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. Reflection: From January 28, 2013 to February 1,2013. This week I started to give lessons to my students. I had been observing, since the beginning of the semester, the behavior of my students and how they react to the activities and lessons Mr. Bonkosky offered them in class. Before this week, the teacher was assigning me parts of his lessons, in order to start to get involved with my students and being in front of the class. Those first two weeks before beginning to teach the group I was assign, were also for me to get to know the topics and materials the teacher uses in class. Right after my lesson the teacher offered me advice on teaching techniques and shared with us some previous teaching experiences at the school and other places. Also this week, there was a Book fair in the school from Scholastic. The Book fair was celebrated at the school library. The tiny school library was transformed that week, filled with books and decorations of topics of interest for the students. Being on this book fair was an amazing experience, because I didnt remember having a book fair back in my school days. Most of the books were in English language and the selections and prices were excellent. I was amazed about an activity so important that promotes the development of our students literacy skills. Another thing I did this week was an interview with the home group teacher of my students. By interviewing their home group teacher, I affirmed some opinions I had from some students behavior and also discovered some things about them. It was interesting to get his point of view about how they relate with each other, the students that have leadership and others that lack of participation and interest in the class. Definitely this journey with along with my students is going to be really challenging and interesting. Dr. Anbal Muoz

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