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Present Perfect - Past Simple


Present Perfect Simple 1. Momentul de desfasurare NU se cunoaste:

Past Simple 1. Momentul de desfasurare se cunoaste: A scris o poezie ieri. He wrote a poem. Ai mancat multe dulciuri cand erai copil? Did you eat many sweets when you were a child?

A scris o poezie. He has written a poem.

Ai mancat multe dulciuri? Have you eaten many sweets?

Present Perfect Simple 2. Actiunea se mai poate repeta: Nu mi-am terminat treaba azi. I havent finished my work today. A vandut multe carti anul acesta. She has sold a lot of books this year. Am intalnit-o adesea la teatru. I have often met her at the theatre.

Past Simple 2. Actiunea NU se mai poate repeta: Nu mi-am terminat treaba ieri. I didnt finish my work yesterday. A vandut multe carti in 2008. She sold a lot of books in 2008. Am intalnit-o acum o ora la teatru. I met her at the theatre an hour ago.

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