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National Security Advisor

The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (commonly called the National Security Advisor) serves as the chief advisor
to the President of the United States on national security issues and serves on the National Security Council. The NSA is supposed to be inde-
pendent of the bureaucratic politics of the Departments of State and Defense, and are therefore able to offer independent advice. In times of
crisis, the National Security Advisor operates from the White House Situation Room, updating the President on the latest events of a crisis.

The United States has the
most advanced and best trained fight-
ing force in the world. If you’re hav-
ing trouble with some two-bit Soviet
bloc castoff, then let them know who
they’re messing with.
We can have a tactical spe-
cial commando team over the border
within an hour, and they can get that
plane and our soldier back before the
other guys even know that they have it.
All you have to do is make one phone

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