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MANDATORY CONFERENCE May 20, 2013 Minutes of Meeting Attendance: Name 1. 2. 3. Signature Name 4. 5. 6.


D. O.: Good morning to everybody! We are here today for a mandatory hearing due to the involvement of Ms/Mr _________ in an activity conducted by a Tau Gamma fraternity, a non recognized student org., which constitute a major violation under the NCST handbook. Together with us, as one of the members of the Committee, are the following: (Individually introduce the Panel) D.O.: Mr/Ms. ? State your circumstances. Ms/Mr: D.O: By the way, I am going to show you a picturewould you pls. tell this body if you are on that picture? D.O.: Do you know where these pictures were taken? D.O: When was this taken? D.O: Several hours prior to this picture taking, what have you been doing? D. O.: After your picture taking, what did you do? D.O: On the picture, I notice that you are all in black T-Shirt, Who gave you instruction or information to wear the same? D.O: What do you know about him? D.O: Why were you in black T-Shirts? D.O: Pls. look at the picture once again, there is a tarpaulin held by two guys, right? D.O: Can you recognize one/all of them? Who are they? D.O: On the tarpaulin, NCSTs logo is seen right?

D.O: On it was a symbol? What symbol is that? D.O: would you tell us what does it signify? D.O: Who are you in this organization/what is position in this organization? D.O: Who is the leader in Dasmarias chapter? D.O: who is the leader in the NCST chapter? D.O: For now, I dont have any questions to ask you. However, I would now give this chance to my colleagues to ask you something which is relevant to case.


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