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Catch Me If You Can

Analysis of title sequence

Title Sequence A title sequence is a method where films and television programmes
present their production and cast members. The title sequence I will be looking at is; Catch Me If You Can. I will be analysing and analysing the different shots within the title sequence.

We have chosen the title sequence of the film: Catch Me If You Can because its a worldwide famous title sequence which is very popular and known on the internet reaching over 900,000 YouTube views.

This is the first shot from in the title sequence, and it tells us that Dream Works Pictures is the main constitution which presents production: Catch Me If You Can.

This shot also shows which companies which are involved in the production of: Catch Me If You Can.

This shows who directed the production, for this particular film it was directed by Steven Spielberg.

This screen shot tell us who is the main character in the film, we know its the main character because he is the first actor which is shown on the title sequence, for this production its: Leonardo Dicaprio.

This shot again shows another character in the film, Tom Hanks, who is a famous actor which can help persuade people to watch the film.

This shot shows the title of the production, Catch Me If You Can, which is in bold and stands out to the viewer/ audience. The title accompanied by the plane suggests to the audience what the production is about.

This shot shows another actor, who may have a big role within the movie but in the title sequence only comes into picture now, because he is not as important as the more famous actors.

In this shot we find out who the co producer of the film is and for Catch Me If You Can its: Devorah Moos-Hankin.

This shot tells us who is behind all the music in the film and in the title sequence.

In this screenshot it tells us who is the film editor for the film, this is a key role in the film however its not seen as important in the title sequence as its shown towards the end.

This shot gives Steven Spielberg his title as he wasnt properly introduced in the previous shot he was mentioned in.

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