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Propose a law to the Congress to improve the way of living under the new normal

society. Be accurate and use simple words.

Your proposed bill shall be assessed according to the relevance of the bill (50%) and
accuracy of the bill (50%).

Title: The New Normal Society Enhancement Act

Rationale: To establish measures that promote a higher quality of life and well-being in
the new normal society, considering the changes and challenges brought about by
significant events such as pandemics or other disruptive circumstances.

Section 1: Health and Safety

1.1 Mandatory Health Guidelines: All public and private establishments must follow and
enforce health guidelines recommended by public health authorities to prevent the
spread of contagious diseases. These guidelines should include measures such as
hand hygiene, physical distancing, mask-wearing, and regular sanitization of premises.

1.2 Accessible Health Information: Government agencies shall ensure the widespread
dissemination of accurate and up-to-date health information through multiple channels,
including online platforms, public service announcements, and educational campaigns,
to educate and empower citizens to make informed decisions about their health.

1.3 Support for Mental Health: Adequate resources and support shall be allocated to
mental health services, including increased funding for mental health centers, hotlines,
and community-based initiatives, to address the growing mental health challenges in the
new normal society.

Section 2: Education and Employment

2.1 Remote Learning Infrastructure: Necessary investments shall be made to improve

and expand internet connectivity and digital infrastructure, ensuring equal access to
remote learning opportunities for all students. This includes providing devices and
internet access to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

2.2 Flexible Work Arrangements: Employers shall be encouraged to adopt flexible work
arrangements, such as remote work or flexible working hours, whenever feasible and
suitable for the job, to promote work-life balance and accommodate individual needs.
2.3 Training and Reskilling Programs: Government initiatives shall be implemented to
provide affordable and accessible training programs to help individuals acquire new
skills and adapt to changing job market demands, facilitating smoother transitions in the
new normal society.

Section 3: Social Support and Resilience

3.1 Social Safety Nets: Strengthening and expanding social safety net programs, such
as unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and housing assistance, to provide a
safety net for individuals and families facing financial hardship due to unexpected

3.2 Community Resilience Programs: Government support for community-based

initiatives that foster social cohesion, volunteerism, and mutual support, promoting a
sense of belonging and resilience within local communities.

3.3 Emergency Preparedness: Enhanced coordination between government agencies,

public institutions, and local communities to develop and regularly update
comprehensive emergency preparedness plans, ensuring swift and effective responses
to future crises.

Section 4: Environmental Sustainability

4.1 Sustainable Practices: Encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices in all

sectors, including energy, transportation, waste management, and agriculture, through
incentives, regulations, and public awareness campaigns to mitigate the impact of
human activities on the environment.

4.2 Green Infrastructure Investment: Allocating funds towards the development of green
infrastructure projects, such as renewable energy facilities, sustainable transportation
networks, and nature conservation initiatives, creating jobs and promoting a more
sustainable and resilient society.

4.3 Environmental Education: Integrating environmental education into school curricula

to raise awareness about environmental issues, promote responsible behavior, and
empower individuals to contribute to a greener and healthier planet.


The New Normal Society Enhancement Act aims to address the unique challenges
faced in the new normal society by prioritizing health and safety, supporting education
and employment transitions, providing social support, fostering community resilience,
and promoting environmental sustainability. By enacting these measures, we can
ensure a better way of living for all individuals in this rapidly evolving world.

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