,
rnorning aarti at I salV it
floatingaf aCHvn < It was out this lvorlt.f
Gopal frolvned.,
the first :tin1.e, all those diyas
fHlhatt [said, (J(lrti
it is . "it is flot but did not elaborate.
'\,Vill you drop f:NfJ: at RtUltada MateEr J said.
{YiJur flight is on.(v tornorrcttv
corne h0111e .lilt dinner? 1
'I)orit be f'{wt:nal . /I
.... 6
ha've to Cottle horne.
tivhiskv he said.
J Sl'rt Ued as I shook ttl,.}' head.
f1 drink together. J have the
J laughed, (That's nothing to brag Still, sa),it if you lVt7J1t.
have to drink lvith rne,1
'["lot like that, s1'1-: 1 actually want to .a drin'kf/i/ith VOU,l
, ",(
I salV his eyes. He: had sent 11'1e tv/enty invites in tl1t! last sLx
untillfinrdly agreed to -corne, I he cfndd persist,
one J l10ping J regretthis later:
(ropal saidy
dj"ove tcn kilol1Jetres oltlside on the LucknoH/Fliglnvay to
GangaTech.lheguardssliluted as the carnpusgates car
carne to at a gray bunga.loH/, had a exterior that tnatched. the
rnain college and hostel buildings.
sat in the living rocnnon the ground floor. It operled Quito a
badrnintorl court-sized la:tvn,
7' t ; 1: . j' t' ,
" sau as , sat on a. brOlVH velvet s(!fa, I.noticed the
extra.-high ceiling.
(1h($nksx I it 111ysey: Thecont'ractot but J
'-'''U/)W''I;t+H%-3"", (loyal sa.i(LHe proceeded to the barcountet at the other end of
roan-x;. (Irs the i:htngaloH! of an engineering college directR"Jr. You and your
.Friends raid:n,t tight?"
'HO}1l dOVQUKn(YHlt [said.
'" .
'Everyone knows. read the book Seen the t1tovie.'
lau,gliefL He handed rnea glass .filled lvitll a gen,crous
fllnount o..l14/hisk,j/.
(711ank you.;
':)inrd') rn Iff itt
P<IP; , : tcr
Q ,L- , (,!,i'l " :N' ,/M!. " J< {)
director:!) but yau have n,' dattr:nter,,/ Jsaid. (Ybu
6 b
even The ever seen.)
fle sJniiea,
old arevout 11V(1:5 curious .
a tlfpNde in his i/O ice, 1Vot .iust the
but also' the lnost uneduc:lted d'irectoryouJve'
'l' never fvent to
'lAlhatt 1 said as J hvirled the ice-cubes in tnyglass and lvondered 11011/
this drink 'was,
''1.l f".t d" "k' "<, " 1'
nlCL, J t1ut ,0 a]o e a C(W1'fzspondence ,.egree,
open such a big colleget
Chett1.n -ji,acro5s aU batches. Each
pa,ving one Iakh a year. Hle (dready /1Cf'f/e a sxteen"crore furno/vet. And you
ina.ugurated the }VIB)\ cO(Jchi11g Thats another ne'lV business,'
I took a sip:. The tn)! fhro{lL '1).0 you have beer?
lvinet I coughed.
GopafslaCefelL j\lot only had I irnpressive business statistics,
I had also rejected his
qc;,.T '-', '1 1_ d <' t, t fi J d 1 l
l.\iot gO()l,,( aSKe,. our taousa.n a tJott e,
Should I open Blue Label? 1hat's thousand a boUle.)
it is I t-i/aniea hirn ,but "1 don)! drink
lvhisky. 1ho 1 instead.
'>.,Af,',"U'''''''' life. having fine You }vill det,telop a
J atternpted anotheTsip arul He stniled anti poured rnore f}"ater
f"ny drink to dilute it. It ruined
{Life is to be enjoyed. Look
'}'Vhat {s the point f{ I don't enjoy
but savedrnv sanitj-'.
J .'
J 'willnuike four (Forts this year:
Tn rnosi parts of the HNJrld; speaking about your inCOfrle is tatJoo. In
)'fJU share the figures ,like sign} eSl)cdally if'you have
sec/ned to ha'Yc quesfiofi ftfOre to hirn.self than to tne .. His
continuedt'o 'bore into 1ne. rienulnded aUention.The rest of
'.' " ' " J
lv/teatisn ccnnplexion, l1todestfive-feet-seven-inch height,
retlssuringly norrnal.
of course. One should enjoy .. ,') I said as he cut ,He,
year Ilvilttnake five
I realised he' lvould keepforcc(.lstirlg his salary until J detnonstrated
suitable tllVC,
'Five I said.t 11'1)/ voice loudandfake.
(;opt:llgrinned, ' this:lfor1have rnacieit/is!"tobably the f"f-shirt
slogan he would choose.
"That's in credible/ I lvondering
InDUced stairs lvindingup. tlVllafs [said,
r could slvitch the topic.
and a terrace. I v;/illshovvl/ou.}
., ,/
clifnbed up the steps and lvalked past a roan! "}vith a lux;urious
I took in thepanorarnicvielvfrorn the fernIe/?
(This 19t1S a vvasteland
aU of gral'u(fathers ol(1
G'opaJ said.
1 d
. en acres.: rna'e t't guess.
Hle had jifteen acres tnore/Gopal \but lve sold it to/unli
pOinted to a sHlall array of lights tOtvards the eastern rva.ll of the
JloDdlit calnpus, (Right there, see, There is a l'nall cOl1ting up,t
Jndian .. cit.y is building:rnalls I $(JJ<i.
.l he sa.idan.d din ked hisglMss'with rnine,
C;opal drank tnore tlU-ill four Ur.nes poce. 1 tHJ/ first
he .poured his (You big-cityl)rinking for style,' he .teased
T refused arefiR
'I donldtink 1l1uch. Really)} 1 said. . .l checked tfw titne; IO:OOP.l1J. tittle do you eat dinner?; he asked,
tIp to you,iJ saidi though I wished hea decide to eat right away,
is the big hurty? T)vo rnen
one educated, one uneducated,
,--",.,'"., ..... ,''''' a good tifYU:'/ Gopal said and nlised his glass in tf1! air,
J nodded out siarnach rurttbled for carne
dOlvnstairs to sitaoHtninthe Jiving rODFl1 again.
you reall-v f?O tDthe p.,yoff!$sors tiauehtets housetC;opalasked,
J . 0 .
J sJniled. <L01/B 1'rUlkes US do stupid' things.'
hil{fernpty b("ittte to rnake
cr.Forret stU!. Jid thillas,
o .. b
harsh/ I said, thc:tJ
G-opals hand lrernblc:d as
stop hirn}h:nn
you are /' .. " ...... p"
(}apalplonked the
going tOjitcking for
Gopalshook his head.
si:xth. ttJlple.
lifcKs ' (:Jupal said.
there ls no Jvlrs I)irectofvett
pour Iris attn.1<. J t1/ondered tf
gripped the lYhisky boUle tight
table. jlVhy da.ngerous? l"V'l-uJ is
people don't Gopal averred. 'its true; nat
lavish house felt isolated. I Look the lvhisky l10ttle and
placed it back in the bar.
eht l' rtiven vou are ...a weIr
b {).{ I:>
HOi4} cornptete1y drunK ftnd)
curnpletely honest
POiHtt!d to the hUgf?
feet in quick sMccesskJn
(lV'hat does all this' rnean?
stereo and. the silk carpet under our
. tong .,
(onverS(Jl.fOf1, iuui """,.,'',.'M . ,',.
. J patted his back to cheer hhtl
up. '50 you read about fny in
GOf'ai didn't"responctJ
coffee table,
Tin/city topit;) Jfigurell
fIe retched,
flre okayt J sai(l
ran to the rcstroortt, I
shelves to pass tirne. J $cnv
looked disfraught fIe placed his glass on the
hitn thtow up. J bro'wsed the displa,.V
neH"s stories aboHi' trophies}
pictures of Gopal 'with guests who had visited the college.J 'wondered rny
picture livauld also IJe there soon.
he hadrlt returned in ttventy rninutes J called for the m,?id. She
rne to the bathroOti1. 1 knocked at the doerr, 1\10 anS1-vero I han. ued nlV
6' 4'
on .the door, Nothing.
'Looks like wie uti/thtive to break. the doar/ the ntaidsuid.
I wondered h011
I, lvho had corne as a chief guest for a college
orientation programtne, bec(une i;lvalved lvUh JiJrcing openrandorn toilcts
rustle afsheets on the hospital !:red woke 11te frOrl1 my nap. The bedside
Sh014/cd 3:00a. 1. J luuf brought a C;opal to the Heritage
Ffospital, in the Lanka area ofVaranasi.
f;opal sat up on the bed tnassaging his telnples,
ffis hangover reminded rne n1)' college Ii<nvever, here the
director had bil1ge:d on alcoholJnol a student
(You were' here all nightt He looked surprised,
{f could not let fl1Y host die on :me/ J said.
J arn sorry. I had a bit tao rnuch.> (;opal gave a sheeliisf1 grin.
:4re you alrightt
J arn good.'
oka)' generally? s
1Je turnedhis head to stare at the opposite vi/alL
'Flows J asked
He d1dnYtln.sl1hu:
I stood up after a rrlinute. 1 should leave) catch SOffle sleep before lny
J1ighe the door.
vou think J am a flood .p." ,f!fSon) Cheta.n)it
/0. .
J turned around.
j4in I?' he asked again,
I shrugged In)! sJnn-tlders. know'
'tA/eIL Treated fne.good. otJ J
Gopal Ybu: organised the
"'1 'I :1 n' "
r t''l<1{ /'1'1/,/:.'1'<'1' 1
..q.:. ".;./ :: . . ::'", J x
....... :).0" .. /if.
l' absorbed the
ailo'tved l1P/se.lf'to llsk one {nore
:'e" ()V,oy ,tt!,O
-, .... .', ;. ......
o'wned rne,'
tshflted frotn one/oot to
nighttvould a l;ua
Behveen )/ou and
Gopal stniled,
listf;'tt ta this
charcot:'!l eyes lnet
unusua1 achievcH1enls}
stt'ange 1uJI},' ci-tyrn.ade Tne
1 let out. t1 h'uge
teU fHe
I al<l'Y'> { "t {lin He
,. b '-':;.1 t,h g, ' .' r L.
ordered a pot
'J Si,lid* checking 1'11J/ Mlatcho
rr aartf
taken over 1'11)/ need for sleep, I
loved you toot
'She didn}t Just love 111C, she
(J, long day ahead.A. sleepless
Chetan:iL Bither .you sit dovvn
fyt )/ou lea've, (Jj)to .. v<Ju.
director intrta,"ued ntc.
/ .... "'>' ,. "':
tortured voice ot' fnaybe this
rnoteabout hi1'n"
the chair next ttl hi,rn,
(;'opal said.
(1' -f .', ,1 'j ,I
t;;,t"," .f J"" .;; ,"" i-',<>
tea and giU'{)OSB biscuits; nothing
' ~ h e r e do J start?' Goval said.
. . J...
ftJ t 'ti Ii -'T1 l .j .1'1 1.' .!
L,ets t)eglfi 14/t :,l ,h,artt.lf'H? glrH."flO (Ht tt-us tOJIOU.
flarti? She got tne into trouble thejirst day Ht'?' rnet/ Gopal said.
I dipped a biscuit in 1'11)' tea l1nrilis.tened.
bread;htHter ""';;::;. ... I grurnbled
shutting a hitte plastic
tiffin in the second r{}v/,Raghav I rno'vett to' the next desk..
GopaL class any tirne; Ragha"{ said,
"S'<t..l :l
. in) .. ,
'rve brought
I battled. a stnalL ITIot,q does nne open thisr
of us had the sharpnai1sreqnited to open tIle thin steel lId of
stubborn box<\IVe had skipped morning assenlbly for our \<\reekly
tiffin raid. Vlf:; had ten 1110re rninutes thenatioha.1 anthen1 bega.n
"..>" . f\fix:r that class 5 C '\Ve had t<> fiucL,eat and keep
tiHl11S back \vithin that til11e,
pi.ckle and parathas:Raghav
having opened the lid.
'Forget it: I said as I retuxIH:d the steel box to the studenfs bag, 1'\/1y
darted froID one hag to "Ihis one: I pninting ioa pink
in:1ported. rucksack in the ro\,\"; bag looksexpensiv:e, She rnust
be getting good food. Corneo)
rushed to the
Hap and found a red.,
I the Barhiebagtunzlpped the
rectangnlartifiin. rrhe cover had a spoon
COlnpartrnenL <tFancy boxf I tIle lid open,
little box of a large piece of chocolate cake.\l\lett
the jackpot
'I only "yaut the cake: I said as I lifted the huge slice.
(IJon'ttake the "vhole thillg. IfSl1()t fair; Raghav said,
J eat only a bit shewTll get Iscovvled.
it into t\vo. Take one,.leave the
't.\6tl"t "Iiii.tL ';'J;&.'{'
l' .. .h '<'I 1.1(: ... 1..,
ruler;) he
I ran to rny desk. I brought
I . (Happy
"Tes Raghav shruoged,.
<;./ 0.;...
Raghav said.
and 111ade a clean ctit 'Fine?}
hreakfast at horne, .I
(\Vhv (lor1't "{otlaet your o\vn tiffin?) Raghav said.
I b of :a..",,\
I spoke "doth rny rnouthstnflt,(L extra \vork fbtBaba. J{
" .. . , .., 'lin'd l'1
nn'e:'" apl:nf."0'\../
-.. ... i;4 .... .." ..$... 1
'-1 hinl I don't feel hnngr
l in a governuJ.ent
.. He left horne at earlier than TIle, I lic.kedthe chocolate
crearn rn" j- rHlk1
'. l , .. "0 ... ,), Ii """
.... .,.'"" ,on' ,',," an thern.
1 canhdng tiffin for you: Raghav said and. rnade rae stand up along
hirn for theantheu1.
(Forget it, your morn cooks horing stuff Puri t:'ve.qrday: I s,aid.
vVehe-ard students chatter on their hack to class, I stuffed the
remaining cake inton1), u1outh,
'Htrrry, said.
I shut: the red tiffin box. and ptaced
sits hereanY"vv-ay r Raghav asked,
B' b/1.(f
L .. to 1,.. u. .t 1 ... , .
I furnbiedthroughthepink rucksack and found a bnJ\vn"'paper -covered
'H ...... H ... n". I read out the label OJl tbe cover, PtatapPradhan
Class i\ge Ron nurnber 1> Sunbeafi1 School:
.A:re1i<te done fRaghav sakI.
1 the back on chair} original place,
I said. \Vi: ran to our back-renA' sat and put our heads
'fiVe closed our pretended to be sick, the reason
slzipping the .rnorningassclnbly.
entered dass \vith the sin1ultaneOllS
REVOLUTION 2020 -% 11
Sirnran. Gin class arrived anlinutelater and the
on the as th.e dieddo\'VfL 'lvlultiplkatioH,
children VJcre still settlhlg dfHvn.
r sat up straight antI craned rny to see AartiPfatap
'\vhite shirt, red cardigan and nU!11ber one. She,vore a
had ribbons in her plaits
Aarti screanleU
stained frOlTI her seat The
G:odf Aartfs shriHvoice
faced the teacher most seriously as she
'1C"".'<''''''''.n up. She picked upa
of her stains, )h
entire class take :notice,
, .
screatneo in a VOIce en.Ollgh to
Blake the back. nJ\vsshiver, Gin fnada111 didrit like if it can1e
frotn girls \,vith cute plaits ..
Ragha."i/ and I exchanged a glance, 'vVehad left behind
8om.fone has put a
dress .Aarti '\,vailec1.,
rille '8Nhole dass laughed an.d
'V'lh:att the teacher said, She placed the chalk dtl'vvn, dusted her
hands. and took the ruler frorn
Aarti continued to s.nitlie, along the aisles,
Students shrank in their seats :as passed theIn. vVho brought chocolate
cake todayt she launched an hTvestigation.
';1 AarH said., She n,.'1< ,:> . ...,. <C:I.Y'). her tiffin and realisedhcnq her 0V9]1
had been used to ruin

could hear us.
liaffyour I 'wanted to
Raghav staxedat {He.
you xnadr Iwhispered.
Gin rnada.rn vialked
v{ere greasy,
dress. lier h01''slls reachedne)'V decibel
so loud, the adjacent class 5 B
at the She Vlore g.olden
] clenchedm.y fists. .'t$/!,yfingers
lhe teacher 1fvalked back to the front of the class. She took out a tissue
her purse andvviped the ruler clean,. it, else the punishment
he ,"\lotse;' she warned.
I pretended not to hear and opened my TIlaths notebook.
is (;lvIf the teacher asked, had read In)! initials. I had
scraped then1 with a totnpass on rny ruler .. Daxnnl
\A1e had t'\VO Grv1:s in the class. IVlathul; sat in the first ro\v.
stood. npvlithout provocation.
'I do it} ll1a
ul11;he s.aJd and pinched his neck, 'God prolnise,
te.achersquinted- at hirD;. still suspicious.
sw'ear LIpon rnaanl; (iirish said ashe broke dO''VfL
The G'anga reference \\forked, E-vervone believed him.
i-\/V'ho\) the other (].N1? (}opal .lVtishral' the teacher shoutednlyname"
eyes turned to rue, "1heteacher \valked up to my desk. I stood up.
I didnt \vord. Neither did the Slap} Slap! Both nlycheeks
\Ivett ..
. -f,).
4Stealing food?ltre you a thief?" the teacher said. She looked Ine as
1 had, stolen the Kohinoor diaril0nd frorn the British queen:s nluseunl,
sornething the St)ciul studies teacher had told us abo/utrnto days ago,
I hung Iny head 10\\/. She srnacked the hack of Iny neck. \let out of
iUY d,ass!'
1 dragged ruy feet out of "the class} even as the entire 5C stared at
<Aarti} go clean up in the bathronrn:
HlaaaIl1 Sal.
I leaned against the ,vall outside her eyes and ,valked
past inc t(nvards the' toilet
(IJrarna queen! It\vasonly haIfa slice of chocolate cakef 1 thought.
t:hafs ho\"/' I} {}opal .Ivlishra, ntet the great Aarti Pratap
I Jl1ust teU even though this rny story; you wo:dt like rne
fllUch.After aU, a thief exactly a likeahle person to

". . f"" "11 '"""1 f}.' "I
J (.(;11.(: ,I.. U ,j..
gets its narne frOlU
dtv and 111eet
or Banaras
City of Ternples, for V'le
,Learning) as Varanasl :"'""""",",',,"U,
ho:me, I
cotton baUsin 'vour cars if
the rhier Cranga.
,""." {'" "1;;, '! n ..
i <:t, n 4,1 '" }. 'l,.s'A,'
live in 1200 Be, TIle
and AS:l, \vhichpass through
city several11arnes ",wKatiht
"'.n".J"'"'C<, fr
'\l- 5'0' IX'S p r'=--ll i. t
'\.} .... J "'. ... I.Joe> . ....
then1, and sorne the Citv
, 1
"laces to study. I 811'nn1)/
. .:! 1
. ....... , .. I . .1. \c....%...;.'-:'.....! t. I'
sleep. Gadho1ia is near the
Cladhnfia 'beco.rne. too rouch
the (Janga \,vatch
Sornecal1mv s;,o.J.ritual-
,l __ .:t'
we introduce it to f{)reign tourists, 1\i{any calI it tl1thy and a durnp"
1 don1t think my is dirty; It is the ;viha fflake
the'l corne V'aranasi once ina
cOfl1 .. ' (f n<C' j a
. . t.:: .J U.x M . "'-,U ..;J ."':l, .. ,,,"
Thad a DeHcH in 111V """n.p>rt'"
.. .& . ..... , I it
scribble t5C} on the \NalL It
helpednle pass the time; and \>\Tould rnake our class easier to find tOG.
carne Ollt of the draola-queenexpression intact
and gaze firu11y fixed 'On rne - 1valked back to the class,
continued stare rne as canlt: closer. ly{}U are SCribbling
on t.he' vfallsf she said.
coxnplain; I said.
'H" . . ........ '1 .. : ":ffi?j
. ' ... 0V'l can you stea rny tLJfL
"I did.dt steal tiffi,n,:' I three bites of your chocolate
.. , ,. . '.;' .
cake. You \ivould:r{t even have noticed:
'You areareullybtld hoy;'
Dubey our lav"'1'e:r;> pushed a salaH box of four laddoos
tOllvards us.,
(S\,yeets? Vv;'hat fort Illy-father said,
IJubey uncle had come horne. Baba and I faced hitn across our
ancient dining table.
got a hearing date: IJubey llnde saido (This itself took so
I thought
tveshould, celebrate:
I V\yondered' if I could give SOUle laddoos to drama queen Aarti as
co:rnpensati{)fl f()f the cake . .t wanted to buy a chocolate cake and shun
it on her desk. However, I didn't have Tunney for that lviy futherdidnt
me any pocket and he didn}t rnuch IUOI1,ey in his, 0\iV'],1
illness had vviped out an his sa.vings. She died two \veeks
I turned I d.on't retnember luuch of her or her Saba did
he hadto.'\vearherdupattaand sleep next to ulonth. Afterher
death'the land dispute started,. Dubeyunde had becoluea frequent visitor
to our house for this reason.
hrought: $\veets only because 'we have a Bahac(}ughed,
case had not gi"lcn his land but it did \'vnrsen his
respiratory aHrnent
2'< ./
'''v'VeIl, Cihanshyam "wants to settle the case out of court; Dubey uncle
father);:;; respected elderhrother} had scre\ved
us. grandfat11er hadleff his hvo SOIlS thirty acres of agricultural land on
Luckno'\v Higlnvayj to he divided equaHy, Soon after rny
'".'", .. .. uncle took a loan fron1 bank
'in iO f p,;);
, . .y JtU.L, .. ; ..
property . papers?)
'tIe is rn y elder
hhH rnore than the
you, \vunt rnoxe
uncle saId,
at both
.REV(JLUTION 202:0 4.).
;"l '-1 "'"", ct--, ' ..... '"' .. '. , .. , .. Jt. .. ,. I .. "9' .ct"
. Hara ..... Cl1S!.1"",flu.y tOlJ .
'banJe VVhY'dtd'You, gille
and ran out
ate your cake. fn1 sorry; I said) illV .last v'lord faint.
.. oI!:i
dodt like laddoos; s.he announced,
''\JVhy? You firang or 'vil1atr I said,
laddoos make. you fat I iltlant to be fat: she said.
rnake yOU faf?'
'1 don'tvifantit;shesuid. She gently pushed the box t(J\varcis nle.
'Fine: I and took the box,
(I)id you say' .Aarti said.
'Yes, I di(.t I noticed her loop)' tied npwith red ribbons. She
looked like a cartoon' character.
accepted:, she sa.itt
''Ilutnk I said. 'Sure you the laddoosr'
fat girls cartt beconlc air hostesses,) she said.
'You Vfant: to he an airhostesst I said,

('They fly 1\>vant see different places:

,,,ant to bet.Aartisaid,
I shrugged 111yshoulders.'A rich ulan; .1 said.
She nodded, as if lIly choice was you poor right
,. T '1
1 S<ll{L
She said,'I am rich. \Ale have a car:
'\Ve dOJi't have a. car. I
doesntt your rnother give Y(lU a
j , b .,
Hlother: I sat d,
she asked.
I saki.
(()k h .. 1
.. . ye,
t caDle hack to rnvseat I .. " .., ... .. ,,,,,,
A .J tp t' .. n" ..
1 "\' h. (;,U 1. (.) .le.
laddoosand to6k one
<',' i!i)''''' , <,,:} ",' 'J:" J
hatt l1SKCt:t.
4yg)U can eat nly'tiffin
any cake or nice treats:
'<rt " " ',' ,'k > 1', d,
,"S;1 Sal '. ,
don't Hlal<J; a nIess,
Inn'CLi .. b' 'r',,::-;<:ii L
\V(Hft haveenQuoh
, 0
okay, I arn I
REVOLtJ'TJOJ'>{ 2020 4 17
\,ve CH,n eat togethelt during
..... .....
1 said,
.A ,;>, r}' j 00:;:$1",,1
. .i.- t.;.<..
rne hOf118
rnain road adjacent
i 1 carl handle
I looked at her ".,.,., .... ".,
ex -politician
good books.
D{} idea \vhat you do to
to \vas \vhat I actuaHy v\ranted
COfll111tIltS fnnTI th.r
she turned iifteen, the
Statelnents such as {the Dl0St
co HUHon., S0111C of if canlC fro.rn
"., ..".-"" ,.",y' 1;\5 officer father and a
(,,'V-"",'-"i;,,"'1;'T',-,,-'l",L:)Y people lvanted to be
ah eartbeat
lier entry into the Sigra Stadiurncricket ground ,vould definitely
disrupt th.c ganle. BatSI.11en '\vould the hall) fielders ,vouldulIss
catches and joble:ss !norons \;vuuld "Thistle the way they do to give UP
a bad
not rnetRaghav f()f so }\mti said, go. I vvil1\valch you
(l"on win 111eet him at tuitions tornorro\v;; I said curtly. horne
. i
iyou \-vant rne to \-\talk home alonef
':t-fake a rlckshavf: I said.
She grabbed my :are with lue right She held
hand and it back and forth as I 'w'alked her home.
r vifanted to teU her not to hold fi1V hand anYUlore. It is fine at hvelve}
at sevenleen. Even though I liked it Hl0re at seventeen than at t\vdve.
she said. you staring? I anI only holding your hand
so that you don't run away:
r sm.Hed, \valkedpast the noisy shopping streets to the calmer
Cantonn1ent area. ',/vre reached the bungalow ofDistrictIYfagistrate Pratap
BriJ }\artfs fallier.
1he evening sky had turned a deep orange. Ragnavwas sure to
as it would be too late to play. Hovvever) I could not refuse Aarti.
'Thank yoU)l' A.arti said ina child-like voice, in?'
I am aheadylate: 1 said,
Our eyes nleL I broke eye contact quickly, Best fdends, thafs all\ve
1. told luyself,
hair bIe,v" in the ,breeze and black gently stroked her
should cut n1yhail\ so hard t0111aintain; .A.arti said.
o:r{t: I said firrnly.
keeping' it lOIlg. only for VOlL Bye!) she if she had
.'" L , j J
started to feel differently about Jnt. I didn't kno\v to ask.
(See you tt tuitions: I away;
REVOLUTION 2020 4} 23
the l1eld U.p.' an
0.". 1 .l(.
j\arti and I coaching classes in Durgakund to
prepare If:rr the engineering lSR} named after its three
founders -" IVIX Singh conducted frequent lnock-tests
for .. A IEEE Ci\.1l India Engineering Entrance Exarn.) and the JEE (Indian
Institute of Technology JOint The }\IEEE attracted ten
stuctel1ts flnnuaHyJor seats i:n the 1\J:atioD,al1:nstitutes

n <.."'t;;,'f.)'I>' ,c,L Pi-"!
n".',:J< rv "'-'.1
engineerh'1g aSpiraJlt
to heco:rne an engineer. Haba
crarnrned classroorn to
Raghav;' the teacher said,
Inaterial;a bOy1,vhispered as __UM.
"valked past is a topper
1 could totally see Raghav footsteps of his IITian
an engineer in BHEL. I scored I1fty out of eighty, a bordedine
enough to
p layernlaterial.
G r h
.. oeus) . sopa t, e
1 nodded. I wanted
hadntt heard any goodne\>ys-
:A.arti Pradhan!'
coadling classes \.\lorthw+dle .
. Aarti took her
'T'vve:nt\., rout of is
I, ,J;? 'J
,?tarti covered her n10uth
need sixty-pius to be safe:
I ,',
cGll1eJ'>e, lV1y father
0' p
v<>"-"",.,",,,'. __ oUL"Ihe entiredass turned to
theother\<\lise drab
teacher fn:.ywned.
palrn and "\valkedback. She had
no i.nt.ention of becoflling an engIneer, had Joi.:ned lSI{ because
her ciass }CH CBSE studies}
ccunpany and c) the tuition centre
attendin,g coaching classes
] had also .enrolled so she '..,.,.,-",," ,,""',
lViagistrate,t orDJv1of.
,", t n"::. Di(;lt, '.
to . ecorne . e n."nt>.
Aartfs father had a relatively honest reputation, free tuitions
ca.i11e under the arnbit of acceptable favours,
'I have not even filled the AlEEE whispered to Ole.
AIIrEE rank is going tn be hor:rible: I
4' .. . . ".
to Raghav as I stirred IUY
\Ve had conle to the CrernlanBakerv near Narad Ghat;$. touristy
. ,;.
firang joint where yvhite people feltsafc froln genus (tnd the touts roarning
V'aranasLPcople sat on beds ".>vith wooden trays to eat firang food
sandvtkhes and pan.cakes. Ttvo old nlenplayed the
in one cotner to give the eflect> as \vhHepeople found it a
cultural experience.
I .ne .... rer thought of tbe place.:Hovvever, }\arti liked it.
'1 like hO"\,,1 she has used a scarf to tie her hair; j\arti said, pointing at a
tourist She had obviou.sly' ignored UlY AJEEE concerns.
'Tt:n rnore ll1arks and you viiU be fine, Relax: Raghav said.
Iakh students stand bet\veen Inc and those ten nlurks;' I said.
'I)on:jt think about the others, Focus on yourself; he said.
I nodded slowly. Easy to glve advice \vhen. you flfe the topper, 1
inlagined in a sea) along v.;ith lakhs of other kicking
screa:rning to breathe. Thev.raters closed over m.aking us irrelevant
systerl1. ,'Veeks and the AlEEE tsnnanli
ltvould arrive,
snapped her fingers in
\ivHI be firle: she said,
'You 2uc.skipping it?) Raghavturned to
she giggled, floOI1 is releasingthat 'week, l'Io'vil CHn I
a Shah Rl1kh !ihn? 'They should postpone
'''\ler'v'' ftInnv,} Iathnaced,
i "'. b
,tOU becomiflg an enil.ineer, \Alhat vvHlv()u do in
i" s=
Raghn-v asked AaIti
I to do sonlething? I anl an Indianvlon1an. Can)t I get
rnarried, horne and cook? Or the servants to cookt
She Iau.ghedandRaehav J'oined
I cUch{t find this fun,ny, I not think beyond the teerning rnillions

'\Nhil so serious}
tapped rny shoulder,
lfsonIy Ule;} Rilghav
ga\te rne a dirty
.'" -?
I said.
and I had a
vviH a.great

arc no airlines
lJ . " .. <.JC,"' ..... take a seat on
in your seats:
.... -:! ."
X,\.;;te) . d .. " J' .. t.:.J
an e.ner-getic UU1C,

lilA:: dcnvn in threetveeks.
.. l' ... .. , .. , 'h' )
.K.nOtV lean t srtat .... ()Jne,
tvant to be aTl air hostess:
are teHil1g.the.,,yorJd .
'1 friend but ,'.. , .tt .. i: '. t: .. '.. ..... . .
histO!leflirtatiou$, is g,(ying to let I'ne leaveVaranasL
I can be a tenlple hostess,
begin soon, Prasad'NiU be
rnusc;ular abdoHlfTL 1 hate people
It\flh)} could:tlt g(jd rnake
lile have to store}i;:rt in the sdliest
The sitar Dlavers started
voke loud. The. f(yreig'ners
.... ....
H.,".',., .h" ... f:r ../'- '-ller'
\..*" r ,::.J.... -.;v :t.t t ,t'.H,,"'.;(j.. .. t. !"w' .. G.1
1 didn/t likethe bet1.>'lee:B
. .(
and }\..artL
sucked the
h .. to.,,)' :: S'l'O" \:?;F>
.. ...1" \- 1... ...
/<- ""r1-1' ca;d l'io'th
,,""'t,H L ,:> .. .1. . '--, L <
1! h .
staxte'a a aug .' Mcst agtun,
I stood up.
26 .. Cu ::B'fAN HllAG .. '-.:1'
(I hZfve to Baba is vvaiting, I said ..
'"file sound of Saba's coughing drO\lifned out the sound of the doorbell the
.first COllJ'Jle ()f titnes.
'Sorry, I couldn't hear: he opening. d{)or;
'You okavf I asked.
it is the USllal.fve
('Illat)s the usual tOQ,t
father had turned sixty last
coughing bouts
rnade hhrn look like an doctors had given up. had.
no Inone), Jor surgery either, His school had fired hin1 long ago. You carllt
.... ,, a fifty-rninute class vvith breaks. He had a pension
us three. weeks in a good rtl(Hlth.
I ate in sHenceat the \vobbly dining table.
'Entrance exam ... > tny started and paused to cough five titnes.
I unders:!toodhis drift
have finished the I said.
Baha said. It is harder to !11anage fan1ily expectations than
prepaxefnr exa.,tns.
t have lIT hopes for Baha: I said, Iv!y father's face fell.
take the TEE. three thousand out four lakhs .,' hnagine the

ty(yUl. can do it You are bright;' Baba paternal love obviously
overestirnating progeny)s'abilities.
I nodded. I had a. shot at none at JEE. ,].:hat was I lo()ked
at I\Nonctered if Saba realised that a rank vvould mean. rne leaving
horne, 'WhatifI had to go to NrrAgartala? ()r some,,,there farsonth?
(Eng:hleering hi; Saba: 1 said,
'It your life. Don"t fight nO\l\1;, rightbefore theexan1s:
,notfighting.rrn not:
Pos&::",dinntir, Baha lay do\vn on his bed. I nextto hiln and pressed
his He erupted . into a coughtngfit
<V\l(t: should consider thesux.o:erv-: I said.
I keptqulet I didrl;t
settled th.e land issu.c ages
barren, and. vve had'llo nnoney.
REVOLUTION 2020 '* 27
hack and sh:u.ttinghiseyes. 1 resurned
'PrOl1l \vhere ,vill "iNC get the ...... ,"'-", . .<.,"". teUr! ruy father said. bccorne
cit} an. engineer. (ret a good job.
I could not staY f1.uit:t
ten lakhs, 'The Hl0ney
\l>lould have duublezt in the bank by
Baba opened his about the l.aXldr he said,
use is the stupid land?)
'Dodt talk like that; nlV hand 'A farnlcr doestft
1: . ""'" < J
insult his land. He doesu't.seH it
I placed my hand back on his forehead. ""Ale .are not farrners anyn10ret
vVe can:! use the land, Because (}illU brother ...
exa.n.1S corning up; Baha pointed
to roorn,
landHne rang at midnight J .. .. ",_.7.0,.. ... it
'Trn I said,
sleet) tin nne,

t\,Vhafs upr
{Nothiru!, Just ferl like
u . D
(Chat with someone else;) I
she said, sJ.know
;\ ,) I' 'd
1. . sal.,
',Nuit I found son1C
still ll.l.'\ll)cst
Raghcpls jokes funny. You are

beeD best friends
boughtulc';a chocolate
And .Rao-hav?}
only a
/\arti sa.ia.
:"'d:' b' .. ,., r "'d
nen USluess. 1 SfU '.
eight though you stiH
I kept silent
(topaLHo\v're things atho!ner she said.
'Screwed up as ahvays. Iiow are you t
'fn1 fine. Dad insists 1 finish college before I try any of this air hostess
busin.ess. But you can even becorne one after class
'(;0 to college. 1 s.aid,
(\"Thich college can I join v\TUh ffi'V 1narks? I anI not Sfl'lart like Raghav

and you:'"
(R.aghav is SiHart, not nIl'; I corre.cted
'\/v'lry? Because of the rnock -test? You are so stupid; Aarti said.
'YOtlare stupid,'
are both stupid; fine? Did have dinnert
She had asked Iue this question e\rery night for the last five years. I
vvanted to stay luadat brrtcouldnol,'I dId,
'Vvhat thanks? Stupid. to bed sleep and don
tthink about the
i\ari;:t' I said and
"}ibn are very nice; I said, I coulddt conle up with a hetter line.
'I\Hce and stupid? (Jrniccl,v stupidrAarti hluohed,
I. b
wnuld'I do \vithout yout
'Shut up, 1 anl here only: she said.
'We are not young anyrnore, A.arti: I said.
'Okay) okay: Not that again. Go to IVlr lvian,1
cornenl1. You al'w'ays
talk) but not l1ovv',AJter
I kept quiet.
c0111plicate Hfe} ()opaL
1 Jl11
'But-butvvhat? Good night, svveet
viJthour friendship?'
'1)' .... c'.. .... .: ..... ' I .'.: "d .1' " L .. . .t .. ,'.. 'b k
. ts no use nOli/\<\ saIl ooslng tHe n1atfls texLon.
Raghavhad C0j11e to Illy ...'.'>.... on, the ellCQf the ex.anI. lIe had offered
a l:11iuute trigOllQrnetry
':'You sleepj< okay?
sharpened pencils: be said,
carne Gut the
Haba lokI hinL
today Babs. .z. . ,( J: ",.<, . ., _.-.-
\<\leak spot, Raghav picked up the
'1 take a proper treat once (]opal
I did get a rank.. i\ that
I read outfron1 the screen. I had com.e house in
Shivpur. \Ale hadlogged on to the.AIEEEwebsite.
Sure} I hadn't scored too badlY, ()-ut of ten lakh 0{ had
.nine lakhfifty thousand. Ho\vever, NITs had only thirty
thousand seats. S0111etimesl life played crud jokes on you. 10 be one of
those unfortunate cases \\'ho had done welt but noti,Nell enough.
Raghav said} reading fro111 the conlputer monitor,
tither had cotneintn the roonl stand behind us,
'>s that?) I said.
'My rank: Racrhav said.
'. o
Ragha'/s father said delightedly,
Raghav snnHed. He. could not react n10re than
HIhis should give you lots ofcholces: Raghav's proud father said. {Iron
can get Electronics in Delhi:
'Theres NIT Luckno\v too, right?' Raghav said.
let us wait for TEE: father said, his voice
Father and son took a vvhile to renlernber Iny presence in the
roorn, They savv nlV crestfallen face and feU silent. 'I have to go hOllle;' I
. .f, .; ........,
thousand should get you no father said,
it \vould not He dJdrlt rncan hurt tIle} hut it felt bad. Never
life had I felt so snlalL I felt a heggar hangiltg out\"d;th kings,
see- . you later, Ragha\t; [ scurried out of their house. I
dtdn)t \vant anyone to see rnvte:an:L
.l: . oj
Raghav carne running after
okay?' he asked.
RE'VOLUTION 2020 4> 31
lane outside his house. ()'Oti
I s\yallovvedhard and vlipednlY eyes before turning to .nim,(fm}
buddy; 1 lied. i\.nd congratsI O'l!\ie a treat ButYOllf dad is right. 'f:vVe
,vin take the real pa.rty after JEE,)
I continued to rarnble until Ragh.av interrupted Inc. '''Vill Baba be
he asked.
1 shrng?ed Il1V shoulders
'Should I come
tigh tllkea
I thought
the AlBEE results due
is this rness?' I said,
I bent dovvn to collect
available online,
how do lind
T kept quiet as I stacked
results. he uut tl:)f a
even I
that Vlere extra bright today,
fought the lurnp in D1Y throat
are not in the parel"s:) Baba said
nei'Vspapers iny open: on the
ne\vspapcr anymore, Baba:- vvhat
not rnention that the results
results? Isn't he said.
ne\v'spapent I \vanted to tell hirn the
a fCVl Illore days would be nice;
. "\Alrinkles an::Hlnd his eyes, Eyes
go I\JIT ... ... "-... Baha said) happy to rnake
iourney to :find out
J (
iBabaf 1: protested.
'Lefsmake lunch: I rnoved kitchen, 'The antique gas stove took
six tries to start I placed a a burner to boil daL
tv"!"y father stnodbehind have to get the results, .Lefs go,; he
",Then old people get stuck on S0l11ething) let go.
32 .. CfJHTAN
'Let rue ll1alze the 111eal: I said. {I\viH can \lOU 'Nhen it is ready:'
"rt;Uingyour parents you\.rc fitHed, at is harder than the
actual failure. I cooked iunchf()f the next hou.r. I wondered if lifcvvouJd
t'\ref be the saBle again. One stupid exaln,b,alf a dozen rnistakes in
choice. problell1s had changed HI]! life
father and I ate in his hopeful eyes pinned on Jl1e. Ivfy
hiding the ne\vs did not help. anvone.
r "1?vent to hiHlafter dinner,il knovv the Baba;' I said softly,
he eyes \vidt\
'lvry rank
(l'h< ..... lfl;>
S L.atgooc,
I sho(}k rnv head,
'You Vion't aet a Qood branch?)
b ... .>
'1. \\i(H1't. get illtoNrr: I saId.
l\lly father's expression changed. He had the look c'very child dreads.
look that says} hrought you up) nOlV see lvhat you 'have doner
in theherHl is preferable to that look,
Baba got up agitatedly and started circle the diningtable,<Ho\v can
not oet a good rankt'
b <,.>
But I did not air rny thought
'1'\10\V iivhatt he said.
Ivv()nderedifI should suggest SHIne options sl.lkide} pen<ll1cein the
Hirnalavas or aUfe ofdrud.aervasa labourer?
; .'. b'}
'1 arn sorrYj 1 said.
'It<.)]d you tostndy rnore/ he said.
l/\lhich parentcloesn:Y?
I-fe "vent to his rOOll1o I gathered the courage to enter his bedroo.rn
half an,hou.L H.e h.adkepl: bottle.Oll:bishead.
iT cOllrd do a I said<
<,,\that good '%viU that do;.. huh?'be said) his voice too loud :fot a sick
finish iny graduation. Look ft)f a job. There should be plenty of
opportunities: I. said} Inaking up'vlords as 1 spoke.
gi'ltSagood Job a sirnple graduatet Baha said.,
a lneani' lJothirlg.
dor{t have rnoney a college) Baba: I renl1nded hhl1 .
. H.en.odded. li:es1)oke after SCHue <'frv
.t ! b
Babahad Ilot Blade an suggestiofL he had
horrible timing.
rne so fTIuch pain. lhe nlere thougl11 of
repeatiHg it caused physical agony. Babu,;' I screanled. 'If you had
.. U. on
so I 1:1{;1\lC to keep ell.tiering;
father pressed
"'<....H ..f'>'''.'''.'<,..1; by thft"
'j ;11n Sf}rrv: I said , ... .. e.
'Fail screarn
son; he said) eyes closed"
sornething, 1
I said,
'It is.not easy to becotnc
I ,van ted to tell hIn1 that]
ra.nk} h01ii;IVer useless that [nay
i fucked up inside. I
a private college. You didn't
harder agahlsthis forehead,
lnc, '(;'0 a\vay'; he said.
are {IOin2 in the fight direction,
. v .
lvvHl becollle rich one day,'
Yinu don't Qet afiftv thousand
;7 I
\'\/orking hard. I\A/anted to say
figure out I v/anted to and
that it v/ouldbe great if he hugged rne,
\(;0 asvay. L(:t 111ehave sorne peace in nY, final days: he said,
I vvent to rny 1'oo1'n I ha.d never really rnissed
't . rj.';:-?T.:',"l she;vas around,
problen1s right I kept
could. go back in recreate
rnanufacturing inhlunans,
on the dav of theAIEEE results, I
not getting those six. c;(tra
of the exarn. i\S if lIly brain
safne and. l' rnake
has to be one of the biggest
keep even though there
isnn r.)oillt to it I staved in daz.ed,
I can:leto the living Toorn at ruidnight I called AartL
34+ CUETAN BHA<3A'},
She kne\<\>t fllY results. Yet she caBed, She Kne\ It! caU her \vhen
I-vvas good andready. }\..arti and l,vere in sync,
<\Ale will talkontheboat: 1 said.
<Pour-thirtv tonlotrO'\\! morning at Assi Ghat: she said .
( .. ii,....
1. went back to bed after the call, I lay dnvy:n hut couldn) sleep. I tossed
turned for ages. There vvould he no sleep tin 1 sorted things out '''lith
1 went to his roorn. lIe "vasa-sleep:; h.ot
\vater bottle still by his
I kept the bottle aside . .1\'1y father "!Aloke up,
'I am Baba}' I said.
H.e didrt't say anything.
do \vhatevet you tt:H me. I Vv:ill try again if that's \vhat you 'Vvant
an. engineer:tBaba: 1 said.,
He placed a hand on IUY head as if in blessing. It acted as a tipping
point for rnyeltlotions. I htokedow:n.
{r'll \vork extra hard: I said (lS tears rolled dovvn ray cheeks.
Joel bless you, go to sleep; he said.
I reached Ass! Ghat at
fUnned as he handed Ule Illy
oars. He never charo:ed
tne in aU these years, I \vould take boat an hour, and buy hitn
tea and biscuits in return, Firangs 'would pay five hundred bucks for
the saIne.
SOlnetinles fdhe1phirn llegotiate vvHh foreigners in Engl1sh1 and hdJ
]TIe a ten per cent cOlurnission, Yes) I could nlake money like this too.
not a lot, hutenQuglh to Sllf'vivt\ onl'l Baha ,;\TonId
'Come back by Phoolcha.nd said, have a booking.
' take rnote than half an hour; I
He snlirked. <You are going '\vitha girl, You nlay forget the tin1e:
'-I 'kvorrf
11ave a settIng
anchor rope< In srnall
fern. ale interactio.u.
the boat
Pboolchand said. a.s he untied tht;
interested ineverv roale and

hidE an I saidan.d .got into

Phoolcha:nd fro'\vned at nrv curt reply.
.:;.:. J
'fn help you with
holding the
kn{ywn 11er for eight I
shone the sem.i of
rip thern oft' I
/\.art!\vas vvai:tlng ahead of the ghat plee atvay froro.
stare of b()atD:lCn and She stepped into the nne foot at a
tirne". I v.rhiskedthe boat froIn th.e shore,
go that \vay;' she said'
pointLng the quieter v?estern direction.
east, the conltnenced at the crnvvded.
.Dashasrrvvarnedh (]hatDashaslrvvarnedh} believed to he the place ''lv-here
Brahn:l<l,pertonned ten (horse is the hub of
activities on the hanks '\laxanasL
tfhesound ofbe11s and chants faded as I rovved further avvay. Soon, the
SOUJ1ds caIne the of the oars on the vvater.
<It happens: said AartL
face had anarnberhue the lnorning sun. It rrHltched her
saffron and. red dupatta.
iV!'!/, arn1S and shoulders felt tired, I stonp'. ed ro\ving and T}ut the oars
. r 0 t
"The boat stood sOlue\vhere' in the rrliddle of the Aarti
stood up to corne a.nd s1t be.side rn.e, Her rnoverllenr sh()Qk the hoat a little.
As petdtnat,she took palrns and pressed thein. She held ll1Y
chin and ll1.aden1.c face her.
'.rrn I

get novvhere

" , txt:.
nO\vJlere In ..
a srrwJJ voice.
,.1 't L .,' ',;f.'f"l A" :rE'FE ""<H"! 1. o:;} ....
uon . HaVe .. .i :.. .. 1::1 auK he l
'I don't kno,\y, I feel so .. , so defeated, I let Saba dovrn,>
(Is he
wants ll1e to tf\,! ag
, ain. lIe is obsessed \vith making
lue an
" " ,'\.,
> "
1)0 you \vant to 11e an engineer?'Aarti, said.
;rv1v dad is Ilot in the lAS. tVIY grandfather vvas 110,t a rninister.Vle are
,i . .
a sinlple Indian fanlily, 'rVe dorlt ask questions. \Ve \\tant to
a living,.Engineering',' g' i,vesus that: Ians\>vered .
. .., t.,:..... . $... ....
(l'low old-"fashioned!'
your stornach never goes (}utof fashinrL Aarti; I said .
.snliled a.nd plact'd a hand on ann. T hugged her .. As I held her)
T brorlght 111Y rnonthclose to hers,
'"\-'\That ate you doingt Aarti
'I Y ":, "", :;
, ". I., Just".
'IJon't: Aarti said sternly. 'You vviH spoil our friendship,)
'I really like you: I said, I to but did not have the
'I like vou ton: she said.
'Then \Alhy VOU kiss n1et I said.
'1 don't vtant to," She faced H1.C s<luarcly. ",Don't get Ine\Vrong, You
been tl1Y best friend for years, But rve told you earlier, .,} She \vent
"L\,Tl, .?r
don}t see you that she finished.
1 ttIrned a'\vay frolll hee
please,understand,You :Rre disturbed 80 1 to, ..
don't Vilant to Aarti?I-Iurt feelings? '\Vell} you have:
I checked the th:ne. lVIy\vatch said 4;50 !Li:tL I .had to return the boat
I picked up th,(: oars again, }o back, I said. She cornpl:ied,
rernained silent tin Vie reached the ghats, Phookhand gave usa SHIile;
evaporated fast "vilell I gl{)"\Alered at hinl,
\Ale stepped off the boat
'\"i)u\vant to conIC hOTIu: later
(I)on}t talktD rne:! said.
Aarti said.,
"l:;ou axe heingan
atn an idiot) don't
I said and . ',\'alked
REVOLUTION 2020%' 37
\Ivhy I couldnlt Cl(i:'t;lrthe
LikeAJEEE, I dlduqt make it in the fEEdther.Raghav did} vvith an aH-
India rank of 1123.1t turned hill1 into a in 'VaranasLLocal
papers carried big stories the next day. Four students frOlTI \taranasi had
cracked the YEE. l\mong those four) only Raghav
had cleared the as
a resident of \laranasL The other had appeared frorn Kota,
'Why did they go to Baha lookingupfroDl the
Baba had resigned hinlself torny being a loser. I'le did not react to lTIy
JEE rank ataJL
',Ki)ta is the capital of 1r1' coachingdasses. 'Tens of thousands go
tn ere
' I explained.
EJ/ervvear. the tiny western Indian to\'vn of Kota accounted for a
f .'. . . .;
thousand) or a third of the total 11"1' selections,
"v\Thatf' B.aba said. 'li.Gvl/ IS thatpossiblet
I sllfllgged tny shoulders, I to discuss entrance exanlsany
rnore. I had secured seventYwTIine per cent in class XII. I could do SSe at
'I he J20,icilornetre COlnulute \vould be difficult,
but 1 could rnnyc there. anciyisit Baba on v1tcekends.
'1lvnich lIT is Ragha\tjoiningt
'1 don't kno'w; I said, .can
need to buy coUege adu1ission
Baba looked like I had stabbed
be said,
nle hundred rupees. I
you repeating AIEE.E,r
'I\,viH join the UnJver.sity and rep .. eat (ronl I s{
/. . .
you prepare vvhile doing another course?'
RE\tOLUTION2020 ' 39
1 hadt() J11eet Raghav. I had even cQngratuJatedhirn, True) I did not fecI
any happIness about his lEE U,",d . ..,, . I should havc
but did not After aU,
V>le had beenfriendsfot ten years, ()ne should be happy f()T
\<vuuldbe an TIT Ia be a fucking I
could not feel thriHe(i about that I I?ractise-ct fakesmHes pressing

suf1iciendv visible.
I carne inside
Raghav's fatller sat on a
streched into a slnHe and
hedro(111) B1IEL-provided
his selection lay on the dining
visiting relatives. lheyhad (Ol11.e to
congratulate the :;:asl1yaps. lIT is a huge event akin to cHn1bing
the rvl,Qnnt Everest or bein;g on a space n115810n. 1vIr Kashyapsmiled at rue
a. distance, Call it but his greeting scenaed like
the one you give to people beneath your stature. I arn sure if Thad
had a he vlould have stood up and shook hancis-H
lth rae. AnY'vvay)
it Ragha,\" I to{):t1L I sat on a chair and he on
the bed.
hov\! are vou "'D"",I'"
one those stupid
("n,;nh'e.l R':;'o-i-,!?7',r
\ .. ddJ .... ,
'\Ml1.ich 1fT?' 1
RaRhav said.
'i<-' ,
frorncoal to diarnoD_d in. a du)l,
thought }\JEEE rnaybe, but JEEr
branch and he in V:aranasi too;'
". BIlt}, the TnstitlJte of Technology at the. BanarastIinduU njversi ty,
rnost prestigious VaranasL conducted its ad.nlission
h;rve the sanlC brand eo. uitv
'} I
'\Arhy BHlJ?' I said.
cI\vant to do journalisrn I have contacts in
. R
i .. of (;l.. .Q.'f
VVhen people are offered SOH1ething on a they don}t value it.
Raghav had a thing for "vriting.He had published SOUle letters to
editor and ac()"upleofartic.i,es in S0111e this sounded
give up an 11'T for a hobby?; I said.
'It [s not IonrnalisBJ is filY passion,'
doing. ineer:i,n
i . """ b
'Dad., \\/hy else? Oh:t I have told hilU 1 arn taking BIIli because I lvill
abetter branch HkcCon1putcr Sdence, Dodt tellhhn anything else:
{Raghav, you stiIl .. ,'
iRaghavflvlrKashyap shouted frOll1 outside,
'l'll1' relatives) sorry. I have to said, T,efs catch up later.
Aarti also, I cnv:eVQuguvs a
}-'le got up to leave.
'V\then people they bec:orne
'\Vant to kno\v\vhat I arn gvooing to dor I said casuallvr
. v. .,
Ragonv stopped. :rOh, sor:qr, tell Inc: he said, I don
t kn(}\v .if he
cared) or jf he felt obligated.
i\llahabad I v:iH take a second attelnpt franl there: I
gootlt R,aghav said. '1 aI'l1 sure V'7ill crack something .. l\t

V\lhenpeople clear JEEithe)r start using phraseslike'atJeastALEE.E'.
1 s:rniled. \vants nlt:' to drop a to atternpt again:1
"'{on could do that too:: saici.,HTs father shouted out for hirn
. 1" ... r 1" <. 'd '-F1Il: 1 .... :'. )
30, . ,'. sal . $: ,1 a.;S0 leaVe,
." .' . f.
,:'" ,,' .' 1... ,d'.d: 'R '1'' ,. f : '\., tt . Id "", ,
,jet uU .' y.. ag H:l\' I .. a. eu In),s.J,ouJ t.L
Db) r' ,.l'''''' .. . .... . >
:.0 a , . 8,.). i S<llcL .I not gOing to
,\Vitnout fny tny father had spent one \vh01c \I;leek
researching on Kota, , 'Bansal and Resonance are the l)est; he said,
you kno\v? >
an) a retired teacher, I can
ireat; I said.
arn read"," to send Tuition is thirt'V' thousand a 'year. Living,}
., ;1 ..-
ex,penses arouJ1(lthree ... ,;,.'v"",o,',' .... 'e"n,'", a rnontl:Ll'.1()\V rnuch is that: for t\velve
!'rhirh . .,t nius .. six > ,,'BaDa murnhled to hirnself
.; .r .{
thousand!> I
a .. . .. ; ...
'1 saver:l\vhatever I
started" \\/e)11 ttgure
'So blovrup vifhatever
r"j ?,' 't Ml
ve ;0,'
"!Ii' l,:. :t .3.:..)
n ,:;,i"" ct' ll"i'l .r.r1 .. 1.,',,"

but , ... can't 1
I v<7i11 bave a
[i vlG$ted year. Sana) vvho are
r ha've.r{ttold you Baba
three En:ouQ:h toa:et
" .... " 6' <
,',,-,.,,'-<,""".00"" we have on In SOIne
is a direct tridn < Takes t\ventv-tvvo
rae the 1110ney' for that
the POil)! a ,lind ho\\r 1viH you do a repeat
attenlpt v1lithout better coaching? You rn.issed a.good rank because of
a rnrtrks''!''':faybeKota help get those-extra tllarks,j
I \vas confused" I had ne"ver thought of 11 second let alone
Iloiog so far-fbI' a 'veaL
v )
to give it

'.took, Raghav')
kids throat right nOtV,
thoughts. {Besides
car1 (01"0.:(' every,\veek, You can
can InanaQe, !Dorh I
1 tlv:rught of iiartL Sure,
nlu,ch shE: cared
WhOSl.Hraested I
n-u:didn.e beinz' shcrved dOll/tl everT
. /
afford it;' I said) collectinf! n1'\/'
here?AHahabad is nearby, I
hou.sevvork?' said,
said no to rne in the boat but I
\vithont us talking, It ,\ya.s
and I'd already found OIJt the best
course leonId get \vith lny percentage. HOVI could I tell her I an) going
to Kota?
()f Icouldrtt give Baba this reason to stay in Varanasi, ']
prornise I vliHwork harder next time.: I said,
vVe finished dinner and I began to clear th.e table.
'Yiju w'ill keep doing dOHlesticchores here;' B;tlOa shouted suddenJy,
'.. )
are gOIng.
have forty thousand, \Vhat about the rest? \,\That about expenses
as traveL books
entranceexarn fecsr I said.
]Viy father shuvved nle his shrivelled index D.nder, It had a thick ould
b b
ba.nd around it need this useless ring: he said, (\'le also have SOl1H::
your Dl()ther's jc\vellery:
'You \vant to sen Je,veUery for coaching classest
(1 had kept all that f()t your but after you he come an
YOll can buy them.for her yourself
'\Vhat if you faU ilL Baba? Better preserve aU this for medical
'You join an engineering college and iny agcvvHI reduce by ten years;'
lau.g .. :hed, tr,.ting .. to soften the situation. I saV'l his face" one front tooth
rnissing, Ilis laughter In.eant everything to tue, .I thought about Kota.
did seen) good at nlakingstudents entrance exams. 1 thought
the dOvvl1side - the money the uncertainty and) of course,
sta'\lingJ' a\vuy .. f((JIll. ,1\uiti..
; . '.
'1)0 it for vour old said, ':r'd tnove \vithvou to Kota} but .res
; . -"'! '.
for ro.e to travel so far. 'Ve have to Inaintain this Httlehouse too:
fine} Baba. If! go,rn go by rnyself: I said.
'Your 1110ther too \''Iranted you to be-conIc an
I looked at lIly rnother;s picture the \,\hllL She looked happy}
beautiful and ycnJng.
{Take care ofyQur father: sheseeU1ed tell rue,
you go?) Baba said.
itrnake:svOtl h(\p>p' v} l'\vilr
' .. ,
Baba hugg.ed inc
Hrst tin1e since theAIEEE results.
'S11o'tv US the blacK ones)'
t\,velveclothes hangers,
REVOLUTION 202.0 <l}43
shopkeeper, She pointed to a set
\Vehadcolne to a household items shop in Nadeshar Road to buy
thi.ngs fd need in KCltL
because I anl helping you sh(}p rnean laIn happy about
you leaving "/aranasi; }\,arti said.
<1 \vodt> Say the word. a:nd. I
She placed a palrnon
.Ho\vevex; itis the right thing
:. f\j.l. "'r .. i-b.::.
"""'-'i'M'k'>"''-'' rOll for 1
,.. 'k"
cancel rny
it that rnl' best friend is leaviJ1g,
They cost fifty bucks a set, 'truclc) 1 an1
, thil10"O::- "1{i'!"f be-tter oiup- '1
.,...... . .t1... . .:....b ..3o .. "",*, . .' . . ...:. O. 't (.
'. 0.1' '()I\t.::i: I
ill'. rn
'n i:\., ........ "1".11.."' .. ...:,:-=-

havekno\vn "vhat to buy:: I told
youtake:n cool(ing \l*; .. Porg()t,
<] atn not goiru! to cook. a tiffin systeuL'
l:.;..J "'"
ignored rt1e. She utensils section and .picked up a
large steel bQ-w'l and held it up,
{For ernergenc:ies;
t;;l;' ...
h ... H .Janas ltJt.
kitchen Hashed
I can1:e to Kota \vith I'd' cook for
-fe-Sf? ;--rt,. 'f r-tu: -",,,4,' 1:
..;:, r "'0 <)ki '1 p.J:..
\' . 111. . .. ..... ",. v1 1 C ...
does Aarti rnake staten'lents like
these? VVhat (lIn I supposed 'I'n rna.nage fine: I said. .
Ihe:shQpkeeper Inade the bill A"arti looked at rne. She l1Y1)rlotised .tue
tim.e. She "vas turning prettier e-very 'Vleek.
A SIn aU girl\vhohad corne the shop\cvith her Dl0thercarne u.p to
VOlt corne on
t .
i\arti shook her head
tvvent)" per cent
never checked herself
oftent1QPped aU over

She turned to the shopkeeper.
1h'8,Sn)t too conscious of her look.s.
never had ... up ()11} and. even
It n1u,de her everl n10re attractive,
44 C,H,ET/\N ,B.,HAGAT
'\i\fhat happened?J
'At th,e last rninute you say ranctcnn things like carne ,to
'(I coukt I w'ill tell dad 1 also "vant to repeat a year. You never knov/
She '\vinkecL
f stared at her
seeking a hint of seriousness in her c0111mentVVould
that be possible?
'Really?' 1 said, ah110st believing her.
stup" id. I told vou. :rve enrolled forPsvcholog'v honours
\;... ' ,;I J)
at the AgnlseI1CoUege:
{I thought you, ,,}
"Nhy are yousogullible?j She burst intope:alsof laughter.
'G,ulli .,' \\ihatt I said, She pulled ruy cheek. I said and conlposed
no way she could, conIC to Kota.I aUll10t a gulli-l>vhatever
r understand things, StilL Aarti could defeat IU)' logical faculties,
r stopped thinking 'vvhen I \vas "'lith her,
1 collected the purchased
I said, <I win pay;l
'Forget it Let"s go: she said. She at
of the shop.
noticed. her paying the
elbolN and dragged rne
'l'IC}\i\,r raucht I said as Ifu:mhled 'yvjth my \vallet
took 111V' \vaHet and "p"laced it
.; ....
a finger on Uly lips,
girls send signals?
dav, Yet slw (Ornes to s/to/)lvifh rne
/ r
;'r' """00 c, t t"}, '7 rnlL-.""
Lt Ine prJ}. ,). 1L 1.;t,Hf_' 1ne
,Does she care JiJr lne or Hot?
shirt pocket S11(: placed
.,.ne on the boat
' clothes hnnaers and
It?!? had iny
'\va.nt to trv the ne,v I)orninci's at Sig:raf said,
i " """ w
'\ve go to the ghats r I said,
she surprised,
'I Vlant to soak: in asn1uch \laranasi as posslhleheforeI
\,'Vc\valked to the steps of the. Lalita (jhat) quieter than the busy
[Jashasn.\:varnedhonour right sat next to each other and watched the
change colours 1:vith
after Shivflse.Jrring
considered theJl01iest place for
sun, On our Jlan1cs flickered
thetvlanikatnika (3hat '111C ghat,
dropped here during a is
held Tny elhc}'vllightly: I .. < . aronrld,Ap:art Erofn S(H11C tourists
sadhus) I spotted a
. 1t1<t A
'i li_
If's not good, >.,,""'.".' ...
'lle.causeynu a.rea . girL'
She sFnucked rnyelh()'v4:
'People talk. They don't
g11ats holding
good things about girls\vho sit on the
saitL {V'ie are just really good friends;!
I .hated that t81'rn .. I V'>7rUl1ed to about nIl' place in her life) eVen
.. ', .... . . unpleasRilL'But no\"/ I arnleaving;' I (h.d not
are cvbcrcafes in Kota.
v'" '. . ..
r nodded>
lo-o-k so glnn1:
distance. 'The cveningaarti. \<\las
<\'Vhat is your I
us, Us heing 1110rC than
tPleas(;\ Gnpat not again:'
\Ve h.eard the ternple bells rtng in the
... ' ,. t1"
I becanlequiet. saVl/ the evening aa.rti fro111 a d.istance,A dozen
h.fJlding giant of flan1ing torches) prayed in
synchronised rnoves as in background. Hundreds
gathered :f'trouJld n:w.tter n()\v nlilH;' filnes yon see
aarti on Varanasi tnesIneriseeach titne, Ivluch
,,4." ..J:. >$' C" 't' i'i B t;I A r.::. A '.t.'
.. . .
like the Aarti next to me. She peacock blue sal\varkameez and
feel that \vaylGopalr she said.
:A.bout anyone. And I like 1Nhat vouand I share. Donlt YOUr
i ,'I . .I
<[ d.o. But I anl1caving nOVtl, Ifw'c had a c0J11rnitrnent} \voulddt it be
\Corn.mitment? (rOpat vveare so young!;. She laughed., She stood up-
iees float diy-as. For your
(.;ir!s are the best topic svvitchers in the
vVe \valked dow'll to the\v;ltets. She purchased a set of six lit tHyas
five rnpeesxShe passed one tn l11e. S11e set one diya afloat. Holding 111Y
she said, pray for success,)
'}\{ay you get \'V'"hat you:want in Kota.: she saici) eyes shut.
t looked \tV'hat I reallVHlant is not in Kota, J ant leavillerit' behind
J h
in 'lara nasi ".
n1e t\venty-tb.ree
I: had crnailed a
I learnt about

spent the last year in
'-' __'M'_ .... .<.l<;,"" Bansal arHJ. Resonance had the
I did 110t get into Ba:nsal or ".""",-""-,,,'"-v..;
students \vith their O'\vn tests,
K:otahad less selective
coaching classes that catered like TIle,
he:f{)re I joined a coaching ghett(} I had ttl find a place to
in, \lineet had lokI rne sorne paying guestaccnrnnloaations, I
hailed all auto froHl th.e rajl,vay
Ivtahavir Bansal
'Gaytltri Society Building: I sahl
1he auto drove do\.vn the
other sU1aU tOHTt
TllanVl}.:ic(.()ru, undervvcar
what \va$ so special about
students dear tbe l110St.
or I\1cdical?'
rtlHtchin{ tpeth
"'"":"'''''''''';''''0 .............. ,
I fiJ2:uredout vvhat
e.ntranc:cexaI11S <
I said.
'Bansal is
'You kno\v all thlsr 1
laughc(l a11(1 turned
\vtfe runs a tiffin hUBines.fL
streets of Kota. It looked like anv
traHic alld pollution and too
coadling:"'class hoanlings, I 'woIJdcxed
plftCe, could it Blake thousands of
exarn in the v?orld?
auto driver.'). "\vh(} had <JTdV hair and
b .J
cxurn is scheduJed fo.rnext
the driver}s knoviledge.
vvh{Jle is into education,
VI/;;:lnt food delivered?)
I nodded.
'Shan.kar} originally fronl i\,hvar;he said. He extended his grease-
stained hand"
I shook it as little as possible, fron) Varanasi:
He gave Inc a business card f()f the tiffin service. T\vo nleals a day for
a u10nthly cost of fifteen hundred hucks,
'Let us take care of the food, You boys study, it is such a toughexanl:
';v\Thkh exatn?' I ,said.
{For HT it is JEE. C:oDle C;opal blluL\Ve are not that uneducated:
reached the Gayatri Societycornpound, ,/\ rusty iron gate prote'ted a
crul.nbHng block of apartments, i\ v{ith a giant br00111 produced
dust cIQuds in the'air in anattenlpt to clean the place. I "vent to the SJJH111
gtlard post at the-entrance of the buih.1ing. i\\<\latchnlan sat inside.
'\1\1110 do vou want to the vvatdunan said .
(1 Vllant to :rent a rooDl: I said,
'The vvatchnlall100ked rut: over. He saw nly two over-
aged and ov-cr suitcases. ()ne held the other carried the
books that had 'f:1Hed to get Tne a.uY'Vvhere so t;u.iY1y rucksackcatried the
Aarti had bought rne. I Inissedher. Iwondere& if I should 'flnd an
STI) booth and call her.
{lIT or 1V1edicalr tobacco. in his
I(ota locals find it hard to place outsiders anti] they kllQ'\T vvhat they are
there for.
1 said, 1 \vished he would H1e lTIore ,attention than his
nicotine fix.
or repeater?' the\vatchrnanasked next, still '\vithout
looking up,
it ulattert I soule'what irritated.
<Yes: ,he said and popped the tobacco into his 'rnouth. are a
vou\,yHljoin a 5c.hoo1i15(}, You vliUbe out of the house rnorc.
,,', ' , "
Repeaters only go for lVlany sleep aU day: Sorne landlords
like that So) teU TIle and I can 5110\-;' the right
REVOLUTION 20.20 +51
I said. 1 donlt 1 ao",nas 1 said that I
even a tooaccoC'cneWirtgwatt:hrnan
(O.b (.ioa, JJlotherrepeater: the vvatchlnansaid. }\tryway,.l will try:
.\Alhatls: your .budget?'
<1hafs it?' thevvatchman said. (Make it four thousand" IWiIlgetyou a

I said.
as if sOmeone had asked: for country liquor
ffla be spendingmyfirsfnighf in Kota on
hebeckoned.H'eopened thegafeandkept:mysuitcase:s in his
cabin. 'Ale climbed up the steps of the firstaparttnent block
}''Oll share with other boysr In.tee to:aro{)m.: . the watchman
t1 could: r saidj'but hb'\v study? I want a private Olle; however
tQ beleft:alolle,
floor: the vilatchman said,
'Weclimbedu.p three Hoors .. I panted due lathe
get used said..
'It lsbordbleout$ide. 1ht)t is\AJby it isagQodplace to sttlY inside and
Vle.t'eacb-ed to catch my breath. He
couldn)t stop talking. <S{) YOll wiUstlldy forreaibf you ate just " ..
. 1 said.
. ,1vlany students cOlnehere b,ecause. their parents push
them.lheykno'VV'tl1eywo,rtt: get the;.t1,ts stop'
t.b.em fora .year; he said.
" .. ("" .... b .
. .. ... .:"I:l'HTAN i.:iHA.G.AT
lI\vant to get in. I \\'ill get I said
ulOte to myself than him,
t(jood. :Sut.if you needs-tuff like beer otcigarettes; teUrile, This

is'y'Ourftiend; you dO!1'thav.e to at

"i/"f{e rang the bell of flat. l\u elderly ladyopcned the
lhe lady let us in. Her place smelt of. medicines and dan1p. The
watchrtlan sh.()weq JllC theroorn . on. rent 111e lady ha.dconvetted a
storeroom into R$tudyand bedrooul. 'The .. watchman and I could
barely stand in. the . tifIY room together.
.pe:ffect fbrshtdying:said the 'vvatchnlan, \vho pl"obahlyhadn't
studied eveuooe day in his whole life. u'fake it) it is\vithin your

:I shook Ul)rhead. The to()111.had no vvindo\vs. The old lady .seelued
arrogant ordeaforbotb.Shekept a f(lce throughout. Idkt not
vvant to live here. '\I\1b1' study in rny y"aranasi?\Vbat 'vas so
special. about I ""anted . to get out.ofKota.AStiE
r walked out ofthetla.t, The\Vatchnlfln canlerunning.afterrne.
you .f:usSSQ anything:
gOhack tbVaranasidlen; 1saJd ..
I thoughtab()ut nO\\'" different flly life ,\\ been if 1 had
ans\veredsix. nlore .. .questions;.I .. .th<rqghtofRagnav; '\vho
.attheBHUdlnlpus. 1
. conversat1ol1s. IthoughtofBaha's
in health and. his deterulinatlQn to. kickm.einto
tears.' I started tolalk do\v'iIlthe stairs.
increaseyouf hudget: the vvatchnlan sUldashecatueup behind
c.antt ]:'. have tQpaytbrlood.and coac.nirtgcla$ses;'.l . said.
vVe "valked dOlvn.the steps and.reached the.groundfloor.(Ithappens
the . first tl111e) tne\vatchmallsaid)
':" .. '.: ... ' ....... .
\Recently??the \;vatcholan said. S{)xnepeople nriditperfe.ctly normal

(She niedfou.rfeellyeaxs agt):l said.,
'l came and'pickedup .. fl1Y bags.,'11lanl'Y0J;.l" Eirjn;'
shared room: hepleaded,
{l .. for nO'll; used to being .alone.rUfigure
In.eal1.tiplaceil thfJ,:rn d(1\Vtt. tlhave a
ptoper rOOq1: <he size of 'wna:tY0tl n hits viindo\\Ts; a
bigJa:ttA retired couple stays \Vithinyourbudget, .. ..

(SptT1CPl1cdiedlulhe hod.$c;
I could take death.fni frorn\1arana.si1
U . ,
('Thesfttdenl\\>;h()tel1ted it. sofIe killed. himself,
r,voyearsago, It has' beenetl1pty since:
I dId not
'l'iow' it tQyo1.l.;S:itjlj
'tIl take: it:

.. m.y
The We,ventro the thir-djloo,r
in their tneplace
hnmaculatelytlean, .1hespartan let. room had a bed}tahle,cnpboard
(Fift:eellhundred.;rsaid to thecou.p1.e\ Th,eWatcn.rtlah gavenle a ditty
tknov9'\v,hathappenedheret Isai:d,'and
.. C Bu, ". GA "t"
. ' ...... .... A ... iI,
The oldgeritlelilanllodded, am RL SOIli, I used' to work . ih the
PW,D:Heekte,nqe:dhisha.nd ..
19av'e bittI (ioput an. Iplantoget
in this ti:me: rsaid.
I d;u:nped tllehroch41''S OIl took9f1rny andsQc1<s.
I hatt spent t.he dayvisitingva:r:1ou.s coachin.g the

1v11:' Sp
i.gcrltiylq1pcked onthedQ(}fQfmy room. 'Your he
said studvtable,
. . . I
Inodded Thad
ftom:corlstan tly fi.gl1:tingofEthohghts abolit.Aatt:t; tf} enrol
ina I had spent tbe last three daY;$ doing the
rou,ridso:feverycolldiing school I' todkin their tall cHtimsaboutzapping
any pri1i1iite ini9i;111 .Ii'Tian. I (not. to
il1etltion super feeStru.ctures.Bansal) ResonallceandCa.reer
Path seemedtoheevetyone's top cnoices.Eachofth.emhadtheir own,
t?;tl1K lnfactj K()ta. l1()whad.sgl flil cqaching
shops to coachyou . .toget into the top coachirigclasses .. Fromthere, you
would becQ(1ch.4 togetlntQan
stu:<lY' to. dQ an
the sanleCOtlChing-class cy-cle vVQuld begin again. This
complexvQrtex {)testsl' e;iasses,.
every: irisighincartt Indian studeuflikem.ehastogothtougb to have a shot
at leonId always take theJoh
011$ iflwatl,j:e<l it silu[pler,: hallgm}$crfHkctny.
I that of the
entrance ex.arncalled life.'J.hemoVlhg tbebotair in
(Calledholne SOnisaid.
I Soniasked I11 thisquestiplt at least twice a I
guess lv1an()jDutta io.hhrlonelil1ess

(Keep tQe}n informe4l ol<ay?Nobody loves you Dlpre than your
Soni sitidasheleftthc.rooUl.
I shut door and.reruovedmy shirt I hadn)t t(fwed in' ten days.
J\/lyarulsfeltJlabby. I wanted' to exercise, but rllail tofignteotit the .ten
rnillion' b:rpCntlresfitst;
I had' indeed caned scented I told him 1 had
started for ti10tlghlcottl.du't beart:<l6venany
texfbooK. coaching class L jnined\vould rUfrke
111e slog soon.
I\vanted . to.tti.Jk;to . :\artifirsL 1<3 . c'l.lledher .!(ltittitnes. but.C6d.ld. not
speak to her evenQDce.I;J;erJl10tner had picked up thephQnethe Jirstt:\No
titnes. She told 111epoHtely that Aarti had gone out-\vith friends once)
and her,t;()llegeadnll.Ssiollforn:t '1. twicetht;
llext day an.dAartfs rnotllerpicked up again> I hung up \yithdtit saying
anything. I did not "'''ant Aarti'-s 'll1othergoing -you
so Itt1ldu()t irl1;t?.ressi,Qn. f\artf ha.d
tnention.edsUe \\tQuldget a cellphorie S()OU., . r'visbedshe \ould.Ever)Tone
seelned tobe::getting atleasttheriq;h types.
J\.a.rti didhdtha\rea:n.umbe.t to reach t11c.I\voultlhave t6 try again
I picked up clgrcel1wcolotlredbroc.hure. The covethadphotogrilphs
of SOIne' ()f the "ugllest pccl.pleof:'li%trth.ThepiC:turesbelol1,f5ed to the
Irr toppers Jrofn thatin.stitute. +rheyhad grins\vidcrfhan flloc1els In
tooth"pasteadsbu.t .. notfhesam'e<'kirld ofteeth .
.$illC Illy :fa\r()\J.ritenpbbywas'Afusti:n.g t:itllf
I$.E)ellt t.nea.fte.rnOOll
(Ornpariflgthc'brocrultt,1S didrltc0111p:arefhecourse luatt;!rial)
.1' the picfnres ..ofdrrctr-Stli:CessfiH t;:al1dida:tes;
had hitdthecutest ifafal1. 1nere"va:s no
to rne. be.ingin: ..
Isav{ students
had. a.chipofttheirsD6ul.der) .even tho:ugh even
. . \
coot Illad tocrat:lctbelr eX<lIU.
However, I. had: 11ttletimeto .prel,areJof $che({u;ledin.tb:reedays,
c.oachingdasses hadtheirexams\>\1tl1ina wTeek.
'The next set of t;:x;ams rI10ntlt alay, lha;dt:ojoillso.;tnetbingno"r.
Stajiingid.leWi)uldmaketne go tnu.d faster lhan . tneea:rlierdc.cupallt. of
Bach. institute asked for klthousand n.tlcks Jpran forrn.
t:hev.sciectedvnu or v4hethe:r) the fee had
:. "', ",... . . '.' *'" . ... . '. ' ..
to bepaiil Ihadftfty tholfsand and Babaha.dprOQliscd
rne -more after six Inol1ths .. -lhrtdHrnltedn1oueY:f I c6uld only appiy

I snortlistedfiveC(lachirig institutes
v ... , ..
caned .i\:imrrrandCariu2rIgnite.
The brochure QfAihlIIT in of
every stud.ent to be hence \Vi! conduct our own entrance
tests: It thesameleagq.e be choosy.
They nlighlasl4cll have. vvtitten: Ij8\teihe. cash);
I spent the test of the afternoon filling thetiresom:eandrepetitive
fornls. m.yself.tru:5Uvatedbysaylng I\vottld caU .. Aarti. once more
Ivvel:1to\ eyeningwalk at: 7:QO p.lILThe with
nts daily dose of

.. I .tlle pnone:.Qtrreflex.
The metefatthe;STOOoot:hwhirted.
'-!. $till said>sourly. Jnbddea:.
I needed thspeak tosonleon.e, I had. already eaUed Baha in the
it)s we. q:opaL Fronl Kota{
just taThingaboutyou;Raghavsald.,
"Jvfe?ReaUv?\Vith\vhot I
. . . .. J. . . . ....
t\kirti'shet-:e. How . are man?
:Aartiis. at: yourplace?'lasked,puzzled.
'Yean,she \vanted .u1e to help her choose her course. She Is not sure
atched.tli:pholte froluRagh(lV1l1ia
'GopaiI '\There are your'
YOu:: IsakLI
httd itdidn'tseetrtthe hest\vaytpstart
a convetsati.Ol1 .
'\N'by di.dtft:you.cal1 I dontteven ha.\teanumliet to CaU JOu;
{\l,t111 aSkUIY landlord if I can receive caUs. Telli11e vthen YOU 'wiHhe
... .. .... . ..... . ..... "" c ." .". . . . . . ." ". . i
caUy()tL l\<tlltto talk.
'ifalk ll()'W: }VhafslJ,pr
can 1 talk novrf
I said,

v\T-hen gkrls vague. is cause f()l'specitic
concerll' Itcoilldbe tny ()veraCtiverilio,d.
(I have to choose a. COllfse. Should r doi?s}iebologyorSSc 110111e

(vVhatdo yo:uwantt:o dor T. saki.
ha\ietdftl1ishtntgra:duatioI1 lhafs
ttl,e.oniy It . lvvuntanea$ycourse:
soyouta.ithostessplatls.arf1)()tdcfl:dX I.said.
{'\!VeU, Ragl1aysaysoneshoulduot giveuponejsareamso . easily; . Maybe
fiSc :H,o, isiJetti11} no?Stltfofre.latedt()h.ospitaIUy ihdustry.Or
I kept RaghaJ
k.4dl.lisingherrl,t'ho is/1erA cilreerCOut1sc.llor? Or
(;iDes he' ;uitle .tne,UcerrsefopfeiJch .nOlvbec(lusetre!1ls .. afuckhlgIEE rank?
said,. tI an1. S(}Collfhsed: .Th:etylheardher
so ftlonyr'I saitt
to heal:} air hO$tcss.HehAst\ tr.ay tt11d.
. said.
.. bu.tten rne\Vllich cOtlrse to take: sh
heis. tbebetter Isaia,
yon tnJk;t
tIS talklvhell :r said,

J111S5 YQUrJ too latt'\ I only ..
1 t()ll1yroorrt where lXIY dinner tiffin an.d rh9. 'brochures
aViaited. tHe, Iinlag.lned Aarti <at Raghav's placef in pealsofhrugl1ter. Ivly
1 picked up a l,)fQcbureitldisgll:st 1 took a blade
cut (jut the c.over pictures of students, and :ripped thenl
Bansal classes did not InokHke the small ttlitiOl1 centres run out oftinv
...... , . .. .. ...... . '.. .. ... . . . "
apartxll.en.ts in It rese.n'lhle:dan iqsJitu.te Qr tl large cprporate
lobby; tvol1dering vihattodQ l1cxL Stttdents
and In. apurposefulma.nne.t\asi to
la,tHlthsa:f.Uite$ in Like in
.. You had'rich .kids
froni gave them fl10re pockefl11oney than tny father
ean1et;l e.ntire {)11 ynultadl;ser:s like Ihelr{}ll1
Vara.nasl}.vihoha-ul1.eithertne .c:a,sb...nor thehrains be .. here: .
inlotbe$ {UH.n)trneanBan$al helievedtlUstude.nts were
equat llclass syste.ul on yCrt.1t clranct?sofcra.cking the
Tbepersonat theadri1issions office took my form. tHigh
I \rVoIHlered h(Jw* anyonecollldrespond. to $ucha question. .
, filer
(If i.tfclass XII,ofifyou
'have au<AIEEE rank tip to 40,000, you get a tl1irt.y per centdis.count: the
explained to me.
have 19 percertt.AIEEErarik52,043;lsaUt .
In youapplyJorfull-rateprograplme;tl1eadmission
officer said. 1 :didnt realise my AIEHE rank could directly tral'islate into
.1 get a di$<;puntf I said)woncieriugifone.>could bargain here.
'l)epe:ritison how you do in our entrance exam; the officer said
atld staJ1Jpd111}t fottn.,H'e handedtne. a .catd for t.he'
entran<.:tt exam.
tDo I have to studvforvourentrance exanl?' I said.
(vVhatwtll. YO\lStu9.y Inhvo dayslAnyvta)"jyoutlorrf]ook like such
a bright studenigoing" by yourfllarks.1Vlysuggstion is to apply to other
institutes:.he J7.C p.lied..
"Thanks.) said.
The o:fnce:r to ensure nobody CQuld. hear us.
cousinnas,jt.l$fst:artecian insti.tute.I can get you aJiftyper c.entdiscount

rue fl visitillgcard: 'Dream. lIt:
C:Qufsematerial is th.e same. My cousin is an
ex .. ,Ballsal.
I examined thec.ard.

1 had institutes. .coveted'wit:h
stamp-sized" pictures of s\u:cessful.lEEcandidates,.rescmblirlg\\ranted

kicked upahfgg(!rfuss ,After <aU) weha:d Jailed
and institutesdidntwartt fospoiltneir statistics. Top in.stitutesclabllcd
to send uptofive $tndentsa:yeartoIIT.'qfcou:rSte,) the institutes
never rev-ealthat theycn:}'ol ten thQu$and students>ont.o:f\vhich only
", ", '.:-,' . . ";f '". .' . ... .. . . -: ",..:.:",..". . . . . . .
fivehundre.d ruake> it This.111eant alo\4seletdon ratio offiveper cent
an. Qvendl $le'ction ratio.qf lesstha:n t\o.per cent,
and Khtttiilstitl1te.s.claiuJcd .to. heat it..'Ihe .ofcana.idate:s
couldbe.thesole reason for 'Hov{ever;
f1QckeG. frOll1.aroundthe CQt:tl1tryan)'7Vvay, and queued up
to:s:l.l.btrHf.tncaalltiss:irin foI':rl1.s,
AimTIT and CareerIgnitchadJ.ess, people lining up- In fact; they gave
rue sp6toffers.The lattereverloftered a twenty per
discount is.ottpplicable . only: it'; Yotl.sign. hp rightrio\\(;Jlotif you
tne . aggress!lie.salesman",cum-a.clmissions.iu,cnargctold me.
tBtltI have not decided
< t:lhtlare aten;t saida.lldgave me an

I kept qUiet.
anI he said,
"Is thereanY011e in Kota who is notf I said and left the institut.e.
,. . :
G your voice; Aarti saitLSh t@gr,iSedJiWUl a
. '. . I
second;. It I
'Go tohell)y,)u
'lIuh? Hixwstupid ... do you a llullJ-Oer. I can
cant !
' ........ 1... . ..... . '... . .. .
I sai.d her ray l,andloflfs uutuber, {13utdQtl
tcall a lot
';d . h .... k'
e sal. llQrnOre t., a wee
':So 'vfl1at? I \,rillhe onlrone calling no?) Aarti said.
I can't, It to pickup. thr;same 1Vlayb.e j,,'rill
get rno t:t:vate:.d . aftt:;r
i .. . ... .'
i1 .have fll0tlvated Yo:u!Shelallghed.
Ify()uget :through,ytltlr
wiUbe luadc; i ...
'I lsai<i, inuselesstbings]ikemyca:reer;
" . I .
sllrp:rised by illY' you
Aart:t: ls.:aid.
. ... .... ' . I . . ..
.. :rlle alot
Het voice: traUed oft '
i '
'Do.tllt. Pleas:e dop:''t$tart tllat .. a:gait}, VV'ehave discussed:it ellQugh:
she said.
'v\Thy: 110t! Y()U say.:iyrou rtilssJlle. YOll careiot'nlc.Thep:??
<tcare .nothlthat\ovay. Al1Y,,\Val(;\vella:vetQ f(Jenson:
ou;x there,. IaJ11.
tIfl ha(la least I cQuldtalkrQ.her .. lfeel.sQl(:Hlely, Aarti;
1. said.
Y0ti;areholnesicK, TaJk to rne,\vhellcvcr Y0,ll 'vvanL Or
,\Nf can chat.)
seen S011:t: cyberctJies ?,:fQ1II1d.nljr .houS.
isflyin:gaarti@JgrliaiLtxli11. invite Ole.'
(FlytngAarti: I lltugh,ed.
't'h" t ....... )
.) ... 11UV/
. ' .

l.\.tlea.stit s.he sal<t
<1hittkahol.rt,li):yp:t0l1()$.a:l: '1
'The:reiSJ1JJ l)roposaLA,nd no\<vtlon)t,vasteyourmOrteyofl caUs. \Ale
can:chat in teli you abottt my qnd.Yo.u about yours.
listen. Should I join a reputed but expensive Institnteor
the. upcoming but:cheaperones?J
&lite hest.yotlca:nget}alvvays{ bye ..

, . kind, of defeated . the. purp9seofbejJl,g ip .. . hiked.
its: Jeesat tl1elasttllillute.'i:t hecanleunaf'fordable so Ididn)t even
lllritetlieir entral1ceexaln; lxnatie itt(l the viaidist oftheCa1"eerPath
IVlany \viU join Bansal and Resonance,
a.npvay; said.
Evenfilc . Career J-l(lth waitlist find
{}fferea nleathitty,petcetltdisc6ullt.
"lou have caHl)rertne Air:nIlT persontqldme.
yourpotenti.aL 'tIS :at a much
cheaper price ant1cle:ar {he exault
'You belostamongst the thousands .AtIgnite, you
win said the ex -Bansaliterunnlng, down 'an6thet ex-Bansa1:ite's
HO,<\feVCf, five days later Career Path told me 1 had Jl1ade it I hand,ed
the tlCCOll.ntal1taf Citeer Patlta t\\tenty-fhousand,.rupeedmftwith
(This Jsthebestil1vestulelltyou your life; the (icco-gntant
I picked ll.ptl1eltems reqtlit,edfor the first ternl
ID worksheet$ in the next
I collec:te.d three sets of uniform,
\Vearing it mademelookl1keabud.gethotel,re(epti()rtisL
.1 ,<valkeaoutoftheJnstitutewiththe unifornlID" my hao9,s.
'. .' ." , .... ' ... ' .... ' . ". '.' ... " . .... J, .'.
a. black coat stoppeqme.
1 notsurewhalelse to say.
call tii:eNlt Itea.(;hphysics?
1. shn9khifihanti* OQhp.d}r cQuld. s,Qlve:pulle,y,problenlS'
in,Kota qui.telikeSanjeey sir. 1 soon realised,tnere \vere subject' experts' 'i11stitulesitl' Kota. Career. J? "had. its. Verrn.a)

taught 'Student.s" affectionately addressed him 'as Balance""ji.
He had Accotdhl.gto
(1 a.m, Gopal, frOn1.\(artll1asi:

'TEE, also"s!r.'
't1opd..Ijigh poteptlal?' to inte:rliaI
.. :":'.' :',," .' .... ::., .. '.:
sir; Isa.idand yougetlo,vlliarks;
yOlJ learl)' tp.lOWferYQurexe$

on hard \ork:

1. cQuld.caI1 trUe itlto.m6ving.there. Like
thousands ofpther students)nlY Hfe n01N had a . rhvthm.Care:erPath
. . . .. . -#
resefubledascho6lJ .b:utwithout thefun N(jb.oqYr.n
d.ell01$e .. inclas$;
played pt#l.l1]{Son .. {)ut! aUQtherortllQugn.tofbtllikiri..gclasses. )titer aU,
corneh.ere bycihoiceandhad. paid. a big price to be here.
\V'ehadthree to s6trted Intheattet'1)oon .. ln
theory;. toattencl.sdloo1 In the
retiHty" lhe class XII studelitsnc'ler went to school. 'Career
Path ,,\Tithe.. had a
a halldsonlekickbackfror11 Career Path for the cooperation c.xtended.
I. hated Career.Patn. e;-cbedule atijr$t\l.ectUt;:s:sta:tted at
t1NO inthe aiternoonanci'Vlent on untilhine in evening ... Aftexthat
students rUSlJed home to eat dinner) < the. sheets:
a set ofte:n .problei;p,s. . on. by
midl1tght..Afteta.fe1<v hours of slee:p. I would wakeU.pandprepare f()rtne
next. c.lasses .. In,beb'v-een} I .. did .. hQ\lSf;hpld, cnQres)\vas.hing
the not :80
'111u,ch.l1ecau,seoftl1ezea,1 beCallSe keep
myself busy: I didil't ",rantKOtasionelinesstokillme.
One. llighto'Ut cia,ssesended late. I rea.ched the cjrber cafe ttt nin.e-.,
Itttett.lian.rnyus\lalChattim.e .. To.rny.surprise. shevvas
still online,
Itypd ina. usualhartdle.
If girls got tc) rulcs in this\vorld, there would only be
exdamadon .. tnatks;
FlyingAarti:flll at theBHU campus. At their computer 'centre!!
'He broughtlnehere. :HesaidJ
can come and tlsethe c:ornputercentre anytitue.
Gopal.KotaFact()ry;Istft ittoo late to he inhiscpl1eger'ffo\v 'vill
you ..
Flying-it\arti:' I have dad's car. \"rho . with
(iopa-lKotaFaetofy:. H6woftell do you visit Ragl1av?
I'ber tptype.aI)lessage.
FltingAattt:vVhatsortofaquestion is that? Do you keep tahson
GopalKotaF'actory: Justa fdcndt,ti.gfit?
shotdd becon1ea not:an

Flyin.gAru-d: I ouly'carl1e tQ see his up\vith
GopalKataFact()ty:' tcQrn:p.letea one. ulonthin .1<ot<.\-
FlyingAartEAt don't refertn it as a gQdforsaKeii place
i:anl qllitebusy
tQpiiftyper cent N6tbad f6'rS'llCha
cOlllpetitivc' class.
'\villcrack lEE
FlylngAarti: HERE'\VE. G() .A'GAINtl!!
.... .
EI)li.lJgAartt:;. Ilikeustlow,;vcare.;\'ndhowistlinked toJEE?:You
are. ft1v'fa'v'()uriteI!!
. . ".;... ...". . ... '." ".' ...
R.nvo.. LUTION2020 "67 , ...... " ... ' ." .
FfyingPiarth. :Fitt'h??1 11
. Ihettergo. ':Havetodo Illy

I hettoask l'lle to chat f't1fa fe,q 111.0reminutes.Noijustgive n1C
a. rny<dihll:et,..,
. ... ;(
GopalIiotara.ct.o:(y:Nc)t yet. WilltibS{j.vlhen
start and. use
GopalKotaFactory: stillseernexclted.
sO.lne(UlestaI1syoli seem.s
tikean hQuf;Sheflnallytyped
ElyirtgAarti; What?
1 tried the\vaitinggalUeQll I could not last more than ten

sarshi Thaw: to
back horne. Ctll1:tlatet . '.
I lhe .. x's,vetesuppbsed tohebugs; and
the o's kisse$. t:l1erll,
She fogged: otltlhaatvvellty lriihntes o.f tiftle left .. 1 sIlent
\vi1ucame. here did .- surf the official lIT
thetw9 thingsb9)'$Wanted rnost
in Kbta.At least. the coaching centtescQuldhelp YOl1gel oneof
On Iha4:fipi$hw POI'
thefitst time 1 managed to reach the top t\vetlty-five: percentileinaclass
test. hie. My chemistry $cQre 11ild improved, by
twenty points.1\4x like my average physics perfornlance.
Shishir. sit'tabo krt()'wnasPermutatiol1 gUrl.1
pansed a fe\vextra seconds
by hyte perc;nt.
I kept tnyanswerc:.sneet In InybagasI sat for the physlcs class. I
looked aroundtbt! three .. huadred lectureroonl.MrPulley ,vas
spe4lki:ngInto tapping it eVer)iti:roe ne''felttnetlass<was
not l')ayillg. enougbattention.
I. still O.1) reaqh at least the top-five
percellUle 111t:ne:(;itteerPatlielass io feel confide:lltab6utal1 lIT seat
i\n lIT seat is notaJQke: Pulley evenfbough nobody ever
ina hyper
cOll1petitiveclass is not easy;
You have lIT.
'Ihctppt\i\ierity studepts 111 ve:ttc;las,stest
Thf!Y stllleb.lsive to Ine. (3elJ).s stood
of Stua.ehts: Gems conlptiScdofu.ltra-geeks whoa
prefet .so brip S ph}ts'lcS prOn1lJ.1S \Vn:Pul ..tJJrrtXleat:lt
InClTIorising. the ,per.ioq.ic
they h;a,d the pdtential to crackthe top hundtedranks {)fJEE,anu.thus
adorn. futtlre .$Jnlilat to
ho\>v' Oile L'tL"{ soaporficiiUs treattheIrbrand.anibassador
d.()se tnbeing ()n:eof tn.,e t01'
'Also," I
:fixstone. towlshheronJl{;rbi.rtbdav.;
. ..'... ... ', .. ' . '. . .. .',. '" .. ' .... ", ".".", .' ', .....'i
n1idi1igHt .. .. at
11:58p.m>ancl.diaHecther I gotab1.lsy signal. I tried again but
line 'vas
,the .
Pottq,natelYi ()!11yorleother. person stoodln . line
to caHhis U1otbe.r in Guwahati to ,,,!ish herahappy I v{aited
:t2:05 tl.J11.
I rushedinto the booth and. caUed Aarti . again. 1helinecanlc busy.
He told
Ine hehatlti) $.f:lttt'bls '$,hop 1,)" 1.2 :.30.a:tTLlttietlcaUiI1gl113ny. m:bfe ti.n1es,
I <dontk:!lQV?WhYib:utl.deci4ed it being a
Frida:yn.igntlkllew.Raghav ,v(YtildbenOJlleJor iheweeke:rid. . .I.hesila,ted
for asecondhefpreldial1ed his nUll1bet ()f course
if thep.honerang
80 late the; startled. However, lUyTsus:picions,vere

I Aatti's I1tUnbe.fs.tnquitksucce.ssiotl.lcould not
OJ\;{y' good '\visiles.foi' .. Aa:rtiVltrilshedasmy . excitelllerit.gave way to
tVll,.,vd'idRaghavhave to her at l1tidttigl-ttr .;tlnddo 1rvi.shes
take SP lqngr
1hesnopkeepertapped rnybo6tli Vslind(rv.;.'Thepoliceiv1l1harass nie
if l' st&yQpenuIlylo.nger:
\OOVDtJ knJ\oVwnerel (tIn. find. an STDboothopch?' I said.
t.he . sh{)pke-eper sa.iclHe. sign.
No (1uto".ricksliavvagteed to go' to the raihvay' station at a reasonable
atthatbQtJ:l\ Ifltan r could-coyer in half
I (:e(J(:l1edplatthrm 1 of Kota kltl:OO a*rnX)pantillgafter 111)'
thishorit fhe statiol1 train
arrivedandthegelleral..:quota.passengers ran for seats.
I found an stl)boot'halld caned Aarti. This thephonerang4
I t()ok a. SOil)ething'Iwas proud of,' I
'\\rantedtdkeepitup(ier'cbecKas tnebirthdaygirlplcked.
.Pradhanspoke instead.
l.He:Hoj uncle? unClc> GhpaJ; I hhlrtedout)evt!n tb6tighlsho\dd have
yes. Hold on: he :said alId : screamed for Aartf.
i\artf<anlccl<)sc> Tenuld hear. bcr' cohVersatiouwitb.
her fatber:.
iHo\v rtluch V;.111 you talk onthe phone? Your friends keepcaIUng: her

and picked lip the pho:ne,
... trying tosdulld.excited.
tHeYt Gopall . sweet ofyoU .. Y()lJ to

IalsQrap. . .1dlorI;'l.etreSaIld "vHI '\talk. back fiye more, I ',,\ral1ted. to
say but you for an h()llr:
\Vho talkipg to!lwantea
first; .1' said.
tJS? 1 have J11yaunt no?}
Her voiCe$OUIldedove.rtly casua.LAarti forgotT had known her tor
(They f()r ..
oIl:tfhour?l sp'Oke to theln JOt twt)r.l1illtl.te$ .
place no. l'Iovv:are :y()u?,were
fI)" .. ' ' ......
(1fqQq.:rsg! . ... At\rti .saiQ.fJ1er .. that it
\VaS hatdto beUeve she had liedtonte ten seco:ndsago.

'GopaU StopinterrQgatingme. I hate ItJsmy birthday:
yqu .

\"'i Ij.,(;ll,..
.. ten?)
'YoLl\A1'ere ltpeaki.i'lg .\VhatsgOingon lJetl.;veen
fl.ot111a"keit st}stl;essful?}

{Ifslate. I}ad is hovering around. that tOH10rr()'\v olltne l)et? <After
l1'1>t collegc:.f
. salrL
aarti) jtl:$t :lJeh()11est i\, :rtlC: .. 1 :valuehoIl.estyalQttI sal(;t
i:t)rCOtltse, .. O:kay;hye- now, .. 1)a.B.'s:giving rnedJ:rtylo6ks .. fl()nestly!'

I walkedback;.tryi.nguotto cty,
SundaYl rnyself
ShcllcVe;:r canteohlinc()lJ Sunday. l$petit
Noonbecau1. one, and one becanlc SQ IDtlch'porn one
Idovi:n16aded . enough . x-rated cHI's toopet1avideo I
Ho\v "ilard was it to deliveronasi111ple promise? f.had>d(lltenothing
bufwait forSllnday' tty talk thingsout\vitn . .ner:, Sne s\l.gge;sted. the
t.ime, nQlI ..
r kicked theeI'll of the com.f!tltet infrustratlol1.The po\vet ,'Vent
I haveatenrperprohletl1,,1 anl v<iorking 011
IVi/Cht to the.STO . Dootl'L IcaUed.het .tlerll1Qther .p:icked up.
'f.J.ellpf (;QpaJ;.A.arr.Cs lIlother5:\.id. (night he the

She had gone three hundred kilollietres
away from 'Vi;tranaslwith Raghav.
SOUle festivala-t III .is deba,t:ing J.;alll.

I said, \iVonderingvihat question to ask next toget.nlore

HeUl it is: ifnportant} I to .knfJW !fyourdaughter ishaving
The,y>Ucorne back tonight" rigl:)tr1he roads are not
safe:1 said.
iOf With a..secutity:g4ard:
I '\lv-anted to post my own security guards
(Thanks; Aunty; Isaid.
canal-so be .in aproperco.llege and have
'Yes) Atlnty: Isaid,reaffi.n:ning U1Y COllllll.itmCI1t to join a proper

ofa bucks. The montuqfN"9yelllber still
had. ten .calls.
Onel1101uent, le:tllercall.or.rt1aill1ack.
Ho\vcver)" .. t:ne next moment I cowdt.nin.KOf nothing but her. I had 'craczy
:me:ntaJ, ...
l1e she is not ready <-fora relationship.
{f she is, site
. .r.t{)t'
Okay, .. so RttgJiavhas better looks, But. Aartt is . sba1l0l'l''' J . have
knovvnTt.erJor:tltlecatJc; NIt ..
Butlf'iJuldsne cilo.ose.aguy}tistofl the lUis/so/his lEE rt1tlk?Sht: is a

REVOL U'1'10N20.20+73 said.
She Vi'ille:ven/Jl1djpki.rrsin the
l'utvcno..ldea has.on..hoys .. t t?,lkto At\rtL
1 'V'Jantedtoshm.llexanalnake nertalk.
1Ylyteniper.t1aredagain.>lwantedto runtotheKotastatlouand tnrvel
fhink about .

{fRlf&hiJ:vdid .. Il1!ouldftt.c:kiNg .kt.ll.hinl.
r .. d()t?rb.el.i . six tirneS.1,vhen r
myself). okay?' ShoMtinghelped release
!V\lha:t?ihesaiQ.; .shocked byul)rlallguage.
... QufJl.Qrrfuse f-wq.rdsllth:y.outlap.cUQrd.
tdidn't. sleep thewhole.uightlkicked rrty,:sl?,lftilrtltirtklugabout her
so much.
ditcher persan}ltold
She also 1. co:tJl<h:r't . stqp
Love" officially; is not.hingbut a bitch.
We l'tada:sqrprlsf! tesrinclass tnene.xt day In the
chetnistryclassUalancf7'ji scolded ffieas I could notafiswereve:it.a simple
questioIl.J .. didli'tgive . girl;
1 ran fo acibercafe after . class. She ,\vaSIi'tQ1JJint!.ldidnotknQ'w.\v"bal
to do. It would toodespetate to call hetagain,
I h('\(l a.horrible .. tcrth.e:eightieth
perc:entile,. JJoult"fi.ftbsofthe .. classhad done better than file. Gareer Path
had a that picked Otltst1.1dents"\>vith them.axinlum inlprovement
or aeter1o:raii()tt.. IfeaturedJn the latter, gutuand partner:in
Career Patll;,
........... <. .j 1 . +d
.m sorry,. 8.1'f,.8<110.
{I have nofriclIds. 1hereis no company:! saidtruthfttlly.
SOU1 needs.otne:<ffiends in.l<\ota to

I looked . atShishirsir.Heseetned young and genuine.
hard i\i$,laulal<otaprod.uctJl1yselt
On.Sullday I ,ent tofl1ecyber cafe As usual, flO etn:aiL
.Apartof i.uitiated the
GopalI<ota.Factory: . Hi.
A girl's capital R is like .an(itebetgs<anead' sign
'CfHl v-te, chat?
yeU at file.
1 also \vanted loacid that she ditched rne iasiSundav onchatI'vvanted to
" .' " , , ' , , , ' " ,,','
,sbe \ventta Ire K,aXlpur 'vvith ,Raghav;rl'owevetilf1c&111e{)U, too
SU"(H1gloy&hewpuldgi,\H;l'ne treatll)ent kill rne.First
andforemostj'I hadtog, ,et'infol'rnatio,n out
... ..
(}o:palKotaFactory: ,You kuo\v: :W0:rking
Flyingi\arti;.,n:s,une"i\pology, acce.pted..
I fdunditstrangethatl ended, up saying SQ:tty'\vhen"shc t:,)'\\ted nUl an
'Is it ever thegirlsfauU? The good thing abot:tfcbatti.ngon the
iut:ernet isthatytJucan control. ytHlriulpnlses. 1 took. abouplc of deep
G,opalI<otaFac.toty: up?
FlyingAarth'NtJf much. Collegels,bus),.IvfadesQme."rriends,No.t

, ,
f had. placed a .. strategic snlHeyafter thequf;stion, Ithl:Ull1yi.lltense
PlyingAartilC'mOl), '.Gopt
"'fherejlny nitlcnamewasback. 'H'erm()od.hadlightened.,
okay. Tellu1c.You me? Yo ur hest
friend" ..
Flyh)gA.317ti:l({QlftkIl{)v{.,1(t111,ge:tso ltpset.
IVfy heart started to beat fast '1 typed onecharacterata titne.
I 'Qverdid' tbestnileysjllst to make her feel,cornfortable enough to' talk,
'PlyiI1gAartl:Well,tnerei$$omenne specht!.
A I fought thpaitrandt;yped.

L1opalKotaFactoiy: Say,vh()
Fly:rflg:Aa:ttij :Mx 13HO,whoeise?
The KnJfe "tas IIOW slicing throu.ghmy heart I, clenched my teeth hard.

Keep i'Jreathihg) keep up the srnileys.

SO'., " you guys dose?
Shush. Do:u;t ask'allthaL

FlyblgAarti:"N1e;:tning a1wpst- ." .. ,tl')e;

. (1 "?J;':aiKotaFa<:toxy:
.. W:'hat$b;tHt?
GopitlKotaFact6:ry:>Yoll said friendship lsall

GbpaIKQtaF.actoty': }iovv did itkindanappen? ou just kind.a
l\(ly rem.otecqntrQl.
(]:opal'K.otai?act()l'Y; vVhy?YollS()rt1OI)cpp:re
like a slut
Shedl.dnt .. t,:O:t1til1ued.
GopaIKotaFactory: . Can you teUme 'vh)"? Because he has' a JEE
Clopal Ies a vetyspecialb6rid him
and me.
. V,lhat Jlluk:e,s .1tspe<:1(ilfDid'yougive
nimaHl()\v Innishosrel6:rinI<a:ripur?
I hadsaidtoQ tnuc:h.t1owevet,YQu cannot
AXld I did fllkil1,ga:pol.og:ise-again,.
I kept "vaitingiox atlanswer,
.Aft,eptl't('fe is
I refreshed ill)' scrert 1 had another fi()tlncaUon;"Fl}ting1\arH is no
long.(!t acorilttct
She. had :r.emQvcd IuefrOll'l..herlist,
to.extendyour tin1cf" the cafe owner asked llle,
tha1wdnf a long time; 1 said. ..
The day ,Aatticutoff'contact\vithme was the day! stopped4oingmy
daily;p.rat:tjtesheet'S. Inoloi'lgetwent to the eyoe:rc.afeeitne,t. :r
hung out'.everyniglltat ,the :t9adsid.e C:ha.nlan'
Students,teacupsin bnehandandworksheets oq:upiedthcoue
dozen Vvl'Qo<inbe.nthes; :t djd.titbdn,galiy readirigmilteti,altothesnbp. I
One day Iran outofmoney to pay for tnjtorder.
<I anlso,f:ry{I.said to Chaman, the shop.-o\\<tt)e-r;. ,(lw1)

SOlneoneI didnlt know.stePlledfof\\fatd and handed-the shopkeeper
te:n U1C,
th'" '"a
' ',.. ,sal'.:.
.lle-said, the. change.
{Careetpath.; [said. jrUpay'you .. l forg()tmY':wa1Jetat:
he said and his hand..
HisstubbledJaceroaae .bhll loOkul0re like.anatHst than a111IT


Didntwork. sun hal1gingaround.hetelo>get some

I laughed:. 'lhad.AIEEE50;OOO. I think I lua.y'havea chancclfJtry
.' ;I
vou\\railtto?'Praieek said.
j. . " .' : .... ', ':": .: ',:
I keptqu.iet.vVtsat (}J1
'(l'hu .. ..
liftlelow. Thenekt lnSt:aUrtlent at (Jareerpa.fh
father doesnfhave<much'cashon hbn?
saJ:d,lIelit.a cigarette< I

'I cant AU his hopes are pinned. on me .. m-oneyand
Prat.eekt1:rf>lPpedbisbei\d. ba.c:k.and
hai: rached top to justifjrmy
(Had reached?

tNothifig;i1:#iiRl,ed tea..
Prateek dtainedhis>cup and otueredal1ot1:len
'I 'cionft, ever) kqow you, 'I'.u pay StOp'probing: J

"c-::niU,man.} laUl Qnly nlaking ,cotiversatio.ntHe laughed:andpatted

H(lWSlieuse({tQ lpa5$age my
pailX1s after\vargs .. ,',' Ifl.exed 01r hands)xfi1.em1>ering.
I hatehe.f;,ButJ 1nissheJ:
Prateeksmokedtvvocigarettes wUhoututtering a
',:t.sai<l gi"tHigi:ngly,
{Never carnetQIlle:!
girls -nothing iseasyJor
tide. Fr0111 Kotaclassest6lnebitdh
(BitchJeh? You seern like a

ahotne.\f\.feareHkep.eopicstuck hloptert5pace. 'N'o
a had
beCall'l(;!fricritiis) Itleetillg at Cha:nJ.ans evcrynight
Oncdaythe. 'seerl1 eU(HJ,gh.ivlr Pullcyhadt'tixo\v' out
of his class.
what ifhe. asked you to Ifs notJikearealcollege:P.rateek

(I ..
He laughed.
(I their hloo<lysecond.instaUlllenttoday;Stil1.theydo this
'Chill,weneed . rt1ore:thantea today:Prateekstood
ofth.e. ..
like .that Qf n. in Kota
.Beer 'walls

. . .. :: ...
'I ..:if.I ..C()uld, ... . .. .he
said. He tQol;(QlJta o9Ule.ofOldMQukJromhis cupoQard. He poured the
rurn neat fotm.,Ittastedterrible.
. sald.,
{Nofhirig', Realitycheckforuly . parents. Both of" >tht!mareteachc[s.
Hopefullyt tvvo yeats an<lbalftnei.r lift1
them sqncall't cragl\a:n.yentrat1(::e ..fx:ant.*
sfjld,his . voice firm .. {The .selectiOD tatei.s
thall three petcent..N1.ost 'q:tltS .. c:rac.k
But\!vht)\ill drill it into ourpatertts'-beads? .Auy\vat;nn.ishyoutdririk
blo:nf sh()i}'
']n:e ru:m,. fasted like. some:hof andbitte:r:tlii.editille.I ..
$o,.rnetim,eSlhe . to. set tidofan

I a$Ked: ... S06flf.Aartt.di.dutseem
so painfuJ..
(:YQU .1otledliet?'Rrateek.saia.
R:eVQLUTION2020 .81

1 s<iid.aftertt wl)il.
'Bight yeats:
'tIQly- shit!: ..
1 snOOK . Over thertexfthreehoursIfdldhimmy eritire
one-.siadlbv.e . story. F'rorp the daylhadsto-lenhertiflin she
out and
removed rite3;s.a',contact'Isaid,:.t6.m}fstirp:risehewas
Did.T bnre..yotl?S
okay, Try to. f6rget Wish her l1appinesswith herlBE
(I can't f()rgether. Ihaven},t .. stildied a .daX slilcesne..stoppe:d talking

,villgetauother girl. Evetybodit . gets a girL Even .
the .. thinklndianas suchalatgepop.ti:latiol1?)

out laughing,
hide their to iiiscussrehitionships

(1 better $0:1
I;ie .:me.J:-l Jay on.the<f:1.()fH\ tphi:s'bed..
heslloutedafterme.; as.I left hiS house.
thafsthe tdck to
have 011 thern ... You .needagamet"*11;Whafareyoursttotlg
subjects, vvhichar ytXllfvveakones? Are yO'u\vorking,'Vith
011 you trackingyou.rprogresson
Are you thinkinsabout::llothing examaUda'j'! IJb JrlJU eat your
n1c:a.l$ <lnd take your bath as fastaspo$siblesnthatyouhavemore time
Q1,+("" , , "': ........ s .. ............. : ..... .
0"" . ,!,;;..,iUSTAN .. ' HAGAT
to study'? IfY0:Uf answer to:all these questiolls,that)s when you can
say ydU have lhafsthe urily\vay to have a
YOtl Q:uld:hctlpet)ftbosenattu"aUytale:nted student$'wbb:never' have .to
. not,courtesy ourparents\ mediocre genes,
J():ngesttil)) .
Ihadlo.stflly:grip.Arleasf for (utIne
of[ Thespac:d,,<:aihe.ti1y frienil. Iath.:llded.
classes, though xtlade .it difficult, isotopes, .. '1 tried to do IUY practice, sheets; hut
could to see stopped
paying:attentioJi to a 8ucker-.stQdent,oneQfthel1o .. h()pe
kids who (treconlykeptatounil bec(tuse they paid the coaching
I had tUl0therproblel)1 to deal :\\rith. 1vly e:KpenS$
I had topa' .. PrateeK treated fl1e .. a .while
he. asked m.e to pay my share. J to pay the last

I'. dialled hpfi)eff:QQ1thc.srtJbo()th<ollettight
(Sorrv;l didn't call lastvleek; ,Baba:l said .
. / .... ,. .... ' ............. : ........ '.: .... .

. need SQll1.e. 'arcsllpp()sedto be the .. best' 'for
tyOl,l borrow them frontsolneonet
Stilt! .. keelltheirs:
t(lre;cttperateIrom uttering sOJI1any
Hesat .on.ce:,

thousand" They:areitnpotted!
. ".
'Do youba,\f.f.
iC:aJJ . t selle! itin'q wek.?}
oluell lOa:il id Y<?l).takc, .'Stibar
sa:kt {!s,etltyou Ileeded $OXneextra to
repairJl:lte toof!
t vVnataboutYOUr.IlledicafbiHst
',. : .... : ... : ...... :: .... :;ft . . ,.: ... ":' .,- ,," ........ ' ....... ',
'Ib\\tc.t'\\'lenty':t:h:o:usand tothehospltuE

, ... .. ,r
vvantingtoenqtheordeal. as. soon

yes) l,viU.:;'
I keptt1:u; recehrcrdo\vTl.lfeIt terrible. J resolved to study harder, 1
lviUgetbtu;k, ile.
tqs:tlldy tht?enHre fdghf. 'HO\\tevl\Ihitda.c:niiting' ftlJ: ninl
res!)lVev\le:a.Kerietl.I ;'\>venr to .Prate.elfsl1pusea:pd ,spent .' rnost
of t.he l1igbt there, Nothing could' nl0ti.v-atelnetostttcly. 111encalne l11'Y

My hirtllaay.;:ame u;yemOllthsJiiter myarrivalmK'Ot;a,.t4tt!l1o,ttlUnk
of itasa .$l)ccial day and planned to' attend as usual. However, late
n:ight .knockedJlUfil}' door.

(v\thQ is it?'
:A hythew:ay:
(Tllallks;!.said.and picked up the phone.,..vbocould itbe?:lthought.
A teacher fron:1CareerPath?Did I do something wrong?
a rne;'l feltovetwbelmed.
Uncontr.oUabletears ran downmvcbeeks.
. ... .. '.' ... , ........ :. . .' .. ". .' . " .. " ........ . .'"
"S'Qrpu .sti.ll.te.cogniscmY.vdice? pl(ly.a guessill,g ..gan1e.
Can,'\.>\re.tall<?:' ()r am. l ni:S:tufpi,111lY01I?)
J'hadplaxed outthlsscene - ofspeakingwithA,arti
ifl1n:yheaa" IthoughtI.w()uldpec-urt\Nithheri{Sh.e evettalledtrie.Llke
shewas.0rlwould pret.end
those :mental dress. rehearsalsfhrw" out of tne)Vll1dow; tNo, .DQ; ,A,arti: I
said. ()flll dlstll,rblng.tlle .alaI!:
'I had.not.Jeltbetteriulnonths.Whydid oi.rthdayscorneonly once
a year?
'So,. dohlganyflxl(lgSpecialpIl}'9U( hiHh4ayfAat:tl saId.
lNot afrIend:
....... ' . : .. L. It' ..... .... .... ..:t T >. 'a
rrateel\., .. , s aguy;:.1;sal .. ' .
.. <>kayt
(It101 sorryabQu.tthechat
(1 'oifcontat
tNoQodyhaseverspoKen to in.e .Jik.ethatt
lIt .... '.' i
}\U}"Y,rajf, it's I (lon)t \va:htyou to feel
said,U1Utble hJcontrol ..
I \<\iantect
h.lsurst at BHut
In fact} he edits the campus magazine now. Keeps
said. ShestiU {ifthenl. I di.d
notwant to pry too ll)uchliKe the l(;1jst.-tiIlle.
You sI1ouldseiehim
how:luuchhe",o:ants to
do' (<:)r'th.c,vor1d:
I did. not xnindRaghav dCJiug whatever he 'wanted t<>'r
long as he leftolleperS()ll in the tlcve'tsaid .he is a bad

t'Good. AhdT anI happy'\ith hiuiL If iou care for l11easa friend, you

... ". '. . . f'" '1" . .' 'k' .. ' d
.i),:t:qwe.rieJlu$; .. e.,
.. .
'l,vouldnt to youothervdse,right?J she said.
l\\ranted tp tellhfir shehadrlt. spoken tome for three months,
ul,set ifyt)u<give them evidellceCoIlttarytp
I can

.asyOtl ulakeme .. )
. ::Andwftat?7

(I)olhave .achoice?' I sakl
';stl1e .pof.nt.l'wan:t<you it'b:appily_ ["rill be happy for
you ifyot1.flnd:the.:girl,qfYQurdreams:
The rusty knife returned 10 tny.gut I vvondered.what to say: (I do
lNith her. again .. MyHfeinKota after shedisappea}:ea.
'as ('1 the

S(lyottcan)tput thefl1
in a
junlp a fdendl'as,.if\vewetehl'acouit of justice.
It is so hard tofl.guregirlsoutI ,could bet even the Career Path GCll1S
c0111<1 uotdn it
theter sl1e said, irttertupting.mychaifl6fthought.
, 'Yeah:, 1 said.
'lharikyoutbye. lUI speak to }fOU or chat,; I said and paused..
'lvvilladd you back on chat; shelaugheiL

'Dartt he supid,bitthdayboy. Ityou\vere here I'd pull your' cheeks;
she said'.
:itShehad.<l9f\e it again-
affectionate' nne. I)kf she 1ikc" .IT1C or not?' Ob is, hernlan, 1

l\(lntedtoshl(ly:lwanted to live.
CareerPath\otdd nevc.rkn())O/\1f.hyJ Juadcitto list
once'again, me 'go back tostudies,ll)', a. big\vay., Mayocltwas,her
sirnple pllr chats. I aIsolilccdtobe acc()unt(\bie to
her, and. ':repo-ttna<;k t( the. "told
bet aboufthe e:qua.tioI15 taugnf.iil.cla.s$) theree,dback f.h.efea:chergave inc
(especially the praise)" andhQ,v 1 tost.u.dy late' intothcl1igbt.
I)e:el' In:lpreSSner. Ineverga:tte; idea.t:):f
her having a challge of'heatt..
te!1nte on cflatt-aday hOlt'- t/:iilt8"s out
lvith lZt1gJUJ1;\ iir 110M? she coutu?cis H}ith nu:so l'tluch bct'terthcrn lvi'thher
e ftt:i+
H01ve:ver; she:never said SItch thi.ngs, she
-had ditc-lic,d-:-ner' fhra ul;()vie ofn _ lJt:tb[fc-ation
lege, rnagazin.e. I
t(}be v{:ith AartL J. cohld s]zip IuYC1treetPath-tn(,tk .. test) letalotle
a stupid de a d.line for slupidrnaga:dne. -th.:15. '1
knevV' could> never COtllpare luyself to Ragnav.
I chatted -lith het(}lle- <(jvenit)ga.pxl class
T re.ached2.0tn.

GopalKotaFactory: l\ily percentile In class. Ihis inean.$ 809'& of the
ClUSti did -,vofsethan. rne;:fvty hestpetfornu.lI1<;:t! -c\ter!

GopalKotaFtlctory;Long'v{ay togo stilL
FlyingAarth- Y()tl \,viUget
Ci.:Qpa1.Ki)tiiF.actt)ry: lEljantl A:IEit'EaxeleJ5$ibtll1 t\VO
, .!
FlyiJlgAarfi: -. Y6tl;11.befin,
(iopalK.otara9tory; IhQpes(), Ihad.sHppedin thehliddlec}fthe
-Nt) -reason as stith. Lack of
catlf ",raift9 gef out ()fKota.
F1Vtrl.tii\atli{1 .", ifs. heenso 1011.0'_ slilce r sa\'V Y()
(}o'paIKotaFactory=Yoll do?
FiY1.t}gA,atth See! Raghait has ditched rue JOT. Gllak de
TndJa; seen 'j ttvitnyt)u,
YQu\\rill'coine for fll0\ties "\.vithme?
She Jive. minutes,

She .ans\vfk.lwonqetedilhadasked sOIl1ething inapproptiate.Nly
younpset?lam sorry iff said<sofllethi,flg
wrong ..
, ..
':H:e!s:fj,nlsh.ed lI.t$' ,\forle
'ftle ateS9in,g f6fthe moVie!!
FlyingA,arti: What \vereyoll$:aying , . wait.<)fcoursej,ve call see
nlovie:swhen YClU areba:ek.\,\fhyare you sorry?
felt ... :Relax.' Okay,' I."ha\re, to , go,

Flying.A:art:b 1. hettef:look,snu\shing'to get:'hfs;,attentl.:Qu ..
1 ht! ,study too.
. Xo.x.oxo
I ll()t\1e as as r iladgothing
to to but books. I tried :not to .imagine both oftl1em>
remembered the abyss 1 hadfaUell into tnelast time. A Je'w
PatJ;tin,$:ttuctors told us t<J go t(},sleepatg:OO.p.1D:,fllc.1l1ght
befhre .tlle:JEEexarn. 111 ()urlast class \Nie had. motivatio.nal.
B;alallfi:e'di gave examFles.of c:(l.:a.n:dhitQ
.. .. .. .. r
iJU1upe'd u1yfist UkeAli,and' chargetioutof theinstitutelikeG't\ndhl, to
tb {<Jughest entl':ante
I' called th.e lVlO 1. . tl10Ug'ht l1).a,y. \van.t to". W.1s, h me' luck.
best you, my Goptt-fomorr()w is your
chauceto rn.ake 13 aD 11 said,

It: tiictnotsolltld.l:1.kener
... ..... .:-r . Said;
'Sure., ..
. GQpaL'Ifs .. .volce said..
I. almost dropped the phon.e.. (Raghavr I said. I had not spoken to
hin1. bt &liU:ostayear.
<Yondant. keep in G.opal. Thouglt toO,: .Raghav
1 didn't knctw.h(),\>Ij, Raghav knew' about AaJ"tl. "and Inc} in
cOlml1Ul1ication, I kept tna neutral toneand topic. <Hoyls BHU?)
faT so g().Qd.Jt
s.Uke anYl)thetc6Uege. }l.lstHeHetJacilitle.s.Efow

tI krtowiMycollege.isa t;e.ntretoo. You d.idrlt .comeltete.totaKeit?)
<I haVe tlassesllIltilthelast
I ann d()ue .aU t.bat, I11J111: It1ughed.:NQtunkludly, .
but I vvinced. \t\'hen SOlueone refers to. youi" it
too>.noneftd.lysoont J
.X":? .
>cfa;ck it. Aarti tells me you . aredomg Wen:
no * 'C:" 'tl"U"f 8i. 'tI;" T.J1'..I AG " " .. ..Jj: .... .... 'D':t:. -....... ".:.:&."
So they.dotalkabout:me, I thought'\Vho kno\vs?Dependsonthe

We}Gvardnothing"-to-say moment,., fault, as he
forgot.Tila4:c"a.lIe4,(orAarti. ,

. '.,' ' .. , ' ....... , '. ., .>., ':.'
1 1w6ridered jf:Raghav.bad
{Iv-vent 't? th,eVisb\vatlathTenlple,: 'Aarti ,(toprayforyou?

to twa bath artdcOlne
she said ,and Jaugn.ed. again. 'We Just ca:m,e. .. ,
stop on,G()pal:
I paid long .. distanceto.hear their private. bal}ter lheatd,Aarti teU
R.aghav . to didn'fseerntohave .-a:byth:ing
bettertQd,o ..
'Helll.)?)lsaki secpuds.
',Hey" sotryiAruti said as. she rhave
fl1anaged to tutn.awayfrom youwiiI go into the . exam centre

(Yes,' Tsldd,likea.h ..obedie:nt:,chHd, . .1 .1iked.hertllaterllaJi1'lstinct :with


I l\vanted to teUher, Iappreciatedn.efhoostillg
fortheblg:test,i\IE:EB clld.s;and.l runona.trahlitlthenextfour

y\>Te. are 'v-aiting too. "Corne back. soon. 'N'hen the results 'COfl1e

in; :rsaid.
'Dono! think like that. Believe you have already made it; Aarti
"i: . '.' ,.,.,; 'l.;;,;),
lOr U1Y
Rsyo Ll.rrI ON 2020 '*9]
.He:rl.astphra;$eJ1Jc:ail;t \>vanted.tot'1)ake .t"dr
bersake ..
hufthe JEE ex:ap1. centre>in Kata gave1Iletnesame
feeHngas by tui;loritlSarid
kids>C8rri1e ..
enl11l to 8J101V
their l.llasteryof . .! l1ot ..haVe. ru:t)7one Jrommy fatriHy fussing
ove:rr11e. I In did!l$t
you had t()beaftheheUOtltofthenln;ety-
I ha<ia.gqQd start 1 solved thelirst fe\vptoblemswith relativ:e ease ..
tough .. Sorne taught
dru.nkenarrd. deprsseclphasetn.Kota. I gotstut]( Otl one
problem I thought I could solve became possessed, and ,vasted ten
nliJltltes. I.suppose I.haveu.probletn liett:inggo;?'fen crucial in
t.he lEE. l mentaUykicke(1.RlyselfandnlQVed.QntQtb;e.nextproblem. I "rent
on solving as ulanyproblemsas I could befQ-xe the. dreaded beU rang.
l'hQ rny paper away even as I to let
\vriteQll(;last :.(1)swer; . .Leaving '. tftat QI)e, epuId f;() .five
hundred tanks) hut ..... the JEE
Ittiedtobe tis.hdnest .as po.sslble* ';Set;tertnartJasttime:
Give your fnUattention to.AllIEE:

and lchaued reassured me about
things. Shehaf.i in hert:oUege; Her parentS had planned a
farililytrip:t6tneUSAy Ioviglther
iEven Jflcannot callor chat, yOufrotn. C:hicago; she said.
She did. send oflnails1.vishingrne Itjck.rotttrc.AJEEE.exanl.
':1 , .. ".".".1 .. .... or
,-t . ".' } .... ...
'So Ragna\lsdadis I1Qt too happy abouthi.s son at the
newspaper, fgoay\Yfi.atiswro:ng "dth .itt ofher:emails.
As p,eqpltftOOK intetnational .. holi.days.and indlilged tileic:passiQns,
I took theAIEEE .. 1twclltoffsIlloothiYj.rnucb betterthall thepreviotls
as lu<;ky seventxp:ercent
of tile questjQlls.lfeltlhad:a<rrruch hettershotthanlast time. Inany case,
1 ranhon1e to catch,
I had
Ptateek(,:ame to drop me at the station. He helped me place my heavy
bags In:tbe
goinghackt.o.Raiptir?J lsaJd.
(Whenever they c:ome fetchulc;1Prateeksaid cheekily and waved


the State Ban.k orIriclia):vil1g:ive usa
cheaper told me.
Everl to
.. Jvfore 1 "ra.nted tOllleet
AartL Eve.ry; .meofhel\. to ln.y
butT c()tdd .. feel
to Babailxst
I the ooorheU
.h.uggingtu.e wit? his
'I ulissed,\TaniJlasi? 'Saba, I 111issea honle. Ixnissed
'Thehou.&eappeatedmessier I Stlppose.Baba cQuld only
cleRn T.picked ttl" a btootll to $.vleepthe n6()r.
iStopit, ydiJna;vccoxne artexa year.\V'hal are you doing?) Baba
snatched thebro(}tp. frn111111.
Vve attrittlxny dar and city .. Ht?llle;Cooked
fatber' had not spoken to ina longthue, so
he talked. full.
":":fb.e easels up for
the feels I viHldiesoofi. It\fll1 heeasierto resolve

How tlll,lcltcannlY lungs take? )He had a coughing Jit even
as he
{Nothing will happen to you. let t9thelawyer:
tNo lIse. 1 have no tlloqey to pay him". He doesn't take my calls
\hen isyour eritt'ilucetesult?:)
(In oue. month; . I s'aidabsent-minaedly;
caUA:arti:fitrstor "rashrnyhands.
I dla.Ue4b:erQurn.berVVith
'Hel1os"sfie said,
(GopaU'Youa,(enapk?VVAel1didyou com,ef
l\n hour agp. \Nh.en do we meet?' I said. (.!hisevenmg at fheghatsr
wait-No, 1 have are
(Why not?: :He'1syou.r friend too:
(1 wanttocatchtipwitbyo-ufir$f
t't{e lillcab;h l.lP ontl!e\ send dad's car.
Ih3:dJitdechOice. Idi.arlt want to wait anotnt'dajt to see her.
thrilled. Xft;.hisb\g event:
(Threeh'uudred'aJld days:, lsai<:t
Qrpuwei: when
car ,,,,Ub a red light on top, Traffic. eases, ppliceIllen salute you' for no
if clvllsetvicesarewhere you should be;
The> car took me to the DN.fs'OtlugalQw; .. inJhe posh
Cantonment area). tbe. t\vo-acreproperty.had:a,:serpel1tinetltiveway.
(1)l1Aa#timadam I anitvaiting .. in.thecar:I tqld the.,ctriyer.
L the ttpcotning eilttanCeexam,

visible'> at a distance. ,As she came
"-ll(}.1lluke-J4P,apart.Jroll't . I had: not
seebaltythingrnorebe})jutitb.l ill :Icontrolled
111)1 catdoor;
"J' A, b" I: <J
liard;:, " BallI:.
.\Vhysoformal?:Cj(lrhehere;,Aarti said and httggedme.:Hetsequined
jl+the scent'Wr;nttp,.,mybead }'Ragha
college;shtisald ,andhe.u11tier,stood:.
'howisllfer . Aren'tYOtl glad,' to-he: shesf1ict
ever .. I hope tl1eve.c : I said
fervently. '
(Unless 11'15 fotIIT:sbesa,idand '"'linked a.t111e .
<\'Vhat?' (\Jl Irnrig:ht r
I collected myself. (lfs not . like I have anything in hand. Anyvvay;
what:ts..,Ragnay;s eVent?;
the lattxn::bofthe ne,v
iIs I o111yheax
.. it.alld
play itQn a loop.
(fleis:shp stiidand.g:dnl1ed again. e,:all.l1irtlthefake
.... . ... ... .. . . . ..
Ih.ey didn}t th<JtlSh., 1Jl.ey found his
articles .. ./ she
campus. Manicured laWllsand
it look liKe another coll:n.trYC{lqlpatedto the
hall; i\ard
\Ve 'entered t:hefivec..bulldred-:seaterauditb:titlllJ,packed to capacity.
A huge banner of :thene.w Jnasazine covertlappedacrossthe
Raghav layout, content and even the title.
lhe C()V't. eatthqtHlke. I noticed the smart utiliSation
univcrSltyacfonyrrk taglillcsaid; 'Shake the'Vvorld:
,AartLa11.drsat in the second rovr. lights dimnledandmusic fined
irrantic,i tyation.
(Too 1111ltl;ylposethreads 'to fie up.
HeJU later:
A,group()tte:f)stl.idehtstQ{)kthestage .. toe
in blac.k ontfielD. lighis caDle
on and theskeietnns glowed.
JacksPfl's A1.anin filledtheauditoriulu,
tfJ1gonna, tfldke a change
For (HIce, intr:y.lffe
The crowd roared illexcitefl1cl1t as theskeletous perfbrnled an
acrohaticdance. 'The song continued,
. {fyotiwaHrul. ir{a,'ke thewtJ1
la?t .lhitterplace
Take a look c,ttyourse!fand thel1l'nake a change
11lagazinclaunchot :adance
grab their attention andthell say \\that:)tou ');\Tant
to say:Allt1i said ..
{llulJf"..I'looked:at'hex. ,fle:rfacewas'bathe,'le.ultra"vil11etlight.
.1 shrtlggedmy sl101ildets. I turrtedaroundto look at thecro\vd. I,e(1hQw' rnattY ihclnitadspent ti.rne in K()ta;,Siatl.stlc:ally
speakin.g.! .athirdofthem had cOllie front t'hecityI:tiJustleftbebind.
I o.fiJU. ttlse$e.aisitl .. t'fie.hall; . .eQuid .1 not. get
The skeietotisffuishetlthelr:t\ctThecro\vdbtoKe into. applause. A
tall n:l&tlitla black suitcallle
voice :6.,ned the h.aU.
&IfsRaghav; . I. said, stttnned. by the tratlsfoflllation .. fhad.ueyer. seen
h1:1l1. he:made
c{)IIegeSp{)fts old
atter: a yeaxin

'This'i$: l)qt:an. ?rlii.nAxy . nrdj.narY'stt1.4<!11'tsVVe
cannot.hav'c<ai1 otdinaxy' rrutgazine; I present

Ihespotlig'bt:tt:dl.on the: ,,cr{y\vd . .Aarti.
tiappedlolJd]y;hereyesfixeduD1SHnkiilglyoh the
.\.1/1)1'14 .hasqht}11ged,Out .coul'ltryneed to
cha.l1.getOQ; 'RagliavCOlJti11Ut;tcL Is,goil1g tb&angeJ:hem?'<\Ali2 are. It
h' .' ,i.:;ire TA rkw.!l,l ..
. ... ," .. .. ', .. :":x . . ... .t: :. ..
The. cfcnyd cheered again, r110reat the
;te'SJTI of 5tudentssta:rted tochanf 'Bhukarnp)
fhe:St.age. 'l"he'cro"vd .pickedupthe.chittiL
(',lYe \vHlprint Vl1ha.tllohodyhasthe:gutstoprint. Tss
esthat affectu$,
FJobuHshit: Raghav sah;i,
'The edit()rial tearCt stel1ped off thestllgea,nd ..' started d.lst:ributirlg
Rag'ha'ic{)iitif1tltldhis (O;Ul' firstcbver star
is about the state:
" <.;.. k l
ofpttt' secret learn .pitutes. a

Ifl.ippedthe pages of BHl}karnp,. lherewe:te.pittutes oftockrotlCnes
on .. the. kitihen.flQ:()f:).'fllt}S .;ueading
&aix5tasshestlVt tile pictuxes,tI. :eati:ng. in BHlJ
, agi111tJ
.. have
been sent . Ragnav said.'Butdorit ihinkBHUJutttlP is. only
sedOl1sstIXtI:Vve.have .lbadsofjokes; .\t{e eve:i'l.have tips
from. dating to'appyreading. LOtlglive.llcllJl}
The''!'s lrd.ol.lteafter be.1eft' the stage.
100 .C:HJJ/l)\,N: BHAXiAT
Ragbav pushed. a stainless steel plate "vith t\, of bread towards
A:artL It is clea.n) Ipf<!rnise: 'be said to her.
le nad:t:o:melotheBHlJcoUege ca:riteenp()st..;everit. Aattiheld the'
sand,ich gingedy*

they Gl)PaJ.!
I bad ordeted,aplainparatha.lnlbhled a1 it Raghavpickedup:Aartfs
sandv{lcnand. fed ShesnH.1eu .. Il>urned.
did. 'outhinkofKotat<Raghavaskeam,e. have fonsof
people frollltlleret
I:getjnto 9-gppd 'Rota is greaL
the world:
(YOtt\viUbe it last year: Raghavtorehisma.sala

'You)ve :chall.ged) R,aghav: 1 said.

J did1Jot:tnatchitp to.Raghav.
Except i
, tn.eat1JOuntJ lOlled Iter. :t.,lornqncould love like J did.
PeQple work their aSstiffhere:,to.get a goiidJob:.l .. said.
sncli.anarrQ"\y--winded things

outdated,machines. Lo6katoutcify", Why is\taninasi so ditty?v\i'ho is
goit:l,S tQ.cleanQttrrivers?'Raghav'shlackeyes feve,fish.
"Not uS;I, ..

to;'cl1ange:? . ". . . ,. . '>\Torkers
are.uot goingt(). coqklike YOUflnother" And theworld)s
dUll1pillg'gi.oundfbt Ever:yonecornesheret6dlimp

.. .:peqpl'.fiih:o

t.:t .. ..: .. ...

. .

... .. sb:itlllg. ..)tOu: ..

.. . . . .. .. ... ,.. . ..
. 1

iSureJ.I . have.,tol):e"b;rjmebefc)te;ten}

.. I.]eft .. I
........ :- ... ' ... ' ....... ;::: .. : .. :: ....... ,
bUivliU 11ot.aamitit.Hestrying to avoid
... . . } ..
. .. .. .. Bvenattbe
a.ll' ?l'satd
It.s .... .4.. .... e ..l . .t ci1.eap ... .. a .. ... ..
..... ..
'.rhe:(lfiver.starledtfle . The .neadUgpts.iit:

lQwered'bis-head -br9ught, fils face

1- ke'pt-qtiiet. I dldl1.lmalcc-- eye confiict -She signalled--the-driver -to
.-- J:a\I:e..
S!lt9' .

\-Ve,:saiiri--sil.encei- -lhecar-steten-:pla)Tcd>muslc:.-A-Kailash-'*s
ab(:HJli.:-a .never--flyagaiu.playedinme

r -pf

:Sbg:gay,.iue:$Jl ..
. .
.. ..


,1 : fJ,"t$:'Qeed::at1'


.. ." .'. .. .... . ...... .
.iYouneirerlisteh):Saba:lsbooknty headandswitcheclo.:fftneJlght
(. ......j .. f.'.:.,., h':: ...... '>.' l;fr"'.:: '.:1 I',.);fCl..: ........ l..:d: ' .. .i:>. .. :.t,. d'"
:.' t, eWUf .... Dayuao . "

..' .. ' ... ' ..' .
t.&at 1;U()$eilt..
. .. .. f\l?()veJthe
v..arious:$Qyefnmenttt(jphiesthat ..

{:44;3:4:2.;it .

I:sfbdd:iip like:.a.zoriibiei

.. .... . '. > .. >.
\Yl1erc. sau:l};:

'1 ';sJi1t)t;)k:::my'nead;
. 'Whe:rebadY61l1:go,ne.?}'B.aba:;,ope.riedtli:e.
't . .
.. ..

l:w(Ullresp..@:fl.a: ..

.ItI n ddft<):I:s
..... ..'



. .. .

.. l1ail ft ..A... few

. ' .. ............... . ,' ...... :

lI1I{ota ..:
{'Vl.)at .. .
... . ....... .... .

'I have

to say :to .tbe.:Ganga :an,tIendiIJguIY
: . di,&lu;t. eYI1
seeultoc:ar:a.b9utl1ls:degrce ..
.. fljiltCQD.1.(ortabl

aW' \f-ln(!ft. said }lust. ttvoidthe . college :name ..
it is .. IJ(;!qp;et

0[1 .
:JX& . "i#l;iL. ":fi'&w"; :s. .0 .. 1''''e' 'n ..
: )." .. . .........

. '!::'V"; .;:......... ; .:;... , ........ ;,.: .... :' . ;f- .. ....... : ............ .
a ...
... .
.. .

.. ..

'. .'. . . . .

.. ..

' ....... , ...... ' .......... ' ..... : ... ";:
". .
GU11SiW, Lil<e


. i. <salq ..

. t\ ..

t1,1ejf .
tlota'l1.itdf:tade: .
. ... .
. .
. .1 ..

. I stoQd.l.tparvJbrtl$ned
' .. ..

.. a. (lfDI' .8ampooranand. Sp()rt$.Sladitul1 in two


1. ..
.. e.x.pcll$
c911:8es, 1 . ..

r v,."feJlt waslj'tirigil1:bed. .

.. ..

.. .. ..
artll .. 'Itfeitlunp.and;

'.' 1 .. .. .?Jl

are .

in futn::allti"fs'.m.ycitX .
. liVi1fg:,
shops: proyhiec. you



hJ;s nadkepfiil touch .. lhlftirmed:Du'bey ul1cle,Qur
. atm,hiug:el$c, . 'nie:lawyet totd

:ilQWX1 .

. . like.::a.snh;: she

havethc::tt1Queytp.oo.a . she
:said .
. !: .. .

.: .
. ... ..
.. .

. ..
reiatieslia<t . lert ..
.. .
.. OlJ.e.

. :.:: .. :.:-: .. ; ... : ... :.:.... :.:::.-..:.-:' . .
.. :Ate 'y#)u;: blS
. .


.. :attet 1tGu.: ...
, ... . . . . ... , .... ... ... . ... . ........ .


u.rgea.ine.ttigo . ..
... ... .. ... .. ..... . .....
.. 1 tJ),e ofsta'ils: tjjaae a.
112 ..

. SIJtili.t1gfays .....
t::ases:where. .


br()cnurs. oftheit lnstlt:\tte:in these <staUs, :ap(l
Ine:mQve..' .. ..
tolle:ges;1v.Iedi.cai, lintel m.ana.getilent,
. .. .
.lpi.cked. ".-thfJ

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teacup ... be ..

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.,:relll$yd, ..ber'
REVOLUTION 2020,. 219
'Yeah, have yOU?'
I shook my head. I didn't watch English movies.
<Come, 'let's watch. flltell you what happened so far.'
I moved closer to her. I dimmed the room lights from the bedside
panel while she summarised the plot for me. Harry and Sally went about
their lives, meeting and fighting several times but never really connecting
even though it seemed obvious that they should. We watched the movie
in silence. '
(Wow, we finished the bottle; she observed after a while. She lifted a
pillow, placed it in my lap and rested her head there for the rest of the film.
'You comfortable?' she asked, looking up at me from my lap, her eyes
twinkling in the TV light.
I hesitated a little, then placed my hand lightly on her head and
gently stroked her hair. She didnt object. It felt wonderful to be with her. '
I couldn't think of a happier moment than this in my life so far.
Aarti?' I said.
(Yeahr she said, her eyes still on the TV.
<Is it okay for you to lie in my lap like thisf
She nodded, her eyes on the screen.
'Why did you run away from the river that day?' I said.
'I don't want to talk about it. Watch the movie, no: she said.
'Will you run away again?' I said, my voice heavy.
She sensed the tension in me. She muted the television and sat up.
'You okay, Gopi?' she said, the words slightly slurred. The TV light
flickered over our faces.
cRun now if you want to; I said, my voice barely making it out of my
throat. (Because if you stay for a while in, my life and then go .. :
I had spoken too much. The'Australian wine had lnanaged to open
up an Indian heart.
'Shut up: she said and placed her palm on my mouth again, 'Dran1a
queen. Sorry, drama king!'
But I ,meant it, I couldn't bear to be away from her.
'I am lonely too, Gopal: she said, 'so lonely:
(Wh ?'
(Raghav has no time. My parents can't see why I want to work. They
can't understand why the DM's daughter has to slog. All my girlfriends
are getting married, planning kids and I am not. I am weird:
'You are different: I corrected her.
'Why am I different? Why can}t I just be normal - satisfied to be at
home, waiting for my husband?'
(Thaf's not normal. That's backward:
'Raghav stresses me out. I want to support him. But he can't seem to
get his act together. He rejected a tie-up with a newspaper for the sake of
independence. How is he ever going to make money like thisr
<1 thought you said he will one day: I said.
'1 put on a brave face. But I can discuss my fears with you, nor she
<Of course, you can: I said and caressed her cheek.
We turned to the TV screen. One night Sally was feeling low. Harry
comes over to her house. He comforts her. They end up kissing. I dont
know if the scene motivated me or the wine or the fact that I felt I might
not get another chance. I leaned over to kiss Aarti. She looked up at me in
surprise. However, she did not protest. Just stared.
I kissed her again, this time more insistently. Nothing for two minutes
and then she was kissing me back. We kissed again and again. I kissed
her lips, her cheeks, her forehead) her nose, her ears and her lips again. I
switched off the lights.
When I hugged her again, she said, 'This is wrong.'
'I know: I said, 'but I cant stop: My hand reached for her shirt
'No: she said and gripped that hand hard.
I slid my other hand under her shirt. 1hank god, men have two hands;
nobody could make out otherwise. My palm was, at last, on her breast.
'Gopal, you realise what is happening?) she said.
1 shook my head.
'We shouldn't ... ' she said.
I shut her up with another kiss. She. wriggled a little, but I kept
kissing her. She started to respond. Slow at first, then matching and finally
outpacing me.

b,e,f(l!ff; ... .

.' .' . . ...


.. .
:t)ne :who:.heet1s tl1e otller:

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.. ; ...

,;' t, ;;.,
tIt's raining: she said, excited.
'It's an auspicious sign. The first time you came to our house; I said.
She raised an eyebrow.
{Itis.ours) qotmine. I made it for us: I said.
:Shut didn.\ know we would be together when construction.
started: she said and grinned.
(Correct. But I have <:!()l1e it up for us. Else) why would I
need such a big house?'
'You are theciirectQr. It's she said.
<You want to talk about Raghav?' I said. I sensed she needed to.
<We have to: she said and shook her head, putting on a brave
{Come here: I said and patted the bed.
She hesitated, but I extended my hand. She held it as I pulled her
gently down. I kissed her, and she kissed me back with closed eyes. It
wasn't frantic or sexuaL It was, if at all it is possible to kiss like that, chaste
and pure. However, we kissed for a long time, our pace as gentle as the
rain on the window. I felt her tears on my cheeks. I paused and held
. her shoulders. She hugged me and buried her face in my chest. It was
what Aarti always did, and I loved it when she did that. It made me feel
'What's up, my love?' I said to her.
'I am happy for you, Gopal. I really am:
'Us. Say happy for us: I said.
She nodded: even as she fought back tears.
'1 am happy for us. And I don't want to ruin your moment of showing
me your house:
(It's fine: I said.
'You have worked so hard to get here. You deserve this: she said.
'What do you want to talk about?' I said.
She shook her head and composed herself. I waited for her to talk.
<I'm fine. Girls are emotional. You will get used to my drama: she
(I live for your drama; I said.
She smiled.
(How's Raghav?'
<They ruined his office: she said,'
<Politicians are vindictive. Is he hurt?' I said.
'No, thank god. The computer and the machines are all broken. He is
trying to bring the issue out but there)s no money:
tHe wants money? He can ask me: I said. I wished he would come
and beg me on bendedknees.
'You know he'll never do that. He won't even take money from me:
'Sot I said.
<He's trying to figure stuff out:
~ r e you still with me?' I said.
'Gopal! > she said.
41 wouldn't be sitting on your bed. I wouldntbe, you know ... '
'Okay, okay; I said. I took a pillow and sat against the headrest. She sat
on her haunches, facing me.
(You have to stop asking me so much. Please understand this is
difficult for me: she said.
'What?' I said.
(Breaking up with him, especially at this time. And you want to break
the news to him:
'Thafs life, Aarti: I said. I planned to go meet Raghav next week.
'One should be sensitive ... ' she said.
(Nobody was sensitive to me when I didn't clear my entrance exam
two years in a row. Nobody'gave ,a fuck when Baba died. I lived with iL
Aarti, he will learn to face life:
tyou men ... why are you so competitive all the time?' she said.
'Me? Raghav is nothing.compared to me today. Why would I compete
with hin1?'
'We can still wait a few-nlonths ... ' she said but I cut. her.
'I call't bear you to be someone else's girlfriend: I said, my voice
'Reallyr she said, patting my cheek.
(Not for another second; I said.
I tugged at the loose end of her Ramada sari) bringing her close to
me. We kissed. ,The rain grew insistent, noisy, thumping the window
rhythmically. We kissed and, naturally, my hand went to her blouse.
'Mr Director; she smiled, 'I thought you said you didn't want to have
me until he was out of my system:
<Isn't her I said.
1\lmost:she said, closing her eyes.
'Well, maybe this will help get the remaining bits out: I said and
brought her lips to mine again.
I plundered her neck) planting as' many kisses as the raindrops on
the window. We undressed with a lot more awareness than the previous
'These are my work clothes, please keep them carefully; she said as I
tried to fold the never-ending sari.
OUf naked bodies felt toasty in the. cold weather. We huddled under
the quilt and explored each other for hours. The rain stopped, started and
stopped again. She wanted to get closer to me, perhaps to justify leaving
Raghav. I wantedto show her how much she meant to me. I could give up
this oversized house, the black car) the entire college for her.
This time she looked me in the eye as she surrendered herself.
We dozed off.
(It's six 0' clock; she said, peering into her mobile phone on the side-
'Ten more minutes: I said) nuzzling her shoulder. '
(Lazy bones) wake up: she said. i\nd I am famished. Such a big house
and nothing to eatr
I sat up. Still groggy, I said, 'There's food. The cook made so many
things for you. Lefs go downstairs:
W e had hot samosas, jalebis, masala cheese toast' and hot chai.
'This isnt healthy; Aarti said. We sat on the dining table, facing each
'Delicious in the rain though: I said.
I switched on the lights as dusk fell. She ate in silence, digesting the
food as well as what had just happened. I wanted to discuss the afternoon,
but curbed my desire to blab about everything. Girls don't like to discuss
intimate moments, especially if you probe them. However, they also get
upset if you don't refer to the moments at all.
'Quite wonderful: I said.
(The samosasr she said, eventhough shelmewmy context.
'No, the jalebis; I said.
She threw a piece of the curvy yellow sweet at me.
'The best afternoon of my life: I said, after our laughter subsided.
'Thafs what all men want; she ~ d .
I realised I shotildn't discuss the topic any longer, lest she fall into a
bout of self-inflicted guilt-induced depression.
'Hey, you said Raghav's expose is affecting your family?, I said.
'Well, you know the CMfired Shukla, right? He didn't resign or go to
jail himself as he said on TV. The party told him to;' she said.
'1 know; I said.
She p<Jured herself a second cup of tea. I imagined her living with
me. How we would wake up in the morning and have tea in bed. Ma.ybe .
we would have it on the terrace. Or in the lawns. I visualised us sitting on .
cane chairs and chatting for hours. I imagined her as the principal of the
GangaTech College of Hospitality. The students would totally flirt with
her) given she would be the cutest principal in history. I w?uld expel them
if they tried to ...
~ r e you listening?' She tapped her cup with a spoon.
<Huht I said. (Sorry. Yeah, the party removed Shukla-ji. So?'
<The party doesn't have a strong candidate for elections next year:
Aarti said.
(They will find someone; I said. I finished my tea and kept the empty
ClIp on the table. She poured me some more. 1 almost went into a dream
sequence again. I controlled myself and listened to Aarti.
. (They need a candidate who can win. They can't lose this city. It is the
party)s prestige seat: she said.
'What difference does it make to your
'They want dad: Aarti sa,id.
'Oh!' 1 said. I had forgotten about Aarti's grandfather's connection to
the party. He had won the seat for thirty years.
(Yeah. Now dozens of politicians visit everyday, begging _him -
Pradhan-ji, please contest:
'He doesn't vvant tor
Aarti shook her head.
'Why?' I said.
(He doesn}t like politics. Plus, his health is an issue. He can)t walk or
stand for a long time because of his knees. How will he campaign and do
those raBies?' Aarti said.
'That's not al1: Aarti said, <you haven't heard the most ridiculous
('1hat 1 contest: Aarti said. She laughed hard, as if she had cracked a
great joke. I didn't find it funny.
'That's; I said} Csomething to think about:
~ r e you crazy?' Aarti said. 'Me and .politics? Hello? I thought you
kno\v I11e. They clipped illy wings from flight attendant to guest relations.
No\\' they wil1 H1ake me visit a thousand villages and sit with seventy-
year-old ll1en aH day?'
'lfs power, Aarti: I said. 'Means a lot in this country.'
'I dont care about power. I don't need it. I am happy: Aarti said.
I looked into her eyes. She seemed sincere.
'Are you happy with me?'
'I will be; We have to resolve some stuff, but I know I will be: she said,
more to herself than to me.
She left soon after that. Her p.arents had visitors, more party officials,
who also wanted to meet Aarti. I dropped her home, so In get some more
time with her.
alone on the way back; Aarti pointed out.
I shrugged.
'Thanks for a lovely day: she said as we reached her house.
'My pleasure: I said. 'Have a good dinner with the politicians:
'Oh; please. Shoot me in the head; she said. Both of us stepped out of
the car. I leaned on the bonnet as she walked towards her gate.
'Sure you dont want to become an MLA?' I said from behind.
She turned to me. 'No way: she said. 'Maybe my husband can, if he
wants to:
She at me before skipping towards her house.
I stood there, surprised. Was she implying something? Did she
want me to be the MLA? More specifically, did she want me to be her
'Aarti) what did you sayr I said.
But she had already gone into ,her house .

I hadnt known that the Varanasi Central Jail had private rooms. I went
to meet Shukla -ji in his cell. As requested, I brought him three boxes of
fruits, two bottles of Johnnie Walker Black Label and a kilo each of salted
cashewnutsand almonds. The cop who frisked me for security collected
the parcel and promised to deliver it I thought the MLA .would meet me
in the waiting area, but I could go right up to his cell.
He sat in his room, watching a small colour TV and sipping cola with
a straw.
(Not bad) eh?' he said. He spread his hands to show me the fifteen-
by-ten-feet cell. It had a bed with clean sheets, a desk and chair, closets
and the TV. Yes, it didnt seem awful. It resembled a government
guesthouse more than a jail. However, it couldn't be compared to Shukla
.. ) .
'Ifs terrible: I said.
He laughed.
<You should have met me in my early days in politics; he said. (I have
slept on railway platforms:
'I feel so bad: I said. I sat. on the wooden chair.
'Six months maximum; he said. <Plus, they get me everything. You
want to eat from the Taj Ganga?' .
I shook. my head.
(How is the carr he said.
'Great: I said.
<College?' he said.
(Going okay. We have slowed down a hit. We don't have the capital:
I said.
(I will arrange the money: Shukla-ji promised.
'Take it easy,Shukla-ji. Keep a low profile. Things can wait: I said.
He switched off the TV. (Your friend fucked us, eht Shukla-ji said.
<He's not my friend. And he is finished now. And you will be back: I
won't give me a ticket next time; he saip. pensively.
'I heard: I said.
<Prom who?' Shukla-ji looked surprised.
I told him about my friendship with Aarti, the DM's daughter) and
what she had told me. I didn't tell him about her relationship with Raghav,
nor did I give detaIls about her and me.
'Oh yes, you have known her for long, rightr he said.
'School friend: I said.
'So her father wont contestt Shukla-ji said.
I shook my head. will the daughter. She hates politics. So
maybe you still have a chance: I said.
'Not this time: Shukla-ji dismissed. '1 have to wait. N?t right after
find someone else then?'
',The D M>s family will definitely win; he said. 'People love them:
(They aren>t interested: 1 said.
'How close are you to her?' His sharp question had me in a dither.
r never lie to Shukla-ji. However) I didn't want to give him specifics
about Aarti and me either.
I kept quiet.
'You like herr he said.
(Leave it, Shukla-ji. You know I am immersed in my work; I said,
evading the topic.
(1 am talking about work. only, you silly boy; Shukla-ji said.
'What?' I said, amazed by how the MLA sustained his zest for politics
even in jail.
'You marry her. If that broken-legged DM can't contest and the
daughter won't, the son-in-law will:
'What? What makes you say thatr
'1 have spent twenty-five years in Indian politics. It is obvious that is
what they will do. Wait and watch, they will marry her off soon.'
<Her parents. are pestering her for marriage:
'Marry her. Contest the election and win it:
I kept quiet.
'Do you realise where your GangaTech will be if you become an
MLA? I will he back one day, anyw.ay, maybe from another constituency.
And ifboth of us are in power) we will rule this city) maybe the state. Her
grandfather even served as eM for a whiler
(I about marriage yet: I lied.
'Don't think. Do it. You think she will marry yout he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
'Sh()w her mother your car and money. Dont take dowry. Even if the
daughter doesn't agree, the rriother will.'
<Shukla-ji?Me, politician?'
<Yes. Politician) businessman and educationist - power) money and
respect - perfect combination. You a ~ e destined for big things. I knew it
the day you entered my office: he said.
Shukla-ji poured some Black Label whisky into two glasses. He asked
the guard to get ice. I kept quiet and sat thoughtfully while he prepared
the drinks. Sure) power is never a bad thing in India. To get anything
done, you need power. Power meant people would pay me money, rather
than me paying money to getthings done. GangaTech could become ten
times its size. Plus, I loved Aarti anyway. I would marry her eventually, so
why not now? Besides, she had somewhat hinted at it. I let out a Sigh.
I fought my low self-esteem. It's okay, Gopal, I told myself. You are
meant for bigger things. Just because you didn't get an AlBEE rank, just
because you didn't remember the molecl!lar formula, doesn't mean you can't
do great things in life. After all, I had opened a college) lived ina big house
and had an expensive car.
Shukla -j i handed me the drink ..
(1 can get the girl: 1 a i d ~
'Cheers to that, Mr Son-in-law!' Shukla-ji raised his glass.
usy?' I said.
I had called Aarti at work. A tourist was" screaming at her because the
water in his room was not hot enough. Aarti kept me on hold while the
guest cursed in French.
'I can call later: I said.
(It's fine. Housekeeping will take care of it. My ears are hurting!' Aarti
said) rattled by all the screaming.
'You will own a college one day. You won't have to do this anymore:
(It's okay, Gopal. 1 really like my joh. Sometimes we have weirdos.
Anyway) what's up?'
(How did the dinner go?'
(Boring. I dozed off on the table when the fifth guy wanted to inform
me of the Pradhan family'S duty towards the party:
'Any conclusion on the ticket?'
(It's politics, Director sir, things" arent decided so fast. Anyway,
election is next year:
'You said something when you were saying bye: I said.
I could almost see her smile. 'Did If she s"aid.
(Something about your husband becoPling the MLA?'
'Could be, why?, she said, her voice child-like.
'I wonder if I could applyf I said.
<For the husband or MLAt she said. "
~ I dout know. Whichever has a shorter waitlist: I said.
Aarti laughed.
(For husband the queue is rather long; she said.
'I am a bit of a queue jumper: I said.
'That you are; she said. <Okay, another guest coming. Speak later?'
'fm going to visit Raghav soon: .
'I have stopped talking to him: she said. She didn>t protest against my
proposed meeting with him. I took it as her consent.
(Ihtentional1y?' I said.
<Yeah) we had a bit of a tiff. r normally fix things up, I didnt bother
this time:
'Good: I said. 'So what's the tourist sayingr
. 'She's Japanese. They are polite. She will wait until r finish my call:
'Telrher you are on the phone with your husband:
(Shut up. -Bye:
'Bye: I said and kissed the phone. I opened the on my desk
and marked the coming Friday as the day for my meeting with Raghav .

I pressed the nozzle of a Gucci perfume five times to spray my neck,
armpits and both wrists. I wore a new black shirt and a custom.;. made suit
for the occasion. I put on my Ray-Ban glasses and looked at myself in the
mirror. The sunglasses seemed a bit too much, so I hung them from my
shirt pocket.
I had taken the day off on Friday. Dean sir wanted. to bore me with
a report of the academic performance of the students in the first term. I
neededan excuse to get out anyway.
All the best Avoid hurt as much as possible, Aarti had messaged me.
I assured her that I would handle the situation well. From her side, she
had messaged him a 'we need to talk) equivalent and he had responded
with a {not the best time' message- exactly the kind of stuff that irked her
about him in the first place.
I told my driver to go to Nadeshar Road, where Raghav's place of
work was.
One could easily miss the Revolution 2020 office in the midst of so
many auto- repair shops. Raghav had rented out a garage. The office had
three areas - a printing space inside, his own cubicle in the middle and a
common area for staff and visitors at the entrance.
'Marl help-you?' a teenager asked me.
'I am hereto meet Raghav; I said;
(He's with people: the boy said. (What is this about?'
I looked inside the garage. Raghav's office had a partial glass partition.
He sat on his desk. A farmer with a soiled turban and a frail little boy
sat opposite Raghav. The father-son duo looked poor and dishevelled.
, Raghav listened to them gravely, elbows on the table.
'Ifs personal: I told the teenager before me.
'Does he know you are coming?'
'No, but he knows me well: 1 said.
Raghav noticed me then and stepped out of his
Raghav said, surprised. If he was upset with me, he didnt
show it.
Raghav wore a T-shirt with alogo of his newspaper and an old pair of
jeans. He looked unusually hip for someone in a crisis.
(Can we talk?' I said.
'What happened?' Raghav said. 'MLA Shukla sent you?'
'No: I said. it is personal:
'Can you give me ten minutesr he said.
'1 won't be long:r said ..
'I am sorry. But these people have travelled a hundred kilometres
to meet me. They have had a tragedy. I'll finish soon:
I looked back into his office. 1he child now lay in his father's lap. He
seemed sick.
'Fine; I said andchecked the time.
Ankit here will take care of you: he said.
The teenager smiled at me as Raghay went inside.
'Please sit: Ankit said
pointing to the spare chairs. I took one right
next to Raghav's office.
I chatted with Ankit to pass time .
. (Nobody else heref I said.
'We had two more staff members: Ankit. said, 'who left after the
office was ransacked. Their parents didn't feel it was safe anymore. As it
is) salaries are delayed:
'Why haven't you left?' I said.
Ankit shook his head. 'I want to be there for Raghav sir; he said.
'Whyr I said.
(He is a good person,' Ankit said.
I smiled even though his words felt like stabs.
(The office doesn't look that bad: I said.
(We cleaned it up. The press is broken though. We don't have a
computer either:
'You did such a big story: I said. 'They fired an MLA because of you
Ankit gave me a level look. (The media ran with the story because
they wanted to. But who cares about us?'
(How are you operating now?' I said.
Ankit opened a drawer in the desk. He took out a large sheet of paper
with handwritten text all over it.
'Sir writes the articles,I write the matrimonials. We make photocopies
and distribute as many as we can.'
<How many?' I said.
'Four hundred copies. It's handwritten and photocopied; obviously
not many people like that in' a paper:
I scanned the A3 sheet. Raghav had written ,articles on the
malpractices by ration shops in Varanasi. He had hand-drawn a table that
showed the official rate) the black market.rate and the money pocketed by
the shopkeeper for various commodities. I flipped the page. It had around
fifty matrimonials) meticulously written byhand.
(Four hundred copies? How 'will you get ads with such a low
circulation t
Ankit shrugged and did not answer. 'I have to go to the photocopy
shop; he said instead. 'Do you mind waiting alone?'
'No problem, I will be fine; I said, sitting back. I checked my phone. I
had a message from Aarti: 'Whatever you do. Be kind.'
I kept the phone back in my pocket. I felt hot in my suit. 1 realised
nobody had switched on the fan.
(Where's the sw,itch?, I asked Ankit.
'No power, sorry. They cut off the con'nection: Ankit leftthe office.
I removed my jacket and undid the top two buttons of my shirt. I
considered waiting .in my car instead of this dingy place. However, it
would betoo cumbersome to call the driver again. I had become too used
to being in environs. The hot room reminded of my
earlier days with As did, for some reason, the little boy in the other
room who slept in his father's lap.
I looked again from the corner ofrny eye. The farmer had tears in his
eyes. I leaned in to listen.
(I have lost one child and my wife. I don't want to lose more members
of my fan1ily. He. is all I have: the man said, hands folded.
'Bishnu -ji, I understand: Raghav said. 'My paper did a huge story on
the Dimnapura plant scam. They broke our office because of it:
'But you comeand see the situation in myvillage, Roshanpur. Theres
sewage everywhere. Half the children are sick. Six have already died:
'Roshanpur has another plant. Maybe someone cheated the
government there too: Raghav said.
'But nobody is reporting it. The authQrities are not doing anything.
You are our only hope:. the. fa.rmer said. He took off his turban and put it
on Raghav's desk.
'What are you doing, Bishnu-ji?' Raghav-said, giving the turban back
to the hapless man. 'I am a nobody. My paper is at the verge of closing
down. We distribute a handful of handwritten copies, most of which go
into dustbins:
'1 told my sori you are the bravest) most honest man in this city:
Bishnu said) his voice quivering with emotion.
Raghav gave a slnile of despair. <What does that mean anyway?' he
(If the governll1ent can at least send some doctors for our children,
we don't care if the guilty are punished or not: the man said.
Raghav exhaled. He scratched the back of his neck before he spoke
again. right I will come to your village. and do a story. It will be limited
circulation now. If nlypaper survives, we will do a hig one again. lfnot,
well, no promises. Okay?'
'Thank you, Raghav-jir 'There was such hope in his eyes, I couldn't
help but notice.
one of my friends' father is a doctor. I will see if he can go t9
your village:
Raghav stood up to end the meeting. The man stood up too, which
woke up his son, and bent forward to touch Raghav's feet.
(Pleas e don't: Raghav said. 'I have a lneeting now. After that, let's go
to your village today itself. How far is it?'
A. hundred and twenty kilometres. You have to change three buses:
the farmer said. 'Takes five :hours maximum:
'Fine, please wait then:
Raghav brought them - the man and his weak and sleepy son - outside
the, office.
<Sit here, Bishnu-ji: Raghav said and looked at me. 'Two minutes,
Gopal? Let me clean up my office:
I nodded. Raghav went inside and sorted the papers on his desk.
The' man sat on Ankit's chair, facing me. We exchanged cursory
'Whaes his namer I said, pointing to the boy who was lying in his
lap once again.
'Keshav: the farmer said, stroking his sons head.
I nodded and kept quiet. I played with my phone, flipping it up and
down, up and down. I felt for the duplicate Mercedes, key in my pants
pocket. I had especially hrought it for the occasion.
'Baba, willi also die'?, Keshav said, his voice a mere thread.
boy. What nonsense: the farmer said.
I felt bad for the child, who would not rememher his mother when he
grew up, just like me. I gripped the key in my pocket harder, hoping that
clutching it will make 'me feel better.
Raghav was dusting his desk and chair. His paper could close down
in a week and he had no Inoney. Yet, he wanted to travel to some far-flung
Village to help some random people. They had broken his office, but not
his spirit.
I clutched the key tighter, to justify to myself that J am the better
person here.
REVOLUTION" 2020 263
I realised the boy was staring at me. His gaze was light, but I felt
disturbed, like he was questioning me and I had no answer.
What have you become, Gopal? a voice rang in 'my head.
I restlessly took out the sunglasses from my pocket and twirled them
about. I suddenly noticed that the eyes of the boy, Keshav, were moving
with the sunglasses. I moved them to the right, his eyes followed. I moved
them to the left, his eyes followed. I smiled at him.
'What?' I pOinted at my fancy shades. 'You wantthese?'
Keshav sat up, feeble but eager. Though his father kept saying no, I
felt a certain relief in handing over the .sunglasses.
"They are big for me; the boy trying them on. The oversized
glasses made his face look even more pathetic.
I closed my eyes. The heat in the room was too much. I felt sick.
Raghav was now on the phone.
My mind continued to talk. What did you come here for? You came to
show him that you have made it, and he is ruined? Is that the high point of
your life? You think you are a better person than him, because of your Cl1;r
and suit? .
'Gopal!' Raghav called out.
I said, opening my eyes. 'What?'
'Come on in: Raghav said.
l' went into his office. I kept my hand 'in my pocket, on my keys.
According to the plan, I was to casually place the keys on his table before
sitting down. H()wever, I, couldn't.
'Whafs in the pocket?' Raghav said as he noticed that my hand would
not come out.
nothing: I said and released the keys. I sat down to face him.
'What brings you to Revolution 2020? Have we upset your bosses
again?' Raghav chuckled. 'Oh wait, you said it is personal:
'Yeah; I said ..
'What?' Raghav said.
I didn=>t know what to say .. I had my whole speech planned. On how
Aarti deserved better than him, and that better person was I. On how I
'had made it in life, and he had failed. On how he was the loser, not me.
And yet, saying all that now would make me feel like a
the paper?' I said, saying something to end the awkward
He swung his hands in the air. 'You can see for yourself:
will you do if it closes down?' I said.
Raghav did' not smile. thought about it. End of phase one I
I kept quiet.
'Hope i won't have to take an engineering job. Maybe I will have to
apply ... ' Raghav's voice trailed into silence.
I could tell Raghav didn't know. He hadn't thought that fat.
'fm sorry) Gopal; Raghav, said) 'if I have hurt you in the past. Whatever
you may think, it wasnt personal:
"Why do you do all this, Raghav? You are smart. Why don't you just
make money like the rest of us?'
(Someone has to do it, Gopal. How will things change?'
'The whole system is fucked up. One person can't change it:
'I know.' .
(We ali have to do our bit. For change we need a A real
revolution can only happen when people ask themselves - what is my
sacrifice? )
'Sounds like your newspapees tagline; I mocked.
He had no answer. I stood up to leave. He followed me out. I decided
not to call my car) but to walk out into the lane and find it.
'What did you here forr Raghav said. 'I cant believe you canle
here to check on me: '
. <1 had work in the area. My car needed servicing. I thought I will visit
you while it gets fixed; I said.
'Nice of you to come. You should, check on. Aarti too sometimes: he
I went on red-alert at the'mention of her name.
<Yeah. How is shedoingf I said.
'Haven't n1et her in a while) but she seems stresst:d. I have to make it
up to her. You should call her, she will like it; he said.
I nodded and came out of his office.
I . lay down in my comfortable bed at night. However, I could not sleep
a wink. There were three missed calls from Aarti. I didn't call back. I
couldn't. I didn't know what to say to her.
o How did it _go? she messaged me.
I realised asking until I told her I called her.
'Why weren't you picking up?' she said.
<Sorry, I had the dean at home. He left just now:
'You met Raghav?' she. asked impatiently.
'Yeah; I sighed.
'He had people in his office. I couldn't bring it up: I said.
'Gopal, I hope you realise that until I breakup with him) I am cheating
on him with you. Should I talk to him?'
'No, no, wait. I will meet him in private:
I need to spe.ak to my parents too: she said.

'I have three prospective grooms lined up for meetings nextweek. All
from political families:
'Have your parents gone insaner I exploded.
(When it comes to Indian parents are insane: . she said. 'I
can stall them, but not for long:
'Okay, I will fix this: I said.
I pulled two pillows close to me.
(See, this is what happens after sex. Roles reverse. The girl has to
chase now:
<Nothing like that, Aarti. Give me two days:
'Okay. Else I am speaking to Raghav myself. And incase he asks,
nothing ever happened between us,'
(What do you meant I said.
'1 never cheated on him. We decided to get together) but only did so
after the break-up. Okay?'
<0 kay: I said.
Sometimes I feel girls like to cOlnplicate their lives.
'He ,-vill be devastated otherwise: she finished.
I ended the call and lay down on the bed, exhausted.
My eyes hurt' due to the extra white. clothes people had worn for the
funeral. I looked at people's faces. I could not recognise any of them.
'Whose funeral is it?'! asked a man next to me.
We stood at the ghats. The body, I saw, was small. They took it straight
to the water.
'Why are they not cremating it?' I asked. And then I realised why.
It was a child. I went close to the body and retnoved the shroud. It was a
little boy. In sunglasses .
. 'Who killed him?' I screamed but the words would not come out ...
I woke up screaming at the white ceiling of nly bedroom and the
bright lights I had forgotten to switch off. It was 3:00 a.m. Just a nightmare,
I told myself.
I tossed and turned in bed, but could not go backto sleep.
I thought. about Raghav. The guy was finished. His paper would
shut down. He would find it tough to get a job, at least in Varanasi. And
wherever he was, Shukla's men could hurt him.
I thought about Aarti- my Aarti - my reason to live. I could be engaged
to her next week, Inarried in three months. In a year, I could be an MLA.
My university approvals would come within the space of a heartbeat. I
could expand into medicine, MBA, coaching, aviation. Given how much
Indians cared about education) the sky would be the limit. Forget Aarti
becoming a t1ightattendant, I could buy her a plane. If I played my
right, I could also rise up the party ranks. I had lived alone too long. I
could start a family, and have lots of beautiful kids with Aarti. would
REVOLUT'ION 2020 267
grow up and take over the family business'es and political empire. This is
how people become big in India. I. could become really
But what happens to Raghav? The dead-alive Keshav asked me. I don't
care, I told hiIn. he 1-vent down, it is because of his own stupidity. If he
were smart, he would have realised that stupid bravado will lead to nothing.
There would be no revolution in this cO'untry by 2020. There wouldn't be one
by 2120! This is India, nothingchanges here. Puck you, Raghav.
But Keshav was not done with me. What kind of politician will you
be, Gopal?
(1 want to answer you. You are scaring me, go away: I said out
aloud,' even though there was nobody in the roon1. Really, I knew that.
What about Aarti? A voice whispered within me.
, 1 love her!
What about her? Does she love you?
Yes, Aarti loves me. She made' love to tne. She wants me to be her'
husband, I screalned in my-head until it hurt.
But .will she love you if she knows who you really are? A corrupt)
manipulative bastard?
<I work hard. I am a successful. man; I said aloud again, my voice
startling me.
But are you a good person?
The clock showed 5:00 a.m. Day was breaking outside.
I went for a walk around the campus. My mind calmed a little in
the fresh morning air. Little birds chirped on de"r-drenched trees. They
didn't care about money, the Mercedes or the bungalow. They sang, for
that was what they wanted to do. And it felt beautiful. For the first time, I
felt proud of the trees and birds on the campus.
I realised why Keshav kept coming to me. Once upon a time, I was
Keshav - sweet, innocent and unaware of the world. As life slapped n1e
about several times, 'and thrashed the innocence out of me, I had killed
my Keshav> for the world didn't care about sweetness. Then why didn't I
crush Raghav completely yesterday? Maybe that Keshav hasn't died, I told
myself. Maybe that innocent, good part of us never dies - we just trample
upon it fora while.
I looked at the sky, hoping to get guidance from above - from
god, my mother or Baba. Tears streamed down my face. I began to sob'
uncontrollably. 1 sat down under a' tree and cried for an hour. Just like
Sometimes life isn't about what you want to do, but what you ought
to do.

Shukla-ji was eating apples in the jail verandah. A constable sat next to
him, peeling and slicing. '
'Gopal, my son, come, come: Shukla -ji said. He wore a crisp white
kUfta-pyjama that glistened in the morning sun.
I sat on the floor. 'Had a small favour to ask you: I said.
'Of course: he said.
1 looked at the constable. 'Oh) him. He' is Dhiraj, from my native
place. Dhiraj, my son and I need to talk:
The constable left.
'I've told him I'll get him promoted; Shukla-ji said and smiled.
(1 have come with a strange request; I said.
'Everything okay?'
(Shukla-ji, can you help me hire some ... call girls? You mentioned
them long ago:
Shukla -ji laughed so hard, apple juice dripped out of his mouth.
'I am serious: I said.
'My boy has big. So, you want women?'
(It's not for me:
Shukla-ji patted my knee and winked conspiratorially. 'Of course not.
Tell me, how old are you?'
'I will turn twenty-four next week: I said ..
<Oh, your birthday is coming?' he said.
'Yes, on November 11;1 said ..
'That's great.,Yo,u are old enough. he said, 'we all do it:
'Sir, it's for the inspectors. We have a visit next week: I said. (1 want to
increase my fee. They control the decision: .
He frowned; 'Envelopes won't do it -for them?'
'This one inspector likes women. I have news from other private
colleges in Kanpur:
<Oh, okay; Shukla-ji He took out his cellphone from a secret
pocket in his pyjamas. He strolled through his contacts and gave me a
'His name is Vinod. Call him and give my. reference. Give him your
requirements. He'll do it. When do you need them?'
(I don't have.the exact date yet: I said and began to stand up.
(Wait: Shukla-ji pulling nlyhand and making me sit down
again. 'You also enjoy them. It gets harder after marriage.Have your fun
before that:
. I snliled absently .
. 'How is it going with the DM's daughter?'
(Good: I said. 1 wanted to say bare tninimum on the topic.
are going to ask her parents? Or give her the love bullshit?'
'I haven't thought about it: I said. 'I have to go, Shukla.:.ji.' There's an
accounts meeting today:
Shukla-ji realised I didn't want to chat. He walked me to the jail exit
may not offer you the same chance twice; he said in parting.
The iron door clanged shut between us.
The calendar showed tenth November- my last day as a twenty-three-
year-old. I spent the morning at my desk. The students' representatives
came to meet me. They wanted to organise a college festival. I told theln
tI:ey could) provided they got sponsors. After the student meeting, I had to
deal with a crisis. Two classrooms had water seepage in the walls. I had to
scream at the contractor for an hour before he sent people. to fix it.
At noon my lunch-box arrived from home. I ate bhindi, dal and
rotis. Alongside, I gave Aarti' a call. She didn't pickup. I had back-to-back
meetings right after lunch. I wouldn't be able to speak to her later. I tried
her number agaiI?-'
'Hello: an' unfamiliar female voice said.
(Who's this?' I said.
(This i ~ Bela) Aarti's colleague from guest relations. You are Gopal,
right? I saw your name flash: she said.
'Yeah. Is she there?'
<She went to attend to a guest. Should I ask her to call you?)
<Yes, please: I said.
'Oh, and happy birthday in advance: she said.
'How did you know?' I said.
'Well, she's working hard to make your gift ... oops!'
'Maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you; Bela said. 'I mean, it's a surprise.
She's making your birthday gift. Ifs so cute. She's also ordered a cake ...
Listen, she will kill me if she finds out I told you.'
<Relax, I won't mention it to her. But if you tell me, I can also plan .
something for her:
'You guys are so sweet. Childhood friends, no?' she said.
'Yeah, so what's the plan?'
'Well, she will tell you she can)t meet you on your birthday. You will
sulk but she will say she has work. Hbwever, after work she will come to
your place in the afternoon with a cake and the gift:
(Good that you told me. I will be at home then and riot in meetings;
I said.
'You work on your birthday?' she said.
'I work all the time: I said. (Is. she back?'
. (Not yet, I will ask her to' call you: she said. 'But dont mention
anything. Act like you don't know anything.'
'Sure: I said and ended the call.
It was time. I called Vinod.
<Vinod?' I said.
'Who's this?' he said.
<I am Gopal. I work with MLA Shukla; I said.
(Oh, so tell mer he said.
'I want girls: I said.
He cut the call. I called again but he didn't pick up. I kept my phone
After ten minutes I received a call from an unknown landline
'Vinod here,You wanted girls?'
'Yes; I said.
'Overnight or hourly basis?'
<Huh?' I said. 'Afternoon. One afternoon: .
'We have happy-hour prices for afternoon. How many girlsf
(One?' I said doubtfully.
<Take two. I'll give a good price. Half off for the other one:
'One should be okay:
'I'n send two. If you want two, keep both. Else, choose one:
'D H .' h?'
one .. owmuc ..
{What kind of girl do you wantt
, ,
I didn't know what kinds he had. I 'had never 'ordered' a call girl
before. Did he have a menu?
'S ... somebody nice?' I'said, like a total amateur.
'English-speaking? Jeans and all?' he offered.
(Yes; I said.
'Indian) . Nepali or white?' he said. Varanasi wasn't too far from the
Nepal border.
(You have white girls?' 1 said.
(It's a tourist town. Some girls stay back to work. Hard to find, but we
'can do it.'
(Send me Indian girls who look decent. Who' won't attract too much
attention in a college campus:
<College?' Vinod said, shocked. 'We normally do hotels:
'I own the college.Ifs okay:
Vinod agreed after 1 told him about GangaTech, and how he had to
bring the girls to the director's bungalow. ,
'So' when do you need them?'
'Two oclock onwards, all afternoon, till six: r said.
'Twenty thousand: he said.
'Are you crazy?' I said.
(For Shukla-ji's reference. I charge foreigners that much for one:
(rr ' "
I heard a knock on my door.
'Done. At two tomorrow. GangaTech on Lucknow Highway; I
whispered and ended the call.
'The faculty meeting: Shrivastava said from the door.
'Oh, of course: I said.' 'Please come in, Dean sir:
1 asked the peon to place more chairs for our twenty faculty members ..
(Students tell me it's your birthday tomorrow, Director Gopal: the
dean said. The faculty went into orgasms. les fun being the boss. Everyone
, sucks up to ,you.
'Just another' a y : I said.
'The students want to cut a cake for you: the dean s21id.
'Please don't. I can't: I said. The very thought of cutting a cake in front
of two hundred people embarrassed me.
'Please, sir: s ~ i d Jayant, a young faculty member. 'Students look up to
you. It will mean a lot to them:
I wondered if the students would still look up to me if they knew
about my specifications to Vinod. .
'Tht;y have already ordered a ten-kilo .. cake, sir; Shrivastava said.
'Make it quick: 1 said.
<Ten minutes, right after classes. end at one; the dean said.
The faculty meeting commenced. Everyone updated me.about their
course progress.
'Let's look at placements soon: I said, (even though our passing out
batch is two'years away:
'Jayant is the placement coordinator; the dean said.
'Sir,' I am already meeting corp orates; Jayant said.
'What is the response?' I said.
(We are new, so. it .is tough. Some HR managers want to know their
cut; Jayant said.
(Director Gopal, as you may know ... ' the dean began but I interrupted
'HR managers want a cut if they hire from our colleges, correct?' I
(Right, sir: 1ayant said.
Every aspect of running a private college involved bribing someone.
Why .. would placements be an exception? But other members seemed
<Personal payoutf gasped Mrs Awasthi, professor of mechanical
. engineering.
Jayant nodded.
'But these are managers of reputed companies; she said, still in
(Mrs Awasthi, this is not your department. You better update me on
applied mechanics, your course: I said.
The maids had prepared a lavish. dinner with three subzis, rotis and dal. I
didn't touch it. I lay in bed and checked my phone. Aartihadn'treturned
my calls all day. However, I didn't call her again.
I thought again about my plan.
At nlidnight, Aarti called me.
'Happy birthday to you: Aarti sang on the other line.
'Hey, Aarti: I said but she didn't listen.
{Happy birthday to you: she continued to sing, elevating her pitch,
'happy birthday to you, Gopal. Happy birthday to you:
(Okay, okay, we are not kids anynlore: I said.
She continued her song.
'Happy birthday. to you. You were born in the zoo. With monkeys
and elephants, who all look just like you; she said. She sang like she did to
Ine in primary school.
Corny as hell but it brought tears of joy to my eyes. I couldn't believe
I had made illy plan.
'Somebody is very happy: I said.
'Of course, it is your birthday. That's why I didn't call or message you
all day: .
'Ob: I said.
'What "on'? You didnt even notice, did you?' she sounded peeved.
<Of course, I did. Even nly staff wondered why my phone hadn't
beeped all day in office:
I got off the bed and switched on the lights.
I thought hard about what to give you,. who has

'1 couldn't figure out:
'Oh, that's okay. I don't want anythiIlg:
'Maybe I will buy you s01l1ething when we meet; sbe said.
(When are we meetingf I said, even though Bela had told nle her
<See, tomorrow is difficult, I have a double shift:
<You won't meet me on my birthday?' I said.
'What to do?' she said. 'Half the front-office staff is absent. Winter
arrives and everyone makes excuses of viral fever:
'Okay: I said. I must say, she could act pretty well. 1 almost believed
'Happy birthday again, bye!' she said.
A number of birthday messages popped into my inbox. They came
from various contractors, inspectors and government officials I had
pleased in the past. The only other personal message was fromShukla-ji,
who called me up.
(May you live a thousand years: he said.
'Thanks, you remembered?' I replied.
<You are like my son; he said.
'Thank you, Shukla-ji, and good night: I said.
I switched off the lights. I tried to sleep before the big day tomorrow.
'E '
nough, enough: I said as the tenth student fed me cake.
We had assembled in the foyer of the main campus building. The staff and
students had conle to wish me. The faculty gave me a tea-set as a gift. The
students sang a prayer song for my long life.
'Sir" we hope for your next birthday there will be a Mrs Director
on campus: Suresh, a cheeky first-year student, announced in front of
everyone, leading to huge applause. I smiled and checked the time. It was
two 0' clock. I thanked everyone with folded hands.
I left the main building to walk home.
Happy birthday!: Aarti messaged me.
Where are I asked.
Double shift iust started'. (8), she sent her response.
Vinod, called me at 2: 15. My heart raced.
'Hi; I said nervously.
'The girls are in a white Tata Indica. They are on the highway, ,will
reach calnpus in five minutes: '
trn inform the gate: I said.
'You will pay cash r
(Yes. Why, you take,credit cards?' I said.
'\\1(> do, for foreigners. But cash is best, said.
'I asked my maids to go to their quarters and not disturb me for the
next four hours. I called the guard-post and instructed thenl to let the
white Indica in. I also told them to inform Ine if anyone else came to meet
The bell rang all too soon. I opened the front door to find a creepy
Ulan. Two girls stood behind hinl. One wore a cheap nylon leopt1.rd-print
top and jeans. The'other wore a purple lace cardigan and brown pants. I
could tell these girls didrit find western clothes comfortable. Perhaps it
helped them fetch a better price.
The creepy man wore a shiny blue shirt and white t r o u s e r s ~
(These are fine?' he asked me, man to man.
I looked at the girls' faces. 1hey had too much make-up on for early
afternoon. However, I had little choice.
'They are okay; I said.
I had kept the money ready in my pocket. I handed a bundle of notes
to him.
<fn wait in the car; he said.
(Outside the campus, please: I said. The creepy man left. I nodded at
the girls to follow me. Inside, we sat on the sofas.
'fm Roshni. You are the client?' the girl in the leopard print said. She
seemed more confident of the two.
'Yes: I said.
'For both of us?) Roshni said.
'Yeah: I said.
Roshni squeezed illy shoulder.
'Strong man: she said.
(Whafs her namer I said.
'Pooja: the girl in the hideous purple lace said ..
'Not your real names, right?' I said.
Roshni and Pooja, or the girls who called themselves that, giggled.
(It's okay: I said.
Roshni looked around. <Where do we do itt
'Upstairs, in the bedroom; I said.
'Lefs go then:. Roshni said, very focused on work.
'What's the hurry?' I said.
Pooja was the quieter of the two but wore a fixed smile as she waited
for further instructions.,
<Why wait?' Roshni said.
{I have paid for the entire afternoon. We'll go upstairs wilen it is time;
I said.
'What do we do until then?' Roshni said, a tad 'too aggressive.
'Sit: I said.
'Can we watch TV?' Pooja asked meekly. She pointed to the screen. I
gave them the remote. They put on a local cable channel that was playing
Salman !:Chan)s Maine Pyaar Kiya. We sat and watched the movie in
silence. The heroine told the hero that in friendship there is 'no sorry, no
thank you: whatever that meant. After a while, the heroine burst into song,
asking a pigeon to take a letter to the hero. Roshni started to hum along.
'No singing, please: I said.
Roshni seemed offended. I didn't care. I hadn't hired her for her
singing skills.
'Do we keep sitting here?' Roshni said at three-thirty.
'It's okay, didi: Pooja said, who obviously loved Salman too much. I
was surprised Pooja 'called her co-worker sister, considering what they
could be doing in a while.
The movie ended at 4 p.m.
'Now what?' Roshni said.
'Switch the channel: I suggested.
The landline rang at four-thirty. I ran to pick up the phone.
(Sir, Raju from security gate. A madam is here to see you: he said.
<What's her name?' I said.
(She is not saying, sir. She has some packets in her hand.'
<Send her in two minutes; I said. I calculate'd she would be here in
five minutes.
(Okay, sir: he said.
I rushed out and left the main gate and the front door wide open. I
turned to the girls.
<Lefs go up; I said. '
(What? You in the mood now?' Roshni giggled.
(Nowr I snapped my fingers. 'You too, Pooja, or h o e v e ~ you are:
The girls jumped to their feet, shocked by my tone. The three of. us
went up the sta.irs. We came to the bedroom, the bed.
'So, how does this work?' I said.
said. 'Is it your first timer
'Talk less and do more: I said; <What do you do first?'
Roshni and Pooja shared a look, mentally laughing at me.
(Remove your clothes: Roshni said.
I took off my shirt.
'You too: I said to both of them. They hesitated for a second, as I had
left the door slightly ajar.
'Nobody's hOlTIe: I said.
The girls took off their clothes. I felt too tense to notice any details.
Roshni clearly had the heavier, bustier fratne. Pooja's petite frame made
her appear malnourished.
'Get into bed; I ordered.
The two, surprised by my less than amorous tone, crept into bed like
scared kittens.
'You want us to do itt Roshni asked, trying to grasp the situation.
"Lesbian scene?'
'Wait: I said. I ran to the bedroom window. I saw a white Ambassador
car with a red light park outside. Aarti stepped out, and rang the bell
once. When nobody answered, she came on to the lawn. She had a large
scrapbook in her hand) along with a box from the Ramada bakery. I lost
sight of her as she came into the house.
(y .
ou are a strange customer; Roshni commented.
'Shh!' I said and slid between the two naked women.
Roshni quickly began to kiss my neck as Pooja bent to take off my
I started to count my breaths. On my fiftieth exhale I heard footsteps.
By now the girls had taken off my belt most and were trying to
undo my jeans. On my sixtieth inhale came the knock on the door. On my
sixty-fifth breath I heard three women scream at the same time.
'Happy birt ... Dh my God!' Aarti's voice filled the room.
Roshni and Pooja gasped in fear and covered their faces with the
bed-sheet. I sat on the bed, looking suitably surprised. Aarti froze. The
hired girls,ffiore prepared for such a situation, ran into the bathroom.
cGopaH) Aarti said on a high note of disbelief.
j\arti: I said and stepped out of bed. As I my jeans and
wore my shirt, 'Aarti ran out of the room.
I followed her down the stairs. She ran down fast, dropping the heavy
gifts midway. I navigated past a fallen cake box and scrapbook to reach
her. I grabbed her elbow as she almost reached the main door.
'Leave my hand: Aarti said, her mouth hardly moving.
'1 can explain, Aarti: 1 said.
'1 said don't touch me: she said.
'It's not what you think it is; I said.
(What is it then? 1 came to surprise you and this is how I foun.d you.
Who knows what ... I haven't seen anything, anything, more sick in my
life; Aarti said and stopped. She shook her head. This was beyond words.
She burst into tears.
'MLA Shukla sent them, as a birthday gift: I said.
She looked at me again, still shaking her head, as if she didn't believe
what she had seen or heard.
(Dont get worked up. Rich people do this: I said.
She hit me' hard across' my face .. More than the impact of the slap, the
disappointed look in her eyes hurt me more.
~ a r t i , what are you doing?' I said.
She didn't say anything, just slapped me again. Myhand went to my
cheek in reflex. In three seconds, she had left the house. In ten, I heard her
car door slam shut. In fifteen, her car had left my porch.
I sank on the sofa, both my knees useless.
Pooja and Roshni, fully dressed, came down by and by. Pooja picked
up the cake box and the scrapbook from the steps. She placed them on
the table in front of me.
'You didn't do anything with us, so why did you call a third girl r
Roshni demanded to know.
'Just leave: I told them, my voice low.
They called their creepy protector. Within minutes I was alone in my
I.sat right there for two hours, became dark outside. The maids
returned and . switched on the lights .. They saw me . sitting and didn't
disturb me.
The glitter on the scrapbook cover shone under the lights. I picked
it up.
'A tale of a naughty boy and a not so naughty girl: said the black
cover, which was hand-painted in white. It had a smiley of a boy and a
girl, both winking.
I opened the scrapbook.
'Once upon a time, a naughty boy stole a good girrs birthday cake;
it said on the first page. It had a doodle of the teacher scolding me and of
herself, Aarti, in tears.
. I turned the page.
(The naughty boy; however, became the good girfs friend. He came
for every birthday party of hers after that; said the text. The remaining
albunl had pictures from all her seven birthday parties that I had attended,
from her tenth to her sixteenth. I saw how she and I had grown up over
the years. In every birthday party, she had at least one picture with just
the two of us.
Apart from this, Aarti had also meticulously assembled silly
nleIllorabilia from school. She had the class VII tinletable, on which she
drew horns above the maths classes. She had tickets fronl the school fete
we had in class IX .. She had pasted the restaurant Qill from the first tinle
we had gone outin class X. She had torn a page from her own slaIn book,
done in class VIII, in -Which she had put my name down as her best friend.
She ended the scrapbook with the follOWing words:
has been a wonderful journey so far with you. Looking forward
to a future with you - my soulmate. Happy birthday, Gopal!'
I had reached the end. On the back cover, she had calligraphed (G &
X in large letters.
I wanted to callher, that was nly first instinct. I wanted to tell her how
amazing I found her present. Sheinust have spent weeks on it ...
1 opened the cake box.
The chocolate cake had squished somewhat, but I could make out
the letters:
'Stolen: My cake and then my heart; it said in white, sugary iCing,
with 'Happy birthday> Gopaf inscribed beneath it.
I pushed the cake box away. The clock struck twelve.
birthday is over, Gopal: I said loudly to the only person in the

Even though I had promised myself I wouldn't, I called Aarti the next day.
However, she did not pick up.
I tried several times over the course of the week, but she wouldn't
Once she picked up by accident.
are you?' I said ..
'Please stop calling me; she said.
am trying not to; I said.
'Try harder: she said and hung up.
I wasn't lying. I was trying my best to stop thinking of her. Anyway, I
ad a few things left to execute my plan.
I called Ashok> the Dainik editor.
Gopal Mishra?' he said.
'How's the paper doing?' I said.
I see you advertise a lot with us. So thank you very much.>
'1 need to ask for a favour; 1 said to the editor.
'What?'the editor said, wondering if I would ask to suppress a story.
want you to hire someone; I said. (He's good:
'Raghav Kashyap:
'The trainee we fired?' the editor said. 'Your MLA Shukla made us
fire him:
'Yeah) hire him back:
'Why? And he started his own paper. He did that big DimIiapura
plant story. Sorry, we had to carry it. Everyone did:
'Ifs okay; I said. 'Can you re-hire him? Don't mention my name:
The editor thought it over. (1 can. But he is a firebrand. I don't want
you to be upsetagain:
<Keep him away from education. Rather, keep him away from
for a while:
'I'll try; the editor said .. '\Vill he join ? He has his paper:
(His paper is almost ruined. He has no job: I said.
'Okay, I will call him: the editor said.
'lowe you one. Book front page for GangaTech nextSunday; I said.
'Thank you) I will let marketing know.'

A week after my birthday Bedi came to my office with two other consultants.
They had a proposal for me to open a Bachelor of Management Studies
course. Dean Shrivastava also came in.
'MBA is in huge demand. However, that is after graduation. Why
not offer something before?" Bedi said. The consultant showed me a
presentation on their laptop. The slides included a cost -benefit analysis,
comparing the fees we could charge, versus the faculty costs.
(Business Management Studies (BMS) is the best. You can charge as
much as engineering, but you don't need facilities like labs; one consultant
'Faculty is also easy. Take any MCom or CA types, plenty of them
available; said the
I drifted off. I didn't care about expansion anymore. I didn't see the
point of the extra crore' we could make every year. I didnt even want to
be in office.
(Exciting, isn't it?' Bedi said.
(Huh? Yeah, can we do it some other time?' I said.
'Whyf Bedi said. Then he saw my morose face.
'Yes, we can. come . again; he agreed. 'Let's meet next week. Or
whenever you have time:
Bedi and his groupies left the room.
'Director Gopal, are you not feeling well?' the dean said.
'I'm okay; I said.
(Sorry to say, but you havent looked fine all week. It's pot my business,
but I am older. Anything I can help with?'
'It's personal: I said, nly voice firm.
should get married, sir. The studentwas right: he chuckled.
we done?' I said.
1hat cut his smile short. In an instant) he stood up and left.
My cellphone beeped. I had an SMS from Sailesh, marketing head of
Raghav accepted the offer. He joins tomorrow .
. Great, thank you very much, I replied.
Hope our association becomes even stronger. Thank you for
booking Sunday, texted Sailesh.
r he arrival of a black Mercedes in the Dainik office caused a minor
lutter among the guards. A big car ensures attention. I stepped out and
put on my new sunglasses. I went to the receptionist in the lobby.
'I am here to meet Raghav Kashyap; I said, and gave her my business
The receptionist couldn't locate him. Sailesh saw me from the floor
above, and came running down the steps.
'Gopal bhai? You should have informed me. What are you waiting
here 'for?'
(1 want to meet Raghav: I said.
'Oh, sure: he said, 'please comewith me:
We walked up to Raghav's cubicle. An IT guy. crouched under his
desk, setting up his computer. Raghav had bent down as well to check the
'You fe-joined here?' I said.
Raghav turned around. 'Gopal r he said and stood up.
'I had come. to the marketing department and saw you: I turned to
SaHesh. (Thank you, Sailesh:
'Okay: Sailesh said. 'See you, Gopal bhai:
After he left, Raghav said, <It's strange. The editor called me himself.
I had no money anyway. Thought I will rejoin until I have enough to re-
launch Revolution 2020.)
Cap we go for a cup of tea?' I said.
'Sure; he said.
We walked up to the staff canteen onthesecond floor. Framed copies
of old newspaper issues adorned the walls. Dozens of journalists sat with
their dictaphones and notebooks, enjoying evening snacks. I could tell
Raghav felt out of place.
'I'm used to a small office now, Dainik is huge: he said. He bought
two plates of samosas and tea. I offered to pay but he declined.
tCog-in-the-wheel feeling, eh?' I said.
'Not only t h a t ~ The stuff we did at Revolution 2020, I can never do
that here: he said.
The stuff you did at your paper) I wanted to tell him, led to premature
bankruptcy. However,! hadnt come here to put him down.
(It's nice to have a job. Plus, you like journalism: I said.
'Thafswhy I took it. A six-month trial for now:
'Only six months?'
(They want me to editother people>s stories. It is supposed to be more
senior in title, but I like being a reporter. Let's see:
'A job pays the bills. Of course, it helps to be employed if you want to
z?t married: I said.
Raghav laughed. We .hadn't talked about personal stuff for years.
However, he didn't doubt my goodwill. That's the thing with Raghav. He
could unearth the biggest scams,but at another level, he trusted people
so easily.
(Who)s getting married?' Raghav.said, still laughing.
'You and Aarti. . Aren't you?) I said. I. reminded myself I had to smile
through this.
Raghav looked at me. I had never discussed Aarti with him. In fact, I
hadn't discussed anything with him in years.
'I hope r can talk to you as a friend? We were once, right?' I said. I
took a bite of the samosa and found it spicy as ,hell.
Raghavnodded on a sigh. 'Things aren't going so well between me
and Aarti?
(Reallyf I faked surprise.
'1 haven)t spoken to her in weeks?
'What happened?' I said.
Raghav squirted tomato sauce over his samosa.
'It's my fault. When the paper started, I didn't giv:e her enough
time. Soon, we drifted apart. The last couple of months she seemed so
disconnected: Raghav said.
'Did you guys talk about it?' I said.
'No, we planned to, but didn't: he said.
<She loves you a lot: I said.
'I don't know: Raghavsaid. He twirled his samosa in the sauce without
eathlg it.
does. I know her from childhood) Raghav. You Inean everything
to her:
Raghav seetned surprised. 'Do It
(She wanted to marry you, isn't itt
At the wrong tilne. Look at me, I aln nowhere \vith respect to lny
career; Raghav said.
<Your career is different from others. You can't lueasure it in money.
In terms of helping people, you are doing quite well:
blew that too: Raghav said.
'You are fine. You are a sub-editor at a hig paper. And if you lnarry
Aarti, you. can go far:
<What do you mean?'
'You know there's pressure on Aarti's family to enter politics?' I said.
Raghav kept quiet.
'You do, rightf
'1 heard: he muttered.
<So, Aart(s father can't and Aarti won't. Son-in-law, maybe?'
Raghav looked up, intrigued. 'How you think, mant)
I rolled my eyes. (I'm not smart. So, I have to make up for it in other
are not smart?' he said.
<You do love her?' I asked.
<Things aren't okay between us; he admitted.
'You can fix them I am sure. After all, your charm worked on her the
first time: I said.
Raghav gave a shy smile.
'Dont call her. Go meet her at the hotel. Take an entire day off for her.
That's all she wants, your time and attention. She'll return your love ten
times over; I said, looking sideways.
Raghav kept quiet.
'Promise me you will go; I said and extended my hand.
He shook my hand and I stood up to leave. 1 repeated
Shukla-ji's line.
<Life may not offer you the same chance twice:
Raghav walked me to my car. He barely noticed the car though.
(Why are you doing this for me?' he asked.
I got into the car. I rolled down the window. is a childhood
Besides ... '
(Besides whatt Raghav said.
(Everyone has to do their bit; I said as the driver whisked me away .

I didnt keep in touch with Raghavafter that. He caned me many times. I
either didn't pick up or pretended to be busy. One of the times I did pick
up, Raghav told me he and Aarti had started talking again. I told him I
had inspectors in my office and hung up.
I had sworn on Babas soul that I would never call Aarti. She didnt
either) apart from a single missed call at 2 a.m. one morning. I called her
back, since technically, I had not initiated the call. She did not pick it.
The missed can and call-back drama between men and women
almost deserves its own user manual. I gathered she had made the call in
a weak moment, and left her alone.
I invited the consultants hack for the BMS programme talks.
The plan made a lot of sense .. We started -the process to expand into
business studies. We had a new set of government people who had to
approve our plans, and thus a new set of palms to be greased. We knew
. the business would be profitable. Millions of kids would he tested) rejected
and spat out of the education system every year. We had to keep our net
handy to catch them.
REVOLUTION 2020 2.89
I spent more time with the college faculty, and often invited them
home in the evenings. They worked for me, so they laughed at my jokes
and praised me every ten minutes. I couldn't call them friends, at least
they filled the empty space in thehouse.
Three months passed. 'We launched the BMS programme and, with
the right marketing, filled up the seats in a matter of weeks. I rarely left
the campus, and did so only to meet officials. Meanwhile, the case against
Shukla -ji became more complex. He told me the trial could take years. He
tried for bail, but the courts rejected it. Shukla-ji felt the eM had betrayed
him, even as the party sent- feelers that he could be released from Jail
provided he quit politics. I went to meet him every month, with a copy of
the GangaTech Trust accounts.
One day, Raghav .called me when I was at home. I didn't pick up.
Raghav continued to call. I turned the phone silent and keptit aside.
He sent file a message: 'Where r u Gopel, trying 2 reach u.'
I didn't reply _at first. I wondered if his repeated attempts meant .
trouble, like another scam or something.
I texted: In meetings. Wassup?
His reply hit me like a speeding train.
Aorti n I getting engaged. Wonted to invite u 2 party nxt Saturday.
I couldnt stop looking at this message. I had wanted this to happen.
Yet, it hurt like hell.
Unfortunately, I'm not in town .. But congratulationslll: I sent my
response, wondering if I had put oneexclamation mark too many.
Raghav called me again. I avoided his call. He tried two more times,
when I finally picked up.
CHow can you miss our engagement?' he said.
'Hey, am in a faculty meeting: I said.
(Oh, sorry. Listen, you have to come; Raghav said.
1 can't. I am leaving for Singapore, to explore a joint venture: I said.
(What, Gopal?And why don't you ever call back? Even Aarti says you
are too busywhe:never I' ask about you:
'I am really sorry. I am busy. We are doubling our student intake in
the next two years: I said.
'You will miss your best friend's engagement? Won't she be upset?'
i\pologise to her on my behalf: I s a i d ~ .
Raghavletout a sigh. (Okay, I will. But our wedding is in two months.
On the first of March. Please be then:
(Of course, I will; I said and circled the date on the calendar.
'fIllet you attend to your staff. Take care, buddy; Raghav said.
Instinctively, I composed a 'congratsr message to Aarti and sent it.
She did not reply.
I looked around mybig house as empty as my soul.
On 1 March, I booked a room at the Taj Ganga. The fourthcfloorroom
had a little baltony) with a view of the hotel pool and lawns. I had tossed
the SIM card out of my phone two days ago. I had told my staff I had to go
out of town. I stayed in my roonl the entire day. I came to the balcony at .
eight in the evening. In the faint light of dusk, I read the card again.
Mrs andMr Anil Kashyap
Invite the pleasure of your company
For the wedding of their beloved son
(DID Mrs and Mr Pratap Brij Pradhan, DM)
On1 March 2010.
Pools ide Lawns,
Taj Ganga, Varanasi
I could see the wedding venue downstairs. The entire garden area was
littered with flowers and lights. Guests had started to arrive. In one corner
theDJ was setting up the dance floor and testing music tracks. Along one
side of the lawn were the food counters. Kids were jumping about on the
two ornate chairs meant for the bride and groom on the small stage. The
actual wedding panda!, where the ceremony would be held, was covered
with marigold flowers.
I stood there in silence, listening to the. shehnai, faintly audible on
the fourth floor.
The baraat arrived at 9 p.m. Raghav sat ona horse. The DJ increased
the volume of the music. I watched from above as Raghav's relatives
danced in front of the horse. Raghav wore a cream-coloured bandhgala
suit. Even though I hate to admit it) he looked handsome even from this
distance. I would have worn something more expensive, but still not
looked so regaL I scolded myself for making comparisons again.
Aarti arrived at the venue at nine-thirty. She walked slowly to the
stage. A gasp of wonder shot across the crowd as they saw the most
beautiful bride they had ever seen in their life.
She looked like an angel, in an o'nion -colored lehnga with silver
sequins. And even though r didn't have binoculars,. I could tell she looked
perfect. During the ceremony, cousins gathered around Raghav and Aarti.
They lifted the couple) nlaking it difficult for them to garland each other.
I couldn't bear it after the jai-mala ceremony. I had wanted to see
Aarti as a bride} but I did not have to watch the whole wedding live.
I came back into the room, shut the door and drew the curtains. I
switched onthe TV at full volume to drown out the sounds coming from
I replaced the SIM in my phone. Messages popped in one after
another as the phone took its first breath in days.
I had forty ;messages from the faculty, ten of h e m from the dean
himsel Most of them talked about various issues in the college. Raghav
had sent me five messages, asking me if I had 'received the card. I couldn)t
tell how many missed calls he might have made. One message startled me
the most. It came from Aarti. It said:
Come. But onlyjf you want to.
I thought about replying, but remembered that she won>t exactly be
checking her phone on stage.
I called the dean.
'Where are you) Director Gopal?' the dean saId in a high-pitched
voice. {We are so worried:
'Dean Srivastava ... Dean Srivastava ... '
REVOLUTION 2020 ., ~ ' ; J ~
<Gopal!) he 'said, sensing the tension in my voice.
'Get me out of here; I broke down completely.
'Where are you? Where are you?'
(Taj Ganga, 405 ... I dont want to be here:
(1 am coming: he promised.
In an hour I was seated beside the dean in his car and on my way
back to campus.
'So} what were ... ' he began but fell quiet. He understood, after one
look at my face, that I' didnt want to talk.
(Dean Shrivastava, I want to work hard. Lel's take Ganga Tech to new
heights. I want us to be present in every field of education. Keep me busy.
So busy that I don)t have time to think:
'You are already so busy, sir.' He looked troubled.
'More. Why aren't we in coaching classesr I said. 'There's money
there. I want a proposal for engineering and MBA coaching. Okay?, I
said, my voice ringing.
'Are you okay, Director Gopalf the dean said.
i\re you listeningto me? I want the proposal: I said, screaming loud
enough to make the driver shift uncomfortably in his seat.
'Yes, Director: the dean said.
He dropped me home. Iwent straight to the bar near the dining table.
I opened a new bottle of Black Label whisky we'd bought for the inspectors.
I poured it out in a glass to the brim. Neat. The maids filed in.
'Where were you, sahib?' they said.
_ (I had work: I said. The whisky tasted bitter, but I swallowed it all.
I shook my head. The maids left the room. I went to the bookshelf
and took out the scrapbook.
I poured' myself another glass. I drank half of it in one gulp, but when
my body rejected it, I had to spit it out.
, I fell on the floor. I used the scrapbook as a pillow and went off to

J}i;$j ..........
. .

.. ......... .


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