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Eichhornia crassipes

 Other names: Water Hyacinth

 Family: Ponteriaceae
 Origin: South America

A free-floating aquatic plant called Eichhornia crassipes has spread throughout aquatic habitats in the
eastern and southern parts of the United States. Plants have a maximum height of 3 feet (1 m). Oval to
elliptic in shape, the leaves can be up to 6 inches thick. (15 cm) wide, waxy, and with petioles that are
soft. The edges of leaves have an inward curl. On tall spikes, the incredibly stunning blue-purple flowers
are created. Each flower has six petals, the topmost of which contains a yellow spot. The plant can be
grown for use in wastewater treatment and integrated into a system that harvests biomass for the
manufacture of fuel.

Chrysopogon zizanioides

 Other names: Vetiver grass

 Family: Poaceae
 Origin: India

Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), a tropical grass that grows between 2 and 5 meters tall, is
distinguished by its vast root system, which has a tendency to extend as deep as 4 meters or more. Due
of this property, it is frequently planted to stop soil erosion in sloped regions. Additionally, it has a high
level of tolerance for soil-borne heavy metals. High-quality, woody, and strongly perfumed essential oil
from the root is produced and used to flavor canned asparagus and peas, fruit drinks, syrup sweets, and
other foods. Additionally, it is utilized in the production of soaps, cosmetics, deodorants, and other
products. The roots are used to create cooling screens, fans, mats, and baskets. The roots when ground
up have insecticidal qualities.

Bambusa vulgaris Schrad

 Other names: Common Bamboo

 Family: Poaceae
 Origin: China

Bamboo, or Bambusa vulgaris (L.) (Poaceae), is a plant that grows in tropical and subtropical regions,
particularly in the monsoon and wet tropics. The species are typically quite enormous, with several
branches at a node, one or two of which are substantially larger than the others. It is a loosely-clumped,
caespitose, medium-sized bamboo that is evergreen. Ciums are upright or sub-erect, 8–20 m high, 5–15
cm in diameter, bright green when young, turning yellow as they mature, polished, and glossy. They
normally branch from the middle to the top, with the lower nodes frequently having a narrow ring of
brown roots and internodes up to 45 cm long.

Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill

 Other names: Cherry Tomato

 Family: Solanaceae
 Origin: South America

Annual or short lived perennial, spreading, hairy-pubescent and more or less glandular, strong smelling, 3-6
ft. or more, the young growth on mature plants erect; lvs. odd-pinnate with small lfts. interposed, 6-18 in.
long; main lfts. 5-9, stalked, ovate to oblong, 2-3 in. long, acuminate, irregularly toothed, margins tending to
roll inward; fls. yellow, 3-7, nodding, 3/4 in. or more across, on jointed pedicels; fr. red or yellow, usually
flattened at the ends, 2-3 in. across, the sides furrowed or angled. Var. cerasiforme, the Cherry Tomato has
thinner lvs., mostly smaller and usually less acuminate; fls. prevailingly in longer clusters; fr. globular and
regular, about 3/4 in. in diam., red or yellow, few celled.


Dracaena trifasciata

 Other names: Snake Plant

 Family: Asparagaceae
 Origin: West Africa

Dracaena trifasciata is an attractive plant with firm, thick leaves. They are adapted to long periods of
drought, harsh sunlight or low light and so make excellent houseplants. Dracaena is a historically
recognised genus of flowering plants, native to Africa, Madagascar and southern Asia, now included in
the genus Dracaena on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies.

Aloe barbadensis

 Other names: Aloe vera

 Family: Asphodelaceae
 Origin: Africa

The botanical name of Aloe vera is Aloe barbadensis miller. It belongs to Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae)
family, and is a shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green color plant. It grows
mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America.

Euphorbia milii

 Other names: Crown-of-thorns

 Family: Euphorbiaceae
 Origin: Madagascar

Euphorbia milii, commonly called crown of thorns, is a woody, succulent shrub that features (a) fleshy, bright
green leaves, (b) inconspicuous flowers in clusters subtended by very showy petal-like red or yellow bracts
and (c) thick sharp black thorns (to 1/2" long) which cover its water-storing branches and stems.

Ferocactus sp., Britt

 Other names: Barrel Cactus

 Family: Cactaceae Juss
 Origin: Mexico
The Barrel Cactus is a member of the Cactaceae, or cactus family. Barrel cacti grow into a squat tubular
shape, giving it the appearance of a very spiky ribbed barrel. The genus name Ferocactus is Latin for
“fierce cactus,” an apt description that will be affirmed by any who have seen the densely packed, stiff
spines covering the fleshy-looking plant. The Spanish name for this plant is viznaga, a common term for
fat, cylindrical cacti, which can also include Mammillaria, Escobaria, and other genera. As one would
expect of such an iconic emblem of the desert southwest, these plants grow mainly in the desert, in
sandy or rocky soils with little water and lots of sun.


Spathiphyllum wallisii

 Other names: Peace Lily

 Family: Araceae
 Origin: Colombia

An evergreen, rhizomatous herbaceous plant which can grow up to 50 cm tall and 50 cm wide. It has a
clump-forming growth habit. Leaves are broadly lanceolate, dark green, glossy. Flowers are borne in a
dense spike (spadix), within an ovate-shaped white spathe.

Philodendrom sellum

 Other names: Lace Tree

 Family: Araceae
 Origin: South America

The philodendron hope selloum grows by producing stems from the central root base at first, making it
look like a bushy floor plant. When the plant grows more mature, it will develop a trunk-like structure.
Usually, the leaves obscure the trunk because they are so big. Its foliage comes in a glossy, dark-green,
and deeply lobed appearance.

Calathea ornate

 Other names: Arrowroots

 Family: Marantaceae
 Origin: America

With oblong leaves, the pinstripe plant has flashy, glossy foliage. New growth emerges from the center
of the plant, and flowers are able to bud with mature, outdoor specimens. The plant can reach 3-9 feet
in size in the wild. However, as an indoor plant, it will likely not exceed 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall.

Ficus elastica

 Other names: Rubber Fig

 Family: Moraceae
 Origin: Malaysia

In colder climates, this is an extremely popular houseplant that typically grows to 2-10' tall. It is noted
for its thick, leathery, glossy, dark green leaves (to 12” long and 5” wide) and pink to purplish stipules.

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