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Hacking Tic Tac Toe: Tic Tac KaBoom

Name of Game Name of Game Designers Game Objective (How to Win) Rules: (How to Play the Game) Tic Tac KaBoom Mr. Hodgson

The winner will create a solid line either horizontally (across), vertically (down), or diagonal (corner to corner) by using your X (or your O), and the additional B (for Boom) before your opponent does the same. 1. Set up the Tic Tac KaBoom game grid (sketch out six horizontal lines and six vertical lines) on a sheet of paper. Choose either X or O as your game pieces (which you will write in with pencil or pen). 2. Choose which player goes first. Put either an X or an O on the grid to start the game. Alternative between players. 3. Each player has only one Boom which is the B player piece. Wherever a B is marked, that square gets blown up and marked with a B. The player also chooses either to blow up the two boxes on the each side of the Boom, or the box above and below the Boom (so that three boxes get blown up). Once a player uses a Boom, they cannot use it again. 4. Any player can use any of the Boom boxes, even if they did not drop the bomb. 4. The first player to create a line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) is the winner. 5. Play five rounds, with the loser starting each new round. The player to win the most games wins Tic Tac KaBoom.

Created by Kevin Hodgson, with technical advice and playtesting from Rowan.

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