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The OET letter Tips 1. Be careful with the word diagnosis.

. Diagnosis means that a doctor has assessed the patient, and decided that the patient has a condition. If the patient has already had the condition for some time, you cant use the word diagnosis (even if this is the title in the case notes). Instead you will need to write something like this: Mr Smith has been suffering from Alzheimers disease for the past 3 years. Ms Elliot has had a recent exacerbation of her Parkinsons disease symptoms. Remember, you can only use the word diagnosis if the patient has been diagnosed with a new condition.

2. Take care with abbreviations in the case notes. You cannot use abbreviations in the OET letter. Instead, you must expand them. a) Eg. means for example He is experiencing many symptoms of Parkinsons disease including resting tremors, fixed gaze, drooling, and rigid extremities. b) re means regarding Please contact Domiciliary Care regarding the installation of a ramp and rails in the bathroom. c) NB means please note Please note that my patient is allergic to penicillin. 3. Confusing expressions - note the difference in these phrases: Mr Smith, who is an 87 year old man with the complaints of with regards to I advised my patient to Mr Smith, 87 years old, complaining of regarding Please give my patient some advice

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