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Karl and Cindy Pokrop Summer of 2013

The Journey Continues...

Dear friends and family, As we return from Honduras, we thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support that made our trip possible. We left on July 6th and returned home on August 3rd. Each year is a new experience. This year Karl fixed both x-ray machines, installed a film processor and inventoried all the bio-medical equipment in the hospital. Karl and I ,along with our pastor and ten others, hiked up to a remote mountain village. We had to cross 5 rivers to bring rice and beans to the people and pray with them. We were so blessed to be part of this adventure that we plan to include this trip every year. Cindy worked with wound care at the hospital, treating patients with severe wounds as well as removing casts and teaching exercises to those with physical problems. She also visited a home for street kids and handed out prayer pillows. There is much work still to be done. For us, the difficult part is the unfinished business. It seems that every year our work load starts slowly, but by the time we leave to come home there is so much more work to do. So what is holding us back from going full-time? It not a major problem for us to give up our life here, enter into a third world country without the normal connveniences, where we will miss our family and friends, because God has been preparing us for quite some time now. But we need finances. We still need $12,800 plus the cost of language school to go for 6 mos. Would you prayerfully partnering with us to further His Kingdom? consider

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:40)

All tax-deductible gifts, whether for our once-ayear trip or our long-term plan, should be sent to:

CornerStone International PO Box 192 Wilmore, KY 40390

Please note Labor of Love, our project name, on your donation.

You may also donate from the CornerStone website, where you will find our name under short term missions.

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