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Understand your thinking for your improvement

If you do not read and understand, you may regret later. This is only for private circulation not to be shared with others. Foreword This is not like other inspirational books. Those books say only general points need for our improvement. In spite of reading those books, a normal person cannot use those points effectively to improve his standard. There may be a lot of doubt unanswered. You cannot use or do effectively if you have doubt. Be clear what you want and what you do. When others buy a house, why cant you buy a house? What prevents you from doing this? What steps you need to take? Dont indulge in lame excuses for long time. You will lose valuable time. Dont cheat yourself. Take action immediately.

This is an written on the basis of analytical made on how to avoid failure, why we fail instead of having willingness to do progress in life. It is very difficult to give all the reasons for our failure. A few points are given based on some experience. After reading this, based on your own experience, understand the points and make necessary changes as per the requirement of the situation.


Some people born with some or many of their required characters, nature etc. If you do not have such characters or qualities, you can get them through your thinking, observation, reading and understanding inspirational books and training your mind with strong determination. It is easy to say that you have to change bad habits to good habits. In practical, it is very hard to change. But if we want money, fame etc. we need to change for better. In each step or situation, you need to be aware of what do you want. You have to be aware of your each step with attention focused on that point need to be improved. Too much focus is required. Therefore, it is better to acquire good habits as much as possible. Please read Mantras to success written by Ved Mathur and Malati Mathur. It tells you very practical way for success. Once you read and apply various tactics definitely success is yours. We hear about some of our friends or persons, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Dr. Abdul Kalam, born in poor family, with their effort, they have come up in life. The most effective people are the most effective thinkers and understand what action to be taken in that direction. When some persons have raised their standards, why cant you progress in your life?

What is success or defeat? If you attain what you wanted, it is success. If you cannot attain what you wanted, you call it defeat. If you have proper understanding about what you want and action taken according to the circumstance, you can attain what you wanted. If you do not understand what you want, only thinking and not taking any action, you are defeated. YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR LIFE ONLY THROUGH UNDERSTANDING WHAT DO YOU WANT IN LIFE (goal), UNDERSTANDING SURROUNDINGS AND PEOPLE, (Good or bad) AND POSITIVE THINKING IN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. THIS IS TRUE. Only need is belief I Can I want. You become what you think.

Negative thoughts

Instead of taking necessary some of your thoughts prevent you from such actions under one pretext or other. The thought which prevents you from taking action are called negative thoughts. You understand your negative thoughts going on in your mind. These negative thoughts spoil your progress. You want to complete reading of one book before your exam, but not able to do so. Why? What is the reason? Something prevents you from doing so. It is due to laziness and negative thoughts.

With strong will power and determination, if you think of your progress and good result, definitely you can overcome from negative thoughts.


Understanding Simply you are thinking to score well in exams. For example, you want to score 100 marks out of 100 in math or in all subjects. You are simply reading or working out problems without proper understanding. How is it possible to get full marks? Understanding and taking action, solving a lot of math problem will enhance your ability to get full marks. What proper understanding? It means understanding points, connecting them properly, writing and presentation skills. Similarly, you should understand what you want in daily life at home and office and take proper action required. Blind faith: Dont have blind faith. Without proper reading of your text books , only through prayer to good, can you score high marks and pass the exam.

Similarly you think of many circumstances in your life. Only sitting at home, can you do outside work through prayer? You should take necessary steps and action. Determine to turn your dreams into reality. This is possible only through strong commitment and action. Repeated reading of book Mantras to success, self reminder, to apply those good ideas, strong commitment are necessary to change yourself for better.

Just thinking or wishing for something and leave it to your luck will not work for you. Dont simply think and depend on your luck. There is no such thing luck. The cowardly and week person is always dependent on good fortune or luck. If you think and take appropriate action under every circumstance, you can finish the work and achieve what you wanted. He calls it as luck. If the person only desire to have something and not taking any appropriate action call it bad luck.

Another important reason for our failure is we are not listening carefully to others, who say good points, bad points or useless suggestion to us. Judge and understand what they say. When you speak to others you must know to speak on general points from News Paper, TV, Magazine, story books, etc. Otherwise, whenever we speak, we say only important, valuable points or suggestions to others. Others get benefit out of it. At the same time, others, if you listen carefully, speak on general points and do not know valuable points. For example, if we say we have to make my child a doctor or engineer, others listen to it and try very sincerely.

Like this, we give many ideas to others and we forget the steps to be taken and monitor or guide our child properly. Some people copy from us and start applying those ideas and become successful. Similarly, we should also learn or copy good ideas from others. Only thinking and speaking are not enough, action is to be taken in the right direction. Understand the value of the time. Why time is valuable? Time runs very fast. You cannot get back the wasted time. Therefore, the time is very valuable. You may be a boy/ girl at the age of 17. You do not know how fast the time is flying. After some years, when you look back, you may be at the age of 71. So start to understand and act now.

Your determination, constant thinking, your effort and your action only make it possible to get what you want. Patience, perseverance, positive thinking, constant reminding yourself of your progress and above all will power, determination to take action in the right direction are necessary.

If you stand at the feet of the mountain and looking at the peak of it, you can never reach the peak. It means only thinking is not enough but action is also required. Difficulties may come in your way. You need not worry or fear for it. They are temporary only. Think how to come out from such difficulties. Why such difficulties have come to you? Instead of

worrying, think what you want to do in that situation. Use alternate ways to overcome difficulties. Others may criticize you. Let them criticize us. Learn what they say. Dont fear for what others think and say about you. Think what do you want or what is beneficial for you in order to progress in life. It is very important to know about the good or bad people and their intention. A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Mukh mein Ram bagal mein choori. His lips rain fruit, his heart within is on fire Friendship on his lips, hatred at heart From the above proverb understand various types and nature of people. These types of people want to destroy you, still , they make you believe that they care for you. Only if you know about these people, you can effectively understand and can take decision whether you can believe them or not. You can also understand how to manage the situation. Else you will be get cheated by others.

Understand third persons good or bad intention i.e. read other persons mind. What is Reading other persons mind? It means observing other persons carefully, the words they speak, how they say, how they act (body language). This is very important in your daily life to understand about the other persons intention. You must know a lot of tricks, ways to handle the situation and the different types of people.

Understand what is anger? Anger arises due to displeasure. Displeasure arises when expect thing or result not taking place. Displeasure or irritation arises when others do not act, as you expected from them Understand the need of controlling your anger. Your anger spoils your life. Dont get anger if others do not listen to you or incident that is not happened as expected. Understand the reason. Use alternate methods and influencing skills. When you come across useless people or bad people dont show your anger at any time to anybody. We should also learn to speak with fruit and honey in our lips. Courtesy and humility Behave courteously towards everyone. Only the person who is able to win over hearts is who are courteous and have good manners. A courteous person always uses polite and respectful words no matter who he is speaking to. Humility is demonstrated in two ways: by body language and by the sweetness of the tone and words. Smile Have a lot of smile in your face and honey in your tongue. Greet People, say hello, namaskar. Lavishly Praise People whatever good you see in them. Smile brings joy and felling of goodwill into your house, workplace and social circle. Humour makes the conversation lively and interesting. Handling people and situation Nowadays in the competitive world, people give more importance to money and forget to respect others. They become jealous on other

people who are well qualified and who have wealth. They, instead of thinking and taking proper action to improve their status, indulge in bad thinking and harm others, knowingly or unknowingly. You must know a lot of tricks to handle the situation and the different types of people; if you want to lie you have to say it to pacify the people. Be sincere to you, to your family and focus on your progress and earn money in proper way. We need to know how to handle person and the situation well for our favour without entering into unnecessary argument. Balanced relationship with others You need to have some sort of understanding and light touch or balanced relationship with them. Man is a social animal. Therefore, you cannot live and do everything in isolation. We need people, friends and relatives. Mix with them; Praise other people; if possible give small gifts to them, send greeting message to them and take advantage from them as much as possible. Important thing is be aware of their nature and do not get cheated. Speak on general points and as far as possible, dont give important suggestions. Prayer:

What is Prayer? A request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship. It is a communication with god. Prayer is a personal dialogue with god. When you pray deeply within our hearts, it gives you power for our daily life. Going to temple and normal poojas, prayer are enough. Orthodox type of prayer. Orthodox means performing prayer or poojas very strictly following religious rules. God has not created

any such strict rules. Man has created for his own benefit. Understand how priests and pundits earn their livelihood. In todays competitive world they frighten you saying various ways and means to extract money from you. When priests and pundits threaten you, what they do? Observe them what they do. Why they send their children to school? Cant they educate and give knowledge to their children only by prayer, poojas and homam to god.

Understand pundits intention. We should not enter into any sort of religious arguments. If possible do poojas for your satisfaction. Dont speak against any religion and methods followed by them. You cannot win an argument. By arguing, you can earn enemies only not friends. Observe your thoughts You understand various above facts and observe your own thoughts and action. Do you have positive thoughts or negative thoughts? If you have positive thoughts with the intention to progress, you can achieve it. Skills We are talking about various skills. Skill is ability to do things or work efficiently with ease. We should know about various skills and use it in all places, office, shop, School, College, and home. You must know to use your skills to get benefit, progress in your life. Strong understanding and determination are required to use them in all

places to get better result in your life. Various types of tricks and skills are to be constantly used depending on the place and person.

Your strong will power and determination only can help to overcome fear, anger, and difficulties, and laziness. You need to transform you to do better things. Leadership skill.

For example, in the game of cricket, there are 11 persons. Among them one person is a leader. All these people are like minded persons. They wanted to play cricket. They have joined the game, cricket. People who like football, they join the game, football. All persons are not playing alike and score runs alike. Different players play differently or use their skills differently. Sachin tendulkar has highest skills, plays well and score well. He has developed such good skills and habits. He is liked by all. Similarly, we should also constantly use our skills in differently at office, public places and home. We have to use our skills well to earn, to manage our office work, private work and people at home.

Straight line: Straight line always does not help you. If you make road or lay railway line, straight line alone is not enough, bend is also necessary. Similarly, in our life also we should not be straight; bend is required to make our

life happy. If you follow truth, it may not help you. We have to change our ideas depending on the situation. Telling fabricated stories, telling lies, deviation in your way of doing, are necessary in order to get benefit and progress in our life. People and circumstances are forcing you. Please understand this. Therefore, dont be a straight line. Think of Bend or curve line. It means flexibility, adjustment and co-operation. Level of flexibility depends on the circumstance and place.

Dont depend on other person to do for you. Dont blame others. You can only take necessary action for your progress. Keep in mind various good points. Dont worry about things that are not happening. You make things happen. To make things happen, you need strong determination and take positive action in the right direction. Repeated self reminder and very strong determination are required to change ourselves. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving progress in his life or his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. May 2013

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