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Classroom Behavior Management Plan

Miss Gettess Kindergarten Class

Rationale: Kindergarten is a scary time for students and their
parents. It is their first time going to school. My focus for our class
is to build friendship and have fun learning. The most important
tool I will use in the classroom is positive reinforcement. I will
have a weekly reward plan. At the end of each week, I will reward
the students who choose to follow the rules with a pass of their
choice. The students that choose to disobey the rules will have
consequences. The consequences will become more severe with
each offense.

Eyes are watching

Ears are listening
Mouths are quiet
Keep hands and feet to yourself

Reward Passes:

Stinky feet pass (Can take your shoes off in the classroom)
Wear a hat pass
Bring in a show and tell item pass
Sit with a buddy pass

1. First Offense: Verbal Warning
2. Second Offense: 10 minutes off recess
3. Third Offense: No recess and call home
4. Multiple/ Recurrent Offenses: no recess, call home, and a
trip to the principals office

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