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Introduction to Omega Strategies

8. What is the earning power of above-average-looking men and women versus average and below-average-looking men and women? Michael French found that above-average-looking women earned 8 percent more than average women. There was no statistical difference related to physical appearance of men. Bonus Question: How would a waiter or waitress offering a piece of chocolate candy with the check affect the amount of tip received? In a study of tipping, a waitress working for David Strohmetz of Monmouth University at a New Jersey restaurant offered one, two, or no pieces of chocolate to 80 dining parties (293 people). No candy? The average tip was 19 percent. Two pieces, 22 percent. When she gave one piece of chocolate and then offered a second piece, her tips averaged 23 percent. Exercise: What are three ways you can implement this information today in your business and in your relationships?

The Power of the Future . . . in the Present

Alpha strategies are those that make an offer more attractive. Omega strategies are those that reduce resistance. Resistance is a thing that can be used up and replenished like water in a tank. In an experiment, students were divided into gullible and skeptical groups based on interview questions. Each of these was then further divided into four subgroups. The first subgroup was shown seven video clips of unfamiliar candidates running for office and where they stood on the issues. One group was asked to pay particular attention to the first clip. The other three groups were told to pay attention to the last.Two of these last three groups were shown a travelogue of Fiji before the last video was shown. One of these two remaining groups was told to think positively about Fiji. The

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