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For Immediate Release: May 17, 2013 Contact: Karthik Ganapathy, (347) 881-3784, kgredhorse@gmail.

com ANTONIO REYNOSO RESPONDS TO VITO LOPEZ RESIGNATION BROOKLYN - Following an announcement that Assembly Member Vito Lopez will resign his office after reports of sexual misconduct and criminal activity, his opponent for City Council in the 34th District, Antonio Reynoso, released the following statement: "By virtue of his repeated sexual misconduct and criminal activity, Vito Lopez clearly does not deserve to hold public office. Criminals, serial harassers and sexual predators don't get to call their own shots on when they go to jail. The Assembly needs to move forward and expel Vito Lopez at once. The bottom line is this: a publicly condemned criminal does not deserve the public trust, nor the privilege of representing Brooklyn and Queens in the City Council or the State Assembly. He must drop his campaign immediately, and begin looking for ways to right the wrongs he has inflicted on the people of this city." ###

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