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'1:1 .' . ; . PUBLIC ME:ETIHQ FOR FIRE .

: L " J -
, \ o t-1 s 1 ll 1 PROTEOTION SET AuousT atl\.
r ; n / v 1::
ll) e ;_, . 't?i / e . Chugiak Volunteer Fire' I (!") .. 1 _ . .' !+
c; ;;:.. I'":' illrl C' /f !'1. J int trhcrc it must have bet-
__ , _ _ =-
10 o. reached a po- f1 _)
ro !\., . . t!::Jt!/ I/ - ,'( ter cornnunity support, f:inol\- - -
. ''
cially, in order to A light Mi.1i tnry plana
1 f- C 1 opernting. The fm7 donntl9na orcshod at llt.30 p.n.
l--- i the Oonpnny hno rbcievcd to last night about 200
LAJ!r APPOINTED G?,VERl!OR _TO j dnte have not boon sufficient .yards . West of the Ec'lgle
BE HOUORED MONDAY i to pr.y opcr:,_tine expenses or River Laundrooot. The
I roxurs :" .. ad replr>.cenont to pUot rms ldlled. The
When Governor Stepovicl'l oqrloncnt. ornsh oos noted by Jack
illghts from the p.Lmo at .. __j The Fire Oon").".l1Y r-r>.s n. propo- Oarnnhan nho innediately
Interne .. tionol Airport sad plnn for Subscription rei>ortod it. The Ohugialt
evening at .5t20 -p.u. he \1iJ.Jl typo Protection to bo Rescue truck Ohick
be greeted by the I api
rovcd b'-- n Fire Advisory LeDoux, J esa Straight &
OheJnber of Oommcrco ROO Donrd rrhoso eight ooobers Jio UoDowoll uore dispa-&-
Oarpet" coCIIIlittoe and citi- ,.pill be elected to office by 1 ohed to tho scene and
zens of and nll t Protection Subscribers. ! after spending n hnlf nn
surrotmding area A pn.rade l There :-:ill bo a.n open I hour findinr; the c. rash in
trill osoort him to the 9th I ing on .August 8th, 1958 for tho rain and fog nnd the
Avenue Park Strip nhorc a. j tho purpose of nnswcring all dnrkness they tr;O
public Bo.rbeouo rr.i.ll bo 1 questions concerning tho pro- t1111 hours cut tho
held rti th spooohoo r.nd
'posod Nra PS.Gn. pUot tron tho m-ookt.tgo
muai-<J flh4 vonod \7M:Oh vms- bna:l.y' nnnglode
mont. Tho Bnrbccuo ui11 I be nt thio ocetiilg. Residents of tho innediate
begin nt 7100 p.m. r.nd trill ' On the ovcrdng of Aucust 15th uere helpf'uJ. in
'f'onturo Texan Doer. If it there -:r.i.ll bo n oooting of se,.rohing for the lost .
ohouD rain arrnngouonts StDSORIJERS tor tho purpo=o crntt. Soi::o uero routod
have boon llll\de to t1.ccooodnt of olocting their eight .t.ron their sloop by the
the cro-:td nt tho o ory Uonbors. THE noise of the crnsh and
6th Avenue. Officiito of CRIYERS WILL ELECT THEm OWN others by sonrchors.
tho Oity of :'..nd DO.UID, Tho purpose _ _ __ . .
area organiza.tiono arc to .
of nhich isa App:rovo tho Firo vo v , trll!-
talce part in tho ccro:Jony elected Fire OhiofJ ining and ac"tu.t.'ll. tire
l'..nd progrnn much proniaeo I n.ld .Advise tho Firo Ooopc.ey 0 fighting opcrntJ.ons.
to be n nnd nll nntters nhcrc the r,ood or Tho 8oopany lacks finon-
ful ovcnt. 'l'bJ general 1 intoroot of the com.runity fs oia.l resourqcs to continuo
nublic is invited nnd urGed t ___ _.,_ ---- fire and rescue eorvioos
to be on bend to f_;rcct tho .A.l<la!:n .rnd to tnl.:o. pn.rt .in t.U'tcr Aug. mthout
J.nst nppointod governor .. the. eoncrrJ. footJ.vJ.tios!.'__ 1 snff1 ci ant auppory b _t.h1
- I
- v" \. -\.. (\ \ \i _..... .y , ..
, , (' ltc-' ,, ,, ,\ _, ."" l,\,J r-j
'0 A;ii N 0 l' c I),/ r;;:_ C_),
ARE I N F F 3 0 T OlO.Qo per F 0 0 T
\ p r- , -- - E \)
V'J.--, I <. '(_ .. 0 f\1 I -=at: - -'
u ~ Y 17
P< 2
'.f .
r.1c"UU1er1 SH0\1ER FOR J:...JY
Truce put one
tnbles,;oon o! h.:>.::l'.Jur .. cr A '.:>nby :iliO\Tcr uus held at
nix, one the ho;:e of ?hill;Ts St077nrt
,)our snuce over on July llth. The
! ill. an-:. roll up. Znt of honor uas little
L ike everyone uho uas born' i!1 Taco I LinC.a Theresa :;D.lis, and
fln::'.. brou:;ht ql in Southern i It s but gooC. fri9n::'.s of her not:1cr ':78I'S
Oilifornia, Dnr1e:1e a enough to "'.Je ":"'Orlh it. I on !la:nL. to present bi.!'ts.
son has a fonencss for The la:'ies uor l::e-.:: at const-
icnn foods. Occusionally .. ructing
she likes to trent her FP.IJ:'DI.i of paper, beads etc. uhich
ily to a supper of nTacosn
that crisp fried llc .. "Cicu."'l.
version of a sandtdch.
l can tortillo.s (l dozen
to n cun)
Fl'J' in a littlo oil
one at n one
ninute to each Drain
on to;cls.
l can Enchil.n-. '.a c
(Jshleyfs is best out
to find.. ) .
Eeat nne'. have in a
Jro\:!1 l ;:x>und ho.r1uurr;er
anC'. cook rlth 2 dicec1
until onions trnns
Dice toGethcra
l bunch GTcen onions
3 tonatoes
-} hcp_c: lettuce
Set the table .;ith plntes
ant. LOTS of paper
Set sauc c, snlo. ', hn:l'Jur'.: er
nix o.nc1 tortillv.s in the
)J}vcroyonc sc:cves
hinself in the[;
r.:; \ I!J - If",
.. \w
/ ' I
_; i
I _
1.cre suspenclcc'.. fro;1 a nobile
to l.;l.tcr be hu.Jg aver the
ba1J!Jt s crib .An atrusing ganc
nhich penal.izec: the ladies
into pe1mies into a
piggy for Lin:1a adted
to the fun.
:U'L:' l7
j(u__ iA t!A'<)
tr .LU J:d;; J,J,. A. . .J /" .,- -.. JL"1 2.:.J:2-J
, The firct O:oortc Ocr event
. . of its ld.ncl to tc.:.:o )lRcc
T ere forty lmoi-:>"l. of .. i i..'1 thic arac. 1m.n hcl(;: on tho
t f hi h
' ' J.. , ' ' ' . " ' f J - 11-1-, ""h
ao:: o ""r c. , 110

r:QUJ...c :,o -rrc..i...c.. 'i?' 1 <. .\ 1 ev01unG o u..ty _ ..,n. l c
Al.asl'"..a, as all arc c;ro7:n in the north ( . '\ : course ':';as locc.tccl on tha
zone. ':J"l.c nost po;>ulr'.X in t!'lis . road to EJ.U.ut;::.:1. Lal::e. Tho
e.r c:.>. is Si It ;;rcr.;s c.::,out t:'U'Cc root I event, n hill cllbub, 'tias
hi:-!1 : :ith rec: fla\7Crs about one :me. o:1o-hali' :i:1ches uiC.e. !;:):' the Alasl::a
It is r.cll suite:: an borC.;:;r 0u-t; \.'ill co u-cll i:.1 c")()rtscer CD.ub. :.x. 5:ildrct..'l
a ;)artially shaC..c:l roc!: Grx:'.on. All s:Jccicn of colu:ibi..'1G drivin[; a F orsche,
nr c 'Jest incrc.:J.soC: diviC:in.:; the root"' j uas one entra-11t fron
clur..";>s J..n tho S::?:t'J...IlG. ,
i:.:ost c.n.rc1cners I have tt'll:cc1 to in this are11 arc The course uas \!ell contro-
pcrcnnials to arm\U'ls. Jccuusa of our short t;roY:in;; 1 llod .. by telephone
s cc>.son it docs sacn norc r c<:. sOnf'.ble to pL.-mt 11orenninls and trnffic -r;ms all011eC: to
to have to so :roch ti:::e out bec::il\; T'ne oost
?lt'nts euch or l_)lantinc sce-:s ancl the StU?risin.; rm.s th.:lt
pl c .. nts,.ju;:;t ns they nrc co::.ri.nG into full ':JJ.oon. : tile best tine U <-'.3
Dont forGet -.11fhc Olu'.J :1ccts this Juq 20: a 6.5 h . p. scC...m, a SueC:ish
e.t 7130 'J. n. at the &.:anson' s . ::on-::.en';)cra arc uel.cone Volvo. uns in con)at-
. . .
rnc". urc;cd to attelx: . iti.on mtl1 runging
--. T- ., T ('- ..
-i. ..... l-.1 \,.' ..1."
. '
up to 300 horse
.. .

' ""' J .
Sun>:'.aY School
r.:ornil'lb :1'orshi;: &
Junior & Youth
of the
School be
dnnin.< ne::ct; I.Ion-
_, ,V T., 1' r' 0 .L , .
'.<', "' c n vJ.nU1Ilo
throu.;;h Attt;ust 1 .
Olnsses throuGh ar;e i5.
-:-E EOL: ':'0 'Z ::'U.
----------- - -'" ....... ----- ----
. . . 5
Snturc'.n:r nic;ht Dnnccs nt the
?-<.1.11 have 0ecn
P.n. the SU!::r:or C.Ue to of
It is
i thnt they cill r.csUJ10- in the
l fnll thoUtih no ph"ls have
bean !ll'l.:.e.
! . . SOLD
--- -
: .... .,.
.... .. ..
A Pn:;e 6
- . " i l'nl
D \ u- ,., vr
u.. ; p r'\ 11\
, f; ; . B t r . l ..
See !:Irs. IlcAJ..lister nt ,, 0-' .. '-._
: . . . ,.,. }1 Ecro
s a sucoc::rion..,
Zagle .River . f H to those 1:ho bt:.:.:e their
FOE. SALDf. 1954 Jelvederc l rd orm bread. 7110 lurre
-Suburbnn- :)lOOO. \ ,, ,;:>lastic .. ns avillable
ICnil:: Shop, Ec.;;le River .. .. Y /f C:: a.t tho Enclc P.iver &..rc:-:-:n.rc
FCR . Store arc for
l Jedroo:J Suit'e - .! (4\' '11. T . L'"lf; raising
Finish <;5o. oo c. I . Those are sqtk'U'o in
l Set Jox Sprinf; \ : sA. ... ,e holc:. l4 quarts
R ubber llattr e.e.c I ', They are l:a.rt;e.' :e.:.1ough to
l Dinette Sat, aed, 4 cht..irs ! P'..lS Ll. 0 nix for least 6
. I rT . 1
:)25. 00. I . r.;- oaves. Tho surface is
Williar. Allred, 'rntro' e. , ..;; snooth and chip-pr oof ana
Oe .. bin at Dear Lalco,; 'I the cl.out;h can .. be nixec1' .Z..nd
FOR SALE: HOI.:.illr::: :FLu- j 0!-:UGIAL i..L kneaded rir;ht in the pan.
naca u.ith Autona:tic Controls! I For tho::;.; -:-rho have an oven
'') 500 "" U - ""' . rn."th ]" 'l..t -' t th
o"', !.. . Gn t .l .. ::.i.:. __ ,-.v ([} a _,_o .1-'1 , e
:I ?::: F.2 :!Oa?E tilED
Furnished, 1)50. per no. in a nini..!l'U!l of tine. Just
FOR 1 2 :J Uodern .. set l;nc pan i.,""l the oven
Real iJice. .. J25. per CLAJSIFIED 831C'::!Oi (cnre.fuJ. not to let it
nonth, lis:1ts. t FOR s.F30UL .. U:!B AT touc-h. the ?Lobe) and close
F02 s..a.LE1 .3.3 ft . (}()ltu1bbi ; . "H?r LAJJD the
Tr:'..ilcr f:ull size leanto;!
nll set Ul) .anc1_ .ri:'lterlzoeL. : l ...
Sec l!O!n'S LA.]) .
Fe:'. a 2 ::;ccroon unf'J.IUsfi,( 14 :.:::rz ? M.J !n .. ;:u:
:.rouse on Acrc0. Sec Aden ,
O,.tcs, 23 I.!ile.
?HO::Ba . HOnastood 5J4o
Little --ue G:--;1e >.ns
c ", , ed 7iea .,.,4 .n '-
, :...L-J.. ..... ............. v
':"nu;,.. to
pley i."l o:2 if
. !JOT:.E\'7! * GR.-iC:::: nt 22
I.:.lo - The Dari- Dcli to.
..... ....,..,t.,cr "' t
""" ;. .3
AVO:! !-tEPRZS..::iliTXi':!:v:I:
Onll Ann
FOR s.AIZ1 Girls 2011 3ikc.
Excellent l7. 50
at :.:cocmn' s E:lver Sho:
ni! ... Genter. Ho. 546l .
i . .
. '
. '
j ,.

. \
! .}
.... -.......... ,
; _:rLE 21}

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