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Manifesting, The Power of Secrecy

If you have a very important goal that you are aiming for, I recommend not telling ANYBODY. Keeping it a secret will help you to create the results faster. Don't take my word for this. Test this for yourself. See if this is true. Let's say you want, more than anything, a new car. How about a Jaguar sports car, a two-door? By the way, I pronounce this JAG-gwar, with my American accent. My wife is from England and pronounces it JAG-yu-AR. The car drives the same, no matter how mistakenly you pronounce it. Okay, so let's say you want a Jag :-) And you are doing the 100-to-1 visualization technique. And you did the Magic-27 correction to make sure there was no self-sabotage getting in the way. And you are doing breathwork to clear away any remaining internal blocks. Maybe the Release Technique as well. If you do the above steps daily, you'll notice that your world changes. Funny coincidees will happen, like you see the car more often, or a car pulls up next to you and the driver asks for directions, and you notice the car is the one you want.

When these little markers show up, it will tempt you to tell someone else about these coincidences. But don't. Not until you've reached your goal: The specific goal that you want, down to the very last detail. Not just seeing the car, not just touching or even driving the car, but owning and enjoying the car, the way you want. IMPORTANT: Pick your own goal. I am mentioning the car only as an example. (With fuel prices soaring, maybe you don't want a sports car anyway. Maybe you'd rather oil field.) Why is secrecy so effective? I will tell you tomorrow, along with a little technique to boost your results faster than anything I know of. Remember: If the goal matters to you, then don't tell anyone until the results show up, just the way you want. Talk with you soon, Sean p.s. One reason why secrecy is so powerful is hinted at by the word itself. "Secrecy" comes from an old French term for "set apart." Why does this matter? I'll tell you in the next post.

Affirmation Success Newsletter This issue: Secrecy, Part 2

Secrecy, part 2 Here's part 2 about the value of secrecy. This is NOT meant to be theoretical. Test this notion for yourself. Instructions for a do-it-yourself experiment are at the bottom of this note... Sincerely, Sean ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secrecy is powerful, part 2 True Story: About four years ago I was at my desk in Hollywood (Florida) realizing how utterly disorganized my website files were. Since I had just started a consulting business for online marketing, this was a problem. Then I remembered a workshop I attended in Pasadena, Maryland the year before. It was a Win Wenger conference on creativity, held in a beautiful house, and during a break one of the attendees borrowed a house computer to check on his website. I'd like to be organized just like that guy was, I thought to myself. His website files were perfectly set up, I remembered. I stopped thinking about this, got up from my desk and walked into my living room. I picked up a magazine that I had been meaning to read. I leafed through it and laughed outloud when I saw the picture.

In this magazine was a feature about the house I was JUST thinking about. The one where the creativity workshop was held. Surprise, there was even a photo of the workshop area where the computer was, the one where the guy showed his website files! Let's think about the coincidence factor here. What are the odds that a house in Pasadena, Maryland would be featured in a magazine -- with a photo of ONE particular countertop -and I would see this article and photo a minute after thinking about it? Have you had experiences like this? You think of someone and the phone rings and it's them. (And you haven't heard from *them* in 8 years!) You know, really WILD coincidences like that. (Don't worry if you haven't had those experiences. Just road-test the things I'll be emailing you and watch what happens.) Do you know why these 'coincidences' happen? My theory is this... This is a dream you're having. Really. And your mind and attention CAN change the content of your 'dream.' Just like you can (with practice) change the content of a dream when you are sleeping. In my experience there are two conditions for this: 1. You mustn't let this dream convince you it's real. Fear and greed (and greed is really just another form

of fear) are two ways that you get hooked into this dream and forget how changeable it is. This is why mental hygiene is so crucial -- through EFT, NLP, Silva Method, Sedona Method, Energy Medicine, SOMETHING to rinse off the fear and greed that gathers like dew on the outside of your mind. Win Wenger's Beyond OK material is ESPECIALLY good for staying energetically 'clean': By the way, if you are saying, "What is all this 'dream' crap? There is real suffering here in this world, we're facing global warming, my car payment is late, my friend has a disease, and...." (That reaction is natural, but it's also what I mean when I say don't let the dream convince you it's real. You can still be aware and compassionate and let this be a changeable dream.) 2. Don't ask the dream to change itself, or ask anyone IN your dream for permission (or cooperation) to change YOUR dream. This second part is why secrecy is so powerful. When you are secret about your intentions for changing your 'dream' you are removing yourself from the content of the dream. Stepping out, like an actor practicing a role steps off the stage to talk with the playwrite about changing a scene. It's not the CHARACTER talking, it's the actor. Last week I was on the set of the tv show CSI:Miami. (My brother is a stunt-double for the red-headed guy.) One of the fun things about being on the set of a TV show is how you see something so real is actually so make-believe. What if your life were actually a show?

If you never stepped out of character and got off the 'set' you would never be able to talk with the writer (another part of your mind) about changing the content of your show. The word "secret" originally comes from an expression meaning "set apart." If you step out, or "set yourself apart" for a little while, to make changes you want to make, what would you change first? Can you imagine that change happening in a way that ONLY makes things better and happier for everyone else? For the other actors in your show?

===================================== do it yourself experiment... Make a goal up in your mind, an intention that you REALLY want to have happen. I would recommend a m-o-ney goal, but you could pick anything. Don't tell ANYONE until the goal shows up. Not even me. Not anybody. No one. Not your Priest or Rabbi, or your "Success Coach." Do the 100-to-1 technique (you can find this at somewhere) and picture the benefit to OTHER people through your goal coming true. Watch what happens. Sean Collins

Affirmation Success Newsletter This issue: One Secret to faster manifesting

Okay, say you want something. Let's say money. Or a new relationship. You COULD use techniques I've taught in previous issues of this newsletter. Those techniques -- 100-to-1, Aah meditation, Mantra, pink bubble, electric manifesting, to name a few -- really work. (Especially electric manifesting.) The formula for manifesting works for skeptics and it works for believers. The formula is this: 1. 2. 3. 4. Get specific about what you want. Let go of your inner blocks to having what you want. Contemplate the item from step 1 WHILE relaxing your physical body. To the extent that you can do number 3 without ANY conscious or unconscious awareness of lack OR obstacle then the item from step 1 will show up.

The above steps are of course easier said than done. And the DETAILS of each step vary according to your custom and belief. (Religious science, Huna, Silva Method, DynaPsyc - you name it.) DOING the above steps of the master formula are what this newsletter is all about, so that your life is more enjoyable for yourself and for people you care about. To me the crucial step is step 2. When you can let go of your inner blocks (and EFT will do, as will NLP, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, Silva, Sedona Method, Release Technique, you name it), the results just plain show up. But I noticed that people who get stellar results from prayer and visualization and even electric manifesting -- share a certain trait, and it's one that surprised me because it's SO simple, and yet so easy to NOT do. When I use this principle, I find that MY goals happen faster and easier as well. I can sum up the principle in a sentence... That which serves the larger system thrives. If you can use your mind to plug YOUR want into a larger completed system, then you will satisfy your want even faster and easier.

This isn't just pollyannaish thinking, this is a law of nature. But don't take my word for it. Test this principle personally. I'll show you an experiment you can do. But first a little background... My old newsletters float around the internet a lot, and often wind up in sites that are related to two and sex. Which is good! (I think it's a great thing for people to have plenty of both, and if I can help make that happen, then great!) But these are two areas that foster more secrecy and privacy than others, and so the mindset around getting these goals TENDS to be private and self-serving in SOME people. (Not you, of course.) Using your mind (and/or language, which is just a tool of your mind) to MAKE others give you money, or attention, or to MAKE them sleep with you, or propose to you. (Who wants to be on the receiving end of outright manipulation?) Sure, these techniques of intention and language CAN work for getting you what you want. But only when the larger system is served by the outcome coming true. Serving the larger system accidentally, versus serving the larger system intentionally, makes a BIG difference. Criminals serve the larger system by keeping cops and judges and prison guards employed. (I know firsthand about this because my father was a cop and we always had food when I was growing up.) Illness serves the larger system by keeping the doctors and pharmaceutical companies employed. In other words, the larger system is going to benefit in some way no matter WHAT you do, no matter how sleazy or life-damaging. So here is what I am recommending instead... FOCUS on the gains to the larger system in way that ONLY enriches others, and the POSITIVE benefit to the larger system. We already know that YOU will gain from the goal being true, or you wouldn't be wanting it in the first place. But who ELSE will gain? If you can mentally attach YOUR goal to the better interests of the larger system, then YOUR outcome will happen faster. I call this the Law of Completion, and you can test it immediately. Think of a goal you have right now. Maybe it's money. Or maybe you want a relationship with that new cutie in the office. Or a promotion. Or a new car. Please think of something specific.

Got one? Now play along with me for a moment. See the pattern in the following examples..

Your heart is in your chest because it serves a useful function to other parts of your anatomy. Your refrigerator is in your kitchen because it serves a REALLY important function to your household. Your stereo is in your car (home) because it serves an important function in its environment.

If your goal comes true, it will come true BECAUSE it serves a larger function that is for the good of others. What is that larger function? Be specific! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an example that may help... I recall needing to reach an income goal to pay for a trip, and mentioned this to a friend of mine. She asked me how much money I needed, and how many clients that would turn out to be. I said six new clients. By the following week! I knew all about the Silva Method and visualization, but didn't understand this bit about systems and the Law of Completion. She and I sat and did a meditation together. We described outloud how the phone would ring and the new clients would call and make the appointment and would benefit SO much from their appointment that they were delighted. Then we pictured how they were SO delighted they told OTHER people about their gains, and those people were energized in a positive way. The gains spread outward to more and more people, inspiring confidence and insight to a network of people throughout the city, the region, the state, the country, the globe. The six people called and I made the income goal in time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do-it-Yourself experiment... Don't just assume that others will benefit from your goal being true. SPECIFY in your mind, and visualize (describing aloud) the gains that OTHERS will have FROM your goal being true.

If you are selling something, see specifically how the customers are enriched from buying your product or service. No matter HOW selfish a goal you think you have, whether it's to have a one-night-stand, a spouse, a batch of new clients, a new car, a new house, a cure for an illness, there is ALWAYS a way to connect THAT goal to OTHERS' gain. Do that, and watch what happens! Next issue... Manifesting with the golden ratio

Affirmation Success Newsletter

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Issue Three/Part one October 1998 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN THIS ISSUE... Prayer/how a man in New York won millions in the state lottery not once but twice/what science has found about prayer 1. Success Stories: a. Two-Time New York Lottery Winner b. One-Time Lonely Newsletter Editor 2. Do-it-yourself Techniques: Praying for a change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This FREE publication by Collins, Inc. is sent only to people who have requested it. If you have been forwarded this copy, you are welcome to subscribe personally to receive your own free copies from now on by e-mailing Swcgluck@a... If you are already a subscriber, and wish to receive no further issues, e-mail "remove" to Swcgluck@a... (As a subscriber or former subscriber, your name and e-mail address are never made available to other companies.) If you enjoy this newsletter and find it useful, please tell your friends, family and others whom you care about. Thank you. Sean Collins, Editor Swcgluck@a... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Success Story... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A man in New York won the state lottery not once but twice. The odds are against winning the lottery one time. Twice is close to statistically impossible. Asked by reporters how he accomplished such a thing, the man said the answer was simple: He prayed. (My first thought upon reading this was how, exactly, this man phrased his prayers the SECOND time he won millions of dollars. "Dear God, I

know I won a few million recently, and thanks, but I really need to win this next one.") You might counter that a lot of people pray to win the lottery, but that not everyone who prays wins.

The question is, HOW are they praying? What are they doing when it DOES work? One of the blessings NLP has let loose on humanity is the core notion that if ONE person can do something with an adequate neurology, then anyone else with an equally adequate neurology ought to be able to duplicate that result. Southern Medical Journal published a study on the effects of prayer. Cardiac patients at a California hospital were randomly divided into two groups. One group was prayed for, and the other group was a control group (not prayed for). It was a double-blind study, so the patients, doctors, and nurses did not know which group was which. Prayer groups around the country did not know the patients personally, only their names. The results were startling. The group prayed for had fewer complications than the control group, had zero fatalities (unlike the control group), and fewer post-op complications over-all. They also left the hospital earlier, on average, than the control group. If there were a drug that produced results like these, people would line up around the block to buy the pills at their local drug store! Wait, though, it gets better... A group in Scotland did studies on the effects of prayer on rye seeds. Seeds placed in a petrii dish were prayed for to grow better. The dish of seeds was divided down the middle. One side was prayed for and the other side was not. The seeds prayed for grew better than the control group. Saline (salt water) was added to the soil, making growth even more of a challenge. The difference between the group of seeds prayed for and the seeds not prayed for was even more dramatic with the presence of saline!

What is exciting about an experiment like the one above is that it is completely replicatable! Test it yourself. If you really don't want to experiment with rye seeds (or bacteria, as some researchers have), then experiment with your office. Pray for some co-workers to have wonderful things happen to them, and then notice what happens. Or pray for your sales calls on Tuesday and Thursday to go beautifully, then check results those days against results the rest of the week. Researchers also found that among those who prayed for enhanced growth of seeds, the results of people who had more experience praying was greater than with people who were less experienced. This is important to notice because it means the more you pray the better results you are likely to get! (Also consider that the people perhaps MOST experienced in saying prayers objected to participating in the research, objecting to "putting God in a laboratory" and therefore were not included in the studies.) Distance did not make a difference, nor did putting the prayed for item in a sealed-up safe. Something outside of space and time caused beneficial changes. How it works is a mystery. THAT it works is proven. The question, though, is... What is prayer? You might think of it like tapping into electricity. If you have to iron a shirt, and you are inserting the plug of the iron into the electrical socket in the wall, you TRUST that the electricity will be available. You don't have knowledge or certainty that the electricity will be there. The electricity is, strictly speaking, a matter of faith. (Interestingly, your faith in the existence and power of electricity is so strong, that even if there were no power to your iron after you plugged it in and turned it on, you would sooner think that something was wrong with the circuitry of your iron, or the circuitry of your home, than wonder about the existence of the electricity! Imagine having THIS kind of faith with your prayers!) My upbringing was Catholic, and prayer for me ever since childhood had been of two kinds: 1. Reciting memorized prayers (such as the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and Grace before meals)

2. Prayers for results in the world, such as "Dear God, I have a soccer game this Thursday, so please help us win over the other team. I'll really appreciate it, God..." A third way of thinking about prayer I first learned from an amazing book called A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. She is a student and teacher of something called A Course in Miracles, and the approach from the Course is that prayer is about changing troublesome ways of thinking. Prayer plugs you into a healing source that changes what and how you perceive your world. The universe is literally reflecting your beliefs and expectations back to you, and the function of Prayer (aligning with Infinite Intelligence you might say), is correcting your perceptions so that the world as it is reflected back to you reflects the harmony of your thoughts. True Story: Two friends of mine (a man and a woman) and I went to a bar where another friend works. We walked in and found our way to a pool table and weren't there more than a few minutes when our friend who worked there came over to the pool table. She said with a smile, "I have already had someone ask me about you (pointing to the woman) and you (pointing to the man)." I remembered that these two people I had come in with were always being flirted with when we all went out to clubs together. I sat there feeling like Quasimodo, wondering why no one asked about me. This wondering didn't go away either, and my brain did a good job of reminding me of all the times I had felt or been rejected by the opposite sex all the way back to Colleen Leahy in the 2nd grade. Feeling unattractive, undesirable, insecure, I was already having a crummy time. New to this notion of prayer as a way to heal my thinking, I got up, walked to the men's room, went into a stall, and said outloud in my mind (I may have also whispered aloud) "God, there is no area of my life where I am more neurotic and insecure than in feeling attractive to the opposite sex. I surrender all of this to you. Please heal my thinking about this..." I felt a little petty praying about such a topic, but it was a comfort nonetheless to admit in this brief prayer exactly what I was thinking and feeling. (Whether or not a Being was listening, I certainly FELT more peaceful as a result of this time-out.) I left the men's room, and on my way BACK to the pool

room, incredibly, a woman got up from the table where she was sitting, stood right in my way, and said, "I know you from somewhere." I looked at her and smiled. I didn't know her. She was attractive, friendly, and we spent two hours chatting and UNsuccessfully finding out where we knew each other from. Finally we exchanged phone numbers and made a date for the following night! Now, if I had gone to the restroom and said, "Okay God, here's what I want: Arrange for an attractive woman to stand in my way and insist that she knows me from somewhere. Also, make sure she is a brunette, and is free for dinner tomorrow night." That would have been absurd. A Course in Miracles is about changing your thoughts. The metaphor in the Course is that this experience of your life is a lucid dream you are having while asleep in God's house. God is not in the dream, but your mind is literally manifesting the circumstances of your life. Your beliefs and expectations are orchestrating events BEFORE YOU EXPERIENCE THEM. This is consistent with the "map is not the territory" basis of NLP. If your map is richer, so are your travels. There you are, map in hand, looking out at the terrain, and someone is with you, next to you. Your Divine Travel Guide, you might say... =============================================== Do-it-yourself Experiment #1: Spoken Prayer -----> How to do it: Think of whatever is the WORST problem on your mind, the secret problem you don't tell others about and wish you could press the cosmic "delete" button and remove from your life. Whatever is between you and Peace of mind is worthy of attention here. (As you can tell from my example above, NOTHING is too vain, petty or small to include in the category of troublesome. If it hurts you, it needs resolving.) Find a private place and say, even if you feel silly, some variation of the following: "Dear God, I am (frightened/bothered/upset) about X and don't know what to do. Please heal my thinking about this. Please guide me to learn through joy instead of pain. Heal my thinking, cleanse my perceptions, that I may resolve X and be your joyful child again. I surrender this to you completely. Thank you, God."

Affirmation Success Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE... 1. Success Story: My brother the stuntman, my aunt the lottery winner 2. Do-it-yourself Technique: the 100 to 1 method. 3. Experimental products (coming in future issues) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Success Story.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Note: Some success stories I will include in this newsletter I have personally experienced, some I personally witnessed, and some I was personally told. Every story is shared not to impress or entertain but to invite you to explore what results you can create for yourself. Test the processes! You didn't know what your favorite foods were until you tasted them. So I invite you to taste the processes in these newsletters and use them to help yourself and people you care about to live more happily. I would like to hear YOUR success stories, and with your permission, include them here. -- Sean Collins) In 1989 a friend invited me to go to a Church carnival. There was a used book sale there, in the parish hall, where I bought --for 25 cents-- a tattered little paperback called the Silva Mind Control Method. The book said that if you want something to happen, then you ought to do a specific visualization technique that would quiet your brainwaves down to a more creative level of mind. It made a case for attending the Silva Method course, but said that until you attend you can do the 100-to-1 visualization technique. (Described later in this newsletter.) I liked that Jose Silva presented the material as more scientific than metaphysical, at least it seemed so to me, since his techniques had to do with brainwaves and cycles per second and brain hemisphere lateralization. So I decided that I would test this information. Once a day for two weeks I would do the instructions as he described and "program" an event to happen.

The funny thing was, I didn't have anything that I knew I wanted. So I asked my brother if he could have anything in the world, what would it be? He said that he wanted to be stunt coordinator of a movie coming to Ft. Lauderdale. Suddenly I had a project I could work with. I didn't tell my brother that he would be a part of my experiment. For the next two weeks, once each day, I did the 100-to-1 method and at that quieter level of mind pictured him wearing a shirt that said "Stunt Coordinator" on it. Jose Silva's instructions did not say to do this, but spontaneously I also pictured in the mental image my brother's heart opening and filling the scene with color. This aspect happened pretty much intuitively, and may have been my unconscious way of making sure this project was in line with what he would love to experience. (If you are familiar with the idea of "chakras" I was imagining love from his heart chakra filling the mental picture.) What I had not learned from Jose Silva was for how long I ought to picture the desired result. (In an upcoming issue I'll share what scientific research on prayer has found about how length of time affects the results of mentally intending something.) I decided to maintain the image in my mind for as long as 'felt' good to do so. It was never for more than a few minutes, and usually the signal I felt in my body that I had done enough visualizing for one session was that I would start laughing. As a routine, I did the visualizing in the bathroom, because I was already seated, and also I wanted to make sure I did the process on a daily basis, once a day for two weeks. (Jose Silva mentions this also. For people who say that can't get away from work or family to sit and visualize, do it while sitting in the bathroom.) At the end of the two weeks, I stopped. "Oh well, let's see what happens," I thought. Three days later my mother called my apartment. "Sean, you'll never guess what happened to your brother." "What?" I asked. She said that he was in a parking lot in Ft. Lauderdale, and a man told him that he would be perfect for a movie that is coming to town and would he like to audition? At the audition, Martin Scorsese and Robert DeNiro picked him out of 11 people to do stunt work in the film.

That movie, "Cape Fear", features my brother as one of three guys hired to beat up Robert DeNiro's character. He is the one wielding the motorcycle chain. My visualization was for him to be stunt coordinator, which he was not. As he had never been a movie stunt coordinator, or even a stunt man for a film before, then the auditions (there were two) and selection to appear in a stunt scene are still extraordinary. Short of the intended outcome, but still extraordinary! Another story about this 100-to-1 technique: My aunt is a generous, kind person but with the most astonishing ability to be critical and pessimistic about any topic of conversation. (Think Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.) She was visiting from New York for many weeks and bought Florida lottery tickets every day. One day during her visit she mentioned that she wants more than anything to win the lottery. So I told her, "If you would like to win, all you have to do is this 100-to-1 visualization process and picture the result." (Again, details for your own experimenting are at the end of this newsletter.) "Do it once a day for two weeks and then stop," I told her. (Ordinarily I recommend experimentation, but in her case I said it with as much certainty as I could muster.) She listened carefully, without criticizing, and surprised me by saying she would do it. Four weeks later she saw me at a relative's house and kiddingly smacked me on the arm. "I thought I was supposed to win the lottery," she said. "Did you do that visualization?" I asked. She said yes. "Oh, then you'll win," I said matter-of-factly. "Just put it out of your mind." Three days later she won. Here is where it gets really interesting. The first words I heard her say when she verified that she had the winning numbers were, "Watch, the prize probably won't be that much." She won on a Wednesday. The jackpots on Monday, Tuesday, Thurday and Friday were all between 25 and 30 thousand dollars. The Wednesday prize, mysteriously, dipped to 5,000. "Watch, the prize probably won't be that much." She was right!

Funny follow-up to this story: When she went to the lottery office to redeem her winning ticket, she said that the lotto office looked just like what she had visualized, even though she had never been to the office before. Her visualization was of herself redeeming the winning ticket at the booth in the local lottery office. (More in future newsletter issues about "peeking" into the future with alpha and theta visualization.) There was a Silva Graduate class here in South Florida not long ago and a young woman got up in front of the room and showed her tax returns because she figured no one would believe her story. She had pictured herself in front of the television circling each number on her lottery ticket until every number was circled. She said that it happened just as she pictured it. I don't recall the exact amount she had won. If you do experiment with lotteries, I want to mention that if your outcome is money, there are many, many easier avenues for money to find you than through a state lottery. One technique I learned from NLP/Hypnosis teacher Carolyn Deal of North Carolina is that your consciousness is a cash MACHINE when you picture your customers, clients and/or boss so delighting in your service that more money comes to you as a natural consequence of their increased satisfaction. I recall a few years back being in a financial pinch, and needing a windfall. So I pictured receiving money and trusting it would find its way to me. Sure enough, following a week or so of daily visualizations, I found an insurance check in my office from SIX years prior that I had never cashed. I called the insurers and they said they would write a new check for me if I mail them the one I found. This kind of picturing CAN work, but doesn't resolve the deeper issue of BEING attractive to money in an ongoing way. (More on this topic, in great detail, in a special business issue of this newsletter which I will call Intuitive Marketing. My research on this so far has AMAZED me, and I am eager to share it with you once I have it written and organized.) =============================================== Do-it-yourself Technique: the 100 to 1 method. -----> How to do it: With your eyelids closed, turn your eyeballs upward slightly --about 20 degrees up or as far as is comfortable -- and mentally see and say the

numbers 100 to 1. Even if you are an experienced meditator -- whether Silva, TM Siddhi program, or some other, give this a test run and see what effect it has. You may feel a slight tingling in your head as you do this, especially as you get nearer to the number 1. (Be sure to do this while sitting up, as lying down may cause you to go to sleep.) This process takes you to an alpha brainwave level, even theta territory, which is why it may be useful to explore even if you are an experienced meditator. Once you have seen and mentally said the number 1, you are at the level to visualize. Picture in your mind what you would see if the desired outcome were to happen. See it clearly and vividly. If what you are picturing involves a personal goal, see yourself in the mental picture. (If you are someone not too aware of your inner pictures, you may find that keeping your eyeballs turned upward slightly -- with your eyes closed -during the 100 to 1 countdown gives you even greater awareness of your inner pictures. Don't take my word for it though, please check for yourself.) After some length of time picturing the desired outcome, whatever length of time feels appropriate to you, count yourself to waking consciousness from 1 to 5, mentally seeing and saying each number. At the count of 5, open your eyes, feeling relaxed and refreshed. Bonus: Before counting yourself awake, you might also repeat some of your personal affirmations! This is a wonderful use of this deeper level of mind. The best metaphor I have heard about this is that your mind, like cold wax, responds very little to impressions. Press a cold candle with your thumb and no imprint appears. But if you WARM the wax (WARM your mind by quieting your brainwave levels), then your thumb easily makes an impression that remains after the wax has cooled again. Pointers I have learned from people who get superb results: 1. Picture something good for yourself and good for all concerned. If you want more profits in your business, picture increased gain to your customers and the fortune flowing from that. If you want a happier love-life, picture the increased delight for your partner (or prospective partner), picture both of you enjoying each other's company in an ever-increasing way.

In other words, not just win/win, but win/win/win/win/win/win/win/win/w in/win.... with a win for everyone concerned. I sometimes am asked about picturing in this manner to help resolve an issue with someone who is causing trouble, or acting in a hostile way. (i.e., stalking, threatening, complaining unreasonably, hassling.) If someone is hassling you, or bothering you, picture them with so much increased joy that hassling you (in any form) is not even a viable option anymore. If results aren't apparent, then increase the amount of joy you picture for them. Applications of this approach are far-reaching. My father, a Police Detective for an organized crime unit, used a similar sort of picturing technique to visualize suspects cooperating with undercover investigators in an important operation. My father, not just a Police Detective but also an ex-Marine Corps Major, used a variation of the exact technique in this newsletter to see meetings with new informants going smoothly, and would even see accurately what an informant looked like BEFORE he met with them! (My father's willingness to personally explore the farther reaches of what a mind can do continually inspires me!) Now back to the pointers... 1. Win/win/win/win/win/win/win....for the good of all concerned. 2. Picture something you really really want, NOT something you think you ought to want, or are expected to want. 3. Have expectancy, like this: Suppose you go to Sears to buy a dishwasher. You pick one out, pay for it, and give the salesperson your address. You are told that it will be delivered in three days. Three days later a Sears truck backs up in your driveway. What do you expect will come out of the back of the truck? Of course, you expect a dishwasher! Have THAT kind of expectancy for your goals. 4. Let the universe handle the details. Carolyn Deal of North Carolina told me of a student of hers who did a process like the 100-to-1 technique to buy a Mercedes. She knew exactly what she wanted, and even specified that she wanted to pay only $500 for it, which is a price that sounds absurdly low for a recent model Mercedes. One day

driving in her car she saw a parked Mercedes in front of a house. It was exactly the Mercedes she wanted, and even had a for-sale sign on it! She went to the door and a woman answered. How much for the car? The woman said that her husband had run off with his secretary and said to sell his car and that he would split with her (his wife) any amount received for it. "So I'll sell it for $500," the woman said.


Affirmation Success Newsletter

What you think about expands. That is, whatever you are thinking about is not stagnant or shrinking in your awareness but is actually growing in your awareness UNTIL it appears in some obvious way in your world. For example, here is a true story of what happened to the husband of a teacher of mine: He was a contractor who wanted to make more money, so he put an oversized picture of a 1,000 dollar bill on his refrigerator. (I am not sure if they are still around, but the US treasury used to make $1,000 bills. It looks like a regular bill, but with a picture of Grover Cleveland on it, and the number 1,000 in the corners.) Whenever he went to the refrigerator he would imagine himself receiving money, in multiples of $1,000. Then he was hired to do some repair work on a person's home. The client paid him, no kidding, with two $1,000 bills. Have you ever received (or even seen) a $1,000 bill? This man was given two of them soon after pasting a picture of one on his refrigerator and imagining himself receiving multiples of $1,000! Recently I saw in a store a pad of oversized $1,000 bills and decided to experiment with this. (The above story with the contractor happened about three years ago.) I gave out the oversized $1,000 dollar bills to the secretaries and to other friends here in the office building, and I told them the story about the contractor. "Just for fun, would you like to experiment?" I asked. Just this past weekend I went with a friend who was selecting an engagement ring for his girlfriend, and there, pasted on the wall of a jewelry store in downtown Miami, were two $1,000 bills! (Just as some stores have a dollar bill pasted behind the register, this store had thousand dollar bills pasted right on the wall.) In other words, for the first time in my life I saw $1,000 bills -soon after pasting a picture of one on my refrigerator!

By the way, I hadn't done the picturing, as the contractor had done, of myself RECEIVING multiples of 1,000 dollars! (There's an experiment worth conducting!) But the thought of the 1,000 dollar bill had been growing so much in my awareness that it showed up in my world. What would YOU like to show up in your world? What would make you REALLY smile if it showed up in your world? Put your thoughts on that, keep your thoughts on that, and watch what happens. Sean

Affirmation Success Newsletter

This issue: How to double your reading speed in seconds... with BETTER comprehension If you feel overwhelmed with things to read, and wish you could read faster, and suck information into your brain like an industrial-strength vacuum cleaner, then print out and save this email. Actually you won't have to. It's so simple you can read this email ONCE and you'll always remember how to do this method. By the way, this is N-O-T a product pitch. This is the whole technique. Be skeptical enough to test it out personally. Email me if you any questions. (But only email me AFTER you do it please.) Enjoy. ========================================= "I took a speed reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes -- It involves Russia." Woody Allen ========================================= I've always found speed-reading courses to be irritating. Maybe tantalizing is a better word. I WANTED to increase my reading speed and comprehension, but the strategies never felt like they matched my reading style. I'm already a pretty fast reader, but the techniques -- internal silence, vertical eye-tracking patterns, or "photo-reading" the page (and then accessing the data "intuitively" later!) never really became natural to me. They were too far-out to be practical, so I stopped using them consistently. Then I learned this EASY trick from Win Wenger.

By the way, WHY -- in a newsletter about "manifesting" and other mind miracles -- would I share this technique on increasing your reading speed? Because more reading means more possibilities to your imagination. (Jim Rohn, the guy Tony Robbins used to work for, has a great line that people who don't read are no better off than people who can't read.) Before we get started I have to tell you this: It definitely WON'T do anything if you ONLY read the steps. Just as reading about your favorite chocolate and eating your favorite chocolate are two completely different experiences. Also, this MAY work on fiction to make novel-reading faster. But I have only used this on nonfiction material. I see no reason why it wouldn't work with fiction as well as it does with nonfiction. Anyway, here are the steps Step 1. Get a tape recorder or a person who will listen to you. While either one will work, I would STRONGLY recommend a tape recorder. For a bunch of reasons that I don't have time to explain in this email. Those little micro-cassette recorders are good. I just got a digital tape recorder and love it. Your computer may also work as a sound-recorder, but I would suggest you get something more portable. Step 2. Get a book that you want to read (or need to read). Step 3. Say the following outloud, even if you feel a little silly. (The sillier you feel about saying this outloud the greater benefit you will probably find.) "Subtler faculties, please reveal to me an image that will allow me to better and more quickly understanding AND use this material I am about to read." IMMEDIATELY describe to your listener/tape-recorder the images that show up in your imagination for whichever length of time is SHORTER:

a. two minutes or b. until you feel a feeling of completion that you've described enough imagery outloud. Step 4. IMMEDIATELY jump right in and start reading. Reminders about this process The imagery may have NOTHING to do with the reading material! In fact, the less conscious connection to what you are about to read, the better! Like this Let's say you have to read four chapters of a law book for a business law school class tomorrow. (You know, something FUN to read like that.) So you do this process - you ask your subtler faculties to show you some mental pictures and the imagery is Big Bird of the children's TV show Sesame Street skateboarding with Elvis Presley around the Eiffel Tower. Good! Go with whatever imagery is there. For the two minutes or until you feel like you've described enough. (You'll know the feeling when you have it, and if you aren't 100% sure, then just go for two minutes.) For the two minutes, I would recommend using a timer. Two minutes is longer than you think, especially when you are describing mental imagery. The more often you do this, the FASTER your brain will give you imagery. A few seconds will be enough after you practice this a few times. Why does this technique work? I don't know exactly, but I do know that it makes your mind more "adhesive" to the information somehow. Of course, don't take my word for it. Test it out.

I mentioned that you ought to use a live listener or a tape recorder. That makes a BIG difference. Speaking to a listener - either a live person OR a tape recorder - changes the way you organize the material you are describing, and this makes YOUR brain more organized about the subject you'll be reading. Somehow this translates into better, faster reading, I am not sure exactly why. But explanations are nothing compared to experience. Test it for yourself.


Affirmation Success Newsletter This issue: How to turn on the coincidence machine (Or: The Universe is out to get You...Happy)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Friend and Subscriber, I get emails regularly from people who want to use the tools of visualization by themselves to "make" money results happen. That's great and I encourage it. With two reminders... 1. Don't stop taking purposeful physical action toward consciously chosen goals, and 2. Be open to pleasant surprises happening. Seriously, you have NO idea the kind of spontaneously good things that can happen. NO idea. And if you think you know all the good that can happen, then be open to something happening that is even better than THAT. Here, listen to this one. True story. A long time ago I used to teach weight loss workshops. My brother was heavy, and had tried EVERYTHING to reduce his weight. (This brother is not the stuntman that Robert DeNiro beat up, this is a different brother). One day at Christmastime, he was visiting South Florida, and told me that it was outright deception for me to teach people to reduce their weight, since real long term weight-loss is impossible. Nothing really works, he says. I pointed out that people DO get results, and that in fact I had taken off 30 pounds quite easily, and kept it off for years with no effort, struggle or willpower. He said that HE had tried lots and lots of things, including

pills, exercise, aversion therapy (don't ask, this was a 1970's fad involving electroshock), you name it, but still he didn't get results, so he knew for certain that really nothing worked. I said that I understood WHY he felt that way, but his experience was different from mine, or clients I worked with. "That hasn't been my experience," I told him, and we changed the subject. (By the way, that phrase "That hasn't been my experience" can be MAGIC when you are dealing with an opninionated person who disagrees with you. I learned it a long time ago from Roger Dawson.) Now, fast forward a few weeks. (Again, this is a TRUE story. It sounds like fiction, but it's true.) My brother was Vice President of a popular retail store chain, and his corporation was bought out by another firm. The new CEO flew in from out of the country for a board meeting. (It was a Canadian firm that did the buyout, but I think the CEO was actually British. I'm telling you this so you can imagine the accents. My brother has an Archie Bunker Brooklyn New York accent, and the CEO sounds like Phil from EastEnders.) At the end of the meeting, the CEO approached my brother and said to him privately, "You need to lose weight." (How's that for a conversation starter?) My brother got a little defensive, as most would. "No, I don't need to lose any weight," he said. "Look," the CEO replied. "You're big and so am I. How much weight would say that you need to lose?" Disarmed by the man's candor, or sincerity, or something, my brother said -- VERY conservatively -- "Well, I could lose 40 pounds." The CEO made a wager: "I'll tell you what....If you lose all forty pounds by my birthday in April, I will pay you 150 dollars per pound. But here's the catch: If you lose LESS than 40 pounds I won't pay you anything. Of course, for each pound over 40 I will pay you an additional 150. But if you lose less than 40 you will get nothing."

My brother had a new motivation. Probably two of them -- the money and the personal challenge from someone he didn't want to disappoint. He knew he needed help with this project, but he didn't call ME. He called my mother instead. (Remember that he just told me two weeks prior that I was misleading people that weight loss was possible!) So he asked her, "Hey, how did Sean lose that weight back in 1989?" She told him that a key element was food combining. Also called Natural Hygiene. Made popular in the US through a book called Fit for Life. With nothing more than that, he got busy. The wager started in January, and was set to end in April at the man's birthday. Long story short, my brother tried food combining, excercized faithfully, took off 46 pounds within the time frame (what is that, four months?) and received a check for $6,900! Better still, he called me to say that this food combining wasn't really a diet, it's just a new way of eating with no deprivation at all. Plus he had more energy all the time (one of the REALLY nice things about food combining) and could lift more weight in the gym as a happy and unintented by-product! This was a win/win/win. Did I mention he got paid 6,900 dollars? That's not a fortune, but remember that he got paid to lose weight, in a "diet" that required no willpower! Follow-up to that story: This eccentric CEO actually renewed the offer with a second deadline (my brother had more than 40 pounds to lose, remember) and ultimately paid my brother $10,500 dollars total -- to be slimmer than he ever was in his adult life. My brother was so happy to have this happen, he thanked me with a fancy new watch. So what's the lesson in this? Great unexpected things happen, so let them. Be open to them.

I remember one of the first things I learned from a meditation teacher a long time ago. You can test it too. He said that if you quiet your brain each day for a little while, and make sure it's a daily habit, you will find fortunate coincidences happening in your life. Regularly, like clockwork. Happy things will happen. Like maybe a CEO paying you to take off the weight you thought was impossible to lose? Sure! Do a daily routine and find out for yourself. The most powerful routine I know is from Win Wenger. Win is a grad of the Silva Method in the 70's, and a brain researcher. He lifted the hood (bonnet) of the Silva Method "engine" and found ways to generate even better results. He even shared his findings with the Silva International organization, but they didn't want to make any changes to their course material, since they were already getting impressive results around the world. That doesn't mean YOU can't benefit from Win's research, though! If you are a Silva grad, go and download Win's Beyond OK. You'll see what I mean. If you are not a Silva grad, or you are brand new to the whole idea of meditation or visualization, then you will REALLY benefit, since Win makes the steps simple to follow. Take a look. Best wishes to you, and happy coincidence-making. Sean

Affirmation Success Newsletter This issue: Manifesting with the golden ratio
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is there is a secret to making miracles happen? Yes, and it's NOT what you think. Dear Friend and Subscriber, Before we get started, please think about ONE thing that you want to have happen in your life. If you could snap your fingers and it would happen, you would choose THIS. What would "THIS" be? Okay, got it? Seriously, stop and pick something. (Don't worry. This website will still be here when you get back.) An article in a recent Scientific American magazine mentioned how three-dimensional reality (the room you're in, the computer you're looking at, your bank balance, your lovelife, your favorite dessert -- EVERYTHING) is not really 3-d, but only SEEMS that way. The REAL reality is 2-dimensions, or flat like a sheet of paper, and this (your life) is a reflection of that sheet. This might SEEM far-out, but consider movies. They are a flat piece of film that light is shone through, and THAT seems like 3-d reality. It has movement and depth and music. A better analogy is a website. Websites can LOOK like colorful 3-d experiences (not mine, of course -- OTHER people's websites), but they are actually expressions of the source code that tells your computer how to display things. What if your life is simply a reflection of a "source code"? Like the way your computer translates the source code into sights and sounds on your computer screen, your mind translates source code into sights and sounds of your life. Let me explain... On most websites you can aim your cursor anywhere on the page and right-click your mouse. When you do you'll see an option that says "View source." (For Mac users I'm told it's ctrl+click to select view source.) Click on "view source" and you'll see line and lines of computer language, probably html.

The things you see and hear on ANY web page are simply the by-product of the instructions written in source code. Whether it's, or, or

No matter WHAT website. The code doesn't care! (This is a very important point, by the way.) The pictures and music of the site are just BY-products of theinstructions of what to see and hear at the site. Simple cause and effect. If you change that source code, the site changes immediately. Let me repeat that: What you see and hear will change instantly -- as soon as you modify the source code. Now what on earth does this have to do with changes in your own life? Maybe you want a happier love-life, or more customers, or more money. Maybe you are trying to sell your house and don't know how to find someone to buy it. Maybe you are in the middle of a disagreement and want to work things out. Whatever is playing on the website of your life is fair game for this process. Now, let me ask you to do a little thought-experiment. Look away from the computer and look around the room where you are now. (I am assuming you're in a room. Maybe you're outdoors with a laptop. If so, this will still work.) What if you could aim your mental "cursor" at whatever is around you and right-click (ctrl-click of you're a Mac user) on what you see? In other words, what if you could see into the source code of your life? And if you could change that source code, how long would it take for the "web site" of your life to change? I know that I'm getting into Matrix territory with this, but bear with me. It'll be worth it. Seriously, how long do you think it would take to change? (If there WERE a source code of your life...) Right, the change would be instant. Okay, that leaves a BIG fat question. How DO you change this source code? The answer in a moment. First, I want to tell you about a wildly successful young woman who is in the real estate business. I met her at an advanced Silva Method course. She told me that her absolute

favorite book, hands down, for manifesting results in her life was a little paperback that's no longer in print. I didn't recognize the title when she told me, but then she lent me her copy and I recognized it right away. David St. Clair's Lessons in Instant ESP. When I was much younger I used to read every mind-development book I could find (literally I used to spend lunch money on metaphysical and mind-training books) and this was a favorite. It was so clear and easy to understand. I was shocked to find it's no longer in print. When I checked Amazon it was available as a used paperback book for as much as 250 dollars! I didn't want to buy it again for such an inflated price, so I just intended to find it in a secondhand bookshop at the right time. (I found it in a quiet little bookshop for two bucks.) One of the techniques in this book is a technique for attracting physical circumstances into your life. You do it by drawing symbols into a five-pointed star, and then mentally charging the star with energy. The author David St. Clair doesn't say WHY it works, but just that he learned it from studying the cabala (his spelling, typically you find cabala spelled Qabala or Kabbalah, depending on which flavor of cabala appeals to you). He says that it works for attracting material items only. Why on earth would drawing little symbols on a 5-pointed star (or pentagram) make material results happen? Good question... ================== In ancient Greece there was a teacher named Pythagoras who had a unique theory of numbers (some say he learned this over in Egypt). He believed that everythingbeautiful has at its root a certain balance that can be measured mathematically, through a certain number . He felt that architecture that reflected this ratio would be more pleasing and make people FEEL good. (He must have been a VERY influential guy. Architecture and art in ancient Greece constantly reflects this secret and powerful number.) Pythagoras also had a theory that music should reflect mathematical balance, and that any ill health -- physical or emotional -- could be remedied by making the body more balanced through the right kind of music.

It was 2100 years later (yes, 2100 -- Pythagoras was alive a LONG time ago!) that scientists started verifying his findings about the magical number being everywhere in nature. It took 500 MORE years before scientists started verifying that music can have a remedial effect on mind and body. Wait, it gets even stranger. The number Pythagoras referred to is called many things: It's known as the Divine Proportion, or the Golden Ratio, the Golden Section, or the Golden Mean. (The official word for it, though, is Phi (pronounced "fee" -- not to be confused with "pi.") The ratio expressed as AB/BC=BC/AC The number, by the way, is infinite, and starts with ... 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309180... Flowers grow according to this number. (Have you ever wondered how a seed knows to grow? When you open a seed there's nothing in it except for a little dust. Somehow, though, the path of growth is set already. It's set according to this number.) Patterns on butterfly wings follow this ratio. It shows up in music. (Music that makes you feel good, anyway.) It's a surprisingly constant number on planet earth. It shows up in animals, plants, insects, even in the growth of a human from single cell through birth. It shows up as a pattern within our DNA, and in the structure of galaxies. If you were to make a perfect symbolic expression of this number it is --surprise -- a pentagram. Pythagoras and his followers (in 600 b.c.) used a secret symbol to identify their group. The symbol was a pentagram. He knew that the expression of this number (in an icon such as a pentagram) was a gesture of acknowledgement to the deeper order that produces health and harmony. Remember I told you about the "cabala" book that includes a technique in which you use the symbol of a pentagram? Well, I was raised Catholic, and as a reflex felt funny about the use of a pentagram for "manifesting" what is wanted. The shape itself seemed to be part of traditions so distinct from my Catholic upbringing that no matter how "enlightened" or new agey I got, it still seemed to produce a continual fear reaction in my body. That it was somehow the wrong use of magic. (Say what you will, those Catholic grade schools have a lingering effect on young minds.)

So then I started writing up this article about pentagrams and manifesting in December '03, just before Christmastime, and sure enough those panicky irrational "Is this of God or is this not of God?" fears started showing up in my mind. Then a funny thing happened. That week I was invited to a special mass at the school where my wife teaches. It was an authentic Filipino Christmas Mass called the "simbang gabi." The mass was in English and in Tagalog (language of the Philippines), presented by a Catholic Archbishop from the Philippines. I had never been to one of these before, and it was a special invitation to my wife and me from someone who celebrates this tradition. It really seemed like a Catholic mass in every way but one. There were big pentagrams all through the church! Then at one point in the mass, people throughout the church took out these big homemade pentagrams they made and brought them to the front of the church near the altar. Then everyone in the church did a prayer and aimed their outstretched hands toward the pentagrams to "send energy" to them! Turns out that the Filipino tradition of the "simbang gabi" is to do nine masses over nine days, and to hand-make a LARGE lantern in the shape of a pentagram to symbolize the star that the wise men followed to the birth of Jesus. The point of the nine masses is to help manifest some special intention that you want to create in your life. Now, in 30+ years of conscious memory, including some years living in Asia, I have NEVER seen a Catholic ritual of making pentagrams, or for that matter ever saw a pentagram in a church! The coincidence was funny. But the use of a pentagram predates Christianity by about 600 years that we know of. (I know that you want to apply this to a personal manifesting project, and I promise we'll get to that shortly.) A student of Pythagoras (well, two hundred years later) was Plato. Plato had some far out ideas about how the world works. Remember that idea from a recent Scientific American? That the world that SEEMS 3-d is really just a reflection of some kind of "source code"? Plato said something VERY similar. That the world your senses show you ISN'T the real world, but is only a reflection of the real world. How do you change the reflection-world so that it's more pleasing to you? You might want more money, more love, better health, more joyful relationships. You may want that business deal to happen the way you want, or that upcoming test to be easier to pass. Maybe you need a job?

The trick is to get to the feeling place that the outcome would produce in YOUR BODY. You do that not by USING a pentagram, but by BECOMING a pentagram. A Pentagram is kind of shaped like a person, if you look at it. It has a head, two arms, two legs and a torso. I already mentioned how mathematically the shape is a superb expression of the number which represents order in the universe. What ELSE does it represent? RECENT studies on something called HRV show something useful. HRV is a method of measuring the rate of heartbeats in your body. Your heart when it beats at, say, 65 beats per minute, is not beating with the same amount of time between each beat. On AVERAGE there may be 65 beats per minute, but there are tiny fluctuations in the amount of time between beats, and HRV measures that heart activity. It turns out that very specific states of consciousness correspond to HRV, and when you are in a state of loving compassion, your HRV rate is reflecting the Golden ratio! Brainwave activity of someone in an ecstatic state ALSO reflects -- on an EEG -- the ratio of phi, or the Golden ratio. I read recently that measured breath rates of someone in an ecstatic, loving state also reflect phi, or the Golden Ratio. The tempo of one's breathing! Does that mean that if you intentionally step into loving, compassionate ecstasy, your body would resonate the numbers that correspond to order and balance? Some scientists (-- not new agers but scientists!) call the Golden Ratio the blueprint of mother nature. In their case (this was an article on the BBC website) it's because of the pattern of genetics shown to follow the Golden Ratio. What gives birth to plants, animals and people gives birth to your deepest wish as well. Adjust the blueprint by feeling and being in love. Love others. Love what you are intending. But most of all, BE in the place of feeling love. (You don't have to be all "sensitive" and tree hugging, unless you want to. This can be a very strong and committed proactive love. The point is your PREFERENCE for what is wanted and enjoyed and beneficial to all involved.) Neville Goddard has a good reminder to think FROM your goal (rather than OF your goal). That alone can produce the state I am referring to. Remember the item from the opening paragraph? You know, the ONE thing you want now?

How would it FEEL to have your goal be true? What would your mind and body be doing if you were in that place now? How would it feel? Wouldn't you love it? Speaking of love, did you know that the movement of the planet Venus across the sky creates a perfect pattern of a pentagram over the course of 7 years? You may not be into astrology, but isn't it funny that the planet representing Love (Venus in astrology represents many things related to love, and love IS involved with the act of creation) should create a pattern constantly over your head that is in the shape of a pentagram*? Okay, enough of this new agey stuff for now. Next issue will tell you an EASY way to double your reading speed in 27 seconds FLAT. (If you are AT ALL interested in learning, this is something you won't want to miss!) Sean If you know someone who would be interested in my newsletter, would you send them a note? They can subscribe instantly by ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why is Love called a magician? Because all the force of magic consists in Love. The parts of this world, like the members of one animal, depend all on one Love and are connected by natural communion. Love is the common drawing together, and this is the true magic. ---Marcilio Ficino *Marcilio Ficino was an astrologer and Catholic priest in the 1500's in Italy. He was also a devoted student of Plato and Hermes (he translated both of them) and used to do magical rituals to affect his horoscope.

Affirmation Success Newsletter

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Issue Three/Part Two ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN THIS ISSUE... Issue #3 part two: Guardian Angels/The art of visual prayer/Lonely Lawyer and the Single Girl 1. Success Stories: a. Lonely Lawyer and the Single Girl b. Hearing a little whisper 2. Do-it-yourself Techniques: The art of visual prayer/The pink bubble technique ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This FREE publication by Collins, Inc. is sent only to people who have requested it. If you have been forwarded this copy, you are welcome to subscribe personally to receive your own free copies from now on by e-mailing Swcgluck@a... If you are already a subscriber, and wish to receive no further issues, e-mail "remove" to Swcgluck@a... (As a subscriber or former subscriber, your name and e-mail address are never made available to other companies.) If you enjoy this newsletter and find it useful, please tell your friends, family and others whom you care about. Thank you. Sean Collins, Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ram Dass recommends picturing God as an imaginary friend you speak to, and that, after a time, you come to appreciate God as the real being and YOU are the imaginary friend. Some people think of prayer like Angels listening to you personally and helping you out whenever possible. In 1992, following an NLP Master Practitioner training in Colorado, I was meeting numbers of people who had extraordinary experiences. A 'feeling' of a loving presence. "Coincidences" that were downright miraculous. The stories were amazing. Even outright skeptics had

stories to tell. My girlfriend at the time, whose posture was that such talk was a lot of new age crap, said that SHE even had one experience beyond explaining, of a feeling of a loving being comforting her while she was (physically) alone in a room. I learned quickly that you can mention the word Angels to people pretty much anyplace, yes even at an NLP training, and you'll hear either a personal experience, or a friend's personal experience, in no time at all. People would take me aside and privately tell me of things that sounded like an episode of "Touched by an Angel." Whether I was in North Carolina, Colorado, Florida, the stories were quite similar. True Story #1: My home in 1992 was being fumigated (tented), and for one night I stayed at a friend's house. He is a successful attorney in Miami. That night he mentioned to me that he had a problem. He had a contract to work at a law firm and that contract had recently ended. A young woman he worked with at that firm also was under contract and her contract also ended. The problem was that he wanted to call her but had no reason to. He said that he felt silly calling her just to say hello. Knowing that I had been accumulating an extraordinary number of stories about Guardian Angels, he asked me: If there are such things as Guardian Angels, would they help, and if so, how? (I found it extraordinary that he would ask me such a question!) I said that I am not an expert on the subject, but from what I had learned it seemed you need only ask aloud, as if they are around you and can hear you, and that's pretty much it. He said thank you and that was the end of the conversation. That was on Sunday night. On Thursday afternoon I saw him again. I asked if any new developments had happened with that woman. He said that a funny thing had happened: A stranger had called him on the phone to tell him that he (the stranger) had found a purse belonging to a woman (the woman from the law firm!). The stranger looked inside the purse and found a wallet and other things, including my friend's name and phone number on a piece of paper. He called my friend to ask him if he would please contact the owner of the purse to let her know the purse had been found.

This was amazing to me. I pointed out to my friend what he had asked me just four nights prior. He had forgotten! "Oh my God, I forgot about that!" he said. (What happened next was also startling: he and I were having the conversation at my parents' house, and that VERY minute my mother walked in the front door holding a bakery box. She said that she bought something that she'd not gotten in years, a favorite dessert of mine when I was younger. She opened the box and it was...chocolate covered Angelfood cake!) Maybe it is all the NLP training, but my curiosity was instantly aroused as to the STRUCTURE of what happened: 1. Notice Problem. 2. Think of a solution. 3. Ask aloud for help in reaching the solution. (Very important to ask outloud.) 4. Forget about the problem. Is there something about brain structure that makes this process work? Picturing things involves certain regions of your brain, creating/speaking/hearing words involve still other regions, feeling emotion involves still another region. Is there some combined effect when calling ALL these regions into play? A future issue of this newsletter will go into much more detail on this topic as it relates to Image Streaming and "bridging" regions of the brain, but for now the question is this: Are there infinitely wise/capable elements of OUR psyches so out of awareness that their form is only perceivable to conscious selves as Guardian Angels or some form of Divine Intervention? True Story #2 I was in traffic in downtown Miami, and it was hot. My car's air conditioner was broken so I sat with the windows open, in traffic, feeling hot, sticky and irritable. It was the middle of the afternoon, I had a frustrating day, and nothing was going right. So I sat. I heard what sounded like a whisper behind my right ear. "Put on the radio station, 103." Oh great, I'm insane.

The voice really was like a whisper, NOT like me talking to myself. I say this with some degree of certainty, because I had JUST returned from NLP Comprehensive's month-long Master Practitioner Program, in which we explored EXTENSIVELY the qualities of inner sounds and pictures. This gentle whisper was NOT the same as the inner sounds you can move about in your imagination. It just had a totally different quality to it. So I sat in my car, sweating, considering this gentle suggestion to change the station. At the time, 103 was a hard rock station, so I literally said aloud (people in cars nearby may have thought I was bonkers), "It's hot and I'm uncomfortable, and I don't usually listen to that station, and I especially don't want to hear that kind of music right now." "Put on 103." So I did. It was a loud hard-rock song. It sounds a little weird to admit, but I actually said aloud in the car, "THIS is what you wanted me to hear?" The whisper said: "The next song." (Again, the voice was especially noticeable to me for its gentleness, considering how irritated I felt.) So I sat, in 90-plus degrees, in a downtown Miami Summertime mid-afternoon traffic jam, waiting for the next song on the radio because I heard a gentle whisper suggesting I do so. (I made a mental note to have a CAT scan soon.) The next song was a song by Aerosmith, "You're my Angel." I laughed outloud. My mood, which had been irritated and uncomfortable, had shifted to joy instantly. Was that a voice of an angel, or my brain being clever enough to orchestrate this experience? Intuition is a real thing, even scientists have proven the time-traveling ability of attention, so it is not beyond imagining that my brain could have accessed the future playlist of that station, then created what seemed like an external voice telling me to put on that station. This is possible. The Huna psychology of Hawaii and Polynesia, mentioned in a previous newsletter, includes a facet of the mind which is all-knowing. Some call it a super-consciousness, some call it a higher self, some (perhaps) call it a Guardian Angel. The theory is that there is a

Divine element within your mind which has an infinite, all-knowing quality to it. Perhaps speaking aloud -- as if to one's Guardian Angel -- gets the attention of the Omniscient part of oneself and THAT's what generates seemingly miraculous results. NOTE: This is a quick intro to Huna Model. Furthermore, it is ONE interpretation of Huna, and mentioned very quickly to set up the Do-it-Yourself experiment to follow. In the Huna model, there are three parts to your mind 1. Conscious: everyday sense of self, decider/chooser, very little memory 2. Subconscious: keeper of all memory, seat of all emotion and gut-instincts, creator of dream and trance imagery 3. Superconscious: seemingly infinite, all-knowing, timeless, limitless. According to ONE understanding of Huna, prayer works like this: Your conscious mind has no direct access to the Superconscious portion but can only speak to it through the Subconscious. Like this: conscious ---> subconscious ---> Superconscious Recall the idea of votes in your mind from newsletter #1? That each thought has a vote and then the majority wins? According to the Huna model, the Superconscious ALWAYS says yes to the subconscious. So if you want a relationship, and you're lonesome, and no part of your subconscious has any blocks to having a relationship, then your request from conscious to subconscious to Superconscious will go right through and you will meet someone at 7-11 the next time you stop for a YooHoo. If you have some contrary thoughts kicking around, from back when your stepmother told you at age 5 to never ever get married (and you believed her), then your superconscious is getting mixed signals from your subconscious mind. You want a relationship, you swear, but something in your mind is a little anxious about it, thanks to a thought/belief/memory about this. (NLP provides many ways to be congruent again, and this newsletter in future issues will also deal specifically with becoming congruent in pleasurable ways.)

The important thing to notice, for now, is that prayer may be the communication between one area of your unconscious mind to ANOTHER area of your unconscious mind in a way that changes your life's circumstances. The degree to which you have rapport and communication with your SUBconscious is the degree to which you will be clearer in your manifestation. According to the Huna Model, one very unmistakeable way to get your message from your conscious self to the subconscious part of your mind is through imagery. Think of how much clarity is necessary in getting a message to a young child, and you'll know what kind of specificity I mean. (A friend of mine was setting a table, and a young child was helping him. "Here, put this where daddy sits," the child was told, so she carefully put the plate on the seat!) Realizing that this part of your mind will take language so literally, you want to be very specific in your requests. Since it is this literal and childlike part of your mind which will be taking the request to your Superconscious, then what you are desiring must be understood by your subconscious if it is to be manifested. That is why mental pictures are very good for programming events to happen. Do-it-yourself Experiment #1: Visual Prayer with the pink bubble technique... Imagine something you deeply and truly desire. It could be a new job, a new relationship (or a new way of relating in a current relationship), a new car, a resolution of some health challenge, you name it. Create an image in your mind of that end result. (If you are unaware of your mental pictures, you can just "sense" the image and that will work just as well.) Picture the outcome just the way you want it, in a way that is of course harmless and a pleasure for all concerned. (If the intention is a relationship, keep in mind that someone even better than the one you're thinking of may come along instead, so be willing to have the "someone even more wonderful" instead as a default.) Also, there is the fact that the universe can be a smart-aleck. Pretend that you will get EXACTLY what you picture. Allow pink to surround the image entirely, symbolic of the Love behind this intention. You are surrendering this thought, with the full

knowledge that this or something better will happen in a way that is a harmonious blessing to all concerned. Keep the image in your mind for a moment, and then let it go and see it rising higher away, farther and farther away from the earth, See the image traveling farther and farther away from the earth all the way to the edge of the universe. Then put the thought out of your mind entirely. That's the whole process. This is best done lightly, matter of factly, with willingness to HAVE the outcome and yet no attachment to having the outcome. It will literally take you less time to do it once than to read the steps. Allow an image to be surrounded with pink and a feeling of love and surrender. Let the image go farther and farther and farther. Trust that the result, or something better, will happen in a harmonious way.

Affirmation Success Newsletter

At Christmastime a few years ago, I was giving out Christmas gifts to friends. At the local bar (which I made a beeline for every Friday and/or Saturday) I made friends with some of the regulars, including a young woman -- the sister of the female bartender (do people say 'barmaid' anymore?) -- who was always there in the bar every weekend. I wasn't THAT close with the sister, but wanted to give her a little something, so I gave her a copy of a little book by Stuart Wilde called "Miracles." That little book, in case you haven't read it, is about how with your attention you bring into your world what you desire, and how to do so deliberately. (You can find it at or through any Barnes and Noble/Borders bookstore, or online.) I thought anyone with a desire would enjoy that little book, and wished her a Merry Christmas. Fast forward three months. I visited the bar, and the Bartender was busy. She shouted to me over the noise, "My sister had an amazing experience with that little book you gave her." Now I was curious. I hadn't mentioned to her that I gave her sister that book, so what happened that made her mention it? The bartender was extremely busy, but finally when there was a lull she came back to my end of the bar and told me what happened. Her sister wanted to get together with a singer in the Irish band that plays in the bar. She had seen him and spoken with him but they had never connected. She REALLY wanted this guy. So she intended, using the principles in the book, to have a relationship with THAT man. She imagined the two of them together. After a short time of her picturing the two of them together, they happened to talk and go on a date. They slept together and she became pregnant. However, she was also with another man that same week and so was not sure whether the baby was the singer's (the man she really wanted) or the other man's.

She told the singer that she was pregnant. She also told the singer that she slept with another man in the same week and was not sure who the father was. The singer's reply? He proposed marriage! He didn't care who the father was, he said, but only wanted to marry her and raise a family together with her! This was what she wanted, what she pictured and what happened. Astonishingly, within a couple of MONTHS. I had always believed, and in fact still do, that Infinite Intelligence (in whatever way you imagine it) is a LOT better at matchmaking than I am, so despite this story I would be careful to not specify the person. I might instead say "THIS person or someone even more wonderful for me." For two reasons: 1. God (Infinite Intelligence) might have happier plans for you than you have imagined. (Haven't you been wildly infatuated with someone and then months later wondered what all the fuss was about?) 2. That person you are intending marriage with may actually be wanting someone else! (On the other hand, maybe they want YOU!) Scott Adams, the creator of the famous cartoon (and television show) Dilbert, mentioned in a magazine interview how he'd gotten results from affirmations. A friend of his told him about the concept of affirmations, and said you need only write down your intention 15 times a day, no faith or belief necessary, and results would happen. Scott decided to test this notion. His intention was a relationship with a certain someone, so he wrote down his affirmation 15 times a day for a couple of weeks and the results happened exactly as he wanted. He later used affirmations in exactly the same way to score a 94 on his GRE, create the best-selling cartoon on the planet, and to resolve a medical challenge, among other things. So I wrote to Scott and asked him about his first affirmation experiment: "When you were affirming a relationship, did you specify the PERSON (as in, 'I now have a wonderful romantic relationship with Sally from the accounting department') or did you only specify the KIND of person (as in, 'I now have a mutually wonderful relationship with a woman just like Sally from the accounting department.')?" His brief reply was that he specified the woman.

(By the way, Scott has a unique way of writing his affirmations, which I'll get into in a future issue of this newsletter.) -------This issue's Do-It-Yourself experiment--------Write down what you really want in your world. Write it down as if you have it now. ("I now am...", "I now have..." etc.) ____________________________ Examples: I now joyfully earn $1,000 or more each week as a successful _______. I now have a mutually delightful, enriching, romantic relationship with ____ or someone even more wonderful for me. I now weigh ____ pounds, overflowing with energy, and everything that I eat turns to health and beauty. (Note: These are only examples.) ____________________________ When you wake up in the morning, FIRST THING, read your list aloud. In the middle of the day, read the statements again. At night, LAST THING before going to sleep, read the statements again. Maintain a sense of joyful expectancy that your results are on their way. This will be easier and easier the more you do the above steps. Stuart Wilde uses the analogy that the Universal Law is as impersonal in delivering results as a shipping clerk in a mail order company. You receive according to your thoughts, beliefs and desires, and your request is sent to you according to those alone. If you are skeptical, decide to test this notion personally for a certain period of time and watch what happens. (For more details on this process, pick up a copy of Stuart Wilde's book, "Miracles.") I do recommend that you include along with your affirmations some that are related to self-esteem, that way you will feel like you are allowed to have whatever it is you are desiring. I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but I have had extraordinarily good results that I have completely undone merely by not having enough self-esteem to maintain the success. (For instance, earning $1,000 a day in income, without the accompanying thought "I deserve to be wealthy and

prosperous" did a lot to make that income very short-lived.) So be sure to include the fact that you're worth it. (You are, by the way!) Have fun exploring, and best wishes to you. Sean p.s. In case you haven't heard... A man had gone to heaven and was being escorted by his Guardian Angel on a tour, and was brought to that part of heaven where prayers are answered. There in this HUGE room was a stack of beautiful gifts, from floor to ceiling, a mile high. A parade of Angels was picking things up and bringing them down to Earth, responding to sincere prayers from all over the world. The man noticed that over in the corner there were much bigger, fancier, more beautiful items, far more luxurious than the rest of the things in the huge room, but none of them were being delivered to Earth. "Why aren't the Angels bringing any of those items down to Earth?" the man asked. "Oh," said his Gurdian Angel. "Nobody ever asks for those."

Affirmation Success Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE... 1. Aaah and Ara Kara for manifesting 2. Do-it-yourself Techniques: a. Ara Kara Sound b. Ara Kara Meditation 3. Mantras work, but how? 4. Prosperity Mantra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The last newsletter I sent was about the use of the Aaah sound for manifesting goals. This technique is more and more popular thanks to Wayne Dyer (Meditations for Manifesting) who learned this process from HIS teacher, Sri Siva. But Wayne Dyer's teacher (Sri Siva) also recommends another sound for manifesting. That sound INCLUDES the aah sound, but has some other pieces as well. The sound he recommends is Ara Kara. (Pronounced "AH-ruh KAH-ruh") You can say it, chant it, or sing it. The only thing that is essential is to physically or mentally make the sound of those four syllables. You can SILENTLY say this sound and create results. (This is true of all mantras. In fact, some mantra teachers say that the SILENT repetition of a mantra is a more powerful use of the mantra than outloud chanting.) I've only road-tested Ara Kara on one project so far, but I am impressed. (I used it for an outrageous goal that I almost dismissed as too outlandish. Things happened in a very happy, surprising way that made this goal do-able!) If you are curious, or even outright skeptical, please test Ara Kara personally. =============================================== Do-it-yourself Experiments: Ara Kara Mantra. ----->How to do it: 1. Pick a goal that you urgently WANT and is good for all concerned. I would recommend doing this method with something that is verifiable in consensual reality. A new job, a new car, a happy relationship, etc. Be sure

to have an intention that you and everyone concerned will benefit somehow from this goal being true. (There ARE mantras for working off karma, but there is no sense adding to your karmic load by infringing on others.) 2. Think about (vividly imagine) your intention being true WHILE you make the sound "Ara Kara" (either silently or outloud). Don't worry about HOW the goal will happen. Just vividly imagine it, eyes closed, WHILE you make that sound. 3. Do this as OFTEN as you feel like it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To add more energy to your manifesting project, Sri Siva also recommends an Ara Kara meditation... Ara Kara Meditation. ----->How to do it: The meditation is simply to close your eyes and "place" the sound Ara Kara (in whatever meaning that word "place" has for you) deep INTO your right eye, then deep INTO your left eye, then ONTO your right eardrum, then ONTO your left eardrum, then INTO your right nostril, then INTO your left nostril, then ONTO the back of your tongue, then ONTO the middle of your tongue, then ONTO the tip of your tongue, and then everywhere onto your skin. Then, with this sound "placed" in or on ALL of your perceiving senses, and feeling the feeling of this sound occupying all of your perceiving senses, you think about what you want to manifest. Sounds VERY simple, I know, but it has a very mind-altering affect and is DEEPLY entrancing, in my experience. For more of a description, and to hear this meditation on a CD, click Sri SivaCD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MANTRAS WORK, BUT HOW? I used to think that mantras worked because of BELIEF that they worked, like a placebo. Then I wondered if mantras worked because they quiet your mind and allow your Authentic Self to make preferred results happen. (I still think that this is partly why mantras are effective.) Then I learned something else about mantras... The theory behind mantras is that each chakra of your energy body (except for the top/crown chakra) has pieces that are like petals of a flower.

There are 50 of these "petals" from the root chakra to the brow chakra. The 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet correspond to each of these petals. Early Indian engravings of the chakra system actually have specific letters engraved on each "petal" of each chakra from the root to the brow chakras. When there is an imbalance in your energy body, a guru or healer "reads" your chakras and sees where the petals are not functioning -- almost like a column of electrical circuit breakers with some of the circuit switches switched off. The mantra corrects -- through the use of sound -- those chakra "pieces" that aren't lighting up the way they are supposed to. The sounds of the mantra correct these deep energetic imbalances, and then changes happen in your life. There are Sanskrit mantras for every imaginable problem or desire, and they only work to the degree they change YOU at deep levels. Now there are many other ways to make changes to subtle levels of your energy body, but mantras are a way that makes these changes WHILE quieting your mind AND moving your awareness to a perceptual space beyond your mind. The word mantra actually comes from the Sanskrit roots "man" (mind) and "trai" (liberation device). Why should this matter? When something is bothering you, your MIND is the creator and maintainer and sufferer of the problem, but changing your mind about the problem when your mind is troubled is like trying to pick up a rug while you are standing on it. It helps to step outside of your mind to CHANGE your mind about the problem. Mantras are one way to do this. PROSPERITY MANTRA I told a friend of mine about mantras and she wanted to use a prosperity mantra to raise $30,000 for a business project. She did the following prosperity mantra and received $5,000 and then $25,000 in a surprising way -- all within 7 days! Each day she sat with eyes closed and repeated the mantra 108 times while picturing her solution (happily receiving 30,000 dollars funding for her business project). She does not know about the Ara Kara sound or Ara Kara meditation, so I can't say whether Ara Kara would have worked just as well.

=============================================== BONUS Do-it-yourself experiment: Prosperity Mantra The mantra is "Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha" Pronounced "OM SHREEM MA-ha LOCK-shmee-YAY SWA-ha" (You probably know already, but just in case: "Om" rhymes with Home) IMPORTANT: If you have not yet had your 28th birthday, do not use the above mantra. Use the following one instead: "Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha." Pronounced "OM SHREEM MA-ha LOCK-shmee-YAY NOM-uh-HA" Typically you repeat the mantra 108 times in a session, twice each day. There are strings of 108 beads (the string is called a "mala") for counting out the 108 repetitions. You move your fingers along the beads as you recite, until you get to the end. You don't need a mala, however. You could set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and/or just repeat the mantra for a length of time that feels right. At least daily. (Another option: Some people silently recite mantras CONSTANTLY, while they do everything, all day long. Washing dishes, driving the car, you name it. I don't do this, but some people find it a powerful practice.)

Affirmation Success Newsletter This issue: Pray like it's up to God, Work like it's up to you
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My articles about visualization show up in surprising places. Especially the pieces I wrote about my aunt winning the lottery, or my brother getting a job beating up Robert DeNiro, etc. All from visualization? Yes. Well, sort of. There is one more piece. I heard it first from an eccentric older man I met at a Colorado ski resort in 1993. He said that HE didn't become a millionaire until he took a course called The Silva Method, a technique for quieting your brain so that your mental imagery has a deep effect on you and the world around you. But then he warned... People who take the Silva Method mess up their moneymaking by focusing TOO much on the mental part. They think that they can just quiet their mind, focus on the money goal, and the money will fall from the sky and into their lap. Sometimes your action in the world is slight, but there is always SOME action required. He told me the story about a man who prayed to win the lottery. "Day after day the man prayed, 'Dear God help me to win the lottery...'" After months and months of this prayer, day after day, he finally heard a thunderous voice from the sky, "This is God speaking. Yes, I will grant you your request to win the lottery, but will you do just ONE thing for Me, please?" "Yes, God, anything. You name it." "Will you PLEASE go buy a ticket?"

Now, my aunt really did win the Florida lottery twice, using the Silva Method technique that I taught her. But she STILL had to go buy a ticket! Here's a funny detail you may not know about that...The first time she won, with the daily visualization that I taught her, once a day for two weeks, she saw herself redeeming the winning ticket at the lotto office in Hollywood Florida, and a REALLY funny thing happened, she said. The lottery office where she redeemed the winning ticket looked JUST like the office she was picturing every day for two weeks -- even though she had never (physically) been there before! Strange, weird, spooky, coincidental, whatever word you want to use...there IS a link between your world and your mind. Or your mind and your world. As if there is any difference. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One more example... When I wanted to REALLY find out if affirmations and visualization work, or if it's all just imaginary new age crap, I set a goal to work as a trial consultant (helping attorneys win jury trials here in the US). I did a daily routine every day to focus my brain on the goal. After about 11 weeks of this, doing the habit EVERY single day, I had a wild idea to locate a trial consulting firm, call them and introduce myself. It was a bold move, especially since I was neither a lawyer nor a psychologist (the usual prerequisites for trial consulting.) The local firm was a top-notch one in the nation, so I picked up the phone and called them. By chance (if there is such a thing), I got the owner on the phone, and it led to a job offer within 10 days. In fact, about 12 weeks after I first started doing the affirmation/visualization combo, I was helping craft trial strategy for one of the largest corporations in the US in their multimillion-dollar lawsuit, and I was earning just what I had specified in my goals list! By the way, if you are wondering HOW I got the job offer after a simple phone call, that's a whole other story. (The secrets were good rapport, a ballsy marketing technique, and a method for speaking to someone mentally from miles away.)

Now, step back and look at the process I first used... Every day I closed my eyes and did the daily ritual. One day, I realized that action was required. Not massive action, and not difficult action. Action that spontaneously seemed like a good idea to take. I prayed (visualized) like it was up to God, and then took action like it was up to me. Now for a do-it-yourself experiment: What is something you want to have happen in your world? Pick a REALLY good, juicy goal. Do the 100-to-1 technique on it every day for two weeks, and notice the impulse to take some action. If you don't have any impulse toward taking some specific action, ask yourself, "If I had NOTHING else to do in my life but this goal, what would I do FIRST?" But do the mind technique FIRST, before you start planning the exact steps to get to the outcome. Let the vision of the outcome bring the steps out from your deeper imagination.

Money, fear and your brain.

Let's do a little thought experiment. Imagine I gave you a telephone number and said it was a direct phone line to the Creative Principle of the universe. That is, if you call this number and make your request known then <<FLASH>> whatever your request is, it happens here in your reality. And let's say it's a toll-free number, just to remove ANY obstacle. :-) And it's a voicemail, so you can call at any time of night without concern for waking anyone up. So now there is REALLY no obstacle. Or is there? Do you know what request would you make? (Don't tell me the answer, but DO tell yourself the answer. Outloud, even if you are only whispering.) And one more aspect to this: It's for something in YOUR personal world. So...a car, a new relationship, extra food donations at the charity center where you volunteer, a mill'ion in c'ash, a mansion in Spain, an apartment in New York City, a cure for some medical challenge you are facing. What would YOU ask for? Now, here's the BIG question, and it's important. What would STOP you from picking up the phone and making the request? The reflex answer to the first question is, "Well, I'd ask for __________, in a heartbeat." But go beyond the reflex, close your eyes and imagine the steps. You pick up the phone, dial it and say the thing you want to have happen now in your world. Let's add just ONE more piece to this thought experiment... You have just sixty seconds from NOW to pick up the phone and make this call, or you can never make the call again.

Aware of any internal obstacle to MAKING the request? Are you sure what request you would make? I recommend writing both of these down: What you would request, and what (internally) would stop you from making the request. (Did you write them down? Good.) Okay, so what would stop you?

========== Could it be...FEAR? Fear of having, fear of not having, fear of asking too much, fear of asking too little. Fear of loss. Fear of gain. Fear that you're "not supposed" to have something. Fear that it's "too late" for you. Fear that you'll "get in trouble." Fear fear fear fear fear. Sometimes all you have to do is THINK about, say, m'oney pressure, and FFFRRRRRRRPP your body gets a shot of adrenaline, your skin gets cold and you feel your heart thumping in your chest. Isn't that a weird reaction? All because of a little bundle of cells in your head? That "bundle" is your limbic brain and it's not the smart part of your brain that reads the paper and does sudoku puzzles. Your limbic brain handles the animal stuff, the four F's -- Fighting, Fleeing, Foraging and of course Procreation. : ) But when you are under financial stress, you actually don't need the adrenaline and surge of energy. You don't need the blood to stop flowing to your extremeties and your higher brain functions to shut off.

You don't NEED to fight off an animal; you NEED to wake up your creativity. Then again... I was working on a tv commercial some years ago, and we were filming here at the very large Miami MetroZoo. So at 530am the whole production -- trucks and cars and cameramen and everybody, was in the dark empty parking lot just outside the zoo. It was before sunrise, PLUS there was fog, so it was black as night. Then we all heard it. A Lion roared. Now, maybe you've been in a jungle, but I haven't. I'm a city-boy through and through. All I noticed was how being in blackness, hearing a roar like that nearby, wakes up something DEEP inside your head. Better than coffee. Good Lord that was loud. Yes, you consciously know there is a fence between you and Mr. Lion, but another part of your brain knows nothing about fences. All that part of your brain knows is that something big and hungry is nearby, and it sounds like it has teeth. And you are in an open area and you can't see that far. Now, having that response to a roaring animal makes perfect sense. What makes NO sense is to have this reaction -- anxiety fear panic -- when the problem has to do with money. A shot of adrenaline, your eyes open a little wider, your muscles are stronger, there's a spring in your step. You become essentially a scared animal. Scared animals are lousy at making money.

On the other hand, creative humans FILL the entire list of the Forbes 400 wealthiest people on earth. Some people talk about going from "fear to power" I think a better approach is to go from fear to creativity. Wake up MORE of your brain and use that extra brainpower to help solve the problem. How do you do that? You use a little technique called (this is a mouthful) "Frontal Occipital Holding" That middle word is pronounced ock-SIP-it-uhl, by the way. I learned it from kinesiology teacher Paul Burdelsky about 14 years ago. It's a process that will literally move blood from the stem/limbic portion of your brain OUT to the higher executive thinking part of your brain (the top of your forehead) as well as to the back of your head where your visual cortex is. That way you can think with more intelligence and creativity, AND you can see more attractive options for yourself. One metaphor I used to tell clients: Your brain is like a 20-story library building of the best books in the world. Fiction, nonfiction, how-to, you name it. But when fear turns on, all the lights turn off -- except the section where the horror novels are! Doing Frontal Occpital holding is like turning on all the lights so you can access the REST of your immense library of information and strategies. Not just the horror novels. By the way, there are LOADS of other helpful techniques in my book... Good Money: The Energy Flow Advantage This technique is REALLY simple. I asked my wife Clare to take a quick picture so you can see how simple it is ( and how photogenic I am). Steps... Think of anything that bothers you WHILE you...

1. Put one hand on the front of your head, over your hairline. (If you are hairless, put your hand where your hairline would be if you had a full head of hair, the front top portion of your head. Especially important is the top of your forehead.) 2. Put the other hand on the lower back portion of your head Tips: Either hand works in either place on your head. Left in back, right in front, or vice versa. It doesn't matter. While you are doing this process, move your eyes around while keeping your head still. Imagine your eyes are painting a far wall in front of you. Move them to all areas and corners and everyplace in between. Especially out to the corners of your field of vision. Some of those places you put your eyes will have more of a "charge." Keep breathing, and keep holding. How to know when you are done... If you feel a pulse in your hand on your forehead and/or if you have no unwanted feelings in your body. By the way, this process MAY lead to creative disgust: The feeling of "Dammit I am going to do something now about this stupid ________." That's fine and productive, and an improvement over beating yourself up, but stay through that feeling all the way to resolution if you can. Until you feel a pulse and/or have no unwanted feelings. So... Go ahead and put your hands on your head, and then think about anything mildly stressful about money. Think of the SPECIFIC thing that is a worry or upset. Again, keeping holding and breathing (very important) until you feel a pulse in your hand and/or relief. Especially notice creative ideas that show up in mind to resolve whatever challenge came to mind.

Affirmation Success Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE... 1. Brave Alpha.

Jose Silva, Richard Bandler, Gary Craig and Three Powerful Words.

2. Do it yourself experiment:

"What if...?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ True Story: A South Florida man (no, not me, a different South Florida man) had a personal goal that was important to him, but it was hard-to-reach, or so he thought. He actually studied and practiced some effective creative visualization he learned in a course called The Silva Method, but STILL had doubts about reaching his goal. So he flew to Laredo, Texas and met personally with Jose Silva (creator of the Silva Method course) to ask JOSEs opinion about whether reaching such a goal is even possible. The answer he got was THREE words three words that made a HUGE difference in this man's life. What were the three words? I'll tell you in a moment. Now lets go to Colorado, and Richard Bandler (CO-developer of a field called NeuroLinguistic Programming), is answering a question about beliefs. The absolutely crucial thought you MUST have if you want to create magnificent results with NLP. What is the belief that he recommends as crucial? The SAME belief that Jose Silva stated in just 3 words!! It's actually a belief that opens the door to better results in ANYTHING you do. Gary Craig created a change technology called EFT that owes its success to this same belief, by the way. (If you arent familiar with EFT, dont worry. You will be soon.) Let me tell you a true story that may make this REALLY clear

I read an article in a magazine about a woman who makes her living speaking with racehorses psychically to help them perform better. (Yes, psychically!) Which is proof positive to me that -- in the US at least -- you can get paid to do ANYTHING. In fact, I was on a tv commercial shoot for Volkswagen a few years ago, and there was a woman there for the whole shoot who was just sitting there on a chair holding a clipboard. After a couple of days, I asked her what she did. Can you guess what her job was? To monitor the weather and make sure the days were nice! Its a big deal making a car commercial, and if lousy weather interrupted the shoot, then that meant a lot of money is wasted. So they took out an insurance policy that the weather would stay nice. So this woman had to note -- on her clipboard -- how nice the weather was! Since this was Miami in February, the weather was absolutely beautiful, and she was paid to verify this! What a job! Back to the Racehorse Psychic. When I read her (the psychics) story, I remembered that ONE of the many things we did in the Silva Method Basic Course was learn to communicate at a deep level of mind with animals. Actually it involves mentally scanning the health of the animal, but it DOES include some deep level of rapport and communication with the animal. Hmm. Maybe I could communicate with racehorses! So I decided to give this a test. A friend of mine (mentioned in a previous issue of this newsletter the woman who more than doubled her income with a certain affirmation) dated a racehorse breeder. I called her and asked her to find out if her boyfriend had any UNDERperforming racehorses, and would he mind if I went to the stable and did a mind experiment. Did I sound flaky asking such a thing? You bet! But who cares, this was for the sake of science and experimentation. He said YES, he has a horse that is WAY underperforming, and this slacker stallion has a race coming up at Hialeah in a few weeks. So the horse-owners girlfriend drove me over to the stable, and there I was with this ENORMOUS racehorse. (Strictly speaking, I didnt have to be PHYSICALLY present with the horse to do this experiment, but it was fun to go to the stable anyway.) I went to level (Silva Method lingo for quieting your brain to alpha brainwave levels predominantly), went to my mental lab and got to work.

I invited THIS racehorse into my lab, and asked if he would like to learn to perform better. I showed the horse pictures of him being in the winner circle, with flowers and champagne and everyone praising him. (In retrospect, I should have mentioned that champion horses are prized breeders as well!) The horse nodded yes, he WOULD like to perform better. So I invited a super champion racehorse into my mental lab, side-by-side with this underperforming horse. I asked the champion horse if he would mind sharing his skill with this other horse. He nodded. I taught the non-champion horse to put the head on of the champion horse and emulate the brain and nervous system activity around racing. To FEEL the difference, and take on THIS new way of acting at the race track. (If youre familiar with NLP, you could call this technique the new equine behaviour generator.) I spent maybe a half hour at the stable --- sitting there with my eyes closed doing this work in my mental laboratory -- before I said goodbye to the horse. The race day came, and my girlfriend and I headed to Hialeah Race Track. The horse I worked with was about to race. It was exciting! After a LONG run around the track, with all the horses clotted together like a big brown 32-legged animal, it was the home stretch, and there was my horse, and he came in . . . FOURTH! In case you are not familiar with the sport of kings, fourth place means LOSING. No trophy, no winners circle, no champagne, no big cash payout. No breeders contract. Nothing but a long walk back to the stable. I was not disappointed. I just took this as feedback and went back to my life. Fast forward a LONG time: The man who let me visit his horse has left his familys racehorse business and becomes a stockbroker. He marries his gorgeous girlfriend, and they have a baby girl. They invite me to the naming ceremony with 200 of their closest friends, and after the Rabbi does his thing, we all mingled and ate. At one point, my friend (the wife) mentions the day that she brought me over to the stable to meet that racehorse. Oh yeah, I remember, to see about helping the horse perform better. I said.

The HOST (her husband) happened to be nearby, and asked me to explain what I meant. He had NO IDEA why I went to the stable that day, and this was all news to him. Youre shitting me, he said outloud. (In a living room FULL of dressed-up people, not to mention his Rabbi.) No, I said, I really went to speak with the horse about performing better. It turns out that the horse made a BIG turnaround AFTER that following race at Hialeah. Maybe there was some new muscle memory and coordination that needed to happen, or the horse was testing out his new legs, or a delayed reaction in the programming. Whatever it was, I am happy for the horse, and hope he had champagne and flowers and praise! This next part is important: I wouldnt have even ATTEMPTED this experiment without that 3-word idea that I told you about at the beginning of this letter. The 3 words Jose Silva said to the man who visited him. What are the three words? Anything is possible. If something ISNT possible, and you act like it is, dont worry. Youll get feedback soon enough. But what might you NOT try if you dont have the mindset that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE? Now you MIGHT say, Oh, for Gods sake, what Pollyannish nonsense. But think about it a moment longer. What if ANYTHING were possible for you? What would change if you let this thought take root in the deepest part of your mind? Might it change some things in your life starting now? Repeat after me Anything is possible. ========================================== Do it yourself experiment Ask yourself, What would I attempt now if ANYTHING were possible? Don't ignore the short-term goals. Money, a relationship with someone you desire, washboard abs, etc.

What goals would I reach if anything were possible? What goals would I SET if anything were possible?

Affirmation Success Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE... 1. Wayne Dyer's Aaaaah Meditation 2. Do-it-yourself Technique: Sri Siva's Manifesting process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Success Story... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you heard of Wayne Dyer's Aaaah meditation? It's featured on an audiotape of his called "Meditations for Manifesting." There are two meditations on that recording. One of them is for manifesting things into your life. The metaphor Wayne uses is that life is just like a dream. In other words... In a dream, if you want something across the room to come closer to you, you merely INTEND for it to come closer to you. (Your PERCEPTION may be that YOU move toward IT, but in fact the dream is surrounding you and is an expression of your consciousness. Nothing REALLY moves, other than your attention.) Life similarly brings into your perception those things that you desire. BUT (this is important) you have to intend it. The question is: How? Dyer's suggestion is a specific technique he learned from his teacher, Guruji (later called Sri Siva). It's a STARTLINGLY simple technique that I will share with you in a moment. I heard about this process some years ago, and never did much with it. After all, I found The Silva Method so good for intending outcomes. I had done the Wayne Dyer Aaaah meditation a couple of times and found it soothing, but never really used it much beyond those couple of times. Then I went to a talk that Gary Zukav (author "The Seat of the Soul" and "The Dancing Wu Li Masters") was giving in Miami. The place was PACKED with people.

Before the talk began, the young woman sitting next to me turned and told me that she recognized me from a Silva Method meeting in Ft. Lauderdale. Always eager to hear Silva Success stories, I asked, "So how has it been using The Silva Method? What gains have you noticed?" Often when I ask, I hear things like: I got a new job, My health is better, I got married, I won a contest, I have a new car, etc. But she was nonchalant. "Oh, it's good. But what I have REALLY gotten results with is the Wayne Dyer 'Meditations for Manifesting'!" She said that the results have alarmed her, because she found that she had to be VERY careful what she intended, since results have happened exactly as intended, in astonishing ways. (I made a mental note to re-visit the Aaah meditation!) Not long after, a friend of mine quit his well-paying lawyer job over an ethical dispute with co-workers. He just walked out. BUT he had car payments, rent, a new marriage, and other expenses. He was nervous. So I asked him what he wanted, what he was aiming for. He specified a job with an income he wanted, by a certain date that was just eight weeks away. I knew that his strategy for being nervous (and staying nervous) was to have upsetting internal dialogue. He was, like most lawyers I know, extremely aware of (and guided by) his internal dialogue. So I suggested he listen to the Wayne Dyer tape. I figured that at LEAST this would help loosen that nervousness strategy by replacing his anxious internal dialogue with something better. In this case, the sound of the aaaah meditation. It worked better than that. His intention was to have a new job within 8 weeks. He STARTED work at the new job -- for the pay he wanted -- in 7 weeks and six days. Toward the end of the timeframe he'd set -- eight weeks -- people just phoned him "out of the blue." These conversations led to job offers, then a job he took. He did send resumes, but the job offer came from someone who "happened" to talk to him and find out he was available for hire. According to Wayne Dyer's teacher, Sri Siva, when you do this process, there is no lag time. Results happen immediately. (I have had some experiences so far that tell me this might be true, but definitely test this personally.) In my friend's case, he was INTENDING an eight-week process, and it

happened in just under eight weeks. Had he intended an immediate job offer, would it have happened sooner? If everything-that-is is swirling atomic activity, then it COULD BE that the Aaaah meditation puts you in oneness with the source of the atomic activity. (This is only a metaphor, and not nearly as important as you generating joyful results for yourself and others whom you care about.) Wayne's rationale -- that he learned from his teacher -- is that the Aaaah sound is a sound that appears within various names of God, and that this sound alters one's circumstance by identifying your consciousness with the Creator. The mind is quieted by the meditation and you go, he says, 'Beyond the mind' to the source of creation. Side two of the tape (track two of the cd) is about a FEELING of gratitude with an OM meditation. Identify with the Source of Divine Creation on side one/track one, and then feel gratitude to the Source of Divine Creation on track two/side two. It really is a beautiful pair of meditations. Wayne also includes some helpful affirmations as you do the meditations on the tape with him. =============================================== Do-it-yourself Experiment: Sri Siva's Manifesting process -----> How to do it: 1. Think of something you really want to have happen. New job, divinely satisfying love life, superb health, more clients, etc. (If you say, "Well, I want to get a happier, better paying job AND go on a date with Britney Spears AND win the decathlon in the next Olympics" then I would ask you to prioritize your list, and work on the chief desire first. Pick something that you believe COULD happen soon.) 2. You imagine a column starting at your root chakra (approximately the spot between your anus and genitals -- the point where your body is touching a seat cushion when you are sitting) and at the other end of this imagined column is your 3rd eye chakra, between and slightly above your eyes. Imagine this column in the center of your body from the root chakra up to the 3rd eye. 3. Close your eyes and say the sound "Aaaaaaaaah" out loud while imagining the sound traveling upward from the root chakra to the 3rd eye chakra. It may seem funny or weird, but extend the length of the sound Aaaaah

for as long as comfortable. As you do this, turn your eyeballs upward slightly and imagine the intended goal in your mind's eye, picturing the goal like a movie, as if projected in front of you onto an imagined movie screen from your third eye chakra. (As if your 3rd eye chakra were a film projector.) Note: There may (or may not) be a sense of "debris" in this column, like some kind of dust floating around inside this column. If you get this sense (and you may not), then let the sound clear this channel for you. I imagine a sound speaker, as if the root chakra was a small but powerful Bose sound speaker aimed upward, playing the Aaaaah sound up toward the 3rd eye chakra. My recommendation is to do this once a day for two weeks merely as an experiment, and see for yourself if this is useful. You could do this for 15 to 20 minutes (with a timer), or say Aaaah 108 times with a mala (a string of 108 beads for counting), or just do the sound until you feel like you've done enough for each day. Better yet, get the cd or audiotape of Wayne Dyer's "Meditations for Manifesting" and really give that a listen!


Affirmation Success Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE... 1. Creative visualization is MORE than picturing: the connection between manifesting, brain structure and parallel universes. 2. Do-it-yourself Technique: Electric Manifesting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Silva Method is a great tool for learning how to direct your mind to reach your goals. One section of the Silva Method course teaches you a way to "program" future events to happen in a certain way by quieting your mind to a deeper level, and then picturing the event you want to have happen. The technique is called Mirror of the Mind. I had a powerful experience that proved to me that this really works. I wrote about this in a previous newsletter. (The story about my brother beating up Robert DeNiro and my aunt winning the Florida lottery.) Inspired by the success (from literally reading the Silva technique in a book) I've attended the Silva Method training with 21 different instructors from around the world so far. It's fun to take a course like that with different instructors (and multiple times with the same instructor) because you meet a variety of Silva Method grads who have great success stories to tell! Just talking with the other grads during the breaks or at lunch can give you loads of ideas for using your tools in new ways. Also, the instructors have different ways of using the tools, and you get new ideas and ways of applying the techniques from the variety of instructors! Some instructors are no-nonsense business or scientific types. Some are easygoing new agey types. All have their own ways of using and teaching the tools. One instructor, though, REALLY got my attention because of her consistent ability to get results in the world THROUGH her Silva 'programming.' She would intend things to happen, coincidences to happen, and they did. Consistently.

I traveled to see her, and spent a few months watching firsthand how she made the tools of the Silva Method work for herself and for others. It took me a while to figure out WHY she got such great and consistent results, but then I noticed that she was doing ONE thing different... I will tell you what that is in a moment, but first a little background. Win Wenger is a Silva Grad who developed a technique called Image Streaming. Image streaming is a way to "wake up" different regions of your brain so that you generate genius-like solutions at will. If that sounds unbelievable, wait till you try it! The results can be startling. Using different regions of the brain at the same time is like going to see a 3-d movie and looking through both lenses of the 3-d glasses at the same time. Using just one part of your brain would be like looking through only one lens at the 3-d movie screen. If you look through only one eye (one lens) it looks kind of fuzzy, doesn't it? If you look through the other eye (the other lens of the 3-d glasses), it's STILL kind of fuzzy, but when you use BOTH eyes at the same time, looking through BOTH 3-d lenses, then WOW, the things just leap off the screen! It's more than the sum of the parts, in other words. Similarly, if you think about manifesting your goals, when you use one portion of your brain, for "creative visualization" (let's say), you get SOME results. When you use another ONE portion of your brain, for let's say doing "affirmations" or "self-talk," you get SOME results. When use still a different one portion of your brain, for let's say mental rehearsal (actually this is a series of points on the brain), you get just SOME results. Here's the kick: When you use ALL the above portions of your brain AT THE SAME TIME, you get AMAZING results that are WAY beyond using just one technique by itself. What does this have to do with manifesting?

Win Wenger developed Image Streaming as a way to USE all those brain regions at the same time, as a tool for creativity, IQ-raising, and mental fitness. (And it REALLY works for ALL those things.) The technique of image streaming is so unbelievably simple you'll be amazed. (And if you already KNOW about image streaming, you might be amazed to hear how it relates to manifesting.) The technique of image streaming is to close your eyes, see whatever mental images come to mind, and then describe those images aloud to either a live listener or a tape recorder. That's it, the whole process. The key ingredient is either a live listener or a tape recorder. (I won't go into why right now.) Do this for 10 minutes a day for 10 days (be sure to use either a live listener or a tape recorder) and watch what happens. When I did that it felt like my senses had been scrubbed on the inside. I noticed more details, more mental sights and mental sounds, and more intuitions too (an early experiment with image streaming was to mentally "see" the following day's newspaper headlines! My image stream was "Clinton...tough" and the next day's Miami Herald newspaper headline was "Clinton's Tough Budget.") Dr. Wenger was inspired to create image streaming at least partly by a portion of The Silva Method course in which you access your intuition through speaking aloud to a partner. In that portion of the Silva Course, you describe WHAT you are mentally seeing WHILE you are mentally seeing it. Maybe the term "mentally seeing" is too limited a term. You use language to describe OUTLOUD to a listener the inner sights, inner sounds, inner feelings, smells/tastes, and other imaginings that run through your mind. When you do this, Dr. Wenger teaches (and I totally agree, based on my experience of doing this technique and teaching it to others), you wake up your whole brain and the details of your imaginings get more vivid. Not only do scenes get more vivid very quickly, but you find that your mind generates a STREAM of imagery much like dreaming. Soon you notice that your mind is actually generating imagery all the time, and by accessing this imagery you can access your other-than-conscious mind's abilities to generate solutions and new helpful ideas whenever you want. (The invention of the sewing machine came in a dream, the discovery of insulin as a treatment for diabetes came in a dream, among other dreamed inventions.)

But what does THIS have to do with manifesting? Okay, remember that Silva instructor I was telling you about, who got such GREAT results from programming her intentions? Guess what she did that I never noticed other Silva instructors and Silva grads doing... She DESCRIBED her visualizations OUTLOUD while she did them. Yes, the Silva students do the exercise in class of RECEIVING intuitions via an image streaming-type process. And yes, Dr. Wenger's technique is a GREAT way to bring forth solutions and ideas from deeper places in one's mind. But what this instructor did was use this SAME principle to manifest her CHOSEN GOAL that she was intentionally picturing. Because she would go to level with her office staff (one office manager and one secretary plus, when I was there, one curious guest) the protocol she ALWAYS followed was to describe her intention outloud while she was picturing it. And, because there were listeners, she described to people who were listening. The presence of listeners (or, alternatively, a tape recorder) affects the WAY that you organize your description, and thus the quality, details and clarity of the image itself. This is why it's important to have a listener or tape recorder. How I made the connection that this is what was making her "programming" so effective... I was reading something by a physicist named Fred Alan Wolf, that our futures are literally out there waiting to be chosen among an unimaginable number of parallel universes. This is a famous theory called the "many worlds" theory. (By the way: a survey of physicists found that MOST physicists believe this is an accurate model of how the universe really works!) When you move into the future, you move into the one you have chosen by your intentions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "...the parallel universes interpretation...explains the observer effect--the effect that an observer has upon a physical system simply because he or she observed it. Nothing magical happens when an observation occurs. The observer simply

becomes part of the universe(s) in which the observation takes place." Fred Alan Wolf, PhD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Observer Effect suggests that you don't really get what you want, but you do FIND what you intend to observe, and you prove your intention by three things... 1. What you are picturing (at deep levels of mind AND conscious levels of mind) 2. What you say (externally AND internally) 3. How you use your body Things that are intended are more likely to happen. BUT they must be intended with your whole being. By describing your intention aloud to a listener or tape recorder WHILE you are imagining your desired future, you are using MUCH more of your neurology because you are including MUCH more of your brain at the same time. By using this process of describing aloud (to a listener) the future you want to have, you are lining up everything toward that future, using the ONE apparatus you use to travel into your chosen future: Your body's nervous system! Oh, one more benefit of this process of describing with closed eyes. It immediately puts your mind at alpha/theta brainwave levels. Reaching this quieter brainwave level is the engine that drives the benefits of the Silva Method course, in fact the WHOLE Silva Method Course is aimed at teaching you how to reach this level of mind at will. When you close your eyes and describe your internal senses to a listener or tape recorder, your brain is automatically at that same intuitive, creative level of mind! BONUS BENEFIT: Ever find your mind wandering while doing a "creative visualization"? Ever doze off while meditating or going to level (Silva Method term for accessing alpha/theta brainwaves)? Notice that when you describe your intention outloud to a listener or tape recorder, your description rivets your attention ON the image. If you have ever read Abraham-Hicks, specifically the law of Attraction, or the reminder that the secret to manifesting is to put your attention on what you want and KEEP IT THERE, then notice how THIS process locks your attention onto your goal in a very easy way!

====================== Do it yourself experiment: 1. Pick a goal that you REALLY want to have happen. (Make it a GOOD one. But not one that can only happen in one possible way, like winning the lottery. That MAY be do-able with this process, but get a few successes under your belt first.) 2. Describe in vivid detail (to EITHER a live listener OR a tape recorder) the goal as true. If you are after a new car, it would sound something like this..."I am sitting behind the wheel of my new black Mercedes 500SL convertible, driving down pacific coast highway, and I feel the breeze through my hair, and I can feel the soft leather coating of the steering wheel under my fingers and I am hearing the whir of the engine and I am seeing the sun setting magnificently over the pacific ocean on my left. The light of the sunset casts a light-orange glow and I am hearing the Doors on the stereo as I..." You get the idea. Make it SO vivid that I, just by listening to you, would have the same vivid experience in mind. 3. Be sure to use a live listener OR a tape recorder. I call this technique electric manifesting. You could always try it once, just one session, for fun, and watch what happens. (More than once, if you want to.) Happy manifesting! Sean

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