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Name: Michelle Christerson Overview

Subject/Time: Conductor - Content

Date: March 21 , 2013


Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. 15.A.Kb Describe some peoples jobs and what is required to perform them. 19.C.K Show understanding and follow simple safety rules. 5.B.K Relate prior knowledge to new information. Objective(s) SWBAT: I can explain what a conductor does. I can identify basic train safety rules. I can relate prior knowledge to new information. Materials: 1. Semantic Analysis Chart 2. YouTube video 3. Poster of trains 4. Train safety poster & pictures 5. Train Conductors teacher-made book 6. Picture of: ears, eyes, railroad crossing sign 7. Exit ticket: DropBox pictures

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? What are the Students Doing? Do Now (5 minutes): The students are sitting in listening Procedure: The teacher will dress up position actively listening to participate in like a train conductor. the discussion. TT: We have a visitor coming to our room today! I think she is here. Let me go check! (Put on Conductor coat and hat) What will we do today? Today we will be learning about train conductors. Say conductor. I am a conductor on the Metra train. Yesterday we learned all about train engineers. Cold call (2-3 students): What does a train engineer do? Tap your head 3 times if you agree with ____. Just like being a train engineer is a career, so is being a train conductor. Lets look at our chart. We have been learning about all different types of careers. (Cold Call) By looking at the chart, what can you tell me about train engineers? Thats right, we learned that train engineers mostly work independently, and have to have a high school and college degree or a type of specific training degree. They also have safety rules they need to follow. We are going to watch a quick video about train conductors. When you hear the word engineer OR conductor, tap your chin like this (demonstrate) 3 times. Im looking for active listeners! Procedure: Watch video on conductors. Point out to the students the duties of the conductor. 2:35 RePzjMY

The students are repeating words.

Possible student responses: -The engineer operates the train/there is not a steering wheel -The engineer works mostly by himself -The engineer works on different types of trains like the Metra and freight trains. -They help transport good or people

TT: That video had a lot of interesting information! TPS: What is one duty of the conductor? If you agree with ___, shake your hand.

The students are pairing up with their partners discussing what conductors do. They are then sharing out with the class. Possible student responses: -Conductors punch holes in tickets -Conductors work with people on the train -Stand by the door when the train -Make sure people are safely aboard -They have lots of experience and need to get lots of training -They work long hours -Is responsible for many parts of the train

I Do Input (5 minutes): Procedure: The teacher is reading the book about train conductors and asking comprehension questions. TT: To find out more about what a train conductor does, we are going to read this book. I need everyone in listening position like(narrate) Comprehension Questions: Page 1: Why do you think the cargo, or shipments, has to be evenly distributed? Page 2: (Show schedule) (Records to write down stuff/what I do) Page 3: How do you think the conductor communicates with the engineer if the conductor is all the way in the back of the train? (show walkie talkie/ they also have phones) Page 4: Why is it important that the passengers are sitting in their seats? What would happen if they werent sitting? Page 5: Why does the conductor look both ways? What would happen if the train started to move, and someone was trying to get on the train? Page 7: Why is it important for the conductor to double check if everything is working? Page 8: What would happen if they didnt take off defective, or broken cars? Possible student responses: Page 1: The dont want to overstuff the cargo/the train could be too heavy The students are sitting in listening position actively listening and

Page 3: The conductor uses the phone, the conductor asks someone else to tell the engineer Page 4: They could fall down/its not safe/they wont be comfortable

Page 5: They might get hit by the train/they wont catch the train

Page 7: To make sure the train is working/to keep people safe/so the train can get to the location on time Page 9: It could hurt the people on the train/it could cause the train to crash

Page 11:Why do you think they provide on the job training?

Page 11: So they know how to do their job/so they can drive the train (I would correct them and ask, Do they drive the train?

We Do Guided Practice (10-12 minutes): Procedure: The teacher and the students will talk about ways we can be safe around the trains. The teacher will make a poster and show the students pictures to prompt the students thinking (pictures: conductor pictures, ear, eyes, railroad crossing sign) TT: We just learned a lot from our book. How can the conductor keep the passengers and people around the train safe? (*If students are having trouble, the teacher will show them pictures to promptwrite list on poster) Wow! I just heard a lot of great ways the conductor could keep us safe.

The students will be thinking and telling the class ways we can be safe around trains. They will be looking at pictures to give them ideas about how they can be safe when they are near train tracks.

Possible student responses (How can the conductor keep the people safe?): -The conductor can tell people to stay seated -The conductor will blow the horn (the teacher will remind the students the engineer does this job) -The students might say ways to keep themselves safe I will respond by saying, that is a way to keep you safe, how do -The conductor checks the trains to make sure it is safe (brakes, windows, doors)

TPS: How can we keep ourselves safe when we are near railroad tracks (show picture of train tracks)? What should we do with our eyes? (Show picture of eyes) What should we do with our ears? (Show picture of ears) What should we do if we see this sign? (Show railroad crossing sign) TT: Great job! It is very important to stay safe when we hear or see a train. It can take a train up to 2 miles to stop! That is 16 blocks! They are so heavy; they cant stop as quickly as a little car or van can. Tomorrow, you will be learning all about how you can keep yourself safe when you are near a train or train tracks.

Possible student responses (How can we keep ourselves safe?): -Look to see there is a train coming -Look if the railroad crossing sign is down/about to go down -Look both ways when you are near a tracks - Cross the tracks with an adult -Listen to see if you hear a train coming -Stop and look both ways if we see a train coming

TT: Wow! We learned a lot about train conductors. Now we are going to review chart of careers. Today we learned about conductors and what their job entails. As a class, lets fill in the chart and compare and contrast it to the other careers.

The students are helping the teacher to fill in the Semantic Analysis Chart.
Career s Work with other people /team work Indepe ndent work Do I need to gradua te high school ? Do I need to gradua te high college ? Are there safety rules?

Vocabulary words/Key Concepts:

Conductor, engineer

You Do Independent Practice: 10 minutes TT: Today we learned what a train conductor does for a career and how they help keep us safe. We also learned about ways we can be safe when we are near train tracks or see a train is coming. Today in writing, you can write about how the conductor can keep you safe, or what you can do to follow train safety. The train conductor keeps me safe. I can be safe around trains and train tracks by Check for understanding: Cold call: What are we writing about? Cold Call: What are some ways the conductor keeps us safe? Cold Call: What are some ways we can keep ourselves safe? These are all things we can write about! Exit ticket: The students will identify responsibilities of a conductor and explain why they follow safety rules on Educreations. The students are at their iPad spot (located all around the room) explaining the conductors job and some of the safety precautions they follow. The students are writing at a level 1 at their tables. They are sounding out words, writing sentences, and using proper punctuation.

Modifications/ Accommodations The teacher will use pictures to encourage whole brain thinking.

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