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Page 1 of 2 Analysis of your interpersonal needs in three areas: INCLUSION, CONTROL, AFFECTION Expressed (e) behavior The extent

to which you will initiate the behavior is called the Expressed dimension of that need. Wanted (w) behavior The extent to which you want or will accept that behavior from others is called the Wanted dimension of the need. YOUR SCORES (There is no appropriate or inappropriate score)




expressed wanted

5 5

0 4

2 3


7 12 19


NEED FOR INCLUSION (SCORE: e=5, w=5; Total:10/18=MEDIUM): (The amount of belonging, attention, and recognition desired in social settings) Score suggests that the following pattern of behavior may describe you: o You like to involve others in your activities and want others to involve you in their work, but not everyone (select group + few more) o You enjoy giving input to others, but you dont expect them to come to you every time o You want to participate o You dont like to get cut off from information and updates o You may not always seek recognition and endorsement from colleagues and superiors but will like it when it is given o You organize social activities with your business associates o This is your most comfortable interpersonal area (situational) Ask yourself: Am I too cautious about recognizing others and involving them? Do I wait too long to see how others will behave before showing an interest in their contributions? Are there ways to allow others to encourage their cooperation and involvement? NEED FOR CONTROL (SCORE: e=0, w=4; Total:4/18=LOW): (The level of influence, structure, and responsibility desired) Score suggests that the following pattern of behavior may describe you: o You tend to accept direction from those in authority o You like to be given instructions and expectations on work o You like to perform your work according to standard operating procedures o You are loyal and cooperative o You dont like to direct others, not interested in gaining influence o You dont rely much on others except those whose expertise is needed to complete the work Ask yourself: Am I avoiding the risk of taking on new tasks just because I am not familiar with it?

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NEED FOR AFFECTION (SCORE: e=2, w=3; Total:5/18=LOW): (The level of personal ties, rapport, warmth, and support desired) Score suggests that the following pattern of behavior may describe you: o You believe that too much self-disclosure of personal concerns is unprofessional o You tend to be task oriented and business-like (dont like to intrude on others) o You are not too dependent on feedback from co-workers about work o You may have difficulty saying no to requests to take on more work o You feel uncomfortable with expressiveness or affection at work o You dont always expect others around you to be warm, supportive and openly encouraging o May become offended by personal questions o You dont find the organization a home away from home YOUR TOTAL EXPRESSED (7/27=LOW) and TOTAL WANTED BEHAVIORS(12/27=MEDIUM) Total Expressed Behavior indicates how often you take the initiative in approaching others to fulfill the three basic interpersonal needs. In general, it shows how comfortable you are being proactive. Score may indicate that you dont see a social gathering as a great opportunity to express yourself; you are guarded in initiating a rapport with others. Total Wanted Behavior indicates how much you rely on others to get what you need. In general, it shows how comfortable you are being reactive or responsive. Your score may indicate that you vary in the extent to which you are comfortable being reactive to and reliant on others; it seems to depend on exactly who it is and the context in which you work. YOUR TOTAL NEEDS (Inclusion=10, Control=4, Affection=5) The need with the lowest score is the one you are most willing to give up; over time, Control is your lowest priority, you wont be much concerned about order and structure until your needs for Inclusion and to some extent Affection are satisfied. In a new situation you are not likely to focus on finding people you can trust and establishing relationships with them, exchanging genuine reactions and opinions with others. Your priority could be completing your responsibilities and other work which needs to be shared with colleagues. OVERALL INTERPERSONAL NEEDS (19/54=MEDIUM LOW) The indicator of your Overall Interpersonal Needs is the total of all six individual needs. This result represents the overall strength of your interpersonal needs; it shows how much you believe that other people and human interaction can help you attain your goals and achieve personal satisfaction. Score suggests that: o You prefer to be selective in social interaction, but it is enjoyable depending on people and context o You may prefer to wait and see what others will do before taking action o You could grow attached to people who give you what you want o You may be not totally satisfied with what you are getting with relation to what you want Not appropriate to discuss your leadership style right now.

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