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1) How could you define CRM? Also explain formation process for CRM? 2) What is ladder of loyalty? How one company can build relationship with the customer define its process? 3) How employee satisfaction can be the initiating point of customer satisfaction? 4) How could you define quality of services? What types of costs are beard by companies for losing their customer? 5) Define service guarantee? Also give some parameters for having good service guarantee? 6) What is KAM? How KAM helps in CRM? 7) Explain Cronbachs Alpha? 8) How service recovery can be useful in Zero defection? 9) How business buying process is different from consumer buying process? 10) Short notes: a) Difference between financial and social bond b) Difference between customization and structural bond c) Market share vs. Share of customer d) Efficiency model e) Parameters for designing customer satisfaction survey

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