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The Jim Crow laws made a contribution to the segregation between withes and blacks.

The segregation existed before, but these laws made it stronger. These laws established different places for whites and blacks in bars, buses, etc. An important person of North-America even said that these laws didnt discriminate the black people because these laws established equal places for withes and blacks. But actually the black people joined in ghettos, as it is reflected in the story when Richard Wright explains how the black people lived surrounded by black cinders and the white people lived where there were green growing things. His grandparents were slaves and he was born in a plantation and he lived in the south, where the Jim Crow laws were stronger. There is no doubt that this influenced on his writings. He was a member of the Communist Party too. Does anybody know what Communism is? This means the elimination of the private property, and this derives in equality of the relationships of Human Beings. This influenced Richard Wright to have an ideal of equality. In fact, all his production deals with discrimination, segregation, Communism, etc. This text is an essay on this segregation and discrimination and also reminds of the slavery, when his mother punished him (in the point number six) because in this way the slaves were beaten. He is critic in the story, a little bit ironic. For example from the very title The Ethics of Living Jim Crow he is been ironic. And in the point number six, when he said, after the punishment of his mother, that she imparted him the gems of Jim Crow wisdom. This critic attitude could be related to the communist writings. He was also watched by the CIA and the FBI for his ideas. He travelled to countries that were forming as the Third World, what influenced surely on his writings too.

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