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Chapter 4 A.Expresions : 1.Talking abaut job 2.Talking abaut work places and job responsinilities 3.

Talking abaut parts of hause 4.Going shopping 5.Expressing thanks 1.Talking abaut job (profesions) a. stewards b. conductor c. teacher d. dentist e. driver 2.Talking abaut work places and job responsibilities JOB A teacher A doctor A civil servant A singer A police officer A postman A farmer A sailor A pilot WORKPLACE School Hospital Government office Tv station Police station Post office Fields Ship Plane RESPONBILITY Teaches students Treats patients Serves people Entertains people with songs Solves crimes Delivers letters Grows rice Works in a ship Mechanic

3.Talking abaut parts hause * Living room : a place to relax or talk * Bed room * Kitchen : a place to sleep : a place to cook

* Bath room : a place to wash * Dining room : a place to eat * Garage *Garden : a place to keep a car : a place to grow flowers

4.Going Shopping

Shopping Bawang merah Bawang putih Jahe Cabe Tomat Bawang perai Merica Garam Gula Bubuk kopi Bubuk teh Tisu Lada Beras Telur Wotel Detergen Roti Pasta gigi

English Union Garlic Ginger Chilli Tomato Leek Pepper Salt Sugar Coffe powder Tea powder Tissue Pepper Rice Eggs Carrots Washing powder Bread Toothpaste

Example: Mrs Lisa : Deni would you like to go to market this afternoon? Deni : why mother? dont you go to market this afternoon? Mrs Lisa : no,my mothers friend Mrs Ratih will come Deni : what things to buy mother A kilogram of sugar A pack of tea powder An ounce of chilli A pack of garlic ,and A kilogram tomato

Mrs Lisa : take a sheet af paper and write it

Deni : ok mam,how abaut if buy it now

5.Expressing thank We usually thank someone when: He/she gives us something He/she offers help to us he/she says somethig nice about us our belongings we want to answer his/her quetion politely.

English Special Assigment Cemester II C O M P O S E R By Christie salsalina ita VII-B

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