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1. Match the columns. (Relaciona columnas) Cold Lloviendo Sunny Nevado Rainning Soleado Snowing Caluroso Hot Con viento Windy Fro 2. Write the name of the animal on each line, according to the description. (Escribe el nombre del animal sobre la lnea de acuerdo a la descripcin).

Example: This animal can swim, it has big teeth. It`s color grey, and loves to eat meat. shark (tiburn) Cat / Dog / Elephant / Crocodile / Dolphin / Mosquito a). This animal is big. It`s color grey, it has a short tail. It lives in Africa and loves to eat peanuts. ____________ b). This animal can swim, is grey, lives in the ocean and is very intelligent. _____________ c). It has a big mouth and sharp teeth, it has a long tail. It has a small eyes and lives on the lakes. _____________ d). it is very small, it can fly, it loves to eat blood. It is color black _____________ e). This animal lives in the houses, it can jump until the roof, it likes to play with a ball and loves to eat rats _____________ 3. Circle the correct word (encierra en un crculo la palabra correcta escrita en ingls) clasroom booc agost write garade short stutentt Schul classrom book agust writy gardin chortt stadint school

a). classroom b). bok c). august d). wrrite e). garden f). chort g). student h) schol

4. Write the name of each season (escribe el nombre de cada estacin). Es opcional poner la escritura: spring, winter, summer, fall





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