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Behind Closed Doors Written By Sunraj Bolina

Behind Closed Doors

FADE IN INT. School Class room Evening Mr Wicks (34) wipes down the whiteboard as it is home time, he tiredly walks towards a table and picks up books and a piece of paper and places it on his desk. Mr Wicks looks around the class to check if everything is in place and is tidy. He glances at the clock, then puts his books in his bag, turns off the lights and leaves the classroom. CUT TO INT. Corridor - Evening Mr Wicks locks the door and walks down the corridor where he is approached by Mr Dunn who politely nods at him. Mr Wicks exchanges a modest smile as he walks past him. Mr Wicks reaches the end of the corridor where he opens the door and exists. Cut to Mr Wicks slowly drives as he has reached his destination, he then parks his car. He looks at his right wing mirror, then at his rear view mirror, and then cautiously looks straight ahead at the windscreen. He turns off the radio, grabs his bag from the passengers seat, takes a deep breath then gets out of his car. Mr Wicks locks his car, walks towards his house and opens the front door. INT. Hallway Evening Mr Wicks enters the house; he urgently drops his bag on the floor and walks to the kitchen.

INT. Kitchen Evening Mr Wicks enters the kitchen and opens the fridge; he grabs a can of beer and instantly takes a gulp. INT. Living Room Evening Mr Wicks sits down on the couch, loosens his tie and undoes his top button so he feels relaxed. He places the can of beer on the table where he suddenly spots an envelope. He happily opens it to find that it is a fathers day card from his daughter. He reads the card and begins to smirk. Mr Wicks then closes the card and sensually touches the love heart on the front cover. Mr Wicks (Loudly) Lucy? (Prolonging) Luuucy? Mr Wicks looks confused as his daughter does not respond. He angrily sighs, he then quickly gets up (which makes the card fall to the floor) and leaves the living room. INT. Stair case Evening Mr Wicks franticly walks up the stairs, where he is met by Lucy (16) Lucy (softly) Hi dad Mr Wicks Hey princess (2 sec pause) why didnt you say something when I called you? Lucy (timidly) Oh sorry, I didnt hear you (3 sec pause) Do you like the card?

Mr Wicks I love it, especially the heart Lucy So.. (hesitantly) what do you want to do for your birthday Mr Wicks moves close to Lucy Mr Wicks (sexual) I think we can think of something Mr Wicks gently moves Lucys hair behind her ear. As he steps back he puts forward his hand and stares into Lucys eyes. Lucy (fearfully) rests her hand onto her dads. Mr Wicks Good girl Mr Wicks and Lucy both slowly walk into the bedroom, Lucy looks terrified but she remains calm and obeys her father. They both enter the room and Mr Wicks closes the door. CUT TO INT. (1 week later) Living Room Evening Mr Wicks is calmly watching television whilst enjoying a couple of beers. CUT TO INT. Bathroom Evening Lucy is crying, her mascara is running down her eyes as she looks at herself in the mirror in disgust. She slowly and quietly backs away from the mirror and lowers herself to the ground where she begins to (softly) whimper even more. Lucy hears a loud bang

from downstairs; she quickly gets up and wipes the running mascara off her face while looking in the mirror again. Lucy reaches in her pocket and pulls out a pregnancy test; her hand is shaking as she holds it in her hand. FADE OUT

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