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My Classroom Management Plan

As an educator, I believe that it is my role to facilitate learning that is effective, active, and
engaging. I strongly feel that having a standard for my classroom that incorporates interactive
learning, collaboration, communication, and personality allows for advancement and high levels
of engagement in my students. For this reason, my teaching philosophy is based on the
relationships I build with students, the process and development of being a lifelong learner, and
enhancing the musical appreciation of young students. In order to achieve these goals,
classroom management is essential.


Students will be aware of my classroom expectations on the first day of class. These
expectations will be upheld daily with consistent reinforcement.

1. Be respectful.

Students will treat the teacher with respect through the manner in which they
speak, the actions they take, and their behavior in the classroom. Additionally, students
will treat one another with respect through teamwork and communication. Lastly,
students will treat their instruments and all classroom equipment with respect,
demonstrating both care and maintenance of school-owned property.

2. Be responsible.

Students will be prepared daily with their instrument, music, and necessary items for a
successful class of musical learning. Students will take responsibility for their words,
actions, and behavior.

3. Be present.

Students will be active during class instruction. They will remain focused, and they
participate in all classroom activities. Students will put their best effort daily towards the
objective of the lesson.


In my classroom, consequences will be consistent. Students will be made aware of the

consequences for certain actions on the first day of class, and these will be reinforced. Students
will have the knowledge prior to making any decision on the disciplinary actions that will follow.
1. Verbal warning

The student will be informed that I am aware of their behavior, and another offense will
result in a more severe consequence.

2. Zero for the day

The student will receive a 0% participation grade for the day.

3. Sent to the office

The student will receive a 0% participation grade for the day, and that student will be
written up and sent to the office.


I will reward my students for being focused, on task, and actively participating during class.

1. Choosing their own groups

When students are on task and demonstrating good classroom behavior, I will allow
them to choose the peers they would like to work with.

2. Friday free time

When the students have maintained positive behavior and participation for a full week of
school, I will give them 15 minutes at the end of class on Friday to play any instruments
they would like or any song they would like. They will have the freedom to choose the
activity they would like to do.

Daily Procedures

1. Students will enter the classroom and retrieve their instruments.

2. Students may begin to tune and warm up until 5 minutes after the bell rings.

3. When it is 5 minutes after the bell rings, class will begin.

4. Students will remain quiet until instructed to play on their instruments.

5. Students must raise their hand to ask a question during class.

6. Students must request permission to use the restroom or exit the room.

7. Students must wait until they are dismissed by the teacher to begin to put away their

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