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Singapore, smoking is becoming more prevalent amongst young Singaporeans. Some say that their habit is stress-induced, others dont really have a reason, except maybe because they enjoy it. Statistics have shown in a survey conducted by the National Health Board (NHB), that the percentage of smokers aged 18-29 has increased from 12.3% in 2004 to 16.3% in 2010. For most parents, they are unable to comprehend why this is so. It was so different during our time, we didnt even have money for food, much less cigarettes...nowadays the children have everything. John (pseudo name, changed upon request.) Most Young Singaporeans are picking up this habit at a much younger age, possibly out of boredom and peer pressure. As they grow older into their teenage years, it has evidently become an unhealthy habit and even a way of life for some. It started out for me as peer pressure, then after a while it became a habitfor me it has become a way of life. I do admit I smoke more when Im stressed, I might quit, well see how. Syaq Ridh says with a cheeky smile, year 3 Singapore Polytechnic (SP) student. He has been smoking since secondary 1. This way of life is more harmful to the human body than just relieving stress. Experts admit that the Nicotine in cigarettes do act as both a depressant and a stimulant that leads to better bowel movement. However the negative effects cannot be denied. Knowing what smoking does to the body and that

could smoking be good for you?

by Felicia Quick

listen to music and smoke to cope with the stress. But usually when youre stressed you dont have time to sleep, so you just smoke. Wishes to be known as Melissa, SP student. She has been smoking for approximately 3 years. It cannot be denied that smokers have a stigma on them and majority of our society thinks that it is wrong to smoke. However, in recent years there has been a paradigm shift. We are becoming more open-minded and less traditional. I think, it is okay to smoke because it empties the mind and allows people to relax and introspect smoking increases cancer but it decreases suicide risk i would think. Bridget, year 2 SP student. She has never smoked before, but she understands that it is their choice and respects that. People smoke for various reasons, and this way of life is chosen. It is up to the individual and some people, do grow out of this trend. Others, live with it and the health consequences that come with it. At the end of the day, it is a choice; to say no to the rst cigarette, or give in to the temptation.

aviation leadership summit on page 2

Addressing the key challenges and issues facing the aviation industry
Youths and their vices. What this stigma does to them and how they shall live with their choice of lifestyle? that there are other ways to cope with this stress, most people still choose it over other methods. The stress and all might just be all in my mind, but at the end of the day, it helps. Usually I sleep,

the evolution of Dating on page 3

How the terminology for dating has changed over the generation.

Aviation Leadership Summit- key challenges and issues

by Wong Li Yan

compromising safety and security and inconveniencing passengers, will be a key challenge for the industry, added Mr Yap. Mr Yap stated that the global aviation industry is currently facing a period of pivotal change and unpredictability. However, aviations industry overall prospects remain optimistic. If you look forward, the projection is that the aviation industry will continue to grow, added Mr Yap. By 2015, total global annual passenger trafc is projected to increase by 700 million to hit 3.5 billion. Airlines are estimated to add 25,000 planes to the current 17,000strong commercial eet by 2030. He continued, On security, at this point in time, the aviation industry spends about $7.4 billion a year, on security. Ten years after 9/11, terrorists and other threats to aviation remain. Thus, to ensure a smooth security for passengers, Mr Yap continued to stress the need for Singapores aviation industry to continue to explore new innovative solutions and propel the growth of its development, one of which is a one-stop security system. Not just locally, the aviation industry will also be competing at the international arena. They will give aviation companies an insight into the Chinese, Indian and South-east Asian markets and provide meeting opportunities for participants, said Mr Jimmy Lau, on the value of the business forum. Singapore Airshow 2012, will be held from 14 -19 February 2012 at the Changi Exhibition Centre, attracted 40,000 trade visitors and 900 exhibitors from more than 50 countries . It is Asias largest and one of the top three aerospace defence exhibitions in the world. Mr Lau is positive that deals at this year's event will match the US$10 billion (S$12.6 billion) inked during the last show in 2010.

why do polytechnic students pay more for transportation?

by Suyintha Supramaniam

Students from polytechnics and universities pay twice as much in bus fares compared to their peers in Junior Colleges

I feel pretty much envious of them and discriminated

by the government or Land Transport Authority in favour of the JC students albeit the fact that both of us are pursuing studies at the same tertiary level of education, said Khairul Izebar, a Singapore Polytechnic (SP) student when asked about how polytechnic students need pay more for transportation fees. Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew said it will cost transport operators an additional S$28 million per year should polytechnic students be given travel concessions in an article from Channel News Asia. It even bafes me so when they disclosed their reason for not giving us the same rates as for a Junior College student: a potential loss for them in prots, Khairul continued. Students in poly have expressed how it is unfair and biased. Over the past few years, polytechnic students have been lobbying for travel concessions which their peers in Junior College enjoy. I think it's extremely biased and completely unethical. Polytechnic students are putting in just as much, if not more work than Junior College students. In essence they're almost indirectly saying that we aren't worth the loss of prot, whereas Junior College students are, Says Shanice Van Zwienen, an 18-year-old polytechnic student studying Creative Writing for Television and New Media (DTVM).

Mr Jimmy Lau (left) opens the conference with an introduction of the Aviation Summit, followed by Mr Yap Ong Heng (right) who presents the key challenges and issues of the aviation industry

It will be quite up our eyeballs this year, said Mr Jimmy

Lau, managing director of Experia Events, organizer of the 2012 Singapore Airshow, regarding the number of anticipated participants this year. The Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit (SAALS) and Business Forums, which will be held from 12 -13 February 2012. It is estimated to unite 300 aviation industry leaders and key stakeholders in aviation, including transport ministers, airlines and a mix of distinguished speakers and high-level government delegates. They will engage in a comprehensive discussion regarding key challenges and signicant issues, such as long-term growth and sustainability in the aviation industry. To prepare for a global aviation summit, which is part of the Singapore Airshow 2012, Mr Yap Ong Heng, directorgeneral of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), spoke to the media at a press conference on February 1.

Through platforms such as the the Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit and Business Forums, Singapore Airshow demonstrates its thought leadership and provides a valuable opportunity for major aviation industry players to exchange ideas, network and conduct business. he stated. Under the theme, Driving Change, Overcoming Challenges Together, several pertinent issues addressed were security, climate change and Euro-zone economic crisis, which would potentially challenge the aviation industry. Managing the continuing growth of air travel, but without compromising safety and security and inconveniencing passengers, will be a key challenge for the industry, added Mr Yap. Managing the continuing growth of air travel, but without

Teenagers of today are looking towards sustaining long-term relationships. Some like Loh Liling are even considering the possibility of marriage. signicantly less when it doesnt work out with the other party. However, we see another reason why teenagers invest in dating before entering a relationship. Teenagers are beginning to look at relationships as a life-time option and they want to prepare themselves by dating, before making the serious step to commit. Loh Liling opined, I aim to be in a long-term relationship and sometimes I even consider marriage sometimes though I dont admit it because it might scare the guy away. With teenagers of today looking towards sustaining long-term relationships, it has become natural and practical to start dating before getting into a long-term relationship. For teenagers like Nana and Liling, dating has become a personal quest to nding a life-time partner. start dating, I guess the need to nd someone that ts you by Bridget Jeanne Seng spreads like fungus. It may lay dormant, but it never really goes away, opines Nana Ann (a pseudo-name changed upon request), an 18-year old girl. Another 18-year-old girl Genevieve Ng answers If its the trial period to see whether you work out together or the period where you dont date exclusively then yes, when asked whether she knew what dating was. A generation ago, the term dating would have meant two people getting into a committed relationship, shares Mdm Germaine Koh, 52, a mother of two teenagers. Its very confusing now-a-days. The new lingo, says Mdm Koh. 21st Century teenagers like Genevieve have come to liken the term dating to the preliminary period where two people who like each other test out a relationship without any serious commitment. Nana denes the main reason for dating is to make sure that both parties are willing to be there for each other. She denotes the main difference between a long-term relationship and short-term dating to be the commitment. Her friend, Elsa Chan, goes on to elaborate that teenagers want to prepare themselves for a long-term relationship. They carefully consider each other while dating. If it doesnt work out? End it. If it does? Enter a relationship. The restrained emotional investment during the dating period makes the hurt

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew said it will cost transport operators an additional S$28 million per year if polytechnic students are given travel concessions Junior College students however, do not share the same sentiments as tertiary level students. When asked what they thought of the students in poly who have to pay more for transportation fees, Navin Prasad, 19, from Meridian Junior College commented (its) too bad for them. Hanya Seah, 19, from Anglo-Chinese Junior College said, I didnt have to pay much a month to travel to school. I dont know why we pay less than students in poly, but Im glad that I dont have to spend a lot on transport fees. The 2008 campign National Petition for Fairer Transportation Fares for Polytechnic/ Tertiary Students, was set up with ambitious targets of 100, 000 signatures of support.There was also a Facebook group titledPETITION AGAINST HIGH BUS FARES for POLY STUDENTS that had 2,376 members. Even with this movement nothing came up out of this, nothing has changed. Polytechnic students are still paying more. In November last year, the Young PAP (YP) held their rst public advocacy event at the Speakers' Corner to ght for concession fares for polytechnic and university students. About 50 people attended the event in support of the cause, reported The Straits Times. Despite the signatures and appeals to Members of Parliament, considerations to amend this problem seem unlikely. I think it's unfair, but there's nothing we can do about it, says Kerri Heng, an 18-year old DTVM student.

the evolution of dating

Dating is like fungus. When you

However, parents like Madam Jessie Tan, 47, a mother of three teenagers condone the new wave terminology. She says long term relationships are better and short term dating is like fooling around, a frivolous kind of behaviour that shouldnt be encouraged in our children. She goes on to bring about a question that could affect future generations Dating short term means a frivolous lifestyle. What happens when casual relationships result in casual sex lives? While that may be a possibility, Sarah Sorenson, a fellow at Cornell University who completed research on adolescent romantic relationships informs that while it may be risky, teenage relationships are important and are instrumental to a teenagers growth as an individual identity, interpersonal skills and emotional support. Is redened dating better for our society and our future generations? Inevitably, the perceptions of love, dating and relationships are changing and will continue to change. Dating lters out what you truly cannot stand and what you can put up with because its worth it, shares Nana. Mdm Koh reminisces the good old days when everything was simpler and dating was just another word for relationship.

uniquely me
by Angie Pay
Young, daring, and no two are alike. A recent survey this month found that teenagers nowadays are not afraid to stand out and be different from their peers. Its no longer a taboo to be unique, explains Ian Tan, 18, from Diploma in Media and Communications (DMC). Society is changing. The survey was conducted on 10 Singapore Polytechnic students from the school of Communications, Arts and Social Sciences (CASS). Being different can mean standing out physically, like having unique fashion styles, or in terms of personality and interests. It can even simply mean having interesting point of views that one is not afraid to express. Of those polled, all agreed that t o d a y s s o c i e t y i s m o r e accepting and people more unafraid. People have just become more expressive and daring, because society doesn't discriminate that much anymore. says Elsa Chan, 18, from Diploma in Creative Writing for TV and New Media (DTVM). They... have their own individual styles and theyre not afraid to aunt it. Being different, contrary to past perspectives, may not be that bad. Business coach and author C.J. Hayden wrote online on that

DTVM student Kelly Varella Chang, 19, is one of those often pointed out for dressing uniquely. She sports quirky prints and pieces in various colourful combinations. I feel more comfortable when I dress this way. If I wear (my style) any other way it feels weird. explains the soft-spoken girl. She admits she sees more people dressing up to stand out nowadays, but appreciates when people are different. Genevieve Ng, 18, sums both sides up. Right now theres this mentality that you ought to stand out or youll blend into the crowdyet there are some who are genuinely different? However, it seems like given a choice, trend or not, most teenagers would still choose quirky over normal. I rather stand out, says Genevieve. I want to be seen and noted as being my own person. Elsa, Alicia and Ian all agree. Ian even encourages others to be whoever they want to be. Come on, life is short! H e q u i p s c h e e k i l y. Screw it up a little and enjoy the ride.

J ai Tue Ma Mere [I Killed My Mother]

by Shanice Van Zwenien

(Anne Dorval) in modern day Quebec. On the surface, Hubert seems rude and selfabsorbed in his ery teenage angst possessing the typical condescending nature associated with artists of high culture. His aggressive language towards his mother may breed intense dislike from conservatives, but this is where Dolans dialogue comes into play. Chantale on her part, is not just an innocent victim - she is genuinely annoying, and her habit of breaking promises throughout the lm is a constant source of aggravation. Initially the conict is jarring, keeping watching in fascination with the innate voyeurism that lies in each of us. But the constant shouting throughout the rst two acts wears down to become tedious. Thankfully we are given a few moments of respite - Chantale condes in her best friend, and Hubert nds comfort in his boyfriend Antonin. Unlike many other lms to feature homosexuality, the movie treats it as an unessential, yet important part of Huberts character, which is a refreshing change. Alas, Dolans inexperience does reveal itself - there are instances of quick cinematic twists that hint at a young director still trying to nd his style. A scene where Hubert and his boyfriend have a quick tryst seems almost like it was taken from a different movie. But this slight stumble in no way takes away from the beauty of the nal act, when the lm begins to shed light on the complexity of his relationship with his mother. In fact if there were only one scene worth waiting for in the entire lm, it would be when Chantale drops Hubert off at the bus station, where hes about to leave. After yet another argument, Hubert spits out the old theatrical teenage cliche: What would you do if I died today?. As he walks away, Chantale returns to her car and watches his retreating back, before whispering to herself, Id die tomorrow.

A student wearing fringe shorts and eye-catching patterned tights. Such shows of individuality and uniqueness are increasingly being shown and accepted in society nowadays, to get attention in a crowded marketplace, you must stand out in some way. She believes elements of uniqueness can make one memorable, competitive and special to ones target audience. Retired business executive Adrian Savage shares his point of view, writing on that denying ones uniqueness would often lead to a life of frustration and depression. Still, are the shows of individuality simply a passing trend, or are people really willing to show the unique side of themselves? Opinions are split. Some feels its simply peer pressure. When one sees his or her friend being different, he or she would want to join the crowd. says 2nd year DMC student Tan Cheng Hwee. Since becoming different and unique is what people want nowadays its just following the trend, Alicia Ho, 19, adds. It becomes clich. Others believe times have changed enough for people to not be afraid of getting judged. People are more accepting because they dont label as much anymore, Elsa counters. To her, its all seen as a freedom of expression now.

I bet most people believe that hating your mother is a sin. Theyre hypocrites. Theyve all hated their mother. Maybe for a second, maybe for a year. Maybe longer, maybe they forgot. I dont know, but it doesnt matter. They still have. Hubert Minel delivers these lines poignantly to the camera in black and white - effectively summing up the driving force behind Jai Tu ma Mre (I Killed My Mother), a coming-of-age story not quite so morbid as its title would have you believe. Written, directed and produced by the young Xavier Dolan, Jai Tu ma Mre is a must-see for any aspiring lm maker who thinks success only comes with age. With the scars of his teenage years still fresh in his mind, Dolan makes up for his inexperience with a clumsy charm that adds to the lms brutally honest dialogue. This winning combination earned the movie three awards at the Cannes Film Festival in 2009. The conict in the movie is almost immediate, loud shouting permeating the rst two acts, always between the same two people. Sixteen-year-old Hubert Minel (Dolan) lives with his mother Chantale

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