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Discipline Plan

In order to make this a smooth and successful school year, your child is
expected to follow given rules while he/she is at school. Please review
the discipline plan below, discuss the plan with your child, and return the
bottom section signed.

Classroom Rules
Follow directions the first time given.
Listen at appropriate times.
Show respect for other students and adults.
Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
Stay in your seat, unless you have permission to do otherwise.

Students will have opportunities throughout the year to earn tickets for
good behavior in class by following the above rules. These tickets can be
turned in every week for prizes from the ROAR store. However, if your
child is not able to follow the rules, the following consequences will be


1 Warning The teacher will remind your child of the rule.
One tally will be given on the teachers behavior chart. (Think
About It)
2nd Warning The teacher will remind your child of the rule
again. The student will receive another tally on the teachers
behavior chart. The child will be required to walk laps or
practice the appropriate behavior at recess (whichever
consequence is more appropriate).
3rd Warning Your child will be given a third tally on the
teachers behavior chart. Your child will write a note home to
be signed and returned the next day (see attached).
SEVERE DISRUPTION After all the previous steps have been
followed; your child will have a fourth tally on the teachers
behavior chart. He or she will likely be referred to the
principals office. Phone call to parent

Your child will be rewarded on a regular basis for following the

Thank you for your cooperation,
Ms. Hobgood
Please detach and return this portion to the teacher.

I have read and discussed the rules and consequences with my child
and will help my child understand and follow them.
Parents signature__________________________________
Parents Day Phone________________________________ Childs Name

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