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1 / rpe r / verb [ T ] 1 FIX to fix something that is broken or damaged I must get my bike repaired. 2 IMPROVE to improve a bad situation It will take a long time to repair relations between the two countries. 1 / run / verb [ T ] 1 SPOIL to spoil or destroy something [ often passive ] They were late and the dinner was ruined. It's ruining his health living in that damp house. 2 LOSING to cause someone to lose all their money or their job If the newspapers get hold of this story they'll ruin him.



1 / ms / noun 1 LUMP [ C ] a solid lump with no clear shape The sauce was now a sticky mass in the bottom of the pan. 2 a mass of sth a large amount or number of something The garden was a mass of flowers. She had a mass of blond curls. 3 AMOUNT [ U ] in physics, the amount of substance that something contains One litre of water has a mass of one kilogram. 4 masses INFORMAL a large amount or number of something I've got masses of work to do. Take some of our paper - we've got masses.

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