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SAPODILLA PLUM or CHIKU Achras sapota Linn. (Order: Sapotaceae).

Both the generic names Achras, and the specific name, Sapota, are drived from S. American names. Description: An evergreen tree attaining a height of 50 to 60 ft, with a rounded or conical crown and horizontal or spreading branches. Leaves 3 to 4 in. by 0.75 to 1 in. wide, stiff, shining, tip blunt or acute, base narrowed into the petiole. Flowers small, one to two in the axil of the leaves, drooping. Fruit a drupe, 1 to 2.5 in. long, egg-shaped, with a rough dry skin much resembling a potato in appearance. Seeds 3 to 5, black and shining. Distribution: A native of the West Indies introduced into India from America. Cultivated throughout the greater part of India for its fruit. Gardening: The Chiku is largely cultivated in many parts of India for its fruit. It may be grown from seed or from cutting. Grafting is the usual method adopted to obtain the best results. The trees should be protected during the fruiting period by nets from the ravages by fruit-bats. Bats do a considerable amount of damage to the crop. Uses: The coagulated resinous latex, chicle gum, is used in the United States of America for chewing gum, statuettes, etc.

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