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Morney-Berry Farm: Community Service Outline

Area of Service Task Time Duration of Needs Tasks (Shifts) Dedication Item Entity Invoved Expected # of People Needed

Signage Repair

Repaint and rehang signs so that 8:00-12:00 the text is clear and the balance 10:00-2:00 is stable.

1. Two buckets of rain resistant Paint 2. 10 Paint Sign Brushes 3.Rubber Goves 4. One Personalized Sign

EJC & Friendship West 10 per Baptist Church Teen shift Group

Landscape & Beautification

Cut Grass, pull weeds, clean out 8:00-12:00 the cabins, 10:00-2:00

Lawn Mowers, Edgers, Gloves

Tree (type undecided)

EJC & Lincoln Alumni Class of 1960

15 per shift

Wood Repair

Replace and Restore old/splintered wood on the steps (TBD) of the cabins, side panels, and parts of the roof.

Wood (Amount Unassessed), A Restored nails, Professional Cabin Contractors. Ice (10 bags), Water (75 n/a bottles), 5 coolers



Cooling Station

Provide Cold water and serve lunch to volunteers @1:00 pm

8:00-12:00 10:00-2:00

3 per shift

Lunch Station

Serve Lunch to volunters at 1:00 2:00-3:30 pm

hamburger patties (50), hot dogs (50), buns (100), n/a condiments, Plates (100), Napkins, utensils, vegiterian options

EJC & Lincoln Alumni Class of 1960

10 people


Put any remaining litter into the trash can. Help transport 3:00-5:00 materials left over in the cabin from previous shifts




15 people

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