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Dealing With Anxiety Attacks

A free Ebook Compiled by former anxiety disorder sufferer Ed Lathrop

When I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, I vowed that if ever got better I would help others recover.

You CAN get better. Believe it And You WILL!

Written by:

Ed Lathrop

Foras Aje


Shirley Ewell

Table of Contents Chapter 1.... Dealing With Fears. Page 4 Chapter 2.... Ways To Deal With Social Anxiety. Page 6 Chapter 3. The Cause For Anxiety Disorder is UnimportantPage 8 Chapter 4. Anxiety Ends With Us. Page11 Chapter 5. The Anxiety of Everyday Life. Page 13 Chapter 6. Is This Depression or Am I Just Sad. Page 15 Chapter 7. 10 Common Symptoms of Depression. Page 19 Chapter 8. Finally Free Yourself From Worry and Fear. Page 21 Chapter 9. Explaining True Anxiety Therapy. Page 24 Chapter 10 How To Avoid Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Page 26 Chapter 11How To Fight Back Against Depression. Page 28

Chapter 12Health Benefits of Spas. Page 31 Chapter 13A Potential Cause and Solution to Depression. Page 33 Chapter 14What is the Usual Cause For Anxiety Disorder? . Page 35

Never Lose Hope In Dealing With Your Fears And Depression

Summary: When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is much help available in todays society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them.

As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears and anxieties. You never know when the answers youre looking for will come to your doorstep. Even if the thing that you feared does happen. When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is much help available in todays society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them. As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears and anxieties. You never know when the answers youre looking for will come to your doorstep. Even if the thing that you feared does happen, there are circumstances and factors that you cant predict which can be used to your advantage. These factors can change everything. Remember: we may be ninetynine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference. Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, youre afraid that if you do not get that job promotion then you will be stuck at your job forever. This depresses you, however your thinking in this situation is unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that there all are kinds of jobs available and just because you dont get this job promotion doesnt mean that you will never get one. In addition, people change jobs all the time, and you always have that option of going elsewhere if you are unhappy at your present location. Some people get depressed and have a difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do to get their mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. Doing something will get your mind off of the problem and give you confidence to do other things.

Seek help from God. You might have heard this before, however have you tried asking God for help? Praying and talking to God about your problem can be effective. Although the answers might not come to you right away, you cant go wrong on relying on God. You never know how God will work in ones life. All you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take it in stride by using the help of God. God will help us through our problems if we ask him. As a Layman and author of an anxiety book, I have done many interviews with various counselors in how to manage fear, anxiety and depression. The techniques that I have just covered are some basic ways to manage your depression, however your best bet is to get some help from a professional and not to lose hope. Eventually, you will find the answers you are looking for.

Shirley Ewell

Ways To Deal With Social Anxiety

Summary: Social Anxiety Disorder is a Psychiatric disorder that attacks one out of every eight Americans. Those who have the disorder can become physically sick in social situations. This disorder can devastate more than your self-esteem, it can destroy your marriage, finances and many other aspects of your life. The disorder is characterized by fear of social situations. There is help for people suffering with this disorder. If you seek treatment, you will be able to obtain medication. Article Body: Social Anxiety Disorder is a Psychiatric disorder that attacks one out of every eight Americans. Those who have the disorder can become physically sick in social situations. This disorder can devastate more than your self-esteem, it can destroy your marriage, finances and many

other aspects of your life. The disorder is characterized by fear of social situations. There is help for people suffering with this disorder. If you seek treatment, you will be able to obtain medications, counseling and support group information to help cope with this psychiatric disorder. After seeking treatment, there are things that you can do to help alleviate stressful social situations and ways to begin to reacquaint yourself with friends and family members. First, read everything you can on the disorder. Visit your local library and check out books on the subject. Then, check out books with topics on building self-esteem, positive thinking, public speaking, anything that you think will empower you to gain more confidence. 1) You can not just snap your fingers and have this disorder just disappear You need to read everything you can on the subject and subjects that will help you re-build your own self-worth.

2) Start and maintain a daily, weekly, and monthly journal. In the daily journal write down where you are right now in your life. Write about any and all social situations. How did you feel in those social situations? How do you think other people reacted to you and how did you react to them? Did you feel sick today when you were in the social situation?

At the end of the week, summarize your setbacks and itemize your progress. At the end of the month, write two pages in your journal. The first page should summarize any difficult situations and how you overcame the situation, or how you dealt with it. The second page should summarize the social events and social situations where you felt comfortable and why you felt comfortable. How did you feel overall? While this may seem to be a waste of time, the journals will help you face and overcome your fears.

3) Set social goals for yourself and follow through on them. If you are extremely uneasy at the mall, then go to the mall and walk in. Then walk out, immediately. If your social anxiety seems to attack you when you are in the middle of a crowded building, walk to the center of the crowd,

and immediately turn and walk away. Take small practical steps at the start and them move on to the more challenging issues you may have.

Finally, always talk to your Doctor openly and honestly. Take your medication and try to overcome your social anxiety so that you can experience the life that you deserve to live at the very fullest. Stressful social situations happen to everyone at some point in their lives and one out of every eight people know how you feel to be living with something much worse than 'one social situation', you are not alone at all and though there is little comfort in knowing that you arent alone, do know that you are understood. Shirley Ewell

The Cause For Anxiety Disorder is Unimportant

By Ed Lathrop

Anxiety disorder is a nervous condition where the sufferer secretes excess adrenaline into his or her bloodstream to the point it can control how he or she hears, sees, thinks and functions. Normally, a person who is having anxiety problems will live periods of life without being bothered by this nervous condition. Then, on occasion, the anxiety sufferer will be besieged by spells of anxiety or what are known as panic attacks.

There probably isn't a person alive who has not been nervous, at least on occasion. Most people experience a certain amount of nervousness everyday. This, of course, is normal. When we are nervous, we know why we are nervous. Anxiety sufferer's, on the other hand, often experience extreme nervousness and have no idea why don't know why they feel this way.

Nervousness to the Nth Degree

So, the difference between normal nervousness and a true anxiety disorder is largely the degree of the nervousness. When any person is in a state of nervousness, adrenaline will flow through the bloodstream and this will cause nervous symptoms.

We all know how regular nervousness makes us feel. However, while these feelings may not be comfortable, they are usually tolerable. Unlike ordinary nervousness, the large amounts of adrenaline secreted into the bloodstream during a panic attack, causes feelings the anxiety sufferer often describes as terrifying!

Anxiety is Physical, Not Mental

Bouts of anxiety can also cause the sufferer to experience changes in vision. This of course, can be very disconcerting. It may appear to him or her as if some inanimate object has actually moved. This will typically make the sufferer think he or she is experiencing mental problems.

Millions have now, or have once had an anxiety disorder. Ironically, many anxiety sufferers think they are the only ones who have ever had a panic attack. Of course, this is far from true. The fact is, it is often helpful for the one experiencing anxiety to know they are not alone. They need to realize anxiety disorder is widespread.

Focus on the Future

There are a number of ways you can wind up being a victim of anxiety. Finding out what brought on this terrible condition is of no importance. Anxiety happens to many people. That is a fact. Don't look for a reason for anxiety and don't blame yourself.

It may be redundant, but it is important to repeat anxiety is not a condition of the mind; it is condition of the nervous system. Your nervous system is secreting too much adrenaline at inappropriate times. This is what is causing these bouts of anxiety and panic.

The main thing to understand about recovering from anxiety disorder is that it requires us to accept the horrifying feelings we get when an anxiety or panic attack strike. By not accepting these feelings, we add more adrenaline to our systems and make matters worse. Of course, no one can guarantee accepting these feelings will cure anxiety in every instance, but we do know it is a necessary first step.

You have learned a lot about anxiety and panic attacks. Now learn how to leave anxiety and panic behind altogether as you regain control over your life by visiting: Anxiety Attacks. Also find out the latest about Natural Anxiety Cures.

Anxiety Ends With Us

Anxiety is not a hidden agenda in our lives. It is powerful, available and gratefully, controllable. As a wise man once said we should not ask why we are anxious we should ask why not? With every aspect of modern life being fast paced and overloaded we have to make a concerted effort to slow down. We also have to be careful not to cause anxious behavior to overflow and spill into the lives of the people with which we are in contact. Coworkers, spouses, and our children can all be affected by the power our anxiety has on us. Sometimes others can see it long before we even notice it is crowding in on us. Sometimes we can inadvertently create anxiety in others merely by our choice of words or actions. If the cycle of anxiety is going to end it has to be recognized, addressed, and extracted from every aspect of our lives. Coworkers or employees can experience inadequate work performances simply by working in a stress filled workplace. Slowing the pace and considering how people work better in a stress-free environment is a major step in the right direction. It is not a difficult step and has so many great benefits for everyone involved. Spouses may only realize there is something wrong yet not fully recognized that stress and anxiety are occurring and causing ripples in the marriage. It is very likely that if one marriage partner is anxious due to money problems, working too much, or parenting issues the other partner is also anxious. This vicious cycle can wreak havoc on a typically loving home and the people who dwell within. Children live what they learn. They may truly believe they are creating the anxious behavior in mom or dad because of something they did. Young children will internalize and reflect their concerns in guilt. Older children will more likely rebel and act out in school to attempt dealing with the emotional overload of dealing with parents who are not relaxed. The good news is anxiety is effectively treated in various ways. You can

choose to treat anxiety medically, holistically, or personally and gain immediate results. The key to successful treatment of anxiety is to recognize it for what it truly is. There are numerous self-help books, web pages, and meetings available to all ages.

Shirley Ewell

The Anxiety of Everyday Life

Summary: Many people I know claim that life stresses them out, and for all I know, they're probably telling the truth. Some, however, often say they feel anxiety over the major issues in their lives. When I hear this, I can't help but smile. You see, I suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for most of my life. Many people I know claim that life stresses them out, and for all I know, they're probably telling the truth. Some, however, often say they feel anxiety over the major issues in their lives. When I hear this, I can't help but smile. You see, I suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for most of my life. While they may experience brief episodes of worry over life altering events that anyone would worry about, I would often find myself anxiously worried about everything. From the mundane and minuscule to the full scale and future altering, if it existed...I was anxious about it. If being anxious were a career choice, I would have been a high PhD toting, high-powered executive. The biggest difference between those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and the population at large is the limited amount of control sufferers have over their thought processes. I used to worry uncontrollably about things over which I had little if any control. In fact, I often worried excessively about things that had no choice but to resolve themselves. My anxiety caused me to spend a great deal of time focusing on things that didn't merit the degree of concern I imparted them. Additionally, all the anxiety I felt over these everyday events wore on me, both mentally and physically.

Generalized anxiety disorder can be difficult to diagnose. I was lucky enough to have a physician who recognized some of the symptoms based on our conversations and recommended me to a specialist. Now

that I've been diagnosed, I have successfully controlled my anxiety through behavior therapy, medication and relaxation techniques.

If you or someone you know feels overly anxious about the everyday events that all people experience, I encourage you to get more information on anxiety disorders. There are several excellent free resources on the web where you can view the symptoms of anxiety disorders to help determine if you may be suffering from anxiety. Always consult your physician regarding your medical concerns and remember, help is available. Shirley Ewell

Is this Depression or am I just sad?

Summary: Do you know the difference between being depressed and just being sad?

Most people dont. However, this matters because perhaps the best way to avoid health complications arising from depression is to deal with it in its early stages. Heres how to tell the difference. Do you know the difference between being depressed and just being sad? Most people dont. However, this matters because perhaps the best way to avoid health complications arising from depression is to deal with it in its early stages. It is normal to feel sad from time to time. Sadness is a natural reaction to something upsetting which has happened. Depression on the other hand is more extreme. It is more of an emotional or mental illness which has a lot more symptoms than sadness and can, if not treated lead to suicide. One huge difference between sadness and depression is that a person experiencing feelings which they find disconcerting can reasonably tell you what it is that is causing their unhappiness, however a person suffering from depression may not necessarily be able to do so. When one is sad, we tend to know that things will get better over time; on the other hand, a person going through depression may not see an end to his or her problem and may consequently think things are or will get worse. This may lead to a depression that could last for a long length of time. With the negative feelings being so intense and overpowering, depression is oft times something one just cant snap out of, at least not without assistance or taking exact measures to match or overwhelm its hold on a person. Though it is safe to say anyone going through depression experiences sadness, but not every sad person is necessarily depressed, both emotional hindrances might need to be addressed and catered to the same or very similar ways. However, since depression is usually more burdensome than just a state of sadness, one needs to be able to distinguish between the two to determine the amount of effort that may need to be done to correct either state of these negative emotions.

In order to be able to attack depression-advisably in its earlier stagesbelow are its symptoms in no specific order. 1. Irritability and mood swings. 2. Hopelessness and extreme pessimism (a negative outlook on life) 3. Loss of energy, extreme fatigue and tiredness. 4. Loss of interest in hobbies, having a good appearance and even associates and loved ones. 5. Extreme feelings of helplessness and no self worth. 6. Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases) 7. Insomnia (lack of) or excessive sleep. 8. Inexplicable weight loss or gain thereof, triggered by eating disorders. Though not a conclusive list as characteristics vary by patient, these symptoms of depression listed above are the most common ones. If you happen to experience any of these symptoms, the first step, in my opinion and based on research will be to look within and ask why this may be occurring. Thoroughly assess your situation to see what it is that could be triggering these symptoms of depression within you. Could it be a failure at something or the loss of something or someone of importance? If you go over the problem carefully, you would be able to target the cause and consequently solve it. Remember, the mind is the most powerful force on the earth, He who can control it can control all things my friend. I will also mention that for both sadness (a symptom of depression obviously) and for the emotional disorder-depression-which we have now characterized for the purposes of distinguishing between the two, some steps you can take on your own for help will be engaging in some form of physical activity such as exercise or other hobbies. This step exercises the motor centers of the brain, making the blood flow away from the emotional activity center; consequently one becomes more receptive to positive thoughts.

In addition to this tip, an observance of nature will show us that when animals are frightened or angered, they abstain from eating until after the passage of some time. Moreover, it is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it is also too often that most of us will eat large meals under these circumstances. Now, worry, fear, anxiety, excitement, hurry, heated arguments at meals: all prevent the secretion of the digestive enzymes of the body and hinder not only digestion, but also the whole nutrition process. This considered, perhaps the last thing you may want to do while dealing with depression or sadness-be it its causes or symptoms is to eat excessively, I may go as far as to say to even eat at all. It is also advised that at this crucial stage of emotional encumbrance, try and seek out the company of uplifting friends, relatives and associates. As much as possible, purposely surround yourself with uplifting and positive elements like your favorite DVD comedies, books, sitcoms and things of that nature. So if you are unsure if you are truly depressed or just sad, take heart, neither of these negative emotions can overpower you-if you take charge and overcome them. It may not always be easy and you may need help, however, the desire to be-little their effects over you will be the first step towards success.

In Friendship,

Foras Aje

10 Common Symptoms Of Depression

Every year approximately 9.5 per cent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects dayto-day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair. Every year approximately 9.5 per cent of the American population suffers from depression. Depression is a grave illness that affects dayto-day life and destroys families. It is a disorder that controls the mind and its functions causing loss of appetite, sleeplessness, mood swings, and a deep sense of despair. The symptoms of depression are varied and the severity changes with time. And, according to experts depression can be an inherited disorder, or caused by life threatening illnesses, or stress. Other causes are certain diseases, medicines, drugs, alcohol, or mental illnesses. Women are seen to experience depression more than men and this is attributed to hormonal swings, menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, pre-menopause, and post-menopause. Common symptoms are: 1. An unshakable sadness, anxiety, or emptiness. 2. Overwhelming hopelessness accompanied by pessimistic feelings.

3. Extreme guilt, feelings of helplessness, and no sense of self worth. 4. Loss of energy, a slowing down of metabolism, and activity levels. Being plagued by constant fatigue. 5. A sense of helplessness along with an increasing inability to focus and indecisiveness. 6. Loss of sound sleep and development of extreme insomnia. 7. Inexplicable weight loss or weight gain. Triggered by loss of appetite or eating binges. 8. Brooding and suicidal inclinations. 9. Irritability, short temper, as well as restlessness. 10. Physical afflictions like headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain for no particular reason. If you experience any of the above along with a marked change in behavior do consult your doctor. He will give you a thorough examination to rule out physical causes for depression as well as any underlying medical problems. Then if required he would recommend that you consult a psychiatrist or psychologist. Take matters in hand and try and erase negativity from your mind. Cut out from you life terms like exhaustion, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Change your life by setting yourself a few goals. Try and relax, meditate, and enjoy music. Start new activities that absorb your time as well as interests. Go out and meet people and participate in-group activities. Avoid the company of negative people. Make up your mind to enjoy a movie, ballgame, family outing, picnic, or trek. Be positive, self confident, and have faith in yourself. Faith is itself a great healer. Decide to change your world for the better. However do follow the doctors advice. Treatment can include: antidepressant medicines, psychotherapy, as well as lifestyle changes. In extreme cases electro convulsive therapy or light therapy are prescribed. If your depression escalates or you are suicidal seek help from your family physician or health care provider. Do call a local health

department, a community mental health center, or hospital or clinic. Someone will extend a helping hand and talk you through the crisis.

Shirley Ewell

Finally Free Yourself From Worry And Fear

Summary: Would you like to move your life ahead in spite of worry and fear? Everyone has fears and worries, what sets us apart is our ability to deal with them and move on. This article will show you how to manage your worries and fears, so you free yourself from them. This is the place to obtain quick, action-oriented advice on steps you can take right now to reduce your fears and worries. Would you like to move your life ahead in spite of worry and fear? Everyone has fears and worries, what sets us apart is our ability to deal with them and move on. This article will show you how to manage your worries and fears, so you free yourself from them. This is the place to obtain quick, action-oriented advice on steps you can take right now to reduce your fears and worries. The first step in managing your fears and worries is to recognize that you have them, and then to make them real. Write out a list of each of the fears and worries you have. Many of the items on your list will not stand the light of day. You will immediately realize that some of them are silly or just arent things you should be worried about. Take each of these items off the list. Next, take each item and make a list of all the things you can do about it. This shows you that in most cases you will be worried about something that you can't control at all and that your worry serves no purpose. Vow not to worry about things you cant control and take them off your list. In the case where you can do something to reduce the worry, your sense of control is enhanced, making you feel better.

Now, ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen with each worry. In most cases you will find you can live with even the worst outcome and this will also make you feel better. Once you are down to a hard-core list of fears and worries that you can control, set up a plan to control them. What options do you have? Who can you ask for help? Exactly what has to be done, when? Realize you have a lot of control here and give yourself credit for taking action as you do so in order to lift your spirits. Also, it helps to realize that you can feel the fear and still take action. Fear serves a purpose in that it is a great alert mechanism that helps us stay out of trouble. But once we get the message fear has done its job and starts to get in the way. Fear and worry can be a positive if we use it as a call to action and fix a problem. If you acknowledge the fear, and then proceed with what you need to do, you will find you are able to function in spite of the fear. Here are some other tips that will help you feel better. Make an effort to concentrate on breathing. We tend to limit our breathing when we are fearful. You will feel better, the more you breathe. Also, meditation will help reduce stress and take your mind off your worries. Visualization and affirmations that help you focus on becoming positive in light of the situation can help you move forward while acknowledging the fear. Do not forget physical exercise as a way of reducing the stress that goes with fear and worry. Once you begin to have things under control, change your focus from the negative fears and worries, to the positive things in your life. When you catch yourself worrying, bring new positive thoughts into your mind. Change your thinking from the cup is half empty to the cup is half full. Suddenly things that were worries are now positives. Another way to help reduce the amount of fear and worry in your life in the future is to begin to do more planning on the things you will be doing. Look for areas that could become problems and begin to cover all the contingencies. Forward planning will build your self-confidence and ward off those nagging fears that something is not right. So now you have the tools necessary to reduce the fear and worry in your life and replace them with a justifiably positive attitude backed up with action and solutions. Start using these tools right now and begin to live a happier life.

Shirley Ewell

Explaining True Anxiety Therapy

By Ed Lathrop Anxiety disorder is a very serious but very treatable illness. Millions of people suffer from anxiety disorders. This article discusses the very heart of anxiety therapy, which will lead the sufferer to an understanding of anxiety disorder. This, in itself, will many times bring the sufferer toward the cure. Realizing anxiety disorder is not rare and many other people have been cured of it is a very important fact any anxiety sufferer needs know. Equally important is the realization the cure to anxiety with all its horrible tricks lies inside and will be set free as soon as the sufferer learns how to let his/her body heal itself. Minor Anxiety Can Develop Into Full-Fledged Panic Attacks Often anxiety disorders come on or become exacerbated with alcohol or substance abuse. However, this isn't always the case as evidenced by the fact many children suffer from anxiety disorders. Old or young, whatever race, color or creed, anxiety disorders play no favorites. They can strike anyone. At its root, anxiety is about phobia or fear of something. Still, to the sufferer it is much more than that. Anxiety brings on panic, which leaves its victim wondering what is happening. Other than this most disturbing condition, it also makes the sufferer believe he or she is falling prey to heart attack or stroke. Anxiety Can Control a Person Anxiety disorder makes it impossible for its victims to lead a normal life. Because the frequent attacks of anxiety are so horrible and disruptive to what would otherwise be a normal day, the sufferer lives his life both fearing them and at the same time preparing for them. He or she believes the worse has not yet happened. However, no matter how bad the anxiety disorder has become, there is always hope. Anxiety disorders can be cured. The first and most important part is to learn what anxiety disorder is all about. Medication can be very helpful while the body is healing itself from anxiety disorder. Certain types of medication can help stave off fullfledged panic attacks as the patient learns how to overcome it. This

learning process is the most important part of the anxiety healing process. What Goes On Underneath It is absolutely mandatory the anxiety victims realize anxiety disorder is an illness that occurs because adrenaline is unnecessarily running through the veins and causing what would otherwise be normal or even nonexistent nervousness to be blown up into an intolerable state. The cure takes a certain amount of time, but a good once a good understanding of what has been happening is realized, this feeling will inevitably follow. The sufferer has to take heart and realize that he/she has found the cure once he/she realizes that fearing the havoc adrenaline has been causing in his or her body feeds anxiety. He/she must also learn to not let this fear seize control of his life. As you know, Anxiety Disorder can be very difficult to live with but it can be overcome and is being overcome all the time. Now find out how to end anxiety and panic forever. Here are 2 free Websites to start you on your way to this cure. Dealing With Anxiety and Natural Anxiety Cures

How to Avoid Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By Ed Lathrop Anxiety disorders are terrifying and they make life miserable for the person going through them. Not only does anxiety make daily life almost unbearable, it is also confusing and usually leaves the sufferer thinking no one else, not even the family doctor, could know what he or she is experiencing.

People who are going through anxiety disorder often hide this fact from the world because they are often afraid others will think they are going insane. Of course, this is not at all true, seeing as anxiety disorder is a condition of the nervous system and not the mind. Still, many are unaware of this fact because the adrenaline that runs through their bloodstreams tricks them into thinking their problem is insanity. Overcoming Anxiety With Knowing How It Operates It is important the anxiety sufferer understand anxiety disorder, with its awful spells of panic is not an unusual disease. Many people have experienced it and in every case, it is considered a condition that can be beaten. To overcome anxiety disorder the first thing the sufferer must realize is, anxiety and panic are adrenaline driven. So, it is actually adrenaline that causes the strange and disconcerting feelings, which accompanies anxiety. The sufferer must also realize when he or she tries to fight these disconcerting feelings; more adrenaline is pumped through the bloodstream. So, overcoming anxiety actually requires accepting these awful adrenaline-produced feelings because fighting simply creates more adrenaline flow and so, more awful experiences. The counterpart to fighting anxiety is running away from it. This doesn't work either. Trying to ignore your symptoms or pretend they are not there is akin to running away from them. Trying to fight anxiety or running away from it will make more adrenaline flow and therefore cause more and more of these disquieting feelings. Trying to Fight it Off The opposite of fighting and running away is to stand steady and acknowledge the symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, it is beneficial for anxiety sufferers to analyze their symptoms. When they do so, these symptoms will lesson in severity. Just make sure you know you are dealing with anxiety disorder. In other words, if a symptom such as chest pains is what you are experiencing, go to a medical facility to make sure it is an anxiety problem and not a heart problem you are having. Once assured your heart is good, you can go ahead and deal with the anxiety disorder. Letting Anxiety Die

Once a person learns how to give no extra concern to physical feelings brought about by anxiety, this sufferer will no longer fear the symptoms of fear. Adrenaline may continue to pump through the body for no reason for some time to come, but the panic attack will stop eventually. The sufferer will no longer be fueling anxiety with the fight or flight response. In other words, the anxiety sufferer will now be in a recovery phase because he or she is no longer stoking the flames of anxiety and panic. At this point, a full recovery will be inevitable. Just be sure you realize scaled down attacks of panic and anxiety will come back to visit you from time to time. Accept this fact and you will become totally free of anxiety disorder in the future. When in the future? Don't put a time-line on it. This would be fighting. Now you know the secret to avoiding panic attacks and how to be successful in dealing with anxiety. Now learn how to be completely free of anxiety and panic as you regain control over your life by visiting:Anxiety Attacks. Also find out the latest about Natural Anxiety Cures.

How To Fight Back Against Depression

Summary: I am one of those people who can easily slip into a very negative state of mind. The slightest knock back or problem can lead to a cloud of doom descending over me, a cloud which I find hard to push away and remove. This article looks at ways in which we can fight back, to quickly get us back into a happy mode. I am one of those people who can easily slip into a very negative state of mind. The slightest knock back or problem can lead to a cloud of doom descending over me, a cloud which I find hard to push away and remove. This article looks at ways in which we can fight back, to quickly get us back into a happy mode.

I used to be quite a fragile character; some would say that I was even scared of my own shadow. I was always paranoid that people were talking about me and laughing behind my back. Even though my parents are superb, I was not a happy child or a happy teenager. I am so unlucky you see or so I thought. I walked around as if the world owed me something and would often feel very sorry for myself. I was bullied at school; it was more mental bullying rather than anything physical. I am sure that most people also get bullied and deal with it. It would leave me in a state of panic and depression. Looking back I have to say I was a bit of a wimp in reality. I decided that enough was enough by my mid-twenties and decided it was time to toughen up. I could not continue to live my life as I had been; as I would probably be dead by the time I was fifty. I then went about a self-help program to increase my overall selfconfidence and self-esteem. I wanted to learn more about stressmanagement, dealing with depression, relaxation and about how to become successful in life. What I found out over the next twelve to eighteen months would change my life forever. These are the things I had to do: I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. Yes I am not perfect but who is. I had to think in a more positive way. I had to stop worrying about the future. I had to stop caring what other people thought of me. I needed to smile more. I needed to learn to relax. I now use meditation for this purpose. I had to learn to like myself. I needed to become stronger to fight away the negative thoughts in my head.

I needed to appreciate what I did have in life, rather than concentrating on what I had not. I started to implement the above and it helped me no end. That horrible cloud of doom still descended however, around once a month. When it does descend, I now write two lists. What I am happy about in life and what I am sad or worrying about. I then analyze both lists and more times than not, I am actually over-reacting. In conclusion, life is a battle. There are good times and bad. We need to become strong and learn to think in a more positive way. We have to fight back against people who bully us and against the voices in our head that are trying to make us panic. This is not easy, however with determination people are able to turn their life around just like I have. I used to feel anger towards the people who bullied me at school. I now feel sorry for them. They are the bad apples and I prey for them. I prey that God will one day make them pure.

Foras Aje

Health Benefits of Spas

Summary: Spas are places where a person can get a wide range of health treatments and beauty treatments that are meant to relax and relieve the person from stress and strain. Due to extreme stress in professional life, spas have become more popular. Read on to learn how spas can help you get a wholesome health. Article Body: Spas are places where a person can get a wide range of health treatments and beauty treatments that are meant to relax and relieve the person from stress and strain. Due to extreme stress in professional life, spas have become more popular offering relaxation treatments with a bigger price tag. The word spa is derived from Latin solus per aqua, which means health through water. The spa concept of immersing the body of the person in water to restore and maintain health is considered to be very important to life. According to Sebastain Kneipp, father of hydrotherapy, water and herbs mixed in the right combination; can be used to cure any illness. Todays modern life style has made people feel sick, stress and exhausted. To maintain a good balanced diet, good exercise and enough rest has become a real challenging issue for both men and women. They get

stress from working all the day and get even more aggravated when doing the household chores after the days work. There are different kinds of spas like the day spas where the person has to make an appointment and get treated. Resort spas are like staying in a hotel, spas on cruise ships as one of the relaxing ways, medical spas which are run by medical practitioners to treat patients, home spas for daily indulgence in homes etc. The spa treatments include facials, massages, sauna and other skin and body treatments like pedicure, manicure etc. Some spas are dedicated to particular health aspects like weight loss regime or for back pain treatment. Latest breakthrough in spa technology involves ultrasonic waves, ozone negative ions and far infrared rays into a single portable home spa machine. This machine provides relief from stress and from common illnesses. Studies have revealed that five minutes of ultrasonic bubble treatment is equal to massage done for an hour. Like the traditional massage of applying pressure directly on the body tissues, this too applies pressure by dilating the cells and penetrating the skin. This ultrasonic home spa provides relaxation and massage to the body, cleans deeply, provides internal warming, beauty contouring etc. For an aroma hydrotherapy to be done at home, one needs to add few drops of herbal oils like the sandalwood oil, citrus oil or lavender oil to enjoy and feel the natural healing of a waterfall, forest bath or a hot spring. Health Benefits of Home spas Apart from making the person relaxed and rejuvenated, a home spa can even benefit them health-wise too. A home spa can improve the health of a person when used with bath oils and spa salts. It improves the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. It enhances the oxygenation of the extremities and joints, blood circulation is improved. The muscles are toned with a youthful and glowing complexion. It increases the metabolic rate, enhancing the power to burn calories quickly and promotes weight loss. It normalizes the blood pressure levels, lowers the cholesterol levels, balances acid-alkaline levels in the body, boosts immunity, improves the flow of lymph, reduces aches and pains of the muscles and joints, enhances the mood and improves the digestive system. Shirley Ewell

A Potential Cause And Solution To Depression

Summary: I have recently made a very startling discovery, which has helped me to stop spiraling into bouts of depression. In this article, I write about this discovery, which I hope will help other people to lead much happier lives, free from anxiety and stress. I have recently made a very startling discovery, which has helped me to stop spiraling into bouts of depression. In this article, I write about this discovery, which I hope will help other people to lead much happier lives, free from anxiety and stress. I am the type of person who can easily let things get on top of me. If I am rushed about here there and everywhere by my family or friends, I am often left feeling very drained and exhausted. I am sure this is the same for many people but the way it affects me over the next twenty-four hours is somewhat different. I seem to lose all of my energy and this then can easily lead me into thinking in a very negative way, often ending with me becoming quite depressed. For whatever reason this depression can stay and in a way haunt my life for quite a few days. I begin to worry about the future, start to think that I am a failure, start to become paranoid about what other people think of me and basically become scared to leave my own house. I have spoken to my family and especially my parents about this issue. They have advised me to seek help from a doctor. I must say that even though this would be good advice for most people, I feel that I am the kind of person who could become easily hooked and dependant on any tablets that would be described. I certainly do not want an addiction to add to my problems.

Possible solution to my depression A few weeks ago I was watching a television program which has since had a massive impact on my life. It was an army type program and it talked about how one particular group of soldiers had all seemingly become ill and could not even complete the most routine of tasks. A doctor or some other type of medical person was called to their camp to investigate what was wrong. The initial belief was that it was likely to be some form of food poisoning. The doctor actually stated that the men had salt deprivation and called for a large amount of salt tablets to be bought to the camp. I thought about this and wondered if this could be the cause of my own issues. The next time I felt I was becoming down or when I was over tired, I ate food products which contained a lot of salt and I am very happy to report that I quickly regained my energy and confidence levels. Such a simple solution to what was once such a huge problem for me. If you are also the kind of person who is often depressed try eating a bit more salt, it might just change your life.

Shirley Ewell

What is the Usual Cause For Anxiety Disorder?

By Ed Lathrop Anxiety is a very popular word today. Many people suffer from anxiety in varying degrees. There are large numbers of people who feel normal a fair percentage of the time, but on occasion, they experience attacks of anxiety or panic. During these attacks, their lives change in many ways. They cannot function as they normally do and they experience physical sensations that range from uncomfortable to extremely frightening. There probably isn't a person alive who has not been nervous, at least on occasion. Most people experience a certain amount of nervousness everyday. This, of course, is normal. When we are nervous, we know why we are nervous. Anxiety sufferer's, on the other hand, often experience extreme nervousness and have no idea why don't know why they feel this way. Nervousness Personified So, the difference between normal nervousness and a true anxiety disorder is largely the degree of the nervousness. When any person is in a state of nervousness, adrenaline will flow through the bloodstream and this will cause nervous symptoms. We all know how regular nervousness makes us feel. However, while these feelings may not be comfortable, they are usually tolerable. Unlike ordinary nervousness, the large amounts of adrenaline secreted into the bloodstream during a panic attack, causes feelings the anxiety sufferer often describes as terrifying! It's All-Chemical Often an anxiety sufferer will believe he or she is having a complete mental breakdown. Adrenaline can actually cause vision changes. These may make objects seem to change size or shape and many times anxiety sufferers cannot help but think there is something wrong with their mental abilities. This is not true because this problem has to do with a nervous system out of control.

If misery loves company, anxiety sufferers will rejoice knowing there are millions of other people who have experienced panic attacks on many occasions. For some reason however, most people who experience panic seem to think it is a very rare condition. It is not. Don't Worry About The Cause, It is Useless Information There are a number of ways you can wind up being a victim of anxiety. Finding out what brought on this terrible condition is of no importance. Anxiety happens to many people. That is a fact. Don't look for a reason for anxiety and don't blame yourself. At this point, I have to reinforce the fact anxiety is a nervous condition, not a mental one. An anxiety sufferer's problem is he or she is having too many severe adrenaline secretions. This is what needs to be overcome. There is nothing Freudian about this fact. Anxiety disorder is overcome all the time. In some cases, there are several steps to recovery. However, the first step is always the same. That step is to accept whatever horrific and uncomfortable feelings anxiety and panic can send your way. Just make up your mind you will actually give in to anxiety's feelings. By doing this you will not be strengthening your anxiety. It is normal to try to fight or run away from anxiety and this actually strengthens it. So, though giving into anxiety may not be all there is to a complete recovery, many have used this technique with great success.

You have learned a lot about anxiety disorder. Now learn how to leave anxiety and panic behind altogether as you regain control over your life by visiting Anxiety Attacks. Also find out the latest about Natural Anxiety Cures.

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