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Militia Tactics:

By Franke ScheinJuly 2010 What will be the indicators that will cause the militias to rise up in angry defiance? 1.) Legislation that prohibits or restricts private firearms ownership. 2.) Forced compliance with unconstitutional laws. 3.) The establishment of new legislation or laws that further erode or dismantle civil liberties. 4.) The introduction of United Nations peacekeeping forces onto American soil. 5.) Sweeping political arrests based upon quelling the voices of dissent of grassroots political parties or activists. Everybody has their limit. Everybody reaches a point when enough is enough. That goes without saying, and holds true for nearly everything in our lives. For members of a militia unit, and their commanders, it becomes imperative that everyone understands that there are certain indicators that will create a call to action. Whether that call to action is purely a political response, or an armed response, will be dictated by whatever action created the call to arms itself. It also hinges upon the units preconceived ideas of what an attack represents to their ideologies. In a politically motivated response, the militia units take to the streets in a very public protest that attracts worldwide attention. Such protest must be part of a national effort that is embraced by every militia unit operating in the country. Images of camouflaged clothed and armed citizens on the streets of America will certainly attract the attention of every news agency in the world. It would be akin to the Hells Angels showing up at a bar mitzvah . Imagine the surprise and shock of the average Joe Blow american awaking to news reports that all across the United States, militia units have rallied in front of their respective state capitols to denounce a new federal regulation. Its never happened in this country, and that one single act would send shockwaves across the country.

On the tactical front, a national calls to arms, or perhaps even a localized call to arms is an entirely different matter. Ive spent a great deal of time attempting to answer the questionwhat would happen if all of the militia units arose (as one) against whatever threat caused them to activate their alarm tree? [ For example, and of the indicators that I previously discussed. ] On a local level we would probably see the activation of State National Guard units that are augmented by law enforcement officers. States that have active duty military bases would probably call on these resources as well. Since this administration has shown time and time again that the Posse Comitatus Act is now meaningless. On a national level we could expect the same outcome, but definitely with active duty military intervention. For the purposes of clarification-lets assume that anytime that I use the word Militaryit denotes United Nations peacekeeping Forces.. That leaves the question on how these battles would go down. Its apparent from the onset that small militia units would be hard pressed to engage in any head-to-head confrontation with organized military units. The outcome would be pretty horrificconsidering that the technology available to active duty military/law enforcement, far exceeds what is available to militia units. So, in essence, militia units would have to conduct hit and run type of battles, much like what the insurgents in the Mideast are doing. Small unit penetrations, ambush and counter ambush operations, convoy ambushes, tactical operations that would generally be relegated to the role of guerilla warfare. That doesnt mean that all military units are unbeatable, in fact, its their technology that makes them weak. The over reliance on all the fancy gizmos that can blindside them. The threats faced in this type of battle would include unmanned (drones) aircraft that can be used both as an eye in the sky and as offensive weapons. We have watched this technology reap havoc on the Taliban in Afghanistan time after time. Special Operations units that operate outside of the military contstrains, and deep inside of militia territory.

Armored cavalry units that sweep through an area, usually accompanied by air assets, and airborne weapons platforms. These are the key strategies that will be used against militia units. If one takes the time to analyze and comprehend the counter-insurgency strategies used overseas, we can clearly see that the tactic of Hammer & Anvil is being used, time after time.

The Hammer & Anvil strategy was used very successfully in Vietnam and Korea. The Soviets also used it very effectively during the spring 1944 offensive against the Armies of Germany. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, the H & A is being utilized with damned good results.

Counter ambush strategies dictate that a force upon force confrontation be met with equally dev- A small unit is sent into a village, and when it is taken under fire, a reaction force is astating firepower, rapid movement out of the ambush zone, and massive multi-weapons fire that quickly sent to their aid. breaks the ambushers continuity itself. Air assets, when they are available, are brought into the fight, and all three elements Once having broke through the ambush, the tables are then tuned against the ambushers -by maneuver the ambushers backwards towards a selected landmark/location. driving them back against a natural obstacle, such as a river, a forested tract of land, or a certain Another element is positioned at this landmark, with orders to hold the position, prelandmark. That is the Hammer aspect of the counter ambush operations. The Anvil segment envent the enemy from effecting a breech through the area, and kill as many of the entails that a ready action force takes up position along the proposed strategic area, (as described emy as can be accomplished. As the original unit, along with the reaction forces, push above) and results in the ambushers being driven against a wall of withering gunfire while they and drive the ambushers into the wall of weapons platforms among hastily prepared are being pushed into the area. positions. The only way to counter this counter-ambush strategy, is to immediately disperse in several directions. That mans even squad sized units must quickly disappear into the crowds and become nearly invisible. But rest assureds, that once he gunfire dies down, the enemy military units will seal off the area in order to prevent any escape and evasion by the original ambushing units. This is also another common tactics being used today. Its the most primitive form of warfare in the streetshouse to house, and room to room searches that round up likely enemy fighters. Every male over 21 is interrogated, apprehended, and often times placed into protective custody until his whereabouts can be determined. A team of forensic analysts use Ultraviolet lights to determine if there is gunpowder residue on the hands, face, or clothing of the suspect. Even K-( dogs are utilized to sniff out weapons and explosives, as well as electronic sniffing of gun powder, chemical, and explosives compounds. During the initial engagement, the reaction force usually attempts to control not only the immediate area/street that they are fired upon, but the streets adjacent to the ambush area as well. This allows them better security and control of the immediate area, and if the tactical situation allows it, to encircle the ambushing forces rather quickly. Usually squad or platoon sized elements are used, as well as heavy weapons platforms such a crew served weapons on vehicles. Deployment of units in this manner allows for a better controlled battle areas, mutual force protection, and rapid response to changing battlefield conditions. The basis for military operations in urban environments. This strategy dictates the control of at least 1-3 block continuous area around the maneuver element engaged in the hardest fighting.

the best course of action is to prepared operations that do not come face-to-face with largely superior forces. Instead, militia unit should disperse among the populace and blend in with them until its time to strikethen hit hard, and evacuate to a safe place out of the target area. On a note: battles with UN forces must be fought on the streets, not in the woods. Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) are mounted on gun ships, and some units have hand held devices that can penetrate even the thickest foliage cover. This will be the chapter for a later discussion.

Air assets can then be used to both identify and kill the enemy. Gun ships circle outside of the immediate battle area in order to identify fleeing units, and to provide immediate fire support if any of the friendly units are outnumbered or besieged. A tactic that is being used with good results today in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan. As stated earlier, engaging a vastly superior forces such as this is haphazard to say the least, but it can have devastating effects if executed with critical planning in mind. Hot hard, hit fast, and then disperse into nothing. That is the only way these types of battles can be fought and won. Terrorist and guerilla fighters have been using this tactic for generations of war. Even the Roman legions were unable to counter a guerilla war action against their supply lines, and sometimes their base camps. The Gaul's became experts at these hit and run operations with devastating effects, in that it caused the Romans to provide additional security forces to protected their caravans, thereby eliminating battle field resources at the front.

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We see this happening today in wars all about the globe. Government forces that are being attacked by small units, such as what occurred in Mumbai last year, and threw the entire country, if not the whole world, into chaos. In conclusion, I would suggest that given the current dispersing of all militia units, the lack of network communications, and the simple fact that technology is not there at militia unit level

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