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Classroom Management and Discipline Plan 1st Grade Guidelines for Success Be a STAR S elf control T ry your best

A ttitude to achieve R espect Attention Signal In-class - Auditory signal (bell, or sound) or hand raising Large group one hand upone finger or hand over mouth Teacher will wait until all students have their hand raised and conversations have stopped.

Encouragement Procedures Each teacher will award students colored beads based on expected behaviors. All students can wear the beads they have earned for the week on Friday. They will take all their beads home on the last day of the grading period. Silent Stars, positive parent contact, verbal praise and additional classroom incentives will be used as well.

Procedures for Misbehavior To help prevent misbehaviors we will use well established routines, proximity, eye contact, private discussions, positive reinforcement, and we will reteach/review expectations. As needed, we will use the following procedures when misbehavior does happen. Rule Violations Consequences: 1st time: Warning 2nd time: Behavior Card Signed 3rd time: note to parent 4th time: Parent Contact 5th time: referral to office
Students name ______________________________ Parents name _______________________________

I have read the discipline plan for first grade. _____________________________ _________ Parents signature Date

August 18, 2013

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