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in the

Scenario I: L and Ho!

In honest work, the food is bad, the wages are low and the work is hard. In piracy, there is plenty of loot, its fun and easy and we are free and powerful. Who, when presented with this choice, would not choose piracy? The worst that can happen is you can be hanged. No, a merry life and a short one shall be my motto. -Bartholomew Black Bart Roberts

Terrain has been preset and should not be moved. All forests are considered mysterious and should be rolled on the chart upon entry per the rules in the BRB. All other terrain pieces are considered mundane versions of its equivalent. Terrain brought by BitS participants for use in the Terrain Contest, shall be clearly marked and will follow all rules for its specific type per the BRB.

Game L ength
Game will last 6 turns or until time is called. Do not start a new turn that both you and your opponent cannot finish in the time remaining.

Battle Points
Standard Victory Points per BRB pg. 102. Use the information below to calculate your total points for the round:
Difference 0-100 101-300 301-500 Win 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Loss 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Side A Deployment Zone 6 6

501-700 701-900 901-1100 1101-1300

Side B Deployment Zone

1301-1500 1501-1700 1701-2000 2001+

Both players roll a die, the player with the highest score may choose which side to deploy on by placing a unit. The other players Deployment Zone is the opposite side. The players then take turns deploying one unit at a time until both of their entire forces are on the table.

Objective Points
+2  if you have destroyed / made flee off the table all Enemy Core Units. +1  if your largest point Core unit was in your opponents deployment zone at any point during the game (if multiple units are the same size, controlling player chooses one). +1  if the enemys largest point unit is dead or has fled off of the table at the end of the game. +1  if none of your Core units have been destroyed or fled off of the table.

Who Goes First

Each player rolls a D6. The player who finished placing all his units first may add +1 to this die roll. The player with the highest result may choose whether to go first or second.


in the
Scenario II: O Captain My Captain
O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weatherd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. Walt Whitman

Terrain has been preset and should not be moved. All forests are considered mysterious and should be rolled on the chart upon entry per the rules in the BRB. All other terrain pieces are considered mundane versions of its equivalent. Terrain brought by BitS participants for use in the Terrain Contest, shall be clearly marked and will follow all rules for its specific type per the BRB.

Game L ength
Game will last 6 turns or until time is called. Do not start a new turn that both you and your opponent cannot finish in the time remaining.

Battle Points
Standard Victory Points per BRB pg. 102. Use the information below to calculate your total points for the round:
Difference Win 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Loss 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

9 9

Side A Deployment Zone

0-100 101-300 301-500 501-700 701-900 901-1100 1101-1300 1301-1500

Side B Deployment Zone

1501-1700 1701-2000 2001+

Both players roll a die, the player with the highest score may choose which side to deploy on by placing a unit. The other players Deployment Zone is the opposite side. The players then take turns deploying one unit at a time until both of their entire forces are on the table.

Special Rules
Use the Breaking Point and Fortitude rules as noted in the Blood & Glory scenario (p148). * If your army reaches its breaking point, you can no longer use your Generals Inspiring Presence or your BSBs Hold Your Ground special rule. Also, any leadership tests are taken at a -1 penalty. Breaking an opponents Fortitude does not grant automatic victory, and the game should last six full turns (or 2.5 hours, whichever comes first).

Who Goes First

Each player rolls a D6. The player who finished placing all his units first may add +1 to this die roll. The player with the highest result may choose whether to go first or second.

Objective Points
+2  if you broke your opponents Fortitude. +2  if your Fortitude was maintained. +1 for killing the enemy General.

in the
Scenario III: Buried Treasure
The seaweed is always greener, in somebodys elses lake. Sebastian

Terrain has been preset and should not be moved. All forests are considered mysterious and should be rolled on the chart upon entry per the rules in the BRB. All other terrain pieces are considered mundane versions of its equivalent. Terrain brought by BitS participants for use in the Terrain Contest, shall be clearly marked and will follow all rules for its specific type per the BRB.

Battle Points
Standard Victory Points per BRB pg. 102. Use the information below to calculate your total points for the round:
Difference 0-100 101-300 301-500 501-700 701-900 901-1100
Side A Deployment Zone

Win 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Loss 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


1101-1300 1301-1500 1501-1700


1701-2000 2001+


Special Rules
Before deployment, players alternate placing a total of 4 markers on the table outside of both deployment zones. Roll to see who places first. Markers may be placed no closer than 10 from another marker. The markers represent Buried Treasure. A unit moving in the remaining moves phase may move onto a Treasure marker and attempt to claim it by passing a Strength characteristic test (this represents digging it out of the sand). This may be done at any point during that units move. Once a Treasure has been unburied, no further Strength tests are required to claim it.. A claimed Treasure marker counts as a banner or a second banner if a unit already has one. In the case of a second banner, the Treasure confers an additional +1 to combat res. A unit may only carry one Treasure marker at a time. The Treasure is dropped if the controlling unit is destroyed or breaks from combat. It is placed in the center of the unit prior to its destruction (or flee roll if breaking from combat).

Side B Deployment Zone

Both players roll a die, the player with the highest score may choose which side to deploy on by placing a unit. The other players Deployment Zone is the opposite side. The players then take turns deploying one unit at a time until both of their entire forces are on the table. Deploying units with the Scout special rule count as a standard deployment.

Who Goes First

Each player rolls a D6. The player who finished placing all his units first may add +1 to this die roll. The player with the highest result may choose whether to go first or second.

Game L ength
Game will last 6 turns or until time is called. Do not start a new turn that both you and your opponent cannot finish in the time remaining.

Objective Points
+2  for having more treasure than your opponent at games end. +1 for claiming all four Treasure markers. +1 f or each Treasure marker you claim previously held by an enemy unit, up to two.


in the
Scenario IV: The Mermaids Song
I am a creature of the Fey. Prepare to give your soul away. My spell is passion and it is art. My song can bind a human heart. And if you chance to know my face. My hold shall be your last embrace. Heather Alexander

Terrain has been preset and should not be moved. All forests are considered mysterious and should be rolled on the chart upon entry per the rules in the BRB. The central water feature is a mundane river and obeys the rules of rivers per pg 120 in the BRB. All other terrain pieces are considered mundane versions of its equivalent. Terrain brought by BitS participants for use in the Terrain Contest, shall be clearly marked and will follow all rules for its specific type per the BRB (this does not apply to the central river).

Game L ength
Game will last 6 turns or until time is called. Do not start a new turn that both you and your opponent cannot finish in the time remaining.

Battle Points
Standard Victory Points per BRB pg. 102. Use the information below to calculate your total points for the round:
Difference 0-100 101-300 301-500 501-700 701-900 901-1100 Win 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Loss 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Side A Deployment Zone


1101-1300 1301-1500 1501-1700


1701-2000 2001+

Side B Deployment Zone

Special Rules
The Mermaids Song - One use per player turn Bound Spell (Power Level 4) Once per turn, one character touching the central water terrain may attempt to entice the Mermaid into singing. The Mermaids Song casts the non-boosted version of Melkoths Mystifying Miasma from the Lore of Shadow.

Both players roll a die, the player with the highest score may choose which side to deploy on by placing a unit. The other players Deployment Zone is the opposite side. The players then take turns deploying one unit at a time until both of their entire forces are on the table.

Who Goes First

Each player rolls a D6. The player who finished placing all his units first may add +1 to this die roll. The player with the highest result may choose whether to go first or second.

Objective Points
+2  if your Generals unit fought the enemy Generals unit in close combat. +1  for each time you call on the Mermaid to sing, up to a maximum of three.

in the
Scenario V: Release the Kraken
Below the thunders of the upper deep; Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea, His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The Kraken sleepeth. Tennyson

Terrain has been preset and should not be moved. All forests are considered mysterious and should be rolled on the chart upon entry per the rules in the BRB. Prior to the start of the game, the water feature on your table should be moved to the very center point. This will be referred to as The Watery Deep and it obeys the rules of mundane rivers per pg 120 in the BRB.

Game L ength
Game will last 6 turns or until time is called. Do not start a new turn that both you and your opponent cannot finish in the time remaining.

Battle Points
Standard Victory Points per BRB pg. 102. Use the information below to calculate your total points for the round:
Difference Win 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Loss 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Side A Deployment Zone

0-100 101-300 301-500


501-700 701-900 901-1100 1101-1300 1301-1500 1501-1700 1701-2000 2001+


Side B Deployment Zone

Both players roll a die, the player with the highest score may choose which side to deploy on by placing a unit.

Special Rules
Release the Kraken! Any unit touching the Watery Deep must pass an Initiative test or suffer D3+1 wounds with no armor saves allowed (use the highest initiative value in the unit or model), at the end of every movement phase, as the Krakens tentacles drag victims to a watery grave.

The other players Deployment Zone is the opposite side. The players then take turns deploying one unit at
a time until both of their entire forces are on the table.

Who Goes First

Each player rolls a D6. The player who finished placing all his units first may add +1 to this die roll. The player with the highest result may choose whether to go first or second.

Objective Points
+5  if you have the most wounds worth of models in The Watery Deep at the end of the game. Only include wounds from those models entirely or partially in the Watery Deep.


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