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I work practices are implemented industry in LAKSANA JAYA cake and bakery. My 3 month industrial practice there. many stories and experiences that I have experienced. beginning of a new friend, get a new pengatahuan, and also the new environment. PSG beginning there I feel scared, because not know PSG employees and friends from other schools. The first day there, I and my two friends were introduced by pak.novan as the owner of the bakery, he introduced us to his employees. about a week there, me and my friend Mersa not stand, since PSG friend friends from other schools that arrogant lot. we cry in the mosque where three of PSG. because it was not considered by industry practices friend friends from other schools. I had menelevon mother moved tutor and ask where industry practice, but by bu teachers are not allowed to move I knew an employee there named kak sister laila, he who taught me to make a range of kinds of brownies. starting from where I was happy to start the practice of industrial work place., because I have started to make a range of kinds of brownies. and friends there is also industry practice getting familiar with my The nicest thing and unforgettable experience there was when me and my friends joking and laughing together at a time when a break unwind. there I got a friend of Kertosono SMK, SMK 4 Madiun, Ngondang SMK, SMK Bagor, SMK 1 Trenggalek family there is very pronounced, at a
time when the rest of us ate together in the hallway, praying together dimushola, and the most beautiful is when we mop up with that time period is the period of a lifetime

Happened to me and eka rented residence in Setono gedong, Setono gedong Dhoho place close to the road. So that night after my evening prayer and friend other industry practices often Dhoho way out to the street to buy food, or just walk the road alone. A very sad period in industry practice is when I have to step away LAKSANA JAYA. I already dear to my friends, I cried when parting with them, because they are one of the motivators and my encouragement to industry practice at home there. and a heavy heart to leave meraka sense. But there is life and there is also a farewell meeting. Thanks for the friend industry friends working practices and employee LAKSANA JAYA, you guys are the experience of a lifetime

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