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Mercy Blog August 2013

Where The Action Is-Sderot

Adoption-Sponsorship Program
As part of our compassion ministry volunteers make home visits to the poor, the sick, and the elderly
The family struggles financially because of the need for frequent trips to the hospital for expensive cancer treatments. In addition, the family is unable to pay for expensive, specialized food thats required to help keep Yarin alive. If that is not enough, financial assistance by Vadim and his wife, Liat are a young couple with three children who immigrated to Israel from Russia. Vadim struggles to support his small family who live in a small two bedroom apartment in Sderot. Vadim and Liat not only have to worry about the deadly rocket attacks which come from Gaza, but Vadim has had to take many weeks off from work in order to care for the life-threatening illness of their 18 month old son Yarin, who suffers from liver cancer.

the government for the childs chemotherapy treatments has not been available. Yadim and Liat are forced to rely on family and friends to help with the overwhelming costly treatments... family and friends who have their own difficulties. The young boys immune system is very poor following all the Chemo and he is often sick. Please pray for his survival and the familys salvation! Despite these incredible hardships, the heartwarming love evidenced by this small family is deeply moving, as we pray and challenge them to place their trust in The Merciful One for His healing!
If you and/or your congregation would like to help this dear family find The L-RDs help through this difficult time, and would like more information about our Adoption-Sponsorship Program please contact us for details.

Ethiopian Community of Sderot

Serving The Ethiopian Community

with food and clothing with diapers and vouchers with special celebrations of fun for all

Young Ethiopian Mothers At Our Clothing Center

Our clothing center provides a wonderful resource for the young mothers of the community to nd what they need for their growing children. Both mothers and grandmothers are able to supplement their small incomes by making the Hebrew Promise Jewelry at home.

Children from the community gather together to celebrate Purim...

The older children dress up and join in the fun...

The little ones line up to play games...

The Threat Of War Continues

I will sayto the L-RD, "My

refuge and my fortress, my G-d, in whom I trust. Psalms 91:2

The violence continues to erupt on Israels borders, and the reality of war often spills over man-made boundaries shattering the illusion of peace. As our lives are lived out on the war front, we continue to pray for peace but prepare for the war to come. Since 2006, our compassion ministry has been directly involved in the lives of needy Israeli families suffering the effects of war and terror. The threat of violence and the need for assistance continues today as it did during the Lebanon War. Hundreds of boxes of food and emergency supplies are packed each month by volunteers in anticipation of the war to come.

In the biblical example of Joseph, we are using the time of relative quiet to build up supplies for the difficult times ahead. Contingency plans are being formulated in order to coordinate the prompt delivery of hundreds of boxes during a crisis situation. The packing of these survival boxes requires hundreds of willing hands.

Volunteers and youth groups from Israel as well as across the globe have come together to help us accomplish this endeavor. Brave volunteers stand ready to help deliver the boxes to the front lines when necessary. The challenging times that the prophets spoke of are coming and will be difficult for all.

Voices From Sderot

The lives of the people of Sderot have been disrupted by terror for many years. Families the fragile times of quiet. struggle with the effects of this ongoing threat everyday... in times of escalation as well as

The evidence of severe psychological trauma and the disruption of life can be seen

everywhere. According to a NATAL study (Center for Victims of Terror and War) in Sderot, a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTST) incidence of 70% -94% among young children has been documented. Anxiety symptoms among children often include sleeping difficulties,

nightmares, wetting beds, and fear of the outside. As the new school year is about to begin, anxiety and the behavioral manifestations of that stress will increase. The children of Sderot are all to familiar with the rockets that always seem to come with the first day of school.

The personal stories of life interrupted by terror and the aftermath that follows are all around us here in Sderot... wont you take the time to listen to the Voices of Sderot.

Click Here To Watch Video

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