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Behaviour for Learning

Reviewed: June 2011

Aim: To be an outstanding school Mission Statement As a Church of England school our mission is to be one where each individual is valued and respected. We meet the needs of all our learners by offering them every opportunity to learn and develop in order to fulfil their potential. We will celebrate our skills, talents and successes within a community founded upon Christian values. We will develop an ethos for learning and achievement based on outstanding teaching, a challenging, enriching and relevant curriculum made possible by high standards of behaviour. Rewards and consequences will be consistently applied to support learning. We aim to provide the best possible educational experience for all of our community within a well-ordered and purposeful learning environment. As a Christian school each child is treated and valued as an individual with their own specific needs and talents. Praise is used as the key tool to motivate and encourage; sanctions are used to moderate and to raise awareness of acceptable behaviours which will enable pupils to learn and thrive.

Being positive:
Verbal praise, credits, telephone calls home and good news letters should be used as much as possible to create and reinforce positive relationships at all times. They should be recorded on SIMS and a note made by the student in the planner. The number of credits received by students is monitored by the form tutor. Individual progress is reviewed on a weekly basis and used as a basis for discussion and further achievement. The amount of praise should significantly outnumber the number of consequences issued.

All consequences are designed to modify behaviour; the aim should be to create a positive outcome by ensuring teachers have the authority at the point of need . Teachers must exercise their authority and sanction children before passing it on.

Please refer to the REWARDS documentation however below are the key features: The Rewards will follow a three pronged system: Societas Community Integritas Integrity Res Gestae Achievement See below for more details. Culture of cool to achieve

Whilst we develop the culture of cool to be clever, we will be focussing on celebrating group success. Feedback from pupils has been consistent that they are uncomfortable being singled out for public praise (in assemblies, especially whole school). When asked for ideas for prizes, most pupils preferred the opportunity for a form prize, such as a trip. NOTE: We aim to introduce celebration of individual success after the system has been implemented for 12 months.

Whats it worth?

Ambassador duty Helping on Open Evening/ After school event etc Charity work/ fund raising Representing the school Participating in assembly Representing the form 5 4 5 5 3 3

Going the extra mile Exceptional personal quality 100% attendance per term 100% punctuality per term 3 3 5 5

Res Gestae
Excellent contribution in a lesson Excellent effort Excellent classwork Excellent homework Excellent test results Winning sporting event/ extracurricular (eg Battle of the Books) 2 3 3 3 4 4

Christs Code of Conduct These codes have been put together from the ideas of staff and students. Every member of the school has played a part in creating them; therefore, every member of the school has a responsibility to see them carried out. This is the minimum expectation. ( To be updated with the student council) Classroom Code To learn and achieve effectively in your lessons, we should:

Arrive at lessons calmly, on time, dressed properly and equipped to learn. Listen carefully to the each other and follow instructions Show respect and courtesy to everyone Take care of our learning environment Corridor Code

Thank you for

Treating everyone with respect and courtesy Walking quietly on the left hand side Going straight to your next lesson Eating only at breaktimes in the canteen or at the tables outside, Only going to your lockers before school, breaktimes or just before afternoon lessons. Using the Student Office at breaktimes Respecting the school building and environment so we keep our clean and tidy school. Canteen Code

Thank you for

Queuing up sensibly Selecting your food quickly and politely with your account topped up to ease payment. Sitting down to eat your food Not taking plates/ cutlery or hot food/drinks out of the canteen. Returning plates and cutlery to the clearing area/ recycling as appropriate. Putting all rubbish in the bin

By keeping to these codes, you present yourself and the school in the best possible light. You also play your part in making sure that the highest quality of teaching and learning is able to take place.

Consequences: Staff should be very clear when issuing consequences, be calm and not angry when communicating them, and take care to avoid confrontations that could escalate with secondary behaviours. Everybody should be very clear about a situation involving a consequence.

Classroom procedures:
C1: C2: First verbal warning Second warning resulting in a (name on board) (name ticked)

10 minute detention that afternoon with form tutor C3: Half-hour hour detention the following night (name ticked twice) note of detention recorded on SIMS and student to make a note in the planner and teacher to initial. You must ensure that you include a comment on SIMS as to why the detention has been given. C4: One hour detention the following night - (name ticked three times) note of detention recorded on SIMS and student to make a note in the planner and teacher to initial. You must ensure that you include a comment on SIMS as to why the detention has been given

Actions that should result in consequences: Punctuality Being late for morning registration or more than 5 minutes late for a lesson C3 (Late detentions to be done with HOY) Uniform Ties not being worn correctly; top button undone; skirt too short; trousers worn too low; inappropriate shoes; wearing nail polish or make-up; jewellery. (See uniform list) C3 in first instance plus a note in the diary; persistent offending will necessitate beings sent home to change. Arriving without the necessary equipment for learning Forgetting equipment, exercise books, text books, pens, pencils, Calculators, compass etc (see equipment list in planner), PE kit C2 in the first instance; subsequent lack of equipment C3; persistent lack of equipment C4 Rudeness Arguing with a teacher; belittling another pupil. C3/C4 Disrupting learning

Interrupting the lesson; persistent off task chattering; refusing to follow instructions; distracting other pupils C3 /C4 Defiance Failing to follow instructions/ comply with requests from a member of staff. Refusal to follow instructions. C3/C4 Misuse/Inappropriate use of technology Ear phones out in lessons/ mobile phones being turned on/ visible or being used other than at break or lunchtime. C3 + confiscation; phone to be returned to pupil on completion of the C3 detention on the following day. Phone to be stored in the school safe ( HGI) Unacceptable/inappropriate behaviour Conduct likely to bring the school into disrepute; Fighting; assault; bullying; smoking; use/possession of illicit substances; any behaviour that constitutes a health and safety issue. ( All of the these actions will need to be referred to Head of Year in the first instance and then to the Leadership Team as necessary.)

Students who persist with unacceptable behaviour choose additional and escalating consequences. Learning and teaching must not be disrupted. C2-4s should be recorded on SIMS by the teacher/adult and pupils should also make a note in their planner for parental reference; this should be countersigned by the class teacher / dealing with the incident.

In the first instance all behaviour issues should be dealt with by the member of staff present at the time of the incident. Behaviour for Learning Structure Procedure for escalating incidents. (Please see flow chart) The procedure process is as follows: Incident occurs 1. Dealt with by class teacher Sanction Reconciliation Future behaviours agreed. 2. Referral to Subject Leader removal from lesson to subject leader/departmental colleague Sanction Reconciliation Future behaviours agreed/ strategies discussed as necessary

3. Referral to Head of Year /Subject Leader parental contact / report / review Sanction Reconciliation Future behaviours agreed / strategies discussed as necessary 4. Referral to Leadership Team parental contact / report / review Sanction Reconciliation Future behaviours agreed / strategies discussed as necessary ** Pupils should NOT be sent out of the classroom and left in a corridor. A timeout break may be used in order to avoid a confrontation within the classroom but pupils should never be unsupervised. At the end of the school day tutors will accompany pupils with C3 or C4 detentions to the hall where they will be met by the teacher who has issued the detention. That teacher will then take the pupil to their teaching room where the detention will be held. It is expected that some reconciliatory discussion will take place to ensure that further lapses in behaviour do not occur. Behaviour should then be monitored by subject teacher and if necessary the subject leader and praise used as a means to ensure that pupils are able to make progress. Pupils with more than one detention on a given day will be collected by the Head of Year from the hall. The HOY will immediately contact parents and the pupil will have to complete the longer (in case C3 and C4 have been given) detention that evening and then must arrive by 8.00am the following morning to complete the second detention. Pupils who fail to attend the 8.00am detention ( currently this is done by the HOY) will have to complete a leadership detention on the Friday evening of up to 2 hours. This will be a community service activity. Parents of pupils who persistently disrupt learning/ disregard the school rules will have to meet with Head of Year to discuss strategies to ensure that the child is able to adhere to school rules as follows: Pupils giving cause for concern Level 1 Parental meeting to discuss behaviour after 5 incidents (behaviour incidents) are recorded in one half terms. Tutor report with agreed targets for improvement. Possible sanctions: Isolation; Saturday detention; exclusion

Level 2 Parental meeting to discuss behaviour if no improvement on Tutor report/ after interventions/ repeat of deterioration in behaviour. Head of Year report with agreed targets for improvement Possible intervention: mentor; 1:1 behavioural support; referral to school nurse for behaviour, smoking etc.; RFI for PSP. Possible sanctions: community service, detention, isolation,

Level 3 Parental meeting to discuss behaviour if no improvement on HOY report / after interventions/ repeat of deterioration in behaviour. . Leadership Team report with agreed targets for improvement Possible sanctions: Saturday detention /Exclusion Possible intervention: mentor; 1:1 behavioural support; referral to school nurse for behaviour, smoking etc.; RFI for PSP; referral to SB&AP for respite placement or managed move; reduced timetable Level 4: Parental meeting to discuss behaviour if no improvement on LT report. / after interventions/ repeat of deterioration in behaviour.

Headteacher report with agreed targets for improvement Sanctions: Exclusion

If no improvement in behaviour, pupils will be referred to EWS as at risk of permanent exclusion; reduced timetable and alternative provision.

Outside the Subject Classroom

Uniform: Students are expected to be in full school uniform travelling to and from school as well as throughout the school day. CONSEQUENCE: Persistent offenders will serve one hour of community service with their HOY at a time convenient to the HOY, normally after school.

Smoking: Christs is a no-smoking school. Students should not be seen smoking in school uniform when travelling to and from school. CONSEQUENCE: Offenders will serve one week of community service at lunchtime as well as internal exclusion. (Pupils will also be referred to the school nurse and names will be passed on to the community police officers.) Persistent offending will result in external exclusion. Mobile Phones The use of mobile phones is not allowed in school during teaching periods however they may be used at break and lunchtime as per mobile phone policy. CONSEQUENCE : If phones are seen during lessons they will be confiscated, stored in the school safe to be collected after a C3 detention has been completed the following evening. Refusal to hand over a phone seen in class will result in SLT intervention Out of Bounds: Beyond a line from the corner of the allotments to the corner of the tennis courts playground excepting the cricket nets in summer Around the back of the Sports Hall, canteen, Music Centre, Art room

CONSEQUENCE : Pupils will serve a lunchtime detention clearing in the canteen or litter picking around the school. Persistent Poor Behaviour or Truanting Persistent offenders will be asked to attend school on a Saturday morning in full school uniform from 8.30 11.30 to work in silence.

Fixed consequences will apply for misbehaviour in and around school as well as to and from school. Pupils will be given internal exclusion for the following reasons: Smoking with a referral to the school nurse. Swearing/ verbal abuse at a teacher damage of school property (repair costs incurred also) repeated name calling/bullying of another student persistent truanting inappropriate use of technology fighting, or any form of assault even when provoked and retaliatory in the first instance stealing in the first instance damage to personal property of student, staff member or school in the first instance. (repair costs incurred also) Pupils will be given fixed term exclusions for the following reasons: fighting, or any form of assault even when provoked and retaliatory repeated incidences. possession of illegal substances being under the influence of alcohol, stimulants or drugs persistent name calling/bullying of another student including cyber bullying or racism second incidence of damage to personal property of student, staff member or school association with students who commit any of the above persistent defiance/disruption to learning Pupils may be permanently excluded for the following reasons: second incidence of possession of illegal substances/solvents dealing in illegal substances/solvents assault on a member of staff continued name calling/bullying of another student possession of an offensive weapon1 including a penknife persistent /significant stealing repeated incidence of damage to personal property of student or staff member

In accordance with DCFS guidance, the school will take account of the specific circumstances of children and will have regard to legislation concerning equal opportunities, SEN, disability and vulnerable pupils.

Offensive weapons are defined in the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 as any article made or adapted for causing injury to the person; or intended by the person having it with him for such use by him. Reference will also be made to recent Government guidance.

Students Causing Concern

Students should be praised and supported at every opportunity in order to encourage a change in their behaviour and to develop positive relationships. Monitoring student behaviour:
Tutor Report Card: Students whose behaviour is a concern in two or more subject areas should be monitored via a tutor report card run over two weeks. Parents should be informed by telephone AND letter (standard letter available on X Drive), with the offer of interview. The letter will clearly inform parents of the monitoring process and parents will be asked to support it by signing the report card on a daily basis. The HOY should be kept informed and have records of those students on tutor report. All letters, phone calls and report cards must be filed in students records HOY Report Card: Those students whose behaviour does not change over the course of two weeks or who are giving serious cause for concern generally should move to a HOY report. Parents will be contacted informing them of this next stage and will be invited in to an interview with tutor and HOY to discuss concerns/ strategies and targets for improvement. Students whose behaviour continues to cause concern need to begin a Pastoral Support Programme (PSP) see separate PSP arrangements. Isolation Internal Exclusion The internal exclusion will begin at 8.15am and end at 3.30pm. The room will be staffed at all times up until 3.30pm. Work will be provided throughout the day. Students will be expected to bring a packed lunch to be consumed in the isolation room. Students entitled to FSM will have lunch provided.

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