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By IVAN DARIO CARRILLO RUBIO Colombia 34 Years Learning

I want to start by saying that is the area where I've had more failures. FIRST JOB: I said Usually yes to everything and sometimes got into trouble, fill me working and I think difficult to fail. Others JOBS: fail for lack of organization functions several times left me in my work, but that really impact alli learns much I knew not manage resources thinking I was important in the mercadoe have ideas and costs, this fracassar took me a couple of projects by personnel mismanagement made many mistakes with people, driving out people who may be losing useful

professional failures

Academics failures
Well, have made the biggest mistake and never finish half specialization. another big mistake not seizing the oportunidasd to have traveled to study in the U.S., maybe today were as Stanford graduate. another mistake was not to have studied before via intenret courses,, now is not it a bit late but more difficult for the responsibilities and occupations

Personal failures
fail with my wife, my daughter lost over time, I have 34 years I have not but the things of my room for my multiple failures and have lived in absolute poverty, with nothing to eat in the city of Bogota, having to endure 12 months without work, after that just has been the glory of god in my life just the best, are fracosas desert training in the battle thirst

My experience
I've learned that the simple things are creative, that shame is the veil of ignorance and errors and tests are the way they polish it finds and creations in the world, Tina's laughter and simplicity is synonymous with intelligence in a person

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