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Nowdays, communication betwen people is faster and easier.

That is big benefit for making connections with other people and having disscussions about different topics. Different people are making new relationships over the internet and gaining new experiences. Love and the war are two topics that are closely related to connections and communications. Many stories are full of love and wars between people and nations. There are no rules in a love and war. Every war and every love story are full of new different experiences. It is true that every love has it own war and there is no written or any other rule about it. Everything is alowed in those games. Love is a state of feeling and it is total contrast to war. Love brings new experiences and it can bring mental harm or it can bring possitive and good vibrations. War can also bring a mental or physical harm. Many wars started becouse of love. Love and war are in such connection that love can produce war, but there is no possibility that war can produce love. For example, in Troy, war started becouse of love. In that game there are no rules that could be obligated. On the other hand, there are situations where wars are stopped by one marriage and love. Love can produce peace. Love is product of pleasant communication that can be presented verbaly or throught body language. Love can be lost easily and can produce totally different effect and cause war and arguing. Some rules can be established to avoid war and preserve love betwen nations or two individuals. Rules are here to have simple and calm life and situations. Having looked at both sides it is better to live life with some rules, but rules are there to be broken. If some rules are not obeyed in daily life, everything would be in a big mess. In my opinion, there are no rules in war and love, but there is respect and human boundary in both of the cases.

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