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Anti-child labour day: Rescued children share their success stories

The phrase 'Today's children are the citizens of tomorrow' has lost its meaning, given the prevalence of child labour across the country. To spread awareness on the social evil among those who blindly practise child-labour, students of different schools took out a jatha. The event commemorated World Anti-Child Labour Day here on Tuesday. Speaking on the occasion, district and sessions judge Mohan Shriprasad Sankolli said that despite laws to curb child labour, the number of children who are forced to work is on the rise.

"It is the responsibility of each individual to strive to curb the practice. It is our duty to give back the golden age of children which they have lost," he added. Deputy commissioner P S Vastrad, who is also the president of National Child Labour Scheme Society, said children are the wealth of the nation. "They are the creators of the nation's future. The society must spread awareness against child labour," he added. A boy, who was rescued from a garage sometime ago, said he was happy to be able to go to school. But he said his mother still forces him to discontinue studies. He is now studying in Class IX. He had passed Class VIII with 96%. Another child who took part in the jatha was rescued from a furniture factory. After being rescued, he took to athletics. He has represented the district in a state-level athletic meet held at Udupi.

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