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Unit 4 Тема урока

«Is it easy to be young? »

(«Легко ли быть молодым? »)
“Teenage Years – Do they Bring Luck?”
( «Подростковые годы. Приносят ли они счастье?» )
10 класс. Английский язык. Учебное пособие автора В.П.
Кузовлёва и коллектива авторов.
Цели урока:
познавательный аспект – знакомство с высказываниями зарубежных
сверстников о проблемах молодёжи;

развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к логическому

изложению, к формулированию выводов;

воспитательный аспект – Формирование критического отношения к

действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и

учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков; развитие

навыков аудирования;

сопутствующие задачи – развитие умение читать с разными


Речевой материал:
продуктивный: лексический – violence, addiction, drugs, alcohol, commit

Оборудование урока: мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийный

экран, работа с компьютером: квиз и тест, кассета для учебника 10-11
классов под редакцией В.П. Кузовлёва, учебник.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.

II. Объявление темы и задач урока.

Teacher: «Our topic today is about young’s problems. We must to answer the
question: “Is it easy to be young?”

III. Основная часть урока.

1) Teacher : ”Do you know that happy people can laugh at themselves because
they don’t take themselves too seriously? Happy people tend not wish for
many things, because they are usually satisfied with what they have. They
can escape from reality and enjoy someone else’s imagination.

Do you think you are a happy person?

Do this quiz and find out (“True” or “False”)

Students do the quiz and compare their characteristics.


Teacher: I see you feel different in your age.

2). Listening/Reading for the main idea(ex.1(1) p.123 )

Teacher: What does it mean – to be young?

1.Which of you thinks that being young brings a lot of serious problems?

2.Which of you thinks that being young allows you to do exiting and wonderful

3.And which of you thinks that being young is a kind of duty and makes you feel
responsible for what you to do?

(Students answer the questions and explain their opinion if necessary.)


In the early 90s, British television had a series of discussions on the problems of
teenagers. Young people shared their opinions on what it means to be young.

Listen to the three teenagers and say which of them has the idea closed to yours.

(Students listen to the cassette and answer the question. Student book are closed.)
And in this moment open your text-book page 123 and read what young people
think about teenager’s years.

(The students open and read the texts quickly to check if they were right)

Reading for detail(ex.1(2), p.123) Students read the texts more carefully and do
the test.


3) Защита презентаций по теме

T: And what does it mean to be young? Which of you think that being young
brings a lot of serious problems? Which of you thinks that being young allows you
to do exciting and wonderful things? Which for you thinks that being young is a
kind of duty and makes you feel responsible for what you do?

(защита презентаций уч-ся по теме)

презентации уч-ся\By Manisheva.ppt

презентации уч-ся\by Silantieva.ppt

презентации уч-ся\Is it easy to be young by Babinskii Vlad.ppt

презентации уч-ся\Is It easy to be young by Mineeva.pptx

презентации уч-ся\is it easy to be young. by Butenko.ppt

презентации уч-ся\Is it easy to be young. by Sheena.ppt

презентации уч-ся\Is it Oseledko.ppt

презентации уч-ся\Is it easy to be young. by Minakova.ppt

4). Заключительная часть урокa

T: We can tell that to be young people isn’t easy. Young people have
many problems, but to be young that to be merry, kind, attractive. I wish
you to have any problems in your life.
а) подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

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