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English 4

Oral production activity unit 4

Topic: A celebration in your country

Dear Students,

You will participate in an assignment of making a video about a celebration in your country.

Here the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1:
Watch "Peru in 120 seconds": Colors, festivals and Folklore video. (2´19”)

Step 2:
Prepare a script about a celebration in your country. Talk about:
 what the celebration is
 what people do
 what people wear
 what people eat
 what special traditions people have as part of the celebration

Organize your ideas and write your script.

Remember to use the language you have studied in unit 4:
 vocabulary about celebrations
 passive voice

Step 3:
Stand in front of the camera and record yourself in a video telling us about a celebration in
your country.
Practice several times before recording the final version of your video.

Here are some things to keep in mind while recording your video:
 Speak as clearly as possible.
 Smile.
 Be in a well-lit area.
 Be confident.
 Look at the camera when you speak.
 Don’t just read.

Some guidelines to make your video:

 Use vocabulary and grammar structures studied in Unit 4:

 vocabulary about celebrations
 passive voice
 Your video should last about 1 minute or 1 minute and a half (1’-1’30).
English 4

 Use to make the video. Test your video works well before sending the link.
Change video privacy setting to “Public” so your teacher can view it.
 You can also use any other software to make your video.
 You have to paste the link of your video and the script (the script is referential) in the
Assignment section (Actividad in Unit 4) on Blackboard.
 Use the template below (See page 3).

This task is due on Sunday, September 16th at 23:59 p.m.

English 4

Oral production activity unit 4

Topic: A celebration in your country

Student: Renzo Ampuero Alvites

Course: English 4

Link to video:


We all know that a celebration offers and provides the opportunity to revitalize and preserve
cultural practices, and often serve as a time when people have fun and celebrate with their
friends and family.

In the department of Cajamarca, the carnival is the most important time of the year, since it
has an extensive program of presentations, allegories, dances and music throughout the city.
During this carnival these main events are carried out as:

Election of the Carnival Queen

Contest of Coplas

Thursday of Compadres

Festival of the unshas or 'dressed tree', etc.

In that festivity, the Cajamarcans, in general, the villagers dress in striking costumes and bright
colors, also eat lamb or pork with potatoes parboiled; Variable tubers and vegetables and
homemade bread.

Peanuts and candy are also consumed, among other products. All accompanied by traditional
drinks such as chicha de jora, cane and rum.

One of the most electric parties in Peru, the Cajamarca Carnival is a celebration full of music,
food and water games! Both children and adults participate in traditional festivities, becoming
the most celebrated festival in the region.

Well, after saying this, I'd better celebrate there, bye.

This task is due on Sunday, September 16th at 23:59 p.m.

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