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Roger also believes that a significant causal factor is likely to be the rising tide of draconian benefit sanctions although at the present time there is only anecdotal evidence to support this and rising levels of complaints from constituents.

41,000 received food aid in the West Midlands last year

Roger has tabled an Early Day Motion, 223, which draws attention to the growing pressure on the nations already over stretched food banks. Roger said: A recent report from the Trussell Trust (the biggest provider of food banks in the UK) stated that more than 350,000 people turned to their food banks for help in 201213, almost triple the number who received food aid in the previous year and 100,000 more than anticipated. The true figure of those receiving food aid last year is, however, nearer 500,000 when other independent food banks, churches, charities and community groups are taken into account. He went on to say: The impact of food poverty has been particularly dramatic in the West Midlands with the Trussell Trust seeing the biggest ever increase in West Midlands food bank use with a 200% rise in numbers turning to foodbanks in last 12 months. Over 41,000 people in the West Midlands have received at least three days emergency food from Trussell Trust food banks during the last 12 months, more than triple the number helped in 2011-12. There are many underlying causes for this dramatic increase in demand for food support - not least increasing unemployment. However, the Trussell Trusts own research suggests that 45% of all referrals are as a result of benefits problems which include benefit delays (30%) and benefits changes (15%). He concluded: There is every indication that levels of food poverty show every sign of growing as further changes to the benefits system take effect. Such developments, I believe, are wholly detrimental to the social fabric of the UK, further marginalising the poor, the unemployed and already socially disadvantaged and are incompatible with the functioning of a modern, compassionate society. I have called on the government to launch an urgent enquiry into causes of food poverty, particularly in respect of the administrative failure of the Dept of Work & Pensions (DWP) to deliver benefits effectively and its widespread use of punitive benefit sanctions.


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paying Corporation Tax on the grounds that as all surpluses were returned to the community and the market is run by unpaid volunteers there was no Corporation Tax liability. When Ms. Adams submitted the return to the Inland Revenue this year she was shocked to receive a letter from HMRC which stated that the Moseley Farmers Market Community Interest Company 'does not in fact qualify for this Extra Statutory Concession' and needs to pay Corporation Tax. The DWP is never backward in reminding us all how much money it is managing to save the UK taxpayer but wouldnt it be nice if it actually got the money that people are entitled to distributed before they had to visit their local food bank. In his letter to Lin Homer, Chief Executive of HMRC, Roger points out that: There are other Farmers Markets in Birmingham such as the one in Kings Norton which is also CIC and they have continued to be granted an exemption from Corporation Tax. Roger has asked Lin Homer to examine the evidence again and reinstate Moseley Farmers Market exemption from Corporation Tax in line with the exemptions given to other Farmers Markets in Birmingham.

Roger fights Corporation Tax demand on market from HMRC

Roger signs Justice for the 21 e-Petition

Roger has signed a petition to: Implement a fresh inquiry to establish the truth in order to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators responsible for the worst outrage on British Mainland in the 20th century in respect of the memory of the 21 innocents who were killed in the 1974 Birmingham Pub Bombings. 2684/signature/new Organisers of the popular Moseley Farmers Market were thrown into confusion recently with a demand for Corporation Tax of a 1000 from HMRC. Its a farce says Roger who has written in the strongest terms to Lin Homer, Chief Executive of HM Revenue & Customs. Two HMRC officials have stated clearly that they believe the market to be exempt from tax, another believes that it is and hence the demand for just under 1000 but with no backdating. Roger went on to say: The Treasurer of the Moseley Farmers Market CIC, Jill Adams, has filled in a return to the Inland Revenue every year since the Community Interest Company (CIC) was formed and she has sought, and has been granted, an exemption from

Mr Bumble says: It doesnt collate

You can ask Iain Duncan-Smith, Secretary of State at the Dept for Work & Pensions (DWP) many things and he will have an answer for most of them. Quick as a flash he will be able to tell you how many benefits claimants have been sanctioned, how many appealed this sanction, how many were unsuccessful at appealing this decision and


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how many people will be affected by the benefits cap and so on. How much money he is saving on the benefits budget is his all time favorite though. Jobcentres, which are run by the DWP, are one of the organizations which refer benefits claimants to Food Banks so why is it that when you ask him how many benefit claimants have been referred by jobcentres to food banks he says: DWP does not collate or hold numbers on the usage of food banks.

HS2 in the same week as Chancellor George Osborne announces cutbacks in public services of 11billions. HS2 Hansard Debate, 26th June 2013

HS2 costs escalate: This vanity project has just became a lot more expensive says Roger

Mr Bumble says: Dont come a cropper!!

Although social media is still new and shiny, future generations may look back in wonderment at the billions of people who were seduced into signing up for the one sided agreements struck with Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Apple where willing participants paid for their entertainment with their privacy and personal data which was readily harvested by the likes of Facebook ,its advertisers and not forgetting central governments on a massive scale. At least sharecroppers got some reward for their labour in the field!!

According to a recent statement by Patrick McLoughlin MP, Secretary of State for Transport, HS2 is a vital part of the infrastructure overhaul that this government is delivering so that our country can compete in the global race. The transport secretary also revealed that he expected the price tag for the controversial HS2 high speed railway network to have escalated by 10bn, or 30%, to 42.6bn because his Department forgot to include the cost of the trains! Roger says: I think most other people would appreciate trains that run on time, rail fares that dont keep on rising and somewhere to sit down rather than some race for global domination. As with most major government projects this particular extravagance just got a lot more expensive. He concluded: There is a lot of talk about hard working families and the squeezed middle but most people will be scratching their heads in wonderment as to how a government can find an extra 10billion for

Mr Bumble says: Cross your legs!!

Transport minister Simon Burns has been forced to admit that: "The Department of Transport does not place any specific requirements on train operators with regard to the provision of toilets on trains........there are no legal requirements for toilet facilities to be provided on trains."

Roger votes against the Badger Cull

Roger has made it consistently clear that he is opposed to culling and believes that vaccination is a much more 3|Page

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humane and sensible approach to the problem of the spread of Bovine TB. He said: There was a debate in Parliament recently on this issue and I regret the fact that the Conservatives and Lib.Dems voted against the Motion put forward by the Labour Party condemning the Badger cull.

weather systems can only support about a third of this consumption. The appearance of ever more extreme weather events and the dramatic reduction in the size of the polar ice caps is continuing testimony that we cannot go on pumping more and more carbon into the atmosphere with impunity.

Roger agrees with Bob that W Mids police commissioner should be scrapped

Roger opens the Bee Garden at Jubilee Gardens, Longmore Street, Balsall Heath

Roger supports a clean energy target

On the 4th June Roger voted to support renewable energy and jobs by backing a move to clean up UK power and tackle climate change. He voted for an amendment to the Energy Bill, currently in Parliament, that would set the Government a legal target to remove carbon emissions from the UKs power supply almost entirely by 2030. Roger said: Green is working the green economy supports almost a million jobs already and it is helping to stop dangerous climate change. But green companies and their supply chains will only make long-term investments in the West Midlands region if theres a clear pathway for renewable energy in the future. Thats why I voted for a target to cut the carbon from our electricity by 2030 it would help stabilise the climate and provide much needed jobs, as well as keeping bills as low as possible in the long-term. He concluded: It was announced recently that the world still has record reserves of fossil fuels to exploit with ever improving technology but that in reality our

Following reports that the West Midlands police commissioner Bob Jones, has said his own role should be scrapped in favour of something more efficient and less party political Roger said: I have never been a fan of police and crime commissioners and voted against the measure in Parliament. Roger doesnt believe that bringing politics into policing is especially popular and the electorate would seem to agree as the turnout across the West Midlands force area in November's elections was 12%. The turnout figure was lowest in Coventry at 10.18%. Whilst I like Bob and would not want to make him redundant I do agree with him that elected police commissioners should be scrapped.

Roger (far left) with Bob Jones (centre) on the election trial in happier times.


MAY - JUNE 2013



Roger votes for Robin Hood Tax

Roger welcomes news of Telephone Tax removal

HMRC has begun removing the Telephone Tax from its own helplines which is a welcome move says Roger. He believes that this is the beginning of its fulfillment of an assurance that all HMRC 0845 numbers will be replaced by 03 numbers by the end of the summer. HMRC is setting an example to other departments and public bodies he believes. The National Audit Office is investigating claims that the use of premium-rate phone lines by government departments amounts to a telephone tax and expects to deliver its verdict in July. A number of Government departments including crucially the Dept for Work and Pension (DWP) will continue with 0845 numbers thereby further penalizing those on benefits who call up for help and advice. The primary HMRC helpline numbers, covering VAT, National Insurance and Income Tax, and Self Assessment are all changing from 0845 to 03.

Roger said: I have always been a strong supporter of the implementation of such a tax and I was very happy to support the measure in a Commons vote recently. I believe it would be one of the most effective ways of ensuring that the financial community, who caused the financial crisis in this country and other western countries in 2008, make a contribution towards alleviating the suffering that they have caused both in the UK and abroad. Roger concluded: A global Robin Hood Tax could raise 250 billion every year, including tens of billions right here in the UK.

Roger intervenes in Ngobeni case

New Numbers:
The Fair Telecoms Campaign has indentified 938 NHS GP surgeries in the UK which are imposing the Telephone Tax. In these cases it is retained for the benefit of the GPs, in covering part of the cost they incur in providing NHS services under contract. There are also many NHS hospitals and other NHS bodies which impose the Telephone Tax, through use of 084 numbers.

Roger intervened in the case of Ms Ngobeni who, with help from friends, the TUC and Duncan Lewis Solicitors, a firm experienced in similar immigration casework, managed to halt imminent removal proceedings and secure time for further legal representations to be made. Ms Ngobeni has been an active campaigner for democratic rights in Swaziland whilst in the UK and feared for her safety if she were forced to return. She also did not want to be bride No. 14 in the Kings harem! 5|Page

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legitimate activities without fear harassment by the Swazi government.




Advice Agencies under massive pressure as benefits confusion grows

Roger has written to Welfare Reform Minister, Lord Feud, regarding the introduction of updated plans for the Local Support Services Framework in October. This framework will establish how how Universal Credit claimants are going to be supported. He said: Organizations such as Citizens Advice (CAB) are rightly concerned, as I am, that the new framework is set up in a way to ensure that local voluntary organisations are at the centre of delivering this support and are given the resources that they need. In the last year CAB have helped people in Birmingham with over 11,000 problems related to benefits and tax credits and it will come as no surprise that they are predicting a significant increase in demand for help over the next few years as the reforms are rolled out. I also know that the CAB has already suffered badly from funding cut backs and has had to release many knowledgeable advisors who will no longer be there to help claimants negotiate their way through the new complex maze of welfare changes. All this is happening at a time when the cuts in the legal aid budget are cutting out many of the advocacy services for people at benefits tribunals. Roger is also concerned that benefits confusion over all the new legislation is leading to big delays in payment as claimants, through no fault of their own, make mistakes in filling out forms and have claims rejected.

Picture courtesy of the Mail Online Tintswalo Ngobeni who fears for her safety if she were to return to Swaziland fled to the UK after drawing the unwanted attentions of the oppressive ruler of Swaziland, King Mswati II.

Picture courtesy of the Mail Online King Mswati II, 45, is permitted to choose a new bride every year and wanted Ms Ngobeni to join his harem of 13 wives.

Roger under fire for criticism of the Westminster Nursery

Roger has been criticised by colleagues after he condemned the decision to set up the nursery, which is used by the children of MPs and officials, and is subsidised by the taxpayer to the tune of 100,000 a year. An unrepentant Mr Godsiff said: Im not against nurseries and crches Im a strong supporter. 6|Page

And arrest of Maxwell Diamini

Roger has also written a letter to Foreign Secretary, William Hague, over the imprisonment of Maxwell Diamini, Secretary General of the Swaziland Youth Congress. Maxwells arrest follows a number of events over recent years in which student unionists in Swaziland have been unable to carry out their

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"But what are my constituents supposed to think when they see MPs enjoying this subsidised and lavish facility while their own local services are being cut? While the nursery has room for 40 children, only 24 places have been filled and only six of the youngsters are full-time attendees. David Camerons children use the nursery. Roger said: The nursery is still running at a projected loss of 100,000 in this financial year and records show that the accumulated running losses and capital costs now amount to well over 1 million at a time when public nurseries and Sure Start centres are closing or drastically reducing their provision. This continual drain on public monies is no longer justifiable. Mr Godsiff added: If a private nursery was run this way, then it would have to close. If it was run by the local council, then theyd need to find some way of controlling costs. _help/housing_advice_helpline Shelter provides a free, national telephone advice line staffed by trained housing advisers. We have helped thousands of people, from finding them a place to sleep to suggesting how to handle mortgage arrears.

HELP LINE LIBRARY BELOW Benefit cap helpline number:

0845 6057064 or Textphone 0845 6088551 (for people with hearing or speech impairments)

Ring 0808 800 4444

8am-8pm 8am-5pm Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday uk/

Helpline: 0845 608 4455 Email: The Patients Association, PO Box 935, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3YJ T: 020 8423 9111 F: 020 8423 9119 E:

Benefit Enquiry Line (BEL)

0800 882200

MAY - JUNE 2013



Lines are open 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM Monday to Friday. From a landline your call is free. This is a confidential telephone advice and information line for peole with disabilities, carers and representatives. It covers England, Scotland and Wales. BEL can provide general benefits advice and information, but staff do not have access to any claimant records and are therefore unable to give information on the progress of a claim or benefits you are already receiving. It is a confidential service and nothing you ask or say will go on your file.

with young children. They may be able to refer you to a local network of refer you to a local network of trained advocates. Free helpline on 0808 808 3555 Other organisations that may be able to help are: Every Disabled Child Matters Norfolk Coalition Of Disabled People Norfolk Disabled Persons Alliance The Council for Disabled Children

FINANCIAL ADVICE Citizens Advice 08454 04 05 06 consumer helpline on

Independent Living Advice Line Provides advice to disabled people and their carers: Tel: 0845 026 4748 or email:

Consumer Credit Counselling Service

3pm on Saturday.

FREEPHONE helpline is open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to

0800 138 1111 BIRMINGHAM CONSTITUENCY OFFICE: Tel: 07889 650544 0121 603 2299

National Debt Line 0808 808 4000

Office of Fair Trading - Enquiries and Reporting Centre on 0845 7 22 44 99


Children families and disabilities

Get in touch with the helpline of Contact a Family who work 8|Page

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